Comments : 44

Hello and happy Sunday! First I want to thank everyone who participated in my poll last night, your insight and comments were beyond helpful and I am reading over each and every one. When I have finished doing that, I will do a short blog post on results and your feedback and respond to some of the more commonly asked questions/comments. So thank you! Click here if you missed it and want to participate. And here is the winner of the Enchanted Home goody box giveaway-


DEB M. says

Happy to fill out the survey! Enjoy shopping your site


Please email [email protected] so we can get your prize on the way!



I also want to address a comment made last Sunday’s post. Someone talked about typos. My blog is a free service I provide, I do it because I love it. I am human. I am a one person show when it comes to the blog. I do the best I can but sometimes, and yes,  there will be typos. Just like in magazines and newspapers:) This is life, and I try not to sweat the little things. This means I am human!  Enough said. I don’t expect anyone to follow along or read my blog if they don’t like it. Just had to get that off my chest.

On a positive note, the new site is looking fabulous and really truly we are in the home stretch. We have added some major new categories which is why there was a bit of delay, but I think you will agree it will be well worth the wait!! We are aiming for end of August for a launch date, I am always reluctant to say a hard date but it is happening and soon!

Moving along to my post this Sunday, hope you enjoy it…….




1 LOBSTER SALAD/ROLL For any lobster lovers out there, I cannot recommend this highly enough!  I am going venture to even say this is possibly the lobster roll I have said and that is really saying something.  If you are familiar with the famous viral Duryea’s lobster salad in Montauk, then you know of the $100 salad. I have had it twice and while it is beautiful and certainly social media worthy, truth is when you start mixing it together,  there’s not much more than a huge heap of lettuce. The dressing was OK, a bit too much taragon in my option.

So I looked to duplicate and slightly improve upon it and by golly, I think this one is better. My daughter in law love lobster rolls so had them over and made them. They agreed, as to how insanely good they were. A few things that I did fiffernely are what I think made the difference.  Our local seafood shop will prepare lobster meat with 1-2 hour notice so that’s what I did and it took a lot of the prep work away. Not only is this really pretty to look at but it was amazingly good!

So to feed four here is what I used

  • Meat from 4 lobsters (yields about  1 1/4 lbs of lobster meat
  • 1-2 TBSP finely minced chives
  • 2 TBSP Lemon juice
  • Approx 1 TSP Lemon zest
  • about a 1/4- 1/ cup of celery (very finely minced)
  • 1/4 cup Japanese mayo or your favorite mayo
  • Sea salt or kosher salt and pepper
  • Top sliced soft hot dog buns
  • Butter (a few pats)
  • Extra fine chopped chives or micro greens for garnish

I cut the meat into small 1/4″ size cubes/pieces and put in refrigerator until I was ready to serve. In a mixing bowl, I mix in the mayo, lemon juice, lemon zest, chives and celery. Gently mix together and add sea salt and pepper to taste. You can refrigerate the mixture.

When ready to serve, add the buns to a preheated oven set at 375. In the meantime,  heat 2 TBSP butter in a sauté pan, and for 1-2 minutes gently fold cut lobster meat in the butter. Cook no more than 1-2 minutes, just enough for it get warm. Set aside and take out the buns, drain the lobster meat, there will be a little butter left, I poured a few drops into the middle of each bun. Gently fold warmed lobster meat into the mixture from the refrigerator. Immediately add to buns, and serve generous heaps of this delectable lobster salad. You can either add finely chopped chives or micro greens as garnish. I promise these are amazingly good!!

*I am trying to stay away from most carbs so had mine with a salad and it’s every bit as good I promise! OK, I admit I had a bit of the lobster roll and it may have been the best lobster roll bite ever!


Cut up lobster meat

Buns going into oven

And plated and ready to serve!!! Knew the oohs and ahh were coming:) yum!

2 OUR FABULOUS NEW FRETWORK BAR CARTS!! These amazing new bar carts will be here end of Sept and cannot come a day too soon. I am in love with them. A great size that will fit into any space. I plan to use one in my living room, a wicker one for the sunroom and will rotate them to use outdoors. They have wheels for easy traveling from one space to the other.

We are offering these as a presale only and since offering them a few days ago we have already presold dozens! You can guarantee your order, by ordering now, the  presale price listed is for a limited time only. . Click on link here.

3 A 10 MINUTE TEST THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE So I was at a party and saw someone I had not seen in a while. I was shocked to hear he had been hospitalized and had to have 2 emergency stints put in his heart arteries. This is a runner/health nut. He said he had gone for a physical and his doctor recommended doing a 10 min scan to look at the calcium buildup on his heart. They can then identify the calcium build up and target it, hopefully averting a heart attack!

