Comments : 19

Hi everyone! I first want to announce the winner of the silver tray, congratulations goes t0-

#31 Catharine

Please email us at [email protected] with your shipping info so your prize can be on it’s way


Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday, I was very sad to hear of John McCain’s passing. No matter what side of the aisle you  may reside on, I think we can all agree he was an upstanding guy, a true American patriot and a man of great integrity and honor. I am confident his legacy will live on and hopefully serve as an inspiration to all politicians and people for that matter as to how to go through life with dignity and grace.

Moving on, I  was in the city (really loving how much time I am spending there), we had dinner with friends and later today going to a party. Busy but finding time to relax in between:) Can you believe we are only a week away from Labor Day which is the unofficial end to summer. I can’t!

I have not made it to the beach nearly enough and that is my only real regret for the summer and not being able to take a trip that we had planned (hopefully in a month or so), I may need to make up for it by a few extra days at the beach in the fall, which has it’s own kind of magic:)

Anywho, moving along to  Seven on Sunday……


1 A FEW NEW PRODUCTS I AM OVER THE MOON ABOUT.  By reading my blog, you are automatically an “insider”, part of my inner circle- to be the first to know about new and upcoming items. You know by now, that I love the process of creating and dreaming up all kinds of things. Many items that I create are born out of my frustration in not finding them when I want them. In other words, they are alive……in my head:)

Ornaments, gift wrap, some new lighting, new porcelains and more silver are all in the works and will start arriving within about 4 weeks so we have a lot going on! Here are some of the newest that I am really excited about-

This precious pooch is a Staffordshire dog done in an all over chinoiserie floral design, still tweaking it just a bit but it will soon be in production. These will stand about 9″ tall and I just adore him, isn’t he cute?

So I thought of doing these salt and peppers for some time and as with every new item there is a whole process as to how this happens. I first have to dream it, then pass it along to my designer who starts sketching then it is sent for sampling which can take months.

Then when I finally get back “the one” and you just kind of know it when you do, then you pull the trigger. And that’s whats happened here. So though these are not professional shots, you will get the idea. Say hello to the newest member of The Enchanted Home family….these darling slat and peppers (2 styles)!

Say hello to these cuties! Will be offered in the village scene and cherry blossoms

And for you owners of small dogs, hold onto your hats, so in love with  my new pagoda dog bed!!! This is the finished frame and it just got powder coated, now its moving into the painting stage….worth the wait this is going to be AMAZING!

2. A “HEAVEN ON EARTH” HOTEL. I just felt my blood pressure go down several notches. If this isn’t what heaven on earth looks like, don’t know what does! I hate that I am such a bad flyer (and avoid it at all costs) because the Maldives is most definitely a place I would love to visit for the sheer beauty alone. Perhaps one day!

Anyone I know who has been  to The Maldives says it is exactly like the pictures show, it is that beautiful. The name of this amazing hotel is Gili Lankanfushi and it is a hotel very much that is on my radar. A M A Z I N G! How does one go home after being there!!!! Click here to learn more or just take a virtual vacay:)

3. A FAVORITE NEW PRODUCT.  Can’t get to the Hamptons? Then bring it to you! I love room sprays and always keep them in several rooms of my home. Love walking into a great smelling room. My favorite are generally the scents from Antica Farmacista but have to say this new addition that I recently bought is giving them a challenge.

Even the name, Privet Bloom is beautiful. The scent is heavenly, next best thing to being out in the Hamptons. I spray it all over my kitchen and in my powder room., so fresh and beautiful. Click here to see

I was excited to see they now offer the roller ball travel size for your body! I love this scent for the summer ….so fresh and pretty. Click here

4. AMAZING AMAZON. The Amazon machine just continues to amaze. I am floored by how quickly they are coming out with ideas and concepts that will forever change how we buy things. On one hand, it is groundbreaking and awe inspiring and on the other it’s a little scary at how fast things are changing.

I feel like we are losing sight of the traditional retail experience when we add this technology to the equation but no matter how you feel there is no question it is fascinating! Here are a few things that are new in the Amazon world domination crusade-

Our world is getting more futuristic by the minute, do you know about Amazon Dash or maybe I am just late out of the starting gate:)

A new way to shop? OK this downright freaks me out , the technology used for Amazon Go featuring algorithms, IT and all kinds of technology I don’t understand boggles my mind!!!

And finally on a more “human” note lol, I have to hand it to Amazon, just adore this commercial and like movies, good ones are far and few between but when I find them, I want to share them, this is so well done and just brings a smile to my face, it is simple but touching-

5. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST. What a beautiful batch this week! I mean every week, I fall in love with these but this week really is something. Take a look and see if you agree…….

6. INSTANT WINE CELLAR! Thanks to Sotheby’s you can now have an instant wine cellar and save yourself the frustration (and expense) of buying and trying wines you may not like. With the wine industry booming and more and more Americans having anything from a small wine refrigerator to a large wine cellar…wine collections are becoming more accessible instead of a hobby of the very rich.

