Comments : 13

Hello and happy Friday my friends, this is a very short post to let you know that this evening, my new and improved blog is scheduled to go live (barring anything unforeseen) and I wanted to give you a heads up about this big event!  As this transition takes place, the blog will potentially be down for a few hours later this evening.

As we await this VERY much needed and long awaited transition, I will not put a new post up until the new site is live and stable. Hopefully within a day or two. Needless to say I am beyond happy that this is finally happening, and hope you will bear with us as we get through possibly a few inevitable hiccups.

At first glance it will look  almost identical to the current site but as you go through it, you will see major differences, especially in the shop site. The shop site is SO improved in every way, my blog roll will be back, you will see my darling Pinterest button and we are straightening out all of the annoying delivery issues with many of you still not getting my email posts.

It is overall just a much cleaner, better functioning, better looking site and I am very happy about it. We are on it!

Here is a sneak preview of the new and improved site-

Better organized posts and my blogs I love to read will be back on the sidebar-

MUCH better pictures and MUCH better descriptions

You can now order custom monogrammed cocktail and dinner napkins online very easily…finally!

Belljars finally getting the cleanup they deserved! Great pictures, full description, easy drop down ordering method in place-

My darling new Pinterest button is finally making it’s debut-

Zoom in feature for products-

Easy to read FAQ-

Adore my new ginger jar pin it button-

All of my sponsors in one place-

Lots of exciting and beautiful new products!!

So as you can see, many exciting changes to look forward to. This has been stressful but I am just so happy the end is near. There are always inevitable hiccups when a site goes live, but I am confident that within the week any small glitches will be ironed out and the end result will be a much better and more high functioning site for all of us to enjoy!

Thank you for following along and for your patience as we get this on the road. With luck the next time I post will be on the new site for my Seven on Sunday.  Until next time…..

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WOW! Fabulous improvements! Always upward with The Enchanted Home!
Thank you Tina!

It has been a lot of fun following your progress over the years! What a nice site! Enjoy it every day!

Congratulations! Fingers crossed that the transition goes smoothly and without a hitch!

I can’t wait to see the new site! I’ve missed seeing your pins on Pinterest and your fave blogs(other than yours, which is my fave) will be up again. And the shop looks divine! I’m so excited to see it all come together! Happy Friday, Tina!

Good luck with your new site, Tina. I’m sure it will be a relief when you can check it off your list. Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.

Wow! This new blog is like a breath of fresh air after a night of spring rain! I’m going to enjoy these postings more than ever. Congratulations, Tina!

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