Comments : 29

Hi there from the frozen tundra…it has been soooo cold lately. I was going through my vacation pics and boy, did I ever want to go back! I came across this one… horsebackriding on the beach. One of the best highlights from my trip, it was sooooo beautiful!


Back to reality!? I get a fair number of emails? on a regular basis both from people just starting out as a blogger and? those considering stepping into the blogging world. I thought it was overdue for me to address a lot of the same questions/concerns that many seem to share. I remember well being a “newb” as my kids would call it and feeling totally lost some days!

While I am certainly no expert on the subject I am going to offer my own advice, based upon my experiences blogging for about 3 years now (wow hard to believe I have lasted that long)! For my fellow bloggers, please feel free to chime in via the comments section with your own unique perspective and any advice you may have to those just staring out.

Here are the most frequent questions I get asked….

  1. How do I even begin?
  2. Blogger or WordPress?
  3. How will anyone ever find me and my new blog?
  4. What are a few “golden rules” or your top tips?
  5. How do I gain a following and insure people will want to come back and read my blog?
  6. Is social media really that important/relevant?
  7. Do I suggest getting a “professionally designed” blog?
  8. How many days a week should I blog?


OK so lets tackle these one at a time, again this is my own personal take, by no means am I saying this is the bible, just my own ideas on the matter….


1. Well first think about what you want to blog about. There are so many kinds of blogs, food blogs, decor and design blogs, architecture blogs, fashion and makeup blogs, art blogs, lifestyle blogs… you have a lot to talk about? Maybe in that case a “general lifestyle blog” might serve you better as an umbrella to talk about a whole host of subjects which in a sense is what my own blog has evolved into, with a heavy focus on design.

Maybe like me, you have just started building or renovating a home and want to share your journey with other like minded people. Think of what kind of blog you want to create and give some thought to the title, something that means something to you and that is catchy (I literally chose The Enchanted Home however in all of about 10 min)! Thankfully it worked:)


2. Well I have done both. I started with Blogger and have to say it is very user friendly. Was not at all intimidating. However there were “hiccups” and occasional lost posts.? There is, I think most would agree,? much less creative liberty with blogger (less options) but admittedly it’s a great user friendly platform to begin a blogging career with.

With WordPress the possibilities are limitless but there is much more of a learning curve (there is still a TON I know nothing about)! So if you are ambitious and willing to take the time to learn the ropes, you? might be better off starting with WordPress if you can see blogging being a gig that you will stick with. If not I say go with easy, which would be Blogger.




3. Admittedly the world of blogging is huge with millions of blogs and growing. Yes it can seem like a big huge world where one can get easily overwhelmed and appear virtually invisible in. First off set out to follow a handful of blogs that appeal to you, on whatever subject it is that you love whether it be design, fashion, cooking, etc……visit them regularly leave comments, introduce yourself and tell them you are new to the blogworld. Chances are good that some of those bloggers will in turn visit your blog and hopefully leave a comment or two (always a thrill, I remember well).

Social media- like it or not it is here to stay! Open a Facebook page with your new blog title, Instagram is a great way to gain a following. Posting unique pictures that convey your blogs direction? and genre is an easy and fast way to get peoples attention, make sure you put your blog site’s address on your Instagram!

Respond to your comments, keeping the reader engaged. Ask readers for ideas for topics, things they want to read/hear about. Offering a giveaway is a great idea once you have a group of followers/subscribers…another thing that draws them in. If by chance you follow a blog you love and are a regular visitor to, maybe even talk to that blogger about helping to host a giveaway to their readers (which likely is an established larger group). That is a great way to get an entire new audience to know “you have arrived”:) Most of all be patient, this does not happen over night. It, like most great things, takes time. It will happen just be patient and have a true voice.




4. I would first say having a true voice, sounds like a cliche but it is true!? Just talk about what you love, what inspires you and makes you happy. The right people will find you and want to keep following along. Not everyone will love what you have to say, and that my friends, applies to everybody! \

But having a true and authentic voice most guarantees staying power, because you will really enjoy what you are doing/talking about…chances are better that it will never get old because you are speaking about something you love.

