Comments : 78

Hi as stated on Saturday of last week, I will be sharing some words of wisdom or just “good reads” from my good ol dad. He always sends me emails and only recently, especially since my mother’s passing, I have been taking much more time to read them.

They have taken on new meaning but seeing the world and perspective from my dad’s eyes is remarkably enlightening. His emails give me reason to stop and pause, often offering perspectives I maybe would not have prevouisly considered, so thanks Dad. I may not always agree but vehemently believe in hearing all sides to consider, and always open to healthy discussions especially when we may not see eye to eye. In any case, found this one very interesting.  If you missed last week’s, click here.



I found this interesting and do not personally see how any of Sam’s actions are defensible in any way,  but amazing how he was worshipped when everyone thought he was a money magician and handing out money like candy. My, how far he has fallen. Agree or not, thought this was really interesting and insightful.

And say what you will about Elon Musk, he is one of the greatest visionaries in modern day history (in my opinion), like him or not.  This was an interesting parallel in my opinion. Thanks for stopping by, wishing everyone a wonderful day, until next time………..

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So interesting and so true! Such double standards in our country and I find it appalling! Thank you for posting!

The left is destroying our country and it’s Christian values every day as we all look on……..

So true and great reads. I think Victor Davis Hansen puts things in a way we can all understand.. a pretty sad commentary on double standards and corruption.

It’s time people start to open their eyes to what the Left is doing to destroy the USA. and to finally see those individuals that they put up for us to admire and put in charge. If one pays close attention, as your dad does, they will see that the Dems and the Left don’t have the people’s best interest in mind. Many will never awake but will stay woke but hopefully others will not be so unbending and will come around before it’s too late to save us. Good for your dad for helping you see it so you can now help others to see it as well. Have a great weekend!

Unfortunately, both the left and the right sides of our politics are so hypocritical. It’s very frustrating.

I think it’s dangerous to believe that either one of these characters is better than the other. To applaud someone who has more money than ethics, and buys an outlet to tout “free speech”, when it is filled with conspiracy theories and lies, is nothing to be admired. Letting falsehoods and misinformation, instead of facts, stand as “truth”, can lead to brainwashing of a large portion of the population. Unfortunately, many people don’t listen to RELIABLE sources, but instead to crazy posts on social media. Then it becomes “alternative” facts (in other words, falsehood). This is dangerous and has been the cause of the ever widening split in our country over the past 7 years. It seems we have not learned from history ~ Germany rode a wave of lies and deception right into the biggest disaster of the 20th century. Here we go again.

Excellent analysis and very readable essay by Victor Davis Hansen. I truly look forward to your Dad’s shared commentaries in the future. Thanks to both of you.

Your dad is a wise man. I have mixed feelings Elon but yes he is a remarkable pioneer in so many fields.
The glorification of Hollywood and our current politicians, etc. is the very demise of our country. speaking of crooks, you should watch the new Bernie Madoff series on Netflix, very interesting!
Thank you Tina for sharing. this!

Hi Tina, I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She was a beautiful lady. I also enjoyed reading your post today. I love VDH! He’s a brilliant man with such measured thoughtful insight in his writings. Pray for our Country 🙏

To Denise A this is not “alternative facts” but a well written op-ed.
I have my reservations on Elon Musk but this read is very well articulated and right on the money. Thank you Tina and to your dad.

A great read ! Double standards need to be exposed and voices need to be heard. Extremes to the right or left are dangerous and destructive. Those who do not follow the doctrines of the mainstream media need to be heard.

I did not find it “insightful “ in any way. When will the US stop seeing itself as simply left vs right? Stop encouraging this horrid divide. Middle ground please…. liberalism now Stalinism!?

Hi Tina, love that you sharing your dad and his wisdom with us. I am a lifelong Democrat but consider myself a centrist. I have serious issues with both these men yet totally agree with this article and the way they are both portrayed and received in our country. Hope you have a great weekend.

