Good Sunday morning to you all. Hope you are having a fantastic weekend. By the time you are reading this, I will be in Virginia visiting my parents for a few days. My mom had an operation and I am here to cheer her on in her recovery. How I wish my parents were closer…..I […]
Hello, so nice that it’s Sunday, I am unfortunately a bit under the weather, more of a head cold but enough to keep me in and to rest and get better before a busy week ahead (porcelain container for starters)! Also got in the most exquisite chinoiserie tole shipment, chomping at the bit to share […]
Hello friends! I prepared this ahead of time, hope it behaves and posts on Sunday morning as it is supposed to. By the time you are reading this I will have been in one my most favorite places, Palmetto Bluff, then onto to see friends elsewhere for a birthday celebration. Hope you are enjoying a […]