Tag: fashion

Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 11

Hello and happy Sunday friends. Hope you are having a great weekend. FINALLY spring feels like it’s arrived. Though we had almost no snow it just felt like winter dragged on and on and on. I had no patience for it this year and there are so many things about spring I love from flowers […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 13

Hello! As I periodically do I share with you all the recent happenings in my life via my little iPhone. Well, not all, but at least the good and pretty:) I love how my iPhone keeps track of daily life at least the highlights and it will be fun for me one day to look […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 15

Hello! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend. First off,  hope all of my readers in Florence’s path are safe and well. The flooding I have seen pictures of is surreal and heartbreaking. There is no messing around with mother nature. So, by the time you are reading this I was supposed to have been […]

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