However if you are coming up with posts that you think people want to read/hear about but it is not really what you are passionate about…then it might be a shortlived blogging career. Also visit lots of blogs that appeal to you in the beginning, leave comments tell them you are new to the blog world. Many courteous bloggers will in turn visit you and leave a comment.

Don’t be offended if that does not happen…..many bloggers are very busy and can only visit so many blogs in a day. I used to try and believe me its a futile effort!!People love original pictures, when you share snippets of your life, your home, travels, a recent meal you made…something that is “uniquely you”. People love that and that helps to make it more personal and unique.



5. First impressions really are everything, don’t you think? Look at your blog with a critical eye, when you first land on your page does it beckon you in? Do you want to find out more? If your content is engaging and interesting, rest assured people will want more.

Again an honest authentic voice is always welcoming, a sense of humor is fun and playful. Great pictures will always lure them in. People will subscribe and some might unsubscribe (do not take it personally) it happens all the time. With every blog. Every!

Invite your readers to subscribe to your blog and tell them what you might have in store for them as they share your journey with you.




5. I am one of “dinosaurs’ on this subject but slowly over time have come around:) I thought I was so cutting edge to go on Pinterest, ha…I was one of the last! Now I can’t go a day without checking into my beloved Pinterest. Bottom line is…yes social media is a huge part of gaining a following and just getting your name out there.

Instagram is a new one for me (started about 8 months ago), but have gained a lot of new subscribers/readers from it. I now post almost daily and admittedly see what all the fuss is about. Doesn’t mean you have to have an account with every every social media known to mankind, but pick 2 or 3 and keep them updated and fresh so people look forward to and anticipate your new content. In a nutshell, social media is here to stay, so get acquainted and plan on a long term if not forever relationship:)Icons-Social-Media6. I did not get my site professionally done when I started with Blogger early in 2011. But soon after I started “making the rounds” I have to admit, I started feeling that same feeling like when you show up at an event and are completely undressed, not a great feeling.

So it didn’t take that long before I realized I need a more professional look and within about 4-6 months I enlisted the help of someone who had lots of experience beautifying Blogger blogs. She gave me a pretty but fairly simple blogger makeover. I was ready to go back to that party:)

So my feeling is this….IF you can swing the expense, even if its very basic I would have at the very least from the getgo, design a professional logo just to draw people in, then if you can afford to have the entire site done, even better! Realizing at the same time as a new blogger, you might not want to make a super hefty investment, I think part of me waited just to be sure I was going to keep at it.

When I realized I really liked it, I started looking into designers who could help me create what I visualized. Best way to find someone in my opinion is pick a blog whose aesthetic you love and see who designed their blog. There are so many talented people out there! And blogs evolve, my own has had a few makeovers…….always be open to change!


7. How many days to blog….a much talked about question. In the beginning I was really churning out the posts nearly daily! However over time “life” happens and you realize this is all about balance and somethings gotta give. I sometimes found myself (in the beginning) totally obsessed with blogs, blogging almost 24/7 and really spent too much time on my computer!

So in time I have somewhat worked out a balance system though there is no science to when/how I blog.? On average I blog about 3-4 times a week. Sometimes it’s less and sometimes it’s more. I don’t do well with rules so the beauty of a blog is its your very own to do as you wish.? I visit some blogs that post almost daily and others who might not even post once a week. It’s much more about quality vs. quantity, I say go on instinct.

When you have something to talk about, post and when you don’t, there is no need to stress. Everyone in the blog world understands the ebbs and flows of this “business”. And again this is one of the beauties. If I know I am going to be away or have an exceptionally busy week, then I tell my readers this. Remember over time, your readers develop a personal connection with you and consider you friends……it is important to connect with them personally and if you do that in an authentic way, chances are they will want to continue to follow you.



OK, well I hope I have demystified some of the ideas about blogging. It is a subject that is vast and could take hours to talk about. Everyone’s perspective is different to be sure.? It is loads of fun, I have met so many incredible people both virtually and in person from almost every country! It has really fulfilled me and came at a good time in my life (making the transition from raising a family to becoming an empty nester:( I love that it allows me to express myself creatively both with writing, picture taking and sharing what I love most.

As the saying goes you won’t know if you don’t try it, right? So why not…give it a go! Now it’s your turn, to ask questions or for my fellow bloggers to add your 2 cents on the matter, feel free to address any of the questions or add one of your own. Let’s keep this conversation going……..thank you for stopping in!

