Comments : 47

Hi there! Prepared this ahead of time as this week with luck,  my son and  daughter in law  will welcome our first grandchild into the world! I started this a few weeks ago and recently finished it up. I had mentioned I will be doing some expressive/creative writing posts, where I will share my thoughts of whatever is on my mind, so here is one. Kind of long but hope you enjoy it.


 I don’t know if or how many of you can relate to what I’m about to write about but for me it’s very real and I am just amazed at the various emotions going into a simple store can stir up.

Every time I walk into Target,  there is this overwhelming wave of nostalgia that sweeps over me. When I pass particular aisles, certain memories are triggered. All very happy ones. Allow me to explain, I was in Target last week  to pick up some odds and ends, to kill time while my phone was being repaired down the road.  So there  I am,  scrolling through the enormous store  at a much more leisurely paced than I typically do with the excess time I have to kill. I cannot even explain to you what going through the toy aisle did to me, as I was looking for a birthday gift to my one friend who still has a young child.

I was immediately transported to my youngest son being around seven who would often accompany me if I needed to go to pick up cleaning supplies or  any of the other random things that one gets at Target. He would spend what felt like hours,  perusing the aisles, looking carefully and discriminately,  for that special “under a certain amount” prize that I had promised him. It was truly a joyful and  innocent time.  The excitement and anticipation he exuded didn’t fully register at that time, but looking back now….it was so innocent and precious. Those little things could make his day!

I also once remember seeing that they kept adult diapers and other items related to senior care on an aisle, just one over from baby items and you want talk about a paradox!! I noticed this when my mom was in the advance stages of Alzheimer’s.  The heap  of raw emotion that you feel in walking down one aisle versus the other is hard to put into words,  I guess the most succinct way to put it is one represents the beginning of life and one represents the final chapters. I remember once I walked in and I was so so sad and feeling so overwhelmed that I was downright angry that they did that,  I found it so insensitive,  while I’m sure Target probably never considered the emotions that it could potentially create.  I thought about writing a letter to them to let them know at least from my own personal experience, never did but perhaps still will.

So this brings me back to last week, I spent a lot of time there that late afternoon,  a much longer trip than I normally would have had in Target. The store was bustling when I first walked in. I was met right away with an onslaught of back to school and back to college displays,  to make sure every parent with a child heading off to school or college did not miss. An instant pang of nostalgia hit my heart. I was right away brought back to when my youngest was heading off to college and we made that pilgrimage (many more than one) to the temple of back to school items, Target (and Bed, Bath and Beyond, when they were still around).

An  immediate rush of emotions came over me very quickly, and I couldn’t help but reflect on those happy times. After about an hour going through the store with a very full shopping cart,  I was in one of those long lines, longer than usual (no doubt because of back to school/college). Sandwiched in front of me was a mother with  three adorable little kids all under what looked to be nine years old, they had each picked something out and were excitedly talking about the frozen ice pops that they would put in the freezer when they got home and one of the inflatable devices that they had purchased, I assume to go swimming with. I literally found myself getting teary-eyed if you can believe it just watching those sweet little innocent children and their seemingly oblivion to the chaos of our world. All they knew was that ice pops and something fun for the pool was within their reach. Ahhh, life is good!

Then talk about a paradox,  behind me was a mother and her teenage daughter who clearly had shopped for college supplies. I overheard their conversation as the daughter excitedly talked about meeting her new roommate in a few days  and the mother reviewing what sounded like a very long list of things still yet to be done. Again, my heart started beating faster at the thought of those memories that my sons and I had while we went through the often frantic but incredibly exciting, college shopping days. I remember days spent going out and about together,  a time that that they  would give up seeing friends for because we had a mission to accomplish. We would normally stop off somewhere fun for lunch and then continue on with our mission, they may not have admitted it, but I have a feeling  they enjoyed that time together every bit as  much as I did. Those were, what I didn’t necessarily recognize at that time,  special bonding moments before they were due to flee the nest.