He was absolutely shocked to see two arteries 98% blocked, he went from the scan straight to the hospital. He said he tells everyone he knows over 50 about his experience and does his best to convince everyone to get this 10 minute test done. Doesn’t matter how healthy you may be, how much you exercise or how ell you eat, this can happen to anyone  I decided to follow his lead and have my annual physical in a few weeks and will schedule this as well.  Click here

4. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST A beautiful bevy of random gorgeousness this week…



5 OUR NEW PORCELAIN AND GLASS CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS AND SOMETHING NEW!  For your eyes only, you are the first to get a sneak peek! We have some fabulous new goodies coming in for Christmas. A bunch of new beautiful glass ornaments, and a new collection of fabulous porcelain ornaments. We will hold presales on both in the coming weeks. The porcelain will be here on our next porcelain container (within 3 weeks) and the glass ornaments will be here sometime later Sept.

We are getting back in our beautiful porcelain trees which were a huge hit with one new style and bringing back our equally poplar chinoiserie tole trees! We also have a fun holiday related popup sales on the horizon for the fall so stay tuned….



And new this year will be our fabulous porcelain ornaments ranging from 3-4″ tall. Love love these! We will have a porcelain presale not next week but the week after on this amazing porcelain container including the ornaments.


Our porcelain and chinoiserie trees which are the ultimate way to dress up your holiday home (coming late Sept) We will be holding presales on these in the coming weeks-

6 ONE BEAUTIFUL HOME!  This elegant villa inspired home on Sea Island, Georgia was very well done. Lots of attention to detail and love the airiness of the interior to bring the coastal feeling indoors. Click here to read more

Photography by Emily Followill for Veranda

7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY ARE BLOGS BECOMING EXTINCT? When I started my blog over 10 years ago, I think it might have been right before the height of their popularity/blogmania.  I was instantly addicted to the concept of a blog and the truly endless vault of information and inspiration it provided. One reason why I started my blog. But another perk which I did not release was the much more personal side to it, really getting to connect with readers on a different level. Many of you have experienced some wonderful highs and some sad lows with me.

I feel supported by having such a wonderful, loyal group out there to hear me out and let me speak. Your encouraging words helped me more than you might realized when I went through the death of my mom, Teddy and Duke. The number of emails I received and messages confirmed that I had indeed created a very special, unique and caring community and trust me, that is/was not lost on me!

I have seen many close the blogging chapter of their lives (though happy to see some, like me still remain). Time is valuable, and yes, every day life which already is so busy for all of us is, challenges us for how we spent that time. We  have all the different social media platforms vying for our attention. Sometimes it seems taking the time to read an entire blog post requires too much time, and doesn’t always offer the instant gratification that looking at a 40 second instagram or TikTok video does.

But, and this may just be me, when I am invested in someone, I hang on to their every word. Reading a blog, is getting to know someone, on a much more personal level. I don’t think it can take the place of going on Instagram or TikTok (though those are loads of fun too). So I am curious where you stand on blogs?




Click here


And that’s a wrap for this Sunday. We had plans for pickleball and lunch at our friends club but it’s supposed to be washout so a great excuse to stay home and chill, maybe go out for an early dinner later. Hope whatever you are up to, that its fun and mostly relaxing, Sundays are the one day that to me, feel like a free pass to do as I please. Thanks for stopping in, until next time……

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I love your blog. It is actually one of my favorites. I only read 2 or 3. I think the fact that it is personal is what makes it so enjoyable. If it isn’t for everyone so what. I have been following for years somewhere close to 10. There are too many negative people.

Good Morning Enchanted Home,

Happy Sunday. Please don’t let a few harsh words upset you or what you do. This site is amazing and some people just can’t help themselves. It may be hard for that one person to be able to grasp all that you are, and all that you have. Life isn’t fair. This, I’ve learned. If it were I would be a tall redhead, but alas, I’m not! However, I try and enjoy every single day with what I do
have. You are an inspiration to so many of us.

I enjoy your blog and hope that you will continue in spite of the few readers that make it feel less rewarding. There are probably a lot more silent fans who look forward to reading about your life, entertaining, decorating and points of view. I don’t look at instagram, TikTok, FB or other forms of social media bc to me they are mostly fake news so that someone can have an instant sense of superiority. A blog goes deeper and is more interesting in my humble opinion.

Love your blog…look forward to it every Sunday . BLUFFTON DIARIES are a real favorite. Your taste is exquisite; your creative ideas inspire me; and I love that you “share your family” with your followers.