If you a new blogger leave a comment, and introduce yourself and your blog.

Also a fabulous? new promo on a few remaining pieces from the tole/chinoiserie line remains, click here for details!? (A handful of items remain) Enjoy your day……



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beautiful picture of you on the beach, we had a horse for 20 years who passed away last year, they are such amazing creatures, and one of my greatest joys was watching my daughter ride this elegant animal. Riding on the beach is such a beautiful experience. Keep warm we are actually having a heat wave here in Chicago, it is about 15 degrees. Time to put the furs away!!!!! ha

Thanks for taking the mystery out of starting a blog. It’s very interesting and could be a lot of fun. I’ve thought about blogging myself. Maybe one day when the time is right I will venture into blog land too.

Thanks Tina πŸ™‚

I have been a subscriber for about 2 years and I love your blog! My husband and I started blogging in August of 2014 and it has been such a fun journey! Our blog is Thank you so much for all of your helpful advice and inspiration!

Pam (

We always try to go horseback riding on the beach….last year on the Grand Bahama Island was particularly fun as we rode quite some way into the ocean…the horses seemed to love it, too!! franki

Tina I love the images of you riding on the beach and wish I were there right now!

You have given some wonderful blog tips and I would agree with most! We put a lot of ourselves into our blogs and making a personal statement is so important. I will be having mine updated soon with a slightly new look. One thing I would add is that if you expect readers to leave comments it IS important (and I understand Time consuming) to visit back and leave a comment. The blogs I have dropped are the ones where I was a faithful reader and the blogger NEVER came and left a comment on my site. I think that falls under blog etiquette. Like someone not returning a phone call.

Thank you for all you do and all of the beauty you bring to our blog world!
Featuring “Inner Spaces”

In November I celebrated 1 year of blogging. I love doing it so that is what keeps me going. I so appreciate the generosity of bloggers like you, who as veterans, are willing to share your expertise. One day I hope to be in the position to do the same.

Hi Tina,

I have been blogging for about a year and a half and I must say I enjoy it, I also love the writing and I love the researching (I write a jewelry blog). I have enjoyed reading your blog as I am a recent empty nester myself. I am the mother of three girls. Great post!

Wow Tina great job here. I do not have a blog but have thought of starting one based upon my passion, gardening and flowers.I am just not sure if I could handle my full time job and blogging though many seem to manage. I appreciate your advice and tips here.

Love that picture of you on the horse riding by the beach, so beautiful. My daughter is an avid rider and we are a “horse family” who travels to horse shows many weekends for her. It is a wonderful sport and they are such beautiful animals. Thank you.


I agree with Karena on returning to answer questions or respond to input. Those are your faithful readers that care, so please respond bloggers.

Love the picture of you on horseback. There seems such a sense of freedom when you see a person riding down the beach. Wish I could soak up some of that warm sunshine right about now.

I do not have a blog — nor do I want one! But I do enjoy the several blogs I subscribe to.
I only have one piece of advice in addition to your helpful tips, Tina. Please, please everyone, re-read your blogs before you send them off into space! Spellcheck does not always catch the errors. For instance, today you (Tina) typed “intimated” when you clearly meant “intimidated.” Also, feeling “undressed” as opposed to “underdressed.” Spellcheck would never catch these misspeaks…… And one more suggestion: punctuation! Always a must. As you claim, you have only one chance to make a great first impression! Be as professional as you know how.
Now that I’ve had my say, I want to say Thank You, Tina for one of the most fun, interesting, beautiful and thought-provoking blogs out there! I totally look forward to seeing “The Enchanted Home” show up in my inbox…..and I adore your online shop! Any glimpse into your home always leaves me breathless!
Many thanks for hearing me out,
Your faithful follower,

Great post with lots of info I have wanted to start a blog and just did not know where to start. You have answered many of my questions and I hope someday soon to start my blog. I enjoy your site so much and appreciate your sharing your wonderful taste with us. Thank you from all of us.

