Comments : 143

Hi there and happy Sunday to you…….hope you are having a great weekend. I was in Boston which was loads of fun, got to see a few friends and met my blog buddy, Amy over at her gorgeous shop Mason Decor (more on that later this week). As things are settling down and slowly getting back to normal around here post Hurricane Sandy, I am busy busy busy with my own little shop, ordering, fulfilling orders,etc….and having so much fun. I have to say it is truly a labor of love:) One of my most popular items since I started carrying them is the magnificent napkin rings, all are custom and hand done, pewter coated and best part…made in the good ol USA!! These are truly works of art and comparable rings from well established competitors are fetching upwards of $200 per ring. I have introduced these at a very very well priced 45.00 a ring. They will be going up  (slight price increase) soon but will still remain at  far less than the competition.

 Best part you can literally customize your ring! You can say ‘I love those dogs on the slide but want instead for it to be a terrier or a Cocker spaniel” or I want ” a lab pulling the cart not the squirrel”. You dont’ get to customize much in today’s world so this is partly why they are so special. I think these could well be collectors items one day! Many of my customers personalize the rings and several have bought them for large sit down holiday dinners and have personalized them according to the person who will be sitting there…love that idea!! I am happy to feature some brand new additions to the gorgeous napkin ring family…..

I am offering 2 custom rings to be given away as a giveaway! One lucky winner will get to choose her two customized napkin rings. All you need to do is visit my shop under napkin rings, tell me a favorite and how you would use them. NAPKINS RINGS ARE UNDER NEW ARRIVALS. I will announce a lucky winner on Friday morning. In the meantime here are the new styles…some really fabulous additions I must say!

Lab and pheasant



Animal conga line (can be customized with any assortment of animals and/or pets)

Schnauzer in a tub (can be with any dog or cat)

Sly fox and 2 birds

Mama kitten washing baby kitten

Love this new one! Two animals and a tea party

Another combination of animals at the tea party

One of three varieties of the “tea party”

Cat giving a “haircut” to his puppy friend
2 pelicans standing guard
Beautiful cherub holding baby

Another view

Pair of animals on moving see saw (again can make with any pair of animals)

LOVE the Santa’s!!! They come in a smaller Santa holding something and a bigger Santa

Close up of the detailing….can you imagine a beautifully set table with these?

Holding a Christmas tree…so festive!

One of my personal faves, the deer!! I just ordered 12 for myself for my holiday table…exquisite!

They are each slightly different

These are the bigger Santas

Love the one of him with the little dog!

Basset Hound hanging on a park bench

 Sailor boy with anchor

Other side

Basset Hound going down slide (can be any animal)

Aren’t they beautiful? I get so excited when I get a delivery..they are sometimes hard for me to pack up and send off. I want to keep all of them! The normal reaction when people get them is to write me telling me how much more beautiful they are in person (very true) and that they are so heavy (also true). Just very special pieces! Click here to visit them and come back here and tell me your favorite. I will announce a lucky winner on Friday morning.
Remember….all anonymous you must put a first name and last name initial. For those of you who often email me with your entry, you must leave a comment HERE on this post. It is very easy even if you don’t want to/have  a gmail account. Just go to where it says “leave a comment” On the drop down you can choose either “name” or “anonymous” and then type in your comment. That easy! Just remember for those leaving a name to include your last name initial (often there are more than one with that name) Good luck! Happy Sunday to everyone……

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Oh how nice it is to see you come by for a spell!!! GOOSEBUMPS HAVE YOU? Fabulous. The senses are meant to be STIRRED AND FELT! WOO!

YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE THESE RINGS? One day, ONE DAY I must have at least one of these; they are my favorites! And you got to go to my hometown of Boston! Oh how I miss the North End’s Italian cooking.

I hope you are comfortable and well; with so much clean up going on chez toi, I imagine you are super busy, but we are SO GRATEFUL that you are all safe!

I will be getting that post/information to you early this week my dear! And thanks for coming to brighten my day!!! Anita

Tine, fabulous new items as usual!! I love the Reindeer just as they are.
Glad you are through the worst of Sandy–we have cleared all the downed trees and flood debris and are back to normal at last.

They are all amazing but I love “Reflecting Girl”. I would use that for my granddaughter so that she will she the beauty and art in this world. Love them all. Glad you and your family and dear Teddy are safe.
Linda O.

