Comments : 14

Hi,  to all my blue and white loving friends out there! Welcome to our “virtual meeting” where every few weeks we talk about our insatiable love of all things blue and white. This timeless classic spills over so beautifully into literally almost everything and pairs so beautifully with almost every color of the rainbow. I have seen some pretty unexpected parings, and each and every one has been spectacular!

Today,  with it being summer and patio season….thought we would focus on the use of blue and white fishbowls, both inside and out. If this post gets you in a fishbowl frame of mind and you have decided you “need” one….today is your lucky day. Today and tomorrow for the first time ever, every fishbowl is 30% off!

So lets take a look at bluer and white fishbowls being used both indoors and out…..


Carolyn Roehm’s ginger jar studded pool has me drooling…….

What a beautiful way to use a fishbowl! I may have to try this, this Christmas! Ralph Lauren

Parker Kennedy nailed this patio, loving the way the fishbowls work here

A big fat YES, M.O.Endes

This took my breath away, photo by The Grovers

How chic is Mark D. Sikes beautiful patio sprinkled with blue and white. Love the addition of the fishbowls!

Leave it up to Ralph Lauren to strike the perfect balance in this incredible space accented with blue and white

One of my favorite images for a long time now, love how fresh this looks! Pinterest

The Pink Pagoda got this right, love the two fishbowls flanking her beautiful entrance!

I used a great big fishbowl when I first moved in the center of my kitchen island and changed it out with the seasons

Now this is an entrance! Carolyne Roehm’s Charleston home (Cote De Texas)

How about a cluster of blue and white alongside a beautiful fishbowl!

Yes, fishbowls come in all shapes and sizes, I used these minis (so cute) for mini myrtle topiaries that doubled as party favors for a birthday luncheon

Carolyne Roehm, but of course! Someone who continually proves there is no such thing as blue and white!

One of my favorite looks is a big boxwood on top of a fishbowl, so elegant! Parker Kennedy

Ralph strikes again in this super chic space, wish I could see more of those fishbowls but love the impact and the way he made them symmetrical!

Would love to copy this but orange trees are out of the question, LOVE these orange trees in blue/white fishbowls Mary McDonald

The beautiful gardens of Sara Bartholomew

And didn’t’ expect to so love the idea of a mid size fishbowl atop a foyer table but Mark D. Sikes makes it work so beautifully

I really like the idea of smaller fishbowls and using several, gives me a few ideas…..One Kings Lane

Carolyn Roehm is the queen of fishbowls in the garden….breathtaking aginst all that lush greenery!

How fabulous are these blue and white fishbowls against all the rich orange tones, Mary McDonald

Adore the way Amy Vermillion incorporated them into this very Charleston-ish garden!

My own fishbowl with our very own 36″ boxwood ball (this is the peacock jumbo fishbowl)

Have had this in my Pinterest folder for quite some time, not sure of source? Anyone? This is fabulous and love those purple/blue hydrangeas in the fishbowl

How pretty and elegant is this? Scout Guide

This truly takes my breath away, I am looking at fishbowls in a whole new way! Ralph Lauren

My own yard with a mid sized fishbowl holding a myrtle topiary…

Let’s end this with a bang, no words required other than one- perfection! Carolyn Roehm (Cote De Texas)


Have I made you a believer? This is one of those meetings that you attend and your symptoms get worse not better:) Sorry but not sorry….this is one affliction I am only too happy to have! This has me dreaming and scheming of redoing a few areas on my own patio with some new fishbowls. I think its time:)   In case you have a sudden case of fishbowl envy, then check ours out and save 30% off for two days only! Click here to view all our fishbowls.


Wishing everyone a fabulous day, until next time…….

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I clicked on a dragon bowl that’s sold out (because I always love what I can’t have), and next to it was a photo if a beautiful blue and white Parrot candlestick. Do you have that for sale?

Hi and thank you Tina for starting my day off in a relaxing and so inspiring way! My research on the “net” showed the outdoor (fabulous) un-sourced scene was from Mary McDonald in 2014 – ? I found it through The GlamPad blog. Now for another cup of coffee!

Love the 2 fishbowls in the 1st pic, but they look antique to me, just gorgeous.
And the last pic as you say needs no words she truly nailed it!

Tina, honestly! You always amaze and “wow” me with your beautiful posts! Thanks so much for being my daily respite and source of all things lovely! All the more so on Blue and White Club days!

Isn’t it strange how you have those “ah-ha” moments? I noticed how grand the cylindrical fish bowls are – very stately compared to the traditional flared ones.

Tina….I so look forward to your posts everyday. They inspire me and bring me great joy. How lucky we all are to have you as our blue and white “queen” that brings this world to us daily! ❤️❤️❤️

Loved your Blue and White Club information. My husband and I are building our last home to retire in after thirty-three moves in fifty- one years togeather. It will have our favorite color scheme for the interior, which is blue and white.

I love Blue and White Bowls with all type of designs. The ones you are showing are beautiful. My question is, if you put a plant in them to display outside, can you put a hole in the bottom of any of the bowls to allow water to flow. I love the way you have shown how to displayed the bowls.

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