Comments : 7


****Our mailer on our second shipment of custom white lattice bars is going out this morning, if you were interested please email [email protected] and put “bar” on subject line to join our mailing list****


Hi there, first I want to say thank you to all who participated. I was touched by the thousands who did and for all of the wonderful, kind things you had to say. There was some good constructive criticism sprinkled in ( a few comments) and wise advise from fellow business owners, all which helped me to reevaluate things and do better. It is a process and we are on it!

So first, are the results from the survey-


Seems almost many of you like the idea of bringing back a small curated collection whether for one time offer or continually throughout the year. I think we will offer one small curated collection as a one time presale later in the summer (in anticipation of the fall/winter entertaining season)



Thoughts on the melamine- interesting that collectively 44% thought its worth keeping. I love it too so it’s a tough call, I know it is so unique and pretty and much more sophisticated than most melamine patterns out there. I am still deciding on what to do….

Fun to see which two categories you think of when you think of The Enchanted Home

And in the other here are just some of what people said

When I asked you what type of content you most like to see, here is what you had to say

And here is what you said when asked about other


When I asked you about how you read/follow me here is what you said-



And when I offered for you to leave a comment filled with suggestions, criticism, anything really…I was touched by the outpouring of comments. I could not list them all there there are several hundred but here’s a sampling off the top-


Wow, thank you for making me feel so good and validating why I do what I do! Here are a few takeaways-

  • I will continue blogging until I can still type on a keypad….lets hope thats many many years:) It is truly one of the joys in my life, very cathartic and just a great creative outlet. So trust me, the blog is going no where. I know blogs have fallen out of popularity (sad) but for me, its a wonderful way to connect with my readers and customers so you are stuck with me:) So happy so many of you continue to enjoy it!
  • The website! Ahh yes that obscure website I have been talking about. Well, it really, truly, fingers crossed is nearly done. We had to switch to a third developer to put the finishing touches on it which are being done now. I am a bit of a stickler for certain things but everyone is saying there is always going to be small details that can be fixed while live. You will find this desperately needed new website much much easier to navigate, the pictures are a lot bigger, it is much more user friendly, overall just very streamlined. We are currently working on an antique website (in the world of web design, amazing that its still trucking)!  I am very excited about it and cannot wait to announce its launch day hopefully very soon!
  • We are almost sold out of the linens, some silver remains and will continue to phase out gift wrap over time. I am still not sure about melamine.
  • We have a lot of changes happening within Enchanted Home (good ones) my very first employee, Margaret who I always thought of as a “mini me” is joining our team again. We are interviewing companies that come in and set up an inventory system which will be implemented into our new website. We are growing our wholesale, both through Faire and Chairish and accounts that we will deal with directly and have 2 designated people who do this.
  • On the home front, as our renovation process picks up speed (finally got our final approvals this week after a very very long process) we are likely going to start in Sept. We want to savor the few short summer months. You better believe I will be taking you along with me through the entire process and it’s going to be good….very good
  • At one point may do a video on the house as many have suggested, I am remaining open to things so you just never know:)
  • Why I don’t show myself and family and a more personal side? This is something I have always frankly been leery of and still am. It’s just a personal decision, I have on very rare occasions but there are some creeps out there. I appreciate the interest and it could change but for now, I am doing things as I am comfortable. I have been both in PB and here in NY where I have had a few people walk up to me and ask if I am Tina from Enchanted Home. Granted, it was super flattering but it really took me off guard and made me feel a little anxious if I am to be honest. (admittedly I am a very anxious person to begin with so that’s not a stretch:) I think on the personal side, I prefer to keep it more private. Again maybe that will change at some point, if it does it will be a slow process:)
  • Someone said they are tired of hearing about pickleball?? Really? I feel like I hardly mention it, only when its a weekend post and I casually say it might be part of my weekend plans. Its not like I am dedicating posts to pickleball or creating a pickleball line of products:) On second thought…..just kidding.
  • Though I have not yet finished reading though all the comments, I intend to read every single one and am taking notes. Many spoke of missing out on presales, items being out of stock, even more spoke about the website -all things we are very well aware of and working on I promise!
  • Whether I take on a silent partner or not, we are streamlining in a big way. Its a process that will take at least 3-5 months to do, but we are in the process and it feels good to be digging deep. We are so encouraged by our growth and continued support and enthusiasm for our products, we just want to make it better!
  • I do not have a designed marketing “team” it’s just me, myself and I but someone is going to be helping with that soon. As an example, for most companies when they have an Instagram post featuring their products, you can shop from the instagram page, we don’t have that and that’s a huge missed opportunity. One more thing we are working on!
  • Rest assured your many comments are being taken to heart and we are so grateful:)


So thats the gist of the feedback and overview of the polls and a few tidbits I wanted to share. Please know anytime you want to voice an opinion, have a suggestion or need to speak to someone please always feel free to email [email protected] or me personally [email protected]. Sometimes my email box is overflowing (well every day) but I do try to read my emails as often as possible and respond. Thank you again for your input, support and enthusiasm for The Enchanted Home. You are certainly a big part of why and how we grew!

Wishing everyone a fabulous day, until next time…..


Don’t forget our fabulous custom house/pet trays are our deal of the day until tomorrow. No coded necessary, discount comes off at check out-

Click here


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Good morning! I am so happy that Margaret is back! I spoke to her a few years ago and she was so lovely and helpful. I agree with you on not wanting to share photos of your family. It’s a crazy world out there and one can not be too careful. That being said, I do love when you do post family pictures.
Stay well and enjoy this beautiful day. One of those perfect “10” days on Long Island! Blue skies, low humidity and a beautiful breeze!

Hi Tina,
I’m a Pickleball Player. I’m 67 and have played here in Southern California for over 3 years. I love it! I play 4 times a week and have made so many new friends! It’s a wonderful sport!!!! Please don’t stop writing about playing Pickleball on your weekends. It must have been a Tennis player that commented that you write too much about PB. I find that the Tennis players are so angry and unsupportive of this wonderful, fastest growing sport – until they decide to come to the dark side and try PB. I have seen the transition happen over and over. It’s so funny to me when this happens because they change their tune very quickly when they realize that PB helps their net game, their agility and their lateral movements on the bigger court. And of course there are those that are aging and decide PB is better than tennis for them. I’m jealous that you have your own court! Don’t let one person ruin the joy that Pickleball brings to you! Happy Pickling!

I have one of your trays depicting our home in France. It is truly wonderful. a PERFECT treasure!!!

good day! thanks for all you do. my only hope, which i didn’t see mentioned in the few comments you posted above, is that you would have a tab for your delicious recipes on your new site. fingers crossed! have a great weekend.

Tina, seeing your serious interest in your followers comments is heartwarming and why we all keep reading….. Happy Sunday!

I can not play pickle ball (getting a new hip) but it looks like a ton of fun. Friends play it and laugh and simply enjoying themselves. No age limit so that is a good thing and who doesn’t like a big bowl of happiness on any given day. Loving the graphic tee shirts, Very creative artwork. Some quite hysterical. Check it out.

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