I love these napkin rings and want to start collecting them for my birthday, Christmas, anniversary, etc. until I have 12. I don’t have any grandchildren yet, but imagine how much they would love these…I think the animal conga line is my favorite, but I just love all the animal themed ones. Thanks, Suzanne R.

Nearly impossible to choose a favorite! Over in the shop I think the Jares talking is my favorite but I am in love with the deer you posted here on the blog! I would use them on my holiday table.

These napkins are really beautiful.
My favorite on the new ones is the Reflecting girl.
I also love the Cherubin holding baby.
I dream to use them for a little girl, to give her her own napkin, with the Cherubin during the chilhood and after The Reflecting girl.
Of course the deers and the Santas are perfect for autumn and Christmas tables.
Thanks a lot for sharing and let me be inspired.
Cecile T.

Superlative! My favorite are the three pups in a tub!

My idea would to buy a few and hang them from the dining room chandelier during the holidays. Hang with a colorful wired ribbon n attach greenery, twigs or even strands of crystal. Create holiday memories throughout the year.

Thanks for the eye candy!

Moyra L.

Some of the most beautiful napkin rings I have ever seen!
I love the 3 Hares Talking. I think it reflects what we should do while sitting around a beautifully set table, chatting,eating, and enjoying one anothers company.

Tina, these are really so incredibly beautiful I can see how they could become collectors items. I think I need some for my Christmas eve table (we are having 16 for a formal sit down dinner) and those Santas would be the perfect topper for my table.
I love the Santas but the conga line is loads of fun and I can see the beautiful deer at an elegant Thanksgiving table.
All are stunning. Great giveaway, hope to win!

These are so precious! We always spend Thanksgiving in the mountains so I would love the rings featuring a bear and would include our dog. The bear and dog would enjoy “playing” together! Thanks for the giveaway.
Denise D.

All of them are so unique! I would love any chinoiserie , and would love to have one with a golden retriever. When not in use for dining, they would go in my cabinet of treasures!

Cheryl P.

I didn’t see the sailboat rings on your site (just this post), but I’d choose those for summer time at the cottage….no napkins blowing away with those lovely rings holding them 🙂

Tina on the site love the reflecting girl and lady with the umbrella, here love the deer, santas and the conga line. They are all so beautiful and so unique. And I always give extra love to anything made in the USA!
Nice giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.

Boy I love them all, but I really love the deer! And I love the dogs! A yorkie or a boxer, or a yorkie and a boxer??? Decisions, decisions…….

Tracy Ellis

OOOOH I do love the one with the fox and the crows. What a delicious giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
Kristin F.

They are all so lovely that it’s hard to narrow it down. My two favorites are of the basset sitting on the bench and going down the slide. The one on the bench reminds me of my senior Maltese. He’s nearly blind now, but he loves to bask in the sun on the steps.
Kathy Cox

Tina you are just magical at finding the most unique, special pieces for your shop and us!

The new slide with a doxie would be perfect along with the doxies on the Teeter totter!

So glad you were able to see Amy, she is so extremely talented.

Art by Karena

Love them !!! But, I’m with you, so the Deer Napkin Rings would be my favorite ones for the holidays.
Tina, I have absolutely the perfect china, napkins, etc. for these beautiful, elegant pieces. Wonderful giveaway. Someone is going to be very very fortunate. xx’s

Its hard to choose just one but I think the animal conga line is my favorite. It just makes me smile. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing such a generous giveaway.

Dana Munoz
Love them all so it’s so hard to pick one! It would have to be the Animal Conga Line!
I would use them for dinner when the grandchildren come over….they would love them!

I love the tea party napkin rings but couldn’t find that one when I visited your shop page. They are all exquisite so will be very pleased with any.
Thanks for having a give away!

It would be hard to just pick one. I would love to start collecting these. I do love the Santas and Reindeer though. They would be so pretty on my holiday table. What a great give away.

Oooh! Wouldn’t they be lovely holding bunches of dried lavender on the sideboard?
I love them all! All, I tell you! So whimsical!
If I had to choose a favorite it might be the three hares.
This would be an awesome gift for a child’s birthday. A new ring each year! or, RINGING in the New Year with a silver napkin ring!
Love, love LOVE!



