Comments : 16

Hi everyone there was a glitch with the company that normally sends out our weekly blog posts. All seems to be correct and working again…phew! Better late than never:)


Hi friends hope this finds you doing well on this last day of May.  I must say the fragile state of our country right now has me feeling so disheartened, I could barely sleep and was glued to the TV until almost 1:30am. The Pandemic and now the widespread protests/riots are frightening. There is a lot of pain our country is feeling and it’s almost overwhelming to see. The horrific killing of George Floyd has unleashed an unstoppable wave of hurt, anger and call to justice.

I believe strongly in the first amendment and the right to peacefully protest. The  key word being peacefully. But seeing the violence, looting, destruction of property is very alarming. I can only hope and pray there will soon be a resolution to this madness,  realizing the real resolution is a fundamental change in how some of our system is currently working and of course justice. A whole other post. Let’s move on…..

Hard to believe Memorial Day has come and gone. So begins what might be a rather unusual summer. Restaurants where we are,  are not open except for curbside/takeout. There is talk about closing off main streets in the small downtowns to allow for restaurants to have open air seating which I love the idea of. It will allow people to go out and feel “normal” while helping the devastated restaurant industry.  I do not see myself going into any restaurant for the foreseeable future, as much as I miss the entire experience but dining outdoors sounds doable. Day by day, step by step.

Preparing for our amazing porcelain presale  which will start this week and trying to catch up on many things that fell to the wayside as I was out of town for 7 days visiting my mom and dad. Hope to spend the day today doing some planting (very therapeutic) and catching up on life. Hope whatever you are up to, you are having a relaxing weekend. Here we go with this weeks Sunday.


1 SOME VERY EXCITING PRESS  After a very emotionally draining week, it was so wonderful to see so many great press mentions within a few short weeks.  A true honor to have been mentioned and had our various items featured in some of my all time favorite magazines….validates why I do what I do and why I love it so, the creative process keeps me going:)

Beautiful Luxe magazine featuring the gorgeous Dursley bird sconce that we sell, I have a pair of these in our powder room and its a favorite…so elegant.

Enchanted Home went national:) So loved seeing our fabulous melamine featured over on The Today’s Show, what a thrill! Click here to see our melamine collection

Then our beautiful basket weave flatware was featured on The Great Outdoors awards in Country Living, such a thrill! (click here to see coming back in stock around June 8th)

And finally last but not least, when you make it in Oprah’s magazine…I think I can check off my ultimate press aspirational dreams off my list! SO exciting seeing our stunning wicker baskets featured in their latest edition! Click here to see these wonderful wicker bowls, click here for medium and here for large



2 GORGEOUS NEW PLANTERS AND GINGER JARS COMING THIS WAY SOON! Our new footed village planter has been quite a hit. It’s one of my favorite planters and is spectacular with everything from orchids, to boxwood balls and beautiful with fresh flowers too. So happy to introduce it coming in two gorgeous and much requested colors- pale pink and a soft green. These are in production and will be here in about 7 weeks. Stay tuned:)

And something else very exciting happened! Got the sample for the new soft green and pink ginger jars! These softly toned village scene ginger jars were such a hit in blue that I had them done in pink and green to match the garden seats that will be coming in soon. I love even more than I expected to. Thoughts?

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Always a highlight of my week to gather and share all of the beautiful Instagrams I find. Today’s round up is a little of this and a bit of that with some newly discovered accounts too. Lots to love here today.


4 MORE AMAZING CUSTOMER PICTURES I so love getting your pictures, seeing how you style and use products that you have purchase from me. It just makes me so happy and completely validates why I do what I do. So do keep them coming, Here are some recent pictures that do my products so proud. Have one to send of your own? Please send your pictures featuring our products to [email protected]

5 BEAUTIFUL CHELSEA TEXTILES I loved this company the minute I discovered them many years ago. Used several of their products in my old house and have used them again in a few recent design projects. Just beautiful quality and forgot how scrumptious their fabric line is.