I think the concept is interesting- they will curate a collection starting from a  small to a very large one, depending on your needs. Even if you only have a small wine refrigerator their advisory team will curate a collection which also includes a 30 minute one on one consultation. I think it is actually a really neat idea, takes the guesswork out of the equation which I know for many who don’t know a lot about wine , could be a blessing. I find the entire industry totally fascinating but somewhat overwhelming so I can see this idea taking off. Click here to learn more.

7. SUNDAY’S SURVEY. Labor Day is coming……sneaking up on us faster than ever. Is it a big holiday to you? Do you go all out? Or maybe take a trip? Host a party? Or its like any other weekend to you? Love to know how you look at summer’s unofficial end.



And there you have my Seven on Sunday. Going to be a busy week this week, have a lot of things “peculating” and our big porcelain container is coming in on Tues. That is always a fun, exciting and chaotic kind of day. You would think I never saw blue and white before, I get so excited seeing all the new things come in)

Thanks for stopping in to say hi and making TEH part of your Sunday morning. Wishing you a wonderful day and great end to your weekend. Until next time……

PS Don’t forget to throw your name in the hat for the rug giveaway, click here for details!

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Good morning, dear Tina. It is wonderful to be back in my own routine of beginning my week with your Seven On Sunday. Love the Amazon ad. Great Insta sites for me to follow along. I adore that pic of the little girls kissing. Hope you have a wonderful week. It’s going to be a hot one here.

Thank you for honoring John McCain. They broke the mold when he was born, what a incredible statesman he was. Your words rang true, and I do also hope others will look to his life as an example.

Tina, all the new things are so great, I have to have every one of them including that pagoda bed! We have a Maltese, Lucy who says she wants it!

Great instagrams and the wine cellar idea if very interesting, going to mention this to my husband as he is gifting himself a small wine room for his 55th birthday this October. Hope you have a nice Sunday.

Thank you for starting your post honoring John McCain. I echo your sentiment. He was a true American hero. Yes, a rare politician. Defined dignity and grace. He went high when others even the head of his own party (!) went low.

Another fabulous post. I so look forward to Seven on Sunday.
Love the mini salt/pepper shakers. I bought a set years ago from Pier One. They no longer carry them so I am so excited that you will feature them in your shop.
John McCain was a true hero and a gentleman. May his family find peace with their memories.
What a fabulous vacation spot Maldives is. Pure bliss!

That pagoda dog bed is everything!!!! And the dogs and salt and peppers- Santa is going to be good to me this year:-)

John McCain was a classy and inspiring man, more politicians need to take his lead including the head of his party!!

Love your Sunday posts- always learning and oohing over something new.

Thank you Tina for posting another picture of my work- it’s truly an honor to be featured here- and a verrry special way to wake up on Sunday morning!!

On another very happy note- I just purchased 4 of your large Provence planters that arrived last week and will be planted today! Will send you a picture when all is done!!

Thank you again-

Thank you for honoring Senator McCain
Heroes are rare these days, but John McCain personified the definition of hero.
ˈhirō noun
1. a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities

As others have mentioned, I did not want to miss saying, Thank you, Tina, for your tribute to John McCain – a truly honorable man who gave of himself for the good of others. And like you said, no matter what side of the aisle one is on, this man reached around his side and then across that aisle with dignity! He will be missed but will always be an inspiration to those seeking to learn integrity and honesty. Thank God for letting us have John McCain!

Loving the new Staffordshire dog – what an adorable addition. And the Salt & Pepper shakers are just perfect. THANKS for starting out my Sunday and Week with your much anticipated Seven on Sunday. I enjoy it so much.

I am in love with the salt and pepper shakers! Especially the village scene. Both styles are just darling!
Can’t wait to order 🙂

I thought the Two’s Company golf leaf frames were pretty. I have shared your site with designers and friends in Kiawah and here in Kentucky. They all love it! You were thoughtful to honor John McCain. My father died of the same brain cancer 14 years ago. He was a brave man and know he left a lasting gift to his family by braving his disease with grace.

Thank you for your loving, respectful tribute to Senator John McCain, indeed a man of grace and dignity as well as a rebellious spirit, insisting on truth and justice. I wish there were more like him in our current national government.

Your new dog bed is divine. Great idea. With those lovely dog bowls beside it, there is now everything for the stylish pooch.

He was a tried and true lover of America. We were flying back to Colorado and our layover was in DC. Senator McCain and his staff came on board. He took a seat in coach while his staff sat in first class. He engaged with everyone carrying on conversation with those around him, smiling the entire time, he will be missed.
You need a puppy. Puppies heal hearts❤️

Love your 7 on Sunday posts Tina. I always find s many great Instagram sites to explore. I love the dog bed! It is fabulous! Have a great week.

I am looking for blue willow fan pulls and two hole electrical outlets. Can you help me?

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