I love the cherubs and anything with a lab on it. These would inspire me to actually bring out the China and crystal to have a formal dinner. thanks for the giveaway!!

It would have to be Santa Holding Chrismas Tree. Would be gorgeous on my holiday table. Would love to win.

Would love one of the Santas w/ a Schnauzer sitting there. Love to set the table on Christmas Eve for our family & friends dinner. Try to use candlesticks etc that remind me of my grandmothers, etc. The schnauzer would remind me of “Muffin” my sweet dog we lost a yr ago after 16 yrs. I could combine those napkin rings w/ other silver ones! Beautiful :o{ . Charlene F.

I love so many of them, but my very favorite are the deer. If I won two, I would order 4-6 more and give them to my stepmother for Christmas. She is IMPOSSIBLE to shop for, as she is a decorator and has everything she wants. These would be so perfect!

Melissa H.

Oh, how I love these napkin rings! So hard to pick a favorite but I think my favorite here is the one with the pelicans (living by the water the seaside ones are all perfect). On the site I think I like the chinoiserie girl. Love them all!
j. Pardini

You were in Boston and didn’t call? I’m only a little over an hours drive from there I would have loved to have gone into the city to see you. Oh well next time. What a wonderful giveaway and it will be hard to pick a design since there are so many wonderful pieces.

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend!

As I am a certifiable bird nerd(well, my husband calls me “crazy bird lady”)I must go with the wonderful fox and two birds—the birds look like co-conspiritors (is that a word?)in some scheme to “outfox” their companion…..H.Mason

I love the dog in the tub. I can just see my grandog Lola (lab beagle mix) sitting in that tub after an afternoon in the dog park. She swims underwater! Susan L. [email protected].

Tina, these are so fabulous and each time you show them I like them even more! My personal favorite is also the deer but it wasn’t a choice on the link. If I had to pick from the link site then I would have to go with either of the Santa’s! One of these days I want to do a give away myself! Sounds like fun! Have a great Sunday!

I love the deer and then the Santas. What a wonderful addition to the holiday table! Dana Keck

Love the schnauzer, would be a great Christmas present for my friend of 40 years.

They all are beautiful, great art work!!!


With so many options,I feel like a kid in a candy shop. I have been contemplating a purchase but quite haven’t decided on which ones to get! So many that I like. However, I like the lighthouse one as it would be a great gift for my sister-in-law who lives in Newport, RI.

I stumbled across your fabulous blog and never miss seeing what is going on with your fantastic home and lovely online shop. I absolutely love all the napkin rings, but am drawn to ANY of the little Santa’s and the reindeer. Thank you for letting me dream a little everyday.

I love the deer napkin rings! I would use them everyday to brighten up the most blah meal…



It’s so difficult to choose – which child is your favorite?????? OK, I choose the Lighthouse because it could represent either MA or FL where we have homes.

Denise F.

I choose the Lighthouse. My husband and I have chased Lighthouses up and down the East Coast for several years now. I bet we have a photo of every lighthouse on the East Coast. This would be a great gift for my hubby. We had such fun and it would bring back great memories of our adventures.

Love the reflecting girl and 3 hares. My mother actually has a few antique napkin rings like these and they have always been a favorite of mine!

Thank you for the opportunity to acquire these pretties with your lovely giveway!

bee blessed

Love all of them. But my favorite would be deer and tea party ones. I already have six in my collection. If I win, they would be great addition to my collection.

Wow…to just pick and choose one is truly difficult. But I have to say the animal conga line is too cute for words. I would customize it by adding a Westie or two as I have my sweet “Wylie” (he’s a Westie) sitting right here at my feet! Steph M.

Hi Tina! I love these, they really do look wonderful. I love the dogs, and the labs in particular are great. Loved the tub, the cart and the slide and of course the little boy with his dog!

I feel like a little girl, making a Christmas list, ready to set up and play! I love the chinoiserie girl for my daughter, and the lab pulling the cart for my sons. (Although they might prefer a soccer ball or baseball bat in the cart!) So much fun to design something personal!

I’m so happy they have dachshunds. I would have a hard time choosing a “scene” for them though, if I win. C.K.

I like the pheasant with the lab. You already know my favorites in your shop-I’ve mentioned before I like your pillows and now the bamboo silver tray I’m looking forward to.