Hi Tina, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for many years because I could count on you to share the beauty of your homes, your decorating style, your recipes and your elegant lifestyle with your readers. Your blog was an escape from the daily reality of the political divisiveness that grips this country. Why you have now decided to state your political views by publishing your father’s emails is beyond me. You must realize that for every reader who agrees with those views, there is at least one more who is offended. Personally, I think this is a mistake, particularly for someone who is also promoting their business on the blog.

I’m sorry to see you go this route. You might think you’re promoting discourse, but this was very one-sided and not completely factual, which people who trust you might or might not realize. I love your design inspiration and your products, but if I need political information, I’ll go elsewhere. Unsubscribing now.

I used to enjoy looking at your blog and ordering an occasional item. Now that you’ve become just another right wing voice promoting your ideology, adios. And best to keep an eye on your friend Elon Musk. He is no defender of democracy but I guess you knew that.

Thanks for sharing. I hope others find it interesting and opens some eyes!
Loving the wisdom of your father.
Blessings to you and your family.

Very sorry to see this post this morning. Well, I am the left, a democrat, and I am trying to destroy our country??? It’s such a tiresome , and frankly angry opinion, and gives people an excuse to label and reject, rather than reach out and get to know their own neighbors. I hope you don’t continue to post political pieces written with the intent to divide us. I truly love “The Enchanted Home”, and have enjoyed ever single post until today.

I have very much enjoyed your posts and often order from you ….. until now. I am not interested in a political discussion — especially a right-wing one — and, if I want to engage in one, it will not be here. Please stick to what you are very good at — interior design.

Love this, Tina! My dad also sent us thought provoking emails after mom died, often political, all meaningful. I already follow Victor Hanson so your dad and I would get along well! This is a special time for you and your dad, your relationship will grow in wonderful ways. My dad is gone now, I miss both my parents terribly. But I’m so grateful for the wisdom they shared with us through the years. I’m a better listener and person for it. Thank you for sharing your dad’s wisdom with us….

I loved the article and found it to be a refreshingly balanced review. My goodness, it seems to have hit a nerve with some! I appreciate finding unbiased information, which is certainly not found on the “battle of the news sources” on tv. Please know that for everyone who is insulted by an opinion that doesn’t match their’s, there are plenty more that have open minds and welcome hearing them.

If you’re going to be political, you’ve lost me. Politics is in the news 24/7, and I turn to posts like this for a relief, also to purchase the products you sell. I’m gone.

Tina, As a long time follower of you blog I am very disappointed to see you add political discourse. This is not my Idea of enjoying an Enchanted Home. No reflection on your dad or his politics but please reconsider this addition. Thank you.

Can we not? A reader commented: “The left is destroying our country and it’s Christian values every day as we all look on”. This is so charged and unproductive. Let’s have meaningful conversation without labels and welcome differing opinions without demonizing.

Glad you and dad are staying close however, this (if I’m not wrong) is a design blog that also sells things. Now to be taking a weekend day to showcase your dads political views is very disappointing. I will no longer tune in on Saturdays from now on. There is enough mislead/guided information in our news today.
Having had a family member who was closely involved in Musks business, I can assure you he is not to be admired!
You are not a trained designer but have a good eye for a certain look and have lots of money so you can afford to buy huge beautiful homes all over and decorate how you please and then show them to sell the look. You are fortunate! Not a visionary. Stick to your design blogs an accessory business.

The “right” perpetrated treason on our country….and elected the most horrible president in modern history, least you forget

To Eve H: I never said THIS article was alternative facts. I said that the romanticization of a person who promotes crazy, unsubstantiated posts on SOCIAL MEDIA, which have become “facts” to many who do not bother to learn if it something is true or false, is dangerous. Sorry you did not fully read or understand my post. Also, the “alternative facts” that I mentioned, was something that was strongly promoted by the previous president’s senior counsel. So, right there, you know you’re in trouble when even those in power are promoting falsehoods. All this is proven by the much touted mantra by the right, and echoed even HERE by Phyllis Thomason, that the “left’s goal is to destroy America”. That is absurd. Nothing could be further from the truth … talk about being blinded by political rhetoric of lies of what the other side says, stands for or has accomplished. The political polarization of America will be our downfall, you can count on it.

