Comments : 19

Hi there friends…how are you on this beautiful Tuesday morning? Over here, such a busy month for me. Eagerly awaiting the container delivery of my porcelains…any day now!? I guess the bright side is it does not allow me to wallow long in my pity party for one as I mourn the loss of? no longer having school aged kids.

I must admit I feel an overtaking of sadness every time I am in a store like Target or Staples surrounded by excited young kids and their exasperated parents over the annual “school supply trip”? pilgrimage or passing my kids old school, always makes me tear up just a little.

But being busy and having MANY balls in the air does not allow me to think or dwell long. I guess I need to really embrace the saying “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”. Always liked that but putting it to action is a little more challenging:) Oh well…as I periodically do here is a glimpse of my life seen through my iPhone…..



Made my yummy berry Napoleon for guests…so light and refreshing (will share recipe later this week)



And voila the finished product!



My sisters adorable new puppy with their adult golden, so cute!!

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Love the vibe of one of my favorite little cafe’s/bakeries Diane’s (reminds me of something you see in a Nancy Meyers movie) and is most definitely the vibe I would go for if I were to open my own little place….

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Spent a few days by the lake at Lake George at the beautiful Sagamore…..

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Also went to the charming racing town of Saratoga…


? Spent a fun day in NYC with my son…..

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Until….we got to Barney’s and I saw the “mens fashions” for fall…let’s just say it felt a bit like an out of body experience:) Guess I am way out of the fashion loop!!

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I am sorry but I just do not see my husband or father embracing this style any trend soon….at least not in this lifetime!


Can you believe my white azalea topiaries from last year are blooming NOW? Think they are confused but I am so happy they are:)


And meet the newest members of my myrtle topiary family (lost a few) so these are the new, bigger and badder replacements…


We have finally gotten quite a bit of rain lately and it recharged all my planters outdoors (funny I am not a fan of purple but these hydrangeas were only available in purple, white always sells out first so I got them and really enjoying the burst of color)

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Speaking of outside been enjoying this small patio off our kitchen a lot lately…great for late afternoon book/magazine reading and iPad prowling…


Just starting to work on a very exciting showhouse project (more to come on this within the week)

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Visited a friend and love the charm of their beautiful European influenced home right down to the ivy covering the facade….


and these fabulous overflowing planters…



So there my friends is a brief look into the last week or so……lots going on this week and I can always trust my iPhone to capture the highlights! Hope you are having a wonderful week, thank you as always for stopping in, until next time…….

PS If you missed my Seven on Sunday, click here



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As for those men’s fashions I think I am as out of the fashion loop as you. If my husband showed up wearing any of those items I would run away very quickly!!

Tina you have had lots of fun things going on in your life lately!
We agree on men’s fashions, a classic look for my guys!!

The Arts by Karena
Featuring India Hicks!

After spending a month in Europe in August, I will say those styles aren’t so far off from what men are wearing there. More extreme, maybe – but hey, that’s always been high fashion, no? Those motherhood pangs are hard. I remember the first few years my twins were off to college. My son, the med student, actually said two things to me recently when I was lamenting not seeing his sister for a while that helped me. One, remember that emotional pain is real pain – just like inflammation or a cut or bruise. The brain waves are actually causing pain so don’t ignore it. Acknowledge it, share it with someone and find ways to heal and move on. And two, you are reaping the benefits of years of hard work raising us when you see how we are independent happy adults! Thank you for sharing and being part of the sisterhood of moms.

Love your musings, thank you for sharing. As for missing the kiddo years, I have to say the grandkid years reign supreme to help with the heart pangs.

One of my favorite things to do is spend a day in my grandson’s 1st grade class helping his teacher wade through all the paperwork. My grandson loves knowing I am there, and then picking him up after school, followed by doing something fun together. Take heart.

Oh my, I thought the Boy George look faded with the eighties/nineties?

Thank you for your beautiful Random Musings! I agree with you on the men’s fashions, definitely love a classic look for men. I’m right there with you on missing our children, I honestly feel lost, but I am now working and that definitely keeps my mind occupied. Have a great afternoon, look forward to your next post! 🙂

Your sister’s puppy is adorable:) There is nothing like babies.. Speaking of that ~ and kids, I too feel a little sad when I see mom’s running around with their kids. It’s such a busy and crazy time when they are young and then (it feels like) all of a sudden they are not there. You have the right attitude Tina, stay busy and be productive. I think too many women slow down too quickly. There is so much to look forward to!

Glad you are getting some rain to freshen up your garden and urns. It was 45 degrees this morning here in WA and I actually put the fireplace on for a few minutes today!

Tina, I absolutely love all of your topiaries and have tried many nurseries looking for them. They are all great, the azaleas, myrtle, evergreen…. I live in Northern Virginia and would love to find any or all of the above. Any ideas from anyone?
Thanks for your blogs! I look forward to them every week.


Your sisters puppy is adorable! It is so funny to see how puppies interact with the old pup in the house. Perhaps Teddy needs a companion?

The weather here has been fabulous and almost like Fall but I am sure that we still have a few weeks of heat to come. No matter, I am going to take it day by day.

Your week looked fun, and relaxing with a little business thrown in. I could not agree with you more, men’s fashion and a lot of women’s is just not wearable. At least not by the people that I know. But perhaps that is because I am a traditionalist and like the classics.

Have a wonderful week Tina!

I love your posts about your week. Your sister’s puppy is adorable and your yard looks so peaceful and tranquil. Like you could spend an entire day out in your gardens and on the porch and just be at peace. Except for the part about missing having little kids. I get that too! My 2 daughters are out of the house and I have a son who is a junior in high school. I’m going to be so sad to be done with the whole having school age kids at home too. This time of year is bittersweet that way.
I think you’re right about staying busy. But I hope you get snippets of time to relax and enjoy a pumpkin spice latte etc.
Thanks again for your inspiration!!

what a blessing to be surrounded by so much beauty, tina! there is just nothing like getting away and being near the water. i spent the weekend on the grounds of a beautiful seminary and stayed in an old building with lovely architecture and the most peaceful vibe. have a wonderful week, friend.

Tina–I couldn’t agree more about the “men’s fashions” you show here….more like WHAT?!? I sure can’t see my hubby wearing anything like them. Ever! Love your posts, your work, your sense of personal style, and your beautiful home. Oh, and what a darling puppy! Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful week!

Those “men’s fashions” remind me of the first time I did laundry without my mother’s supervision. I think I was 9.

Such fun pictures! Thanks for sharing! Those men’s fashions were kind of extreme. Loved the lake pictures so much.

I truly thought those were women’s mannequins on first glance. I cannot imagine my husband wearing something like that. I don’t mind the slim look, but this is a little too body conscious.

Sorry, but that men’s “fashion” looks like something that would have gotten a contestant auffed on Project Runway! Love, love, love the adorable bakery!

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