Beautiful Tina and I love the way they look against the white linen. I intend to order the equestrian napkin rings at some point. They are all so pretty and it’s great that they can be customized.


Love these! I’ve never seen anything quite like them. I love the 3 dogs in the tub–but I’d like cats in the tub! Also, the animal Congo line–funny! I’d love that with cats & dachshunds. The santas are beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway. I’d use them everyday on my table–with my gorgeous dough bowl! –Christie

So fun finding the napkin rings here! I had picked up 4 of them years ago at an antique show… so would LOVE to add two more! We’ve got 6 in the family (new daughter-in-law!) so getting 2 more would mean I could actually set the holiday table with them this year! Since my others were a little more feminine I’d go with a couple of the different deer. They are stunning! Hope you pick me!! (-;

Good evening Tina!

I loved reading the post at Maison Blanc about your visit, it sounds like a good time was had by all. I cannot wait to see all of your photos!

These napkin rings are fabulous! I love the reindeer and of course the little weenie dogs!

Have a great week!


I already have a couple and I keep them out year round. They make me smile with their whimsy. Of the new crop, I love the working see-saw most!! thank you, Allyson K

I love the rings with the rabbits. The hares talking was my favorite, but the new tea party one is a close second. I would keep them on display year round. They are much too pretty to put away.

I always do a table for our annual Red Cross Tea fundraiser. If you volunteer … you set up a table with a table setting for two with your own dishes, linens and accessories. On the table is also a writeup with a story about your dishes (if they have been in the family, etc.). The public can buy tickets to see all of the festive table settings and then, of course, have tea, desserts and little sandwiches. It is a great fundraiser for our Red Cross.

After following your blog this year – my table and dishes will be BLUE and WHITE! I am using my Spode Blue Room collection and silver…a silver tea set, Fostoria Americana and other pieces that have been in my husband’s family for years.

I keep looking at the napkin holders and just had the feeling that I needed them for the table setting. What do you think? I love the one with the dog getting the bath..mine would have to have a Shih Tzu (my Molly) and the other would have to be the Conga Line or another with a dog!

I really missed you during the big storm…glad you are okay. Some of my children live in Park Slope, but I am from Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Take care, Phyllis H.

Hi-These are so delightful. I especially like the ‘Animal Conga Line’. They are all amazing, I’ve never seen anything like them. Thanks for the try. Blessings Paula

I can’t decide if I like the Santas best or the animal conga line (love the name!). Either one will do quite nicely since we are empty nesters and only need 2 for most of our meals. Thank you for a fabulous giveaway.

Geeze, normally I would pick the dog ones as favorites, but I think given the time of year I’s choose the deer!

I was thinking of you, picked up some wonderful blue & white dish towels with a tea cup pattern at Anthropologie last week-have you seen them?

I want I want. The Santa with tree would be wonderful to decorate my Christmas table..breakfast or rather brunch and dinner. They can be used for the 12 days of Christmas. Right up to jan 6 little Christmas. Now the Lighthouse is perfect since I live by the Jupiter lighthouse and the lighthouses on the Island of Marthas Vineyard. I also
would like two of your blue and white lamps as well as the Angelus print. Do you think Santa is listening. I enjoy your blog. Thank you. Peggy G

I love the deer for Christmas season and also really think the fox and birds are wonderful.
Beth C

These are so unique and whimsical! Since pressed to choose just one favorite (lol), I would have to choose the Animal Conga Line. Great giveaway!

It is impossible to choose just two… the Conga Line, the Basset on the bench AND the basset on the slide, the deer, the animals at the tea party…..I would take any of them!

Very difficult to narrow down to one, Tina. Very difficult. But, I think I would love the deer or maybe those dogs.
And, I am just like you in that I sometimes find it very hard to ship things out. I often keep things around for some time before I put them up for sale!

Thank you for such a generous giveaway!


p/s I bet you had a blast with Amy!

Hello!I adore your blog and I let out a little squeal when I saw that these glorious napkin rings were a “giveaway”!
Personally, I would tuck some rosebuds and a sprig of greenery into both the conga line and the cherub holding the baby! The animals would have to be Boston Terriers, in honor of my little Boston scamp named Fenway!
Equally as interesting would be to tuck a linen sachet of lavender through them…maybe a few tiny French millinery flowers attached to the sachet? The prospects are endless!
I’m crossing my fingers…!!
Thank you!