Tina, thank you for sharing. It was a very interested read and makes you realize there are bad people on each side of the political spectrum. I still find it so disheartening that many people still have blinders on when it comes to Donald Trump and his gang in congress who have caused so much divisiveness in our society and more importantly has threatened our democracy. I think the old saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fools me twice, shame on me.” applies here.

Victor Davis Hanson is a wise man. The far left (not all democrats) are trying to destroy the Judeo Christian values and our way of life that made our country the greatest country on earth…why do people from all over the world want to live here? Just look at Venezuela..,if we aren’t careful, that’s what we will become.

Wow. Loved this. Thanks for sharing your dad’s wisdom. When a political party wants to destroy their own culture to replace it with another instead of letting any needed reforms happen organically you know they are on the wrong side of history. Look at Soviet Russia.

It’s lovely (and surprising) to see someone who is willing to go against the “mean girls” in the design world and support a hearing of ideas other than the lock step Left’s. Thank you for your courage. Hug your dad for us.

You have got to be kidding, Tina. This divisive post has no business on your otherwise lovely website. Please, please re-think posting stuff like this.

Thank you Tina for having the courage to post this. I greatly respect Victor Davis Hanson and Elon Musk.

Thank you Tina for sharing your dad’s emails with us. There is only two ways to live: GOD or SATAN nothing in between. So we will hear from one or the other……

I am a democrat but unlike others here,I do not it take this as a chide against democrats.
I see this as turning a blind eye when someone is generously funding your pot (political or otherwise) and YES it happens in both parties. I am appalled at SBF who at one time ran a very credible and highly successful startup. He became nothing more than a greedy sociopathic sellout.
I thank you for posting this. If we cannot agree to disagree in a civilized manner we have a long way to go and yes, I mean both parties.

Please, let’s not have this conversation here. I am here for your comments on interior design and your lovely selection of pieces for sale. I am not interested in having a random, right-wing political discussion shoved down my throat out of the blue. If I wanted that, I would turn on Fox “News”. Really, what is the point of creating this totally unnecessary division among your subscribers? I can hardly imagine that it will help your sales. If you insist on making this segment a weekly feature, please confine it to Saturdays; this way I, and others like me, can chose to disregard your Saturday posts. BTW, this is not a question of fairly giving everyone the opportunity to express their varying political opinions. There are many, many places that are meant for such political discussion. Your blog is not one of them……unless you are prepared to lose subscribers who are only interested in decorating their homes, who are not right-wing and don’t appreciate being attacked here. There are plenty of us out there. For the life of me, I can’t understand why you would suddenly make this an issue.

I don’t understand why a decorating blog would feature an obscure article by a right wing commentator. Are you being paid to do this? Why are you contributing to the nation’s political divisiveness? Just stick with selling pretty things. We don’t care about the opinions of you or your family.

There is very little honor in this country on either the right or the left sides. I have always tried to live my life by the golden rule. For over 40 years I also got up in morning , went to work and took care of my own problems. I am now retired and living comfortably on the rewards of that work. Taking responsibility and living by the golden has worked for me.

VDH is one of the most knowledgeable and articulate writers we have today. Thank you for posting!

Susan Kayden, Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better. I am a new reader and customer. I enjoyed my first shipment today. I read and shop for relaxation and pleasure. I, too, hope you stay away from politics.

Thanks so much! Very interesting! Love that your dad is sharing important views that differ from the mainstream narrative. It’s important to be exposed to all sides. It’s the American way.

Thank you for posting Tina. Very interesting. I hope to see more “good reads” from your Dad on here.
Have a lovely Sunday.

Thanks for sharing.. Very insightful and interesting and truthful.
Always remember your precious Mother wants you to be happy!