I am sorry you misunderstood the comments regarding the significant text errors (not typos) that made the last blog so difficult to read. They were not simple typos in that particular blog – they were incorrect words that even when reading the sentence multiple times, it still made no sense. I know you are sensitive that this is a free service, but it is also advertising. Relaying messages is the goal of advertising and connecting. The feedback was meant to be helpful, not a personal attack.

Re your survey on blogs, I really enjoy reading yours every Sunday. What disappoints me is the trend for some to go to substack, a subscription service.

I am going to enjoy this rainy day as well. Inside doing some chores then maybe reading. Later dinner with friends!
I must comment on the person that criticized your typos! They must be perfect and never make mistakes! Haha impossible.
I am the Queen of typos ! They happen to me even though I try to edit! So happy to have you with me in that area! You are marvelous ! Kind, so creative. You share so much! You add positivity to this .

I love the bar carts. Would you possibly consider doing a post on how to style a beautiful bar cart?

Please let us know your experience with the CT scan. Thank you for this valuable medical suggestion.

Reading your blog feels like time spent with a good friend. Please continue and capitalize on the positive. Thank you!

To the person who criticized you about spelling – As my grandmother used to say, “Anyone who says they never make a mistake is either a liar or dead.” Perhaps she needs to take a good look at herself before criticizing someone else. With your busy life, I really appreciate your blogs.

To be honest, your book is the only one I read!!! I have subscribed for years and look forward to it every Sunday!!! I love the variety that you present each week and the recipes are great!!! Saw a great new movie last night “It ends with us”, for FYI. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!

Hi Tina- I love your blog! You do an amazing job. It is always beautiful, and you share lovely content. Please don’t let detractors bother you. There are many of us who appreciate all you do.

I love your blog and am always amazed at the time that it must take to write it. Your recipes are among my very favorite with the beautiful pictures that accompany them.

Typos? Really? Your writing has such a strong, authentic “voice”, yes, typos and all. Actually find them quite charming in our post-modern society. I’ve been reading your blog since you were building your first Enchanted Home! i remember when you moved in! So please keep up your electronic diary – love to see your inspirations come to life. Also, love the new ornaments. Those little Staffordshire-inspired pups are precious. And the bar carts – I have a similar cart by my back “dog door”. Great for holding doggie wipes, floor wipes, leashes, and a supply of towels! The necessities of life can be pretty , too! Thanks, Tina!

I was just with a group of ladies who all said they were sick of Instagram and wanted to go back to reading blogs. They all asked me to which blogs I subscribe and of course, I sent them yours! Some happy ladies will are subscribing! xo

I love your blog and your surveys. I particular love seeing your home renovations, especially Palmetto Bluff. Thank you for sharing your world!

I agree wholeheartedly with the previous positive comments! Love reading your blog and living “vicariously” through all your stories and beautiful photos. Seven on Sunday one of my faves!

A blog is like a peek into someone else’s life. It’s a time for reading & dreaming & almost imagining yourself as that special person. And you can picture doing the errands , shopping , cooking , working at a career you’d never ever thought of doing. Imagine living in an another state , surrounded by a different family & friends.
By writing this blog you allow other people to daydream. This is a priceless gift you have given to those you will possibly never meet. But with this wonderful gift you have touched their lives & their heart felt thanks.

Can’t wait for the new website. Hoping that it will keep my purchase/account information within. Can tell you have been ‘limping along’ with your current site.
I enjoy your blog and hope it will continue. I know it takes a lot of time, but your followers enjoy it so much. Always sit down and read Sunday and sometimes return to it later in the day for a reread.

Please continue your beautiful and interesting blog. I check in every day and enjoy reading what you have to say on any number of ideas. You help keep us young and current. In addition, you have very good taste. THANK YOU Tina.

Your blog is THE BEST!! And I look forward to reading it and seeing your fabulous inspo each week, plus the bonuses you share with us during the week, too: Your “random musings”….You are always spot on with shared feelings and observations, plus you have a magnificent eye that brings lots of beauty into our lives. Some of which we can purchase!! Even better!!Plus you share great finds…so much better and more solid than from the IG “influencers” to whom most of us can’t relate….Ditto, on TikTok. Much of which falls into the “Is this TRUE?” category. Your CT scan info is priceless. I myfelf (typo left! LOL who cares!!) had one recently to determine whether I needed cholesterol medication as I was borderline on my numbers. Thank you for taking the time to post to all of us, your fans!! And for curating a beautiful collection for us to add to our homes. Can’t wait to see the new site…Have a lovely day!