[email protected]


The 3 dogs in a tub are original and perfect for the dog lovers in our home. I little bit of whimsy and a lot of love to dress our table whether casual or more formal dinner by candlelit, dogs are always welcome and we would delight in giving these a wonderful home.

K Smith

[email protected]

I love the schnauzer in the tub ring…we have 2 mini schnauzers in our house that are like our children. I’m always on the hunt for unique schnauzer items & these are perfect! I also really like the deer…they are gorgeous. The rings are so pretty, I think I would leave them on display all year round.

A. Hatch
[email protected]

The Conga Line is my favorite AND your powder room….(had to sneak that in – teehee!)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Carolee P

I love the Santa with little dog. A little short-haired Yorkie would be the dog of choice. Thanks, Viva la France !!!!

Next time you are up this way let me know!!! I’d love to meet you in person. This is such an awesome giveaway. I am totally with you – the deer are my favorite. My girlfriend was so shaken up because her family was in the car coming home and they hit a deer. Can’t even imagine how upsetting that must have been. They are beautiful animals. xo

Tina, newer to your blog found you via a picture of your kitchen on pinterest. Your home is just so gorgeous, I cannot get enough! love them all but especially the golden with pheasant, first one and the deer and santas are also beautiful. I do think the conga lines and chin. man and lady are quite special too- obviously its really hard to pick a favorite. I would be so excited to win but if not will probably place an order, and start collecting. These are wonderful collectibles. Thanks Tina.

What a lovely giveaway! My sister and I recently lost our Mother (who lived with us) and we’ve been trying to do things to brighten life up a bit. Bunnies taking tea or chatting would cheer the gloomiest of moods. Thank you!

Hi Tina – I just love the napkin rings – they are like mini sculptures!! I think my favorites are the deer – perfect for a holiday table.

Also, thank you SO MUCH for adding me to your blogroll – you are sending me a lot of new readers!!


I just adore the pelicans standing guard! I have recently relocated to FL and will be hosting a Christmas dinner soon, those napkin rings would be the perfect touch! The detail on them is amazing and appreciated.

Lexi K.

What a most gracious giveaway!!! It would certainly jump start a collection that I want so badly.. I love them all, they are certainly works of art. I’m so torn between a santa or the deer, I would use the deer so much definitely the deer. I can see them on winter tables, Christmas tables, fall tables.. and I’d love to see them sitting in my display cabinet year round! Thank you so much for the chance! xo marlis

I love love love the napkin rings with squirrels or cats! These napkin rings are true works of art. I would use them every night. Why not? Thanks for this generous giveaway. Susan H. [email protected]

The new additions are all lovely. I still love the dachshund pulling a cart that I already purchased, but of the new one I like the deer best.

Tina!! Oh, how I have missed my daily visits here. I’m envisioning you in your Santa’s Workshop of a store, packing, wrapping and sending out these fabulous napkin rings. I adore the Santa and the Deer ones for this time of year!

Glad you got to escape up to Boston for a little girlfriend time. Things are looking up!!

xoxo Elizabeth

First, I am so happy that things are getting better there. Such a tragedy.
These napkin rings are too perfect for words. This artist has found there niche!
Great giveaway, Tina.
Happy Monday.

I think my favorite right now would be the deers. They would look lovely at Christmas on the table and also could be used year round. Glad things are getting back to normal for you!
Carol Ann Nelson

I have a tea pot that has birds, cats and rabbits encircling it; perhaps the rabbit and squirrel at the tea party would induce me to take tea each afternoon. That would be a dream come true; give up work to settle myself with tea, cuppa and a book.
Hope springs eternal!

I would love 2 bunnies at a tea party. I can imagine this on an elegant easter table.
Hope all is well with you since the storm.
Best Wishes!

Another vote for the Chinoiserie girl. She’s just adorable. I also adore the Santa feeding the puppy. So unique. I wish I set a table regularly because I’m dying to buy more. I hope there are lots of creative ideas from your readers so I’ll have a reason.

Oh wow, Tina, this is so generous!! I think the animal conga line is my favorite. They’re so whimsical. 2 of them is perfect since there are only 2 in our house 🙂 We don’t typically have “special” dinners at home, so I could see myself using these to make a normal Tuesday night dinner feel a little more exciting.

i love them all. i am especially partial to the animals in a conga line. I would use them to hold a bouquet of wildflowers and incorporate in a centerpiece.

