Comments : 23


Hi there…..I cannot believe its April 1st. I am excited to be here today for my monthly By Invitation Only’s theme post…..and this one is a fun one! The idea is to imagine we are going on a once in a lifetime cruise…what 10 things would we take with us? I love to travel and always take what I pack very seriously:) But as I get older, comfort is paramount, while looking stylish is equally important.

Hum….this was an interesting thought provoking exercise. I know I don’t need to pack any food….cruises are legendary for the plethora of food choices around the clock, so guess it boils down to the basics, but of course fashionable basics! So here is my list…….all aboard!




1. A GREAT BOOK! Nothing says vacation and relaxation more than a great novel. I finished The Gold Finch and just ordered both of these books, so this is what would be at the top of my suitcase!

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2.A “STRATEGIC” COVERUP. OK, my bikini days might be behind me, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to look super stylish poolside! I love Roberta Roller Rabbit’s fun colorful and chic tunics and would probably bring one for every day of the week:)





3. CHIC AND COMFY SHOES. Come summertime I LIVE in Jack Rogers, I have an entire “Jack Rogers section” in my closet…I kid you not. So that is likely all you would find in my suitcase, as good looking as they are comfortable….priceless when something that looks good actually feels good!

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4. MY TRUSTY iPAD. What would I do without this thing? Being able to check in on my blog, my online shop, my favorite? blogs, playing Words With Friends, Instagram….the list goes on! Yes this is like my best friend:)



5. A CHIC HOLD EVERYTHING TOTE. I love this new style from Annabell Ingall, I will be getting them in a few weeks….a touch of leather on a soft straw tote…very good looking and best part it can hold everything while looking good!



6. CUTE SUNGLASSES. I live in sunglasses, yes Mom all that “harping” about wrinkles around the eyes paid off….I am paranoid to be outside without sunglasses:) I tend to like Gucci and Tory Burch, they each have a particular style that works well for me and that I buy over and over….



7. A BAG OF TRICKS. Aka my “essentials” that would include all my favorite makeup, sunblock, eye cream, face cream, lip balm and all the basics us girls need:)


No I don’t need this much (thank the Lord) but doesn’t? this picture make you want to play dress up!



8. A FEW MAXI DRESSES. I have found these to be a saving grace, lightweight, super easy to pack, they don’t wrinkle, they hide a multitude of sins, can be worn with a cute little jacket, a shawl or sweater over it and always, I mean always look chic and effortless! Add a little gold jewelry, a cute clutch or tote and off you go…..looking effortlessly stylish……. Calypso makes some great ones!

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9. A GREAT HAT. Again it’s all about protecting your skin… a great looking hat is a must. And why not look chic in the process! I love this style hat and normally bring two with me just in case one flies overboard:)

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10. A COZY ROBE AND PJS. I take this subject VERY seriously…and this might be the most important of all! I love cozy robes and comfy pjs. I have this very robe from Roberta Roller in a few colors and its the perfect summer robe….lightweight, comfortable and so great looking! I love lounging when on vacation so this fits the bill perfectly….





So ….are you ready to say bon voyage? I wouldn’t? mind leaving for a trip today…forgetting all about busy over packed schedules, obligations, and my daily routine…….love a vacation, a great time to recharge, disconnect and come back all anew. Putting this post together has me in the mood to get packing and get away!


How about you? What 10 things would be on your list? Thanks for stopping in….if you want to take a look at what other bloggers have to say on the subject, stop by to Marsha over at Splenderosa, our fearless leader by clicking here.



Also if you didn’t? participate in yesterdays poll…please do! Click here and be eligible to win a wonderful Antica Famacista diffuser!

And final tidbit, last two days to enter the DINING ROOM LOVE contest!!


  • Accepting entries as of today through April 2nd
  • Maximum 2 pictures per entrant
  • Must be your pictures (not to be taken from magazine or online)
  • In subject line of email you must put Dining Room Love (I get a lot of email and without this distinction it could get lost)
  • ?I am capping this contest off with 60 pictures (so get them in so yours will be part of the 60)!

I look forward to getting them up until April 2nd, then the contest will start on April 3rd

Email me your pictures to [email protected]


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Oh the fun I am having being home on spring break this week, even though it is SNOWING! So your “cruise” today my friend is welcomed! I love all of your choices, and me too, my swimsuit days are OVAH!!!!!!! In fact, I never was a beach bunny, but your tunic choices are splendid and perfect for those of us who still have the legs, but prefer to keep other body parts…ehem….covered.