Gorgeous timeless patterns, soft muted palettes, detailed crewels and delicate embroideries, these are extra special. Love this new collection of fabrics from them,  my mind is alive with all the possibilities that these beauties could be used for! Click here to find out more about Chelsea Textiles (click on the books to see each fabric collection).


6 AN ICE ROLLER Have you tried one? I have a friend who swears by these little gadgets then read about it somewhere so on a whim ordered it. For under $30,  it didn’t require much thinking. So I got it, used it only once but honestly unless I am imagining worked!!

My eyes definitely appeared less puffy, easy enough all you  need to do is keep it in the freezer and take out when needed. I can’t wait to try it again but though it was worth posting about and would love to know if this is part of your routine? In the meantime, I just saw this article in Vogue about them, and thought it was worth sharing.  Click here to read the article.

7  SUNDAYS SURVEY So this is travel related. Remember travel? Where we could get on a plane and go somewhere wonderful? Seems like a distant memory now. We had planned a trip to Paris this spring and were supposed to be going to Italy and Spain in Sept (destination wedding in Spain and were going to travel to Italy after). All those plans are canceled.

It really stinks to not have travel plans to look forward to. I daydream about when I can comfortably get on a plane and go somewhere with a relatively peaceful mindset that all will be OK. What do you think? I am thinking it may not be until next spring that this happens, or until a vaccine has been approved. Love to know your thoughts on these kinds of things.


And that’s a wrap for this Sunday. Hope you enjoyed my post. Anything particularly resonate with you?  Always appreciate everyone stopping in and making TEH part of your Sunday routine. A Sunday wouldn’t feel like a Sunday without my Seven on Sundays:) Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Until next time….

PS All florals are 20% today and tomorrow to celebrate the month of June! Use code “June” to save 20%. Click here to see all florals (all subcategories are on the left)

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Congratulations on all of the exciting press, it is well deserved as your product line is my favorite!

I too am so saddened by the events in recent days, I feel like our world has turned upside down since 2020 began. It is horrific that the police officers were not charged on day one!

As far as travel I do not think the travel industry will resume in full until there’s a vaccination, myself and anyone I know says that they will not feel comfortable getting on a plane until that happens.

I hope that you are have a good and relaxing day Tina!

Hi, somewhat new to your blog and love your Sunday post with my morning coffee.
Love those new jars and planters! I cannot wait until they are available.
Prayers for peace for our country.

Imagine all this beauty smashed by these rioters. Destruction is not “protest”. Violence is not protest, it is just violence. If we support this madness in other people’s neighborhoods eventually it will spill over into OURS. Are you willing to see your home burned, your child or grandchild attacked in the street to support a free floating sense of rage that rights no wrong, does nothing but destroy?

I share your thoughts about what is going on. Justice was not served and the injustice that has long prevailed has boiled over as a result. Like you, I am in favor of peaceful protests but what has happened has been not only scary but so destructive.
Our government needs to take control, it feels like there is no leadership.
On a happy note your blog makes me very happy and those new ginger jars need to come to my house as soon as they arrive?

I do not understand how these rioters think they advance their protest by destroying businesses and stealing things—they are just reinforcing stereotypes they are trying to eliminate. I have never been a fan of Oprah and her “I know better than you” preaching. For some reason I am getting a copy of her magazine, which I did not subscribe to. I look inside for Bed Bath and Beyond coupons and toss it every month.

Love those fabrics and congratulations on being featured!

I share with you your thoughts on what is going on, it is such a tragedy that that poor man was senselessly murdered. Had all 4 policemen been promptly arrested none of this would have happened. There are peaceful protests going on simultaneously with those that have nothing to lose which is so unfortunate.

I hope that you have a peaceful day, thank you for sharing that you do in the world which is needed more now than ever

Congratulations on being featured in such awesome publications! “O,” Oprah is A great way to sell!