I’m so proud of you for posting something a little controversial. I love hearing things from both sides!!!! Kudos to you and your DAD!

Tina, thanks for sharing today’s email from “Saturdays With My Dad”. It was a real good read! Your dear Dad is a very wise man. Please send him a big hug via email for sharing this post and all his other great emails!

I was so amazed, Tina, that some of your readers had the “nerve” to lash out and tell you how to run your business — with NO political views.! This is your post and you can publish what you like –it is not for them to say what you should do. Get rid of them– NOW I still can’t believe what I read from them. I think you should just wipe them off your list as they do not deserve to remain on it when they have been so rude to you — and especially when you have just lost your dear and precious Mom. I just can’t believe these people and, if it was my blog, they would be removed immediately.

You keep posting whatever you want as most of us enjoy everything! We love your decorating and we also love what your Dad sends you. OK!.

I keep you and your dear Dad in my prayers. I pray that these rude comments will just wash over you like water on a duck’s back. Thanks, again, Tina for being so special. I am blessed in knowing you through your posts! Take care!

Wow, you hit a nerve with this post. It’s about time. The time has come for those who have been silent for so long in order to keep the peace to speak up, even in the face of vitriolic bullying from the left. If we remain silent any longer, our country as we knew it in our youth, and as our founding fathers intended, will gasp as its last breaths of independence and freedom are exhausted. A difference of opinion is healthy, but in recent years the left, with the assistance of the media, has forgotten that truth is the offspring of open discourse.

VDH has been so powerfully influential in his insights to America’s political and economic issues.. I’m glad you’re listening to your dad to get a new perspective. I applaud you for stepping out for free speech and posting what you want on your blog, and actually will follow you more on these Saturday posts when promoting the wisdom of your dad. I wonder if your dad ever listens to James Lindsey? Would love to get your dad’s book list! I had the chance to spend 7 days with 7 college kids over Christmas break, and they are hungry for the truth of life through the eyes of our older generation.

Oh Lord have Mercy! My favorite comment . . . “it is not for them to say what you should do. Get rid of them– NOW.” LOL! Peace, Love, and Politics, y’all! Kumbaya.

Please don’t go down this path! We get too much as it is – let’s stick with blue and white, great recipes and beautiful interiors!

Thank you for sharing the common sense Victor Davis Hansen article! It feels like so many have forgotten how to think and analyze for themselves and instead take their que from shallow celebrity elites and media outlets with an agenda that definitelyis not truth. Unfortunately, it appears we are living in a culture that seems to disregard the virtues that truely lead to greatness. Thank you for your blog.

Thank you for sharing the common sense Victor Davis Hansen article! It feels like so many have forgotten how to think and analyze for themselves and instead take their que from shallow celebrity elites and media outlets with an agenda that definitely is not truth. Unfortunately, it appears we are living in a culture that seems to disregard the virtues that truely lead to greatness. Thank you for your blog.

Tina, So many of us love your blog, love your dad, and I’m sure would have loved your mom as well. Keep your dad’s emails coming. They are so enriching, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that dimension added to your blog. I cannot believe how nervy some people can be to tell you what you can or cannot say on your own blog!!! Do they even know what the word “politics” means? “Affairs of the people.” And who are they to tell you that you cannot comment, or in this case, offer an insightful article, on the “affairs of the people”? Does their obsession with closing down discussion stifle their intellect, to such a degree that they can be so rude? Obviously in most cases their views differ. How pathetic that they cannot stand to hear something they might not agree with and will do anything to discourage it, even to threaten a boycott! It’s their loss, for sure, Tina. You have a fabulous blog, a fabulous life, and a fabulous family. You do not need them. They sound Bitter, Arrogant, Delusional. BAD.

I greatly admire Victor Davis Hanson and consider his insights & opinions “Spot On”. Please give your dad my appreciation and thank you for sharing with us ,

Good for you Tina. It’s your blog. Don’t waste time on negative comments.
I’m sorry for your loss. You’re lucky to have your Dad.
VDH is a very wise gentleman. 😉
Love your beautiful designs.