All of the hats and shoes are what I’d take too, because I have very fair skin for being Latina, and gotta keep it out of the sun!

Here’s to dreaming of warmer weather, and enjoy your day! Anita

Great collection – Great choice, dear Tina!
Funny enough – we all need sun glasses and comfortable shoes (forgotten the shoes on my list……!)
Great post!
Bon Voyage – an enchanting voyage through the blog world.
Greetings from the P?rigord,

This is too much fun, I loved it. The tunics and dresses in particular were fun to look at. You can’t go wrong with Roberta Roller Rabbit, always spot-on. I would also take the sunglasses and books!

Tina, I am so glad that you chose this theme! You and Marsha were right, it was just what the doc ordered – we all need a little light right about now. And dreams too – I am with you, if I could take a trip right this very minute, I would. 🙂

Really liking the easy elegance of all that you chose here…especially the sequin maxi-dress. Beautiful…

Hi Tina, I agree whole-heartedly with Heather, I love that you chose this topic, it was a fun one and I’m having a hard time believing that I’m really not going on a cruise, I got myself in such a tizzy trying to figure out what to pack! Love your list – yes, yes, and yes on the maxi dresses, cover ups and Jack Rogers sandals!

I’m going to try to bring a bit of that relaxed cruise attitude to whatever comes my way today! XOXO

I loved your ideas, and forever more… my cosmetic case will be called my “Bag Of Tricks”!
After all, that’s really what it is. I love the IPad idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Fun cover ups are essential, of course!! Loved reading your post and meeting you. xoJennifer

A cruise……..I need it now. When I was younger it was Make-up first , now it my meds, make-up and i-pad. Thanks for
the escape and what to pack. Love your selection

Tina Tina Tina, what a beautiful and fun post you have for us today. I think I could live in maxi dresses, they are just so glamourous and comfy too. Now, what is our cruise destination? Maybe the Med? Maybe the Carribean before it gets too hot? This was a brilliant idea. And, where does that black/white striped sequin maxi come from? Love it!!

Love this post Tina! Do you or any readers have any suggestions as to how to get used to the very stylish but not so comfortable strap between your toes on the Jack Rogers sandals? I can hardly bear to wear my cute new ones!

I loved Goldfinch! I’m addicted to my Kindle. I loved the secret History by the same author. You must read She’s Come Undone – Wally Lamb andWild by Cheryl Strayed is good too! Gone Girl was great also. I could go and on.

Tina what a great, fun post this was. I am not the cruising type but must say your 10 things would make anyone feel like a movie star. I love all the beach tunics, shoes and maxi dresses. Like you I cannot live without my ipad it goes everywhere with me!
Love the “bag of tricks” cute word for our make up bags.Speaking of bags, when you get in that straw tote please put me down for one, I LOVE IT!
Great post today.

I think you were reading my mind! I have exactly 30 days to plan my wardrobe and other stuff to bring on our trip this May. Going around Europe by plane and land for the first 10 days and then getting on a cruise of the Baltic Sea after. I know I have to plan the wardrobe carefully as I do not want to be lugging around a huge suitcase. Every piece should coordinate. I love all your choices above and I keep saying “check” while reading your post. But, I do think it will still be a bit cold so I can’t do sandals. Any recommendations for really comfy flat shoes? Thank you for another great post, Tina!

My list would be about the same as yours, but I would add my Fake Bake – love it so much. My “strategic” coverup is getting a lot if use! As is my bag of tricks – thank goodness for them!! Beautiful post Tina.

You had me at RobertaRollerRabbit!! I love that site I have placemats that I bought years ago from her, and I always loved her tunics, now I think I do have to get one, my bikini days are long gone I think!

Wonderful selections, but my favorite is the terrific book. It’s so rare to have the time to enjoy a great read. Vacation is the optimal opportunity!

Dear Tina; you are a very stylish traveler indeed! All you need is a destination, how about Monte Carlo before the season starts or the greek islands… I live in Calypso dresses during the summer, they bare just perfect. Will you be going to the Red Cross ball in Westchester this April…perhaps we would meet…am working on my table design…going for a little asian elegance.

I am NEW to your group and hope I can stay A FLOAT!You are all the CRAM OF THE CROP and I feel like a fish out of water!I enjoyed participating very much and look forward to knowing all of YOU a bit better!

Hi Tina! Its been a while and I am just thrilled to visit this enchantment again! Loving your list and those outfits for a relax to the max cruise….

Sending love


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