Love these napkin rings, they are little pieces of art! They will make great holiday gifts for thoses people you know who have everything. Especially love the schnauzer!

I love this giveaway, and I have always wanted some beautiful napkin rings to go along with the ginger jars that purchased from your great site! I really have to go with the Animal Congo line, it reminds me of my crazy old farmhouse that has a dog,cat, and horse -Oh MY!! Thanks for sharing this generous giveaway.
Karolyn- The Relished Roost

how beautiful. after visiting your store i love the deer but my fav is the bunny tea party. i have my husband’s grandmothers napkin rings from the mid 1800’s and can honestly say these are as detailed as the ones i have in silver. But to get to design your own–how fun would that me. thanks for the opp to enter and how very generous of you. most importantly is i am so thankful that you and many of the other blogs i visit as safe and sound. thanks Lyn

These are fantastic! I love that they are made in the USA. My choice: 2 of the Chinoiserie man, because they can be used year round. I would put giant, pressed white monogrammed linen napkins into them, and set the table with all the glass, silver, mirrors, black and white candles, and platinum-rimmed china I can find! Thanks for this fun give-away!
GlaMaureen B.

Oh Tina, what a fabulous giveaway. These napkin rings are little works of art!!! I don’t want to be a copy cat, but I love the stags… or deer! I think they could be used for beautiful organic and woodland tables… and for holidays too!
I really hope I win this one!
YOu are so generous… I LOVE YOUR BLOG!

What a lovely give-a-way! The napkin rings are beautiful! I’d go with the deer as well – absolutely charming.

A generous give-a-way for sure!

Fingers crossed!

Tina—the animal congo line and the teeter tauter and the Chinosierie man are my favorites–thought there isn’t one of the whole bunch that I don’t like. They are true artistic masterpieces! Patti E

Oh my, i would love 12 or even better 24 of these for Christmas! I LOVE the deer and the lighthouses, but most especially the tea party (I have little girls) and the dogs (I have 2). Your whole shop is just so beautiful!

Dearest Tina,
I adore your magical napkin rings and have several peeking at me this very moment and whispering that they wish to have a Holiday Deer added to their menagerie~ thanks for the opportunity too!
Cheers from Jeanne & Sir Winston

Hi Tina, They are ALL so beautiful. I am putting together an order for 10 and absolutely LOVE the sailboat and sailor boy with anchor(as well as 8 other beauties!) They will be perfect in our home in Galveston for not only family, but for our girlfriend weekends that have become a tradition.Thanks for the great give away!
Susan Alexander

Hi Tina –
I got my beautiful round wooden tray and I can’t wait to use it at Thanksgiving. My sisters are going to flip! Can you please repost you wonderful brochette recipe? My neighbor is already trying to take the tray when I’m not looking. 🙂 I’m going to give my husband the link to your store and say shop here for me for Christmas! Celene Miller

Hi Tina, Thank you for offering this generous giveaway! These napkin rings are gorgeous and unique, and I would love to have some for my table. I think the three hares talking are adorable! They could be used throughout the year for so many different occasions. Linda

Hard to choose! Love them all! Think I’d select the deer as well_ I have several other brass reindeer (large) and think I’ll stick with that theme! Glad that things are getting back to normal for you. We were all worried about you.

The napkin rings are beyond adorable! I think I would pick The Boy with Animal (dog or cat) I have 2 boys and 2 cats…so it will represent them perfectly. I would use them for that special lunch or dinner on the day of their birthday!

Oh Tina, once again you make my day with all your pretties! I love the lab and pheasant, but I’d have to have an English Springer Spaniel sine my pup is a wonderful pet and pheasant hunter!! Have a great day!

Hannah G.


Happy weekend to you and yours… I did go to one Black Friday sale event and it was to purchase iTunes gift cards at 30% off many on my gift list have iPhones so this was a perfect. I was in and out of the store in less than a minute the iTunes cards were at the registers and no one was ready to check out yet. Next up mailing Christmas Cards out tomorrow and decorating today. Plenty of time to party and enjoy the season now.

Love the monogram guest towels. So special indeed. Great giveaway Thank You!


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