Comments : 24

Hello and happy Sunday morning to you and of course Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. We have had a special weekend, my dads been in town but not for just any reason. He was here to officiate my sons marriage!! We did things differently than originally planned, originally we were going to host the wedding for them at our home June 15th. However it was just too much to plan (for me) so we decided to postpone this until spring of  2025 so there’s much more time to plan and everyone was greatly relieved.

However it was important for them to get married so we had a small (immediate family only) ceremony to witness their marriage and it was so so so beautiful. I can’t even describe how wonderful it was. And there is even better news….I am going to become a grandmother!! I can hardly believe it,  and we are just so over the moon about welcoming our first grandchild and  our newest family member very soon!  Stay tuned for lots more details!

And here we go with this Sunday’s post….


1 GREAT  GARDENING RESOURCE If you are like me, and a novice gardener, I have found Martha Stewart’s site to be really resourceful with tons of good information,  just throwing it out there in case you are looking for a user friendly site for all your gardening questions. I have been referring to it quite a bit lately.

Click here to find out more



2 A DELICIOUS AND SUPER EASY GREEK DRESSING Not only is this fabulous salad dressing delicious and easy  but it works as a marinade for fish, chicken or steak . I make a big batch of it in a Mason jar (keeps for up to 2 weeks) So easy and very flavorful, give it a try.  I think you will love it!

  • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano, more for sprinkling
  • ¼ teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  • In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, garlic, oregano, mustard, salt, and several grinds of pepper.
  • Use it to make Greek Salad or as a very tasty marinade


3 THE GOLD BAR So the gold bar is a go! The gold bar will come with a separate mirror that you can use with or without. The chain has been removed and there is going to be a center chain that you will not see to keep the pedestal stable.


4 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Always a bouty of beauty from Instagram….



5 OUR MAJESTIC SOLIDER JAR! So I had a number of blue and white pieces delivered to my h0use the other day, haven’t done hat in a while and it was a thrill:) The biggest thrill was bringing home our massive 47″ solider jar. I always wanted to see it in my garden.

Here is a look at the unloading of it and where it finally was placed. Not totally done here but loving the blue and white in my garden, against the greenery of nature, think its jus wonderful. We sold out but you can preorder yours (click here) to reserve one for our next shipment.


6 IF YOU LOVE TRADITIONAL DESIGN This video is for you! This video from Homeworthy profiles four  gorgeous homes that epitomize elegant updated traditional  living. Love watching these as there are always excellent take aways..


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY So crazy as it may seem, we are talking ornaments over here!! I am debating on creating a holiday collection of gift wrap since its always such a huge hit (but only doing holiday wrap) and of course bringing in a new collection of ornaments in addition to our permanent collection of ginger jars, pagodas, dogs, balls, etc…would love your take!

So here is a collection of porcelain ornaments that we have worked on, I am having a hard time narrowing it down (clearly). Usually we do our glass ornaments but I think this collection of porcelain ornaments would be a beautiful addition.  These range from 2″- 3.75″ so a great size and price wise would be under $9.00 an ornament, with a more you buy the more you save price model.  Would love to know your thoughts!



And that is a wrap for this Sunday! I hope you enjoy your special day with all the dads in your life. We will be headed over to a bbq later today, and the weather is gorgeous so no complaints. It’s a back to work week on Monday so going to soak up the relaxing weekend vibes best I can. Until next time….

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Congratulations, Tina! I just became a Nana for the first time 3 weeks ago and am over the moon in love with my new little grandbaby!

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! You’re gonna love it! Best wishes to your son and bride!

Congratulations on the marriage of your son and your upcoming grandchild! I can honestly say being a grandmother is the one thing that is far better than anyone tells you! You are going to love it!!

Congratulations to the newlyweds! Wishing them a lifetime of Happiness! You will love being a Grandmother. I have 7 grandchildren– 5 girls and 2 boys. As a mother of 3 sons, I am loving my girls but the boys are so special to me. Ranging from ages (almost 21 to 2 years). Life is good!
Looking forward to the Garden Tour!

Congratulations Tina on the wedding of your son and the upcoming grandchild!

Lots of love and happiness to the couple, you and your entire family!

Many blessings to you all!

Congratulations, Tina!!! So happy for you and your family ~ such an exciting time now, waiting for your new blessing to arrive!

Congratulations, Tina, to your entire family on two very significant events. I only wish your mother was still with you as I am sure you are missing her. And how fun to have a new daughter-in-law and grandchild!

Wishing your son and daughter-in-law much happiness! You must be thrilled with joy to be a grandmother looking forward to beautiful days ahead. Many blessings to you and your family!

Many hugs to you and the new family. May God richly Bless you in these coming days and years.

Congratulations to all! Tina, being a grandmother is magical! You will love it!

Congratulations Tina, to you and your entire family and cheers—to life’s greatest blessings. I’m so happy for you.

Congratulations to the newlyweds and to your being a grandmother. My single daughter just adopted a newborn on Mother’s Day and it has changed my life. Pure joy! You’ll be in love!

Congratulations , you must be over the moon thrilled. There is nothing like a new baby !!!

Congratulations on all your wonderful blessings. I’ve had 4 weddings & 8 grandchildren. 4 girls & 4 boys. ( my 3 sons are triplets). It’s been a wild ride!

A WONDERFUL garden website is GARDEN ANSWER. It’s always interesting, informative, and inspiring!

Best wishes to your son and his bride! And congratulations on your new role as a grandmother! Such happy news!

Congratulations to you and the whole family. I wonder what this new addition will call you..Something to think about.

Congratulations on the marriage of your son and new daughter-in-law. I hope they have many years of happiness together. You’ll love being a Grandmother, it’s the greatest gift you’ll ever receive. Grandchildren are God’s way of blessing us for raising such wonderful children. Congratulations again to you and your family on such wonderful news.

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