VERY good advice, Tina. Do not have a blog but one day might (when we start our renovation this summer). I thought it could be fun. But I do find the idea somehow scary like I am really putting myself out there. I enjoyed reading this post.
Hate critical readers like above. You do an amazing service to millions of people who are enchanted by your musings and pictures. I think its nervy for anyone to come here to pinpoint and nitpick over stupid things like what the person above did. My advice to that reader- take the good for what it offers and leave the rest at YOUR home. We don’t want to hear it.
THANK YOU TINA! Adore your blog and all you say and share.

All such great tips, Tina. How long have we been at this now? I think we started about the same time. Your lovely blog is a joy to read, and I’ve loved watching it grow – and feel so lucky that we’ve been able to become friends via our blogs, that’s the best reward.

Love that beach photo. It is so gray here today, I needed a little beach time, even if it was just virtual.

Have a beautiful Thursday, my friend! XOXO

Hi Tina,
I started my blog around the same time you did and I remember when you were building your incredible home, I couldn’t wait to see the next post on your spectacular home. It has been a pleasure to read your blog and it has been one of my favorites!
I do have to agree with Karena and Joanne that if someone takes the time to leave a comment on a blog then the same courtesy should be reciprocated. After all, the visitor and the comments are what keeps our blogs going. After a while, I too have stopped visiting bloggers who do not visit and comment.

Thank you so much for this post on blogging… Even though, I have been blogging for a while, I haven’t been as successful as I would like to be, like you said “life happens”. I must say, I do love blogging, visiting wonderfully talented people, getting great ideas.

Hope you have a wonderful day, as always its been a pleasure to visit you!

I think in a perfect world every blogger can visit those silly comments but that really is just not very practical advice in my honest opinion. But obviously it is nice to once in a while visit bloggers who make a regular habit of visiting you. That is just my personal and practical opinion.
A lot of words of wisdom here Tina thank you

Hi Tina,
Love this post! Blogging seems scary, but once you publish that first post the fear goes away.
One thing that helped me get started: I checked “Blogging for Dummies” out of the library. It sounds crazy, but the book was very helpful in breaking things down in an easy to read manner.

Have a great day and stay warm!

What a kind and beautiful
voice you bring to the blogging
world, Tina! Great wisdom here,
especially the part about finding/
using your own voice. If you don’t,
blogging becomes a chore instead
of a JOY : )

xo Suzanne

Thanks for your post.You took the typical posts beyond that. I am still trying to figure this blogging out especially the technical side. I made some changes recently and still have more to do. I’ll be checking out the names you so kindly gave us. Would love to have you visit to my blog. Linda

Hi Tina,

I’m a relatively new blogger (7 months) although I’ve been reading your blog for a while, so I’ve commented here many times and purchased some things, as well. Heres’ a post of the chargers I just received from you. I expect to go more formal with them most of the time, but I was doing a winter post and thought I would give them a first run in this more casual setting… πŸ™‚

Love reading your blog, love getting your advice!

Lory at Designthusiasm

mother teresa on a motorbike!!! my long comment just disappeared! whatev, i will just say it was very generous of you to write this post for newbies, and i am sending you warm tropical vibes from across the ocean. peace and pineapple.

Tina… first of all, I think you should take that great pic of you on the horse and put it into one of your gorgeous silver frames. Love it! This post is great. So informative and comprehensive. I think it takes some of the fear out of beginning a blog. I always count you as my number 1 guardian angel of blogging. After you put me on your blog roll, my world opened. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tina, I love your blog! When I read it, I feel your passion for what you love! So many times, the blogger is trying so hard to be funny to grab your attention, and it just doesn’t ring true and feels forced. I read your article on how you got started in the world of blogging and agree that it has to be something you are passionate about or it will be short lived. You make the reader feel like you are a dear friend sharing your experiences or a great find and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with you!

I am a daily reader of your blog from start to finish and have gathered many other favorite blog sites from reading yours. I have not left many comments, well only one, about the store Marshalls, after reading todays blog I will now leave a comment. I never knew that it really meant that much to you or that you would read it.
Thank you!
Loretta Turner

Thank you Tina for sharing your insights and advise. I absolutely love and appreciate the beauty you share with the world. You have inspired my time and again. I always look forward to your posts and want to say thank you, especially for this one. Like many I am a want to blogger so you have given me a clear succint guide. Beauty to you.

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