Enjoy your blogs very much! I have followed you for years, and have appreciated and benefited from your suggestions and insight in many areas! I read about 5 blogs and have followed all of them for years as well…. Please keep your blogging up, and I appreciate the time involved in writing them. Also, PLEASE don’t worry at all about typos….we are human and the content is what is important. As you said, typos are just “small stuff!”

Good Morning, just a quick note to let you know how much I love your blog, it’s simply the BEST! Don’t let some curmudgeon get you down. I read it every Sunday, with great pleasure. I read it throughout the week. Love so many of your products, and thank you! Thank you for making the effort every week and I wish you well on your new website. Enjoy your Sunday! XOXO

Keep up your wonderful work and blog. So fun and inspiring. I’m sorry you had “typo” responses. I rarely (if ever) even comment because people can be so snarky. I went off social media for a few years because I just couldn’t handle negative people. It’s the anonymity that makes people just be so icky. Keep going. Be human. You are bringing beauty to so many of us.

I’m coming a little late with my reply and don’t think there is much I can add other than ditto! I too have been a reader of your blog for appx. 10 years and during those years I have been educated, entertained, inspired, and at times moved by your empathy and opinions. Today’s entry is no exception. I have a script for a CT Heart Calcium Scoring that has been sitting on my counter for two weeks! Because of you, I’m calling to make an appointment in the morning! XO

I look forward to Seven on Sunday. It’s entertaining, informative and, most of all, enjoyable, typos and all! Please don’t be discouraged by a couple of naysayers because there are many more of us that look forward to hearing from you. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

Ordered the bar cart but it was a hard decision to make a color choice (chose black as it will work beautifully in my dining room)! Thank you so much for including the lobster roll recipe, this is my husband’s all-time favorite. I have never made them but every time we return to the Cape (where he was born) he eats them around the clock. I am going to try it, as it looks so good.
Love the new ornaments and Tina, your blog has been a source of happiness and amazing inspiration for a few years now. My sister in law is a good customer of yours and turned me onto your blog. Tell me one periodical that doesn’t have a typo here and there. Whoever made the comment has way too much time on his/her hands.
Keep on doing what you do, it is clear you make a lot of people very happy!

Hi Tina, I’ve been reading your blog for over eight years and it’s a wonderful escape into a world of pretty, fun and delicious things. I’m also a professional travel and lifestyle writer–typos happen everywhere, even in magazines and newspapers. Keep up the lovely writing, I love your posts.

What typos? I am always too busy enjoying your beautiful things and pictures to even notice a typo!
Love the Staffordshire style dog ornaments on the bases. Will definitely be waiting for those.

Thank you Tina for this wonderful blog, sharing your thoughts, recipes and beautiful photos with us.
I have never noticed typos – just love it.

Can’t wait to make the Lobster Roll, it looks perfect! And I absolutely love those new bar carts and Christmas ornaments.

The fact that someone think’s pointing out typos is constructive feedback is sad! Love your genuine content Tina- keep it coming- the rest of us appreciate it and see typos for what they are- just typos- and happily keep reading.!

I NEVER miss your blogs. I always look forward to them. I don’t mind your misspellings, we are only human after all. Your beautiful homes and your gorgeous items for sale inspire me! Sharing your life with us is the icing on the cake!

Getting my calcium scoring scan Thursday. Look into a Lipoprotein (a) blood test. . It is a relatively new area of discovery. Genetic cholesterol. My son discovered he has it and turns out he got it from me. The more you know….
Knot shure what typoes your talking about???😂😂😂

Good news that people still like blogs! I love to read blogs, yours being my fave! Those yummy lobster rolls make me homesick for Mass.! Hope you have a great week, Tina.

Tina – you have a beautiful heart and that is communicated in every word. Typos or not! Live, laugh, love I always say…

I made your lobster rolls for dinner tonight. They were absolutely delicious and so easy to prepare. Thank you for sharing this scrumptious recipe.

I enjoy your Enchanted Home blog and have really gleaned a lot of beautiful decorating ideas and recipes. I don’t do Tik Tok or Snap Chat and very rarely look at Facebook. I would guess that most of your readers/subscribers are of an age that still enjoy reading your blog and feeling like a member of a beautiful community. Please continue to do what you enjoy and know that we appreciate your work.

My husband and I just made your lobster rolls-delicious!!!! Your directions were easy and concise to follow. Thanks you so much! By the way, we used frozen lobster from Wegmans that was cut into the small pieces that you described. Tasted great to us, and made the prep so easy. Thanks so much!

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