The “bitter, arrogant, delusional. BAD people”-as one reader characterized some of us- are the same people who staff hospitals, homeless shelters, food kitchens, and animal shelters. We don’t see a lot of right-wingers showing up there to work to help other people in their lowest hours. It’s a bad business decision to change the character of your blog by going political. Even posting irritating comments from some of these people is alienating. I recommend some editing and moderating of comments.

Design and decorating is why I follow this blog. I have no interest in your politics and don’t see that there is room for it in this site. I will unsubscribe now

Rock on Tina! It’s your blog to do with as you wish. Thank goodness we have free speech AND the freedom of choice. The health of a people is found in BALANCE and the willingness to hear all sides and seek solutions. One cannot make an informed choice and have intelligent discourse if the answer is to immediately be offended and quit participating. Who dumps a blog after reading for years? And over one entry? By that logic, I should be angry and upset whenever Tina adds products in which I have no interest. Confession: I desperately love the antiqued urns and jar. And (GASP!) I care nothing for Christmas ornaments, décor and gift paraphernalia. Guess to which blog entries I pay almost no attention?? And Tina LOVES Christmas décor. I don’t stop liking her blog over that. I look at those entries / pics quickly to see how she uses her jars. I simply disregard posts that do not interest me as opposed to being angry and demanding she run her blog my way. Everyone would be bored if all we saw or discussed were jars. My way would be narrow and short-sighted. I wish the entire country would take a deep breath and CHILL. Everyone, just take a minute and look at how polarized we became over one blog entry. This is an indication of how distressed we are as a direct result of the “all or nothing” mentality. Open discussion is NOT the problem. Extreme reactivity IS. Kindness and balance in all things will help.

Thinking that the one thing that unites us here is a love of beauty! That’s what did bring us all here? But, it is Tina’s blog, too, correct? She can do whatever she wants with it and give voice to whomever she chooses to give voice to. In this case, it’s her own father and only on Saturdays. And, clearly, each can choose to stay or go not read. If we disagree with the politics, can’t we just not read the Saturday comments or, as some have suggested, bail in protest if that is what some choose to do. BUT…the nation is already so very divided on so many things. Would it not be a sorry situation if those who frequent this blog and are nourished by the beauty would also be divided on whether or not to give themselves that pleasure on principle of not liking what one man has to say on one day? Tina has compartmentalized political views to that of her father and only at easily identified times – Saturdays. Don’t hit the Saturday link if you don’t want to. Thinking I will just not read Saturdays – or I may – I don’t have to agree with it, and I don’t even have to read it. Would it not be a shame to have the viewers now bailing on that aspect as well because Saturday posts are something with which they disagree? My input.

Please continue” Saturdays with Dad.” I found this article balanced and enlightening! We all should resolve to see all sides regardless of political perspective! Thank you for having the courage to post this! I have enjoyed your blog for many years, and have always appreciated your openness and compassion for others as well as your design style. Keep up the wonderful work!

As a 67 year old doctor who embraces honesty, integrity and truth, the offensive essay that was presented left me angry for days. I do not call people that I wish to engage in conversation with “racist” or “bigots” and do not appreciate being referred to as “woke”. I used to enjoy the beautiful pictures before starting my day but will follow more uplifting sites.

So so sorry to hear about your Mama. Your Dad’s conservatism reminds me of the cream conservatives that have been the mainstay of one political party …or another since the United States was conceived, fought for and created this life we live out of an “idea”, not for land or resources or power. The idea that this is a big tent this democratic republic has room , and laws to protect folks against other folks who don’t agree. I don’t agree with his conception of one “group” having so much power that they can influence all he mentioned. BUT…the important part is that he brought those thoughts to light and even if at first I reacted “nah”….then I remembered. The purpose of discourse is to learn and talk. And talk some more and learn.
You are blessed with a Dad who is a wicked smart guy. I’m so glad you gave his words a space in your blog and also so glad I read the post!!!!


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