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Hi there! I am so happy to be presenting another installment of my new series,? Can we talk? Last week it was all about makeup (and boy did I get some incredible information)? and? today’s post is for all you book lovers and I know there’s lots of you out there! I feel pretty certain this is a subject that a lot of us love to talk about and have definite opinions on. Sadly, I do not read like I used to. I used to be what some might call a voracious reader, as in the minute I was finishing a book,? I was already starting another. Those days (at least for now) are behind me. Now its one book at a time, and not quite as often as I would like…….

?Just too much going on and by the time my weary body hits the pillow at night, I am asleep faster than you can say “turn the page”. That said, I still do love to read and get excited when I find a new book to delve into. I have read many great books over my lifetime and a few not so great and I thought this would make a fun topic for all of us to gab about and share! So here are some top picks from the last year or so, and I definitely want to hear your ideas!! I am looking for a few great new suggestions.

?Have you read any of these? A few are older, and a few brand new reads. All I thoroughly enjoyed for different reasons. How about you? Whats your favorite genre? Book? Author? Your turn…cannot wait to hear what’s on your nightstand! Enjoy your day and until tomorrow…..


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