Please allow me to weigh-in on the “widespread protest/riots” which are indeed frightening. The horrific killing of GEORGE FLOYD has unleashed racism that exist in our country.

What is frightening is having to worry about your children when they go for a walk; when they go on vacation; when they just drive cross town, and when they are just “being”.

“M” don’t worry, the the madness will not spill over into “YOUR” neighborhood and please be assured that your children will not be attacked.

Please know that there is a difference between protesters and rioters. Some came from their own communities and nearby cities to walk in peace. And, some of these folks came with different agendas from other places to burn down what others had worked so hard to build. Let’s say his name: GEORGE FLOYD!!

Thank you, Tina for bringing so much light and beauty to our world!

I love your blog and decorating tips. It makes me feel that everything in the world would be ok if we just shared the love. Keep doing what you’re doing it certainly made my day bright and sunny:)

I have the Chelsea fabric on my pillows in the living room and just LOVE it! Such high quality and their embroidery is impeccable. Happy June! Life is opening up in Arizona and it is so nice to be able to go to a restaurant again. I know each part of the country is different, but being restrained for so long doesn’t bode well for mental health. Hopefully your part of the world will see some relief soon. And congrats about all the great press recently!

I love it all! I was going to order the melamine mixing bowl (with lids) set, but the shipping was $24.00 alone; (I’m in the States), so unfortunately, that was just too high for shipping. I’m sad about that.

Whew!!! I thought the world really must be coming to an end with no Seven on Sunday! It’s such a happy part of my Sunday ~ Hot tea, church online, Seven on Sunday is my RITUAL………. Thank you more than ever for brightening up the world ?

This is NOT protesting by many legally, rioting is wrong and lawlessness. IMO, this may, in some part, be “frustration” with EVERYTHING & feeling trapped & hopeless…then,protest & do the right thing. Has anyone seen the “missing 18 minutes”…

Congratulations on being published in so many mags. Your hard work has won out. Your talent is amazing and we are blessed to be the ones to enjoy all your endeavors.

Anger is dangerous. I read a quote recently that said it all, “Anger is a punishment we give ourselves for somebody else’s mistake”

Antifa, a communist organization, has coopted peaceful demonstrations.
They place ads on Craigslist, pay people to “protest” and supply bricks
and other devices to throw at police. I don’t fault the college aged kids
who show their sympathy for the death of this man, however, they need
to be told that their peaceful marching has been coopted by an evil
organization that is attempting to tear the country apart with riots, burning,
and looting along with throwing bags of feces and urine at police.
Whose children are they? They started their mayhem during Obama’s
presidency and now it has escalated; the sheeple who get their news
from CNN, MSNBC, etc. who are banging the drum of “murder” before
any of the facts came in. Remember Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, etc.
They twisted the facts to produce their narrative; white cop bad;
innocent black youth killed (gentle giant?). Not saying this is the same
exact situation, however, could we wait until the facts are in?
The mayors and governors of mostly urban leftist cities tell the
police to stand by while homes and business are looted and burned.
This is all orchestrated and it is sick. Don’t fall for the false narrative
that this is somehow President Trump’s fault because he tweeted
something or another. Don’t fall for the lies. Also, previously,
they rioted in black communities. Now its Rodeo Drive, Huntington
Beach, etc. Even CNN headquarters in Atlanta. The White House
and the historical church close by. I live in Naperville, Illinois where
no one would think in a million years this would happen. Drove
downtown early this afternoon and all downtown business were
putting plywood on their windows and riot police were on standby
putting up barricades. Again, this is orchestrated. Who are these
people? They coopted this poor man’s death. They were waiting
for something to coopt. And btw, no one marched for the young
woman who was shot by a black muslim policeman in Minneapolis;
nor I suspect will they mourn for the black policeman who was
killed in yesterday’s riots. The narrative for them will not fit their
agenda to rile up emotions.

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