The mother behind me made a casual comment about something in my cart,  and we struck up a  conversation which initially was about complaining how long the line was and then shifted to discussing her daughter going off to college.  I could just see the joy and excitement in both their eyes.  It was palpable. I spoke of my experiences and gave the advice (like most do) to enjoy this time, it goes by in with the blink of an eye (and does it ever!)

So here I stood sandwiched, alone, between two symbolic chapters of my life that have passed. It is hard to explain, but it literally made me very emotional. When I got into my car. I surprised myself, and started crying. It really admittedly, caught me off guard. All I had were a bunch of cleaning supplies, computer paper, a few toiletries and some other odds and ends. I couldn’t believe both those chapters of my life were ever, where did time go! I want to push a pause button!

Wiping my tears, I then  looked over into one of the bags on the passenger seat and I saw a little glimmer of something that represents the new chapter in my life….. a small batch of baby products for my soon to be born grandson. I then cried a few more tears, but  happy tears this time, because I realized while those chapters have closed,  a brand new one is about to open  and what a chapter it will be!

So the bottom line is,  if you are a mom of young ones, it goes by fast. Really fast. Take advantage of every precious moment. Take way too many pictures/videos, you will never ever regret it! You are creating memories that will make your heart smile forever and ever.

If you are the mom of kids going off to college, you have done a great job. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to do, so pat yourself on the back, they are ready to flee the nest and soar. It’s time for you. They are about to have the time of their lives, be proud that you raised them to get there.

And if you are like me, and in that “sandwich stage”, many say, this  the best  to come yet, we have the experience and expertise under our belts, the confidence and wisdom but then we have some freedom too (that was hard earned). I am not going to cry because those stages are over, I am going to smile widely that they happened and were some of the best years of my life. And they still are! Bring on the grandchildren:)


Thanks for stopping by, wishing everyone a fabulous day and smooth end to your week. Until next time………….

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Tina…….Thank you for a lovely post. I have experienced all that you have mentioned in your post. My husband passed away shortly after your dear mother. I too felt sad when seeing how close the adult diapers were to the baby items. Until one has gone through the heartbeat of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, you cannot realize the pain in such a display.

Here’s a sure-fire way to wipe those tears away and smile. Every so often while in line at Target or other check-out counters, when I see a child with a toy or a treat behind me, I will pay for the item myself. All I ask is when and if they can, to do the same for someone else. Kindness can multiply exponentially.

VERY WELL-SPOKEN….Thank you again for sharing your heart…From a mother of four adult sons (two in their 40s & two in their 30s) via the same mother & father…

Tina, this had me in tears, as well! I know exactly what you mean. Our boys are married, no grandchildren yet, and we are spread out of the country. My husband and I live in DE and the oldest son lives in Texas and our youngest in CA. I long for those days when they were young and all the sports, school activities, and buzz of their friends being in our home. You are right, to celebrate where we are in life and and to look ahead with joy. Congratulations on your new Grandson!

Thank you-that was beautiful and so relatable. Congratulations to your family on your new addition!

I always wanted to be a mother and have had to come to grips with that never as well as being a grandmother. I love seeing interactions of both and do my best to not feel the emptiness of never having those experiences. So happy you get to have the past and look forward to your first grandchild! What a lucky child he will be to have you in his life. It will go by quickly, so linger in the moments and enjoy your family!

Tina, so beautifully written…couldn’t help but tear up a bit. I am now enjoying my retirement, grandchildren (yes, be prepared to help out in school runs, etc) This stage of life is good….and congratulations on your new grandson! Saw your instagram posts, he is beautiful. Enjoy, it is a wonderful time in your life!

Absolutely beautiful. I appreciate and enjoy your honest emotions. This rings true for me too

I am literally weeping as I finish reading this! Every word you wrote is exactly how I feel. We are in the same stage of life, I actually lost my Mom about the same time you did, but I’m a little ahead of you with grandchild. I have a 2 and 4 year old and they are the joy of my life! Thank you for writing this beautiful post. Enjoy every second of your beautiful grandson!

Beautiful! I absolutely agree and can relate to your entire story. I, too, am the Mom of 3 boys (young men) and have loved every second of it…. Looking forward to the rest too. Congratulations on your new grandson. 💝


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. All the best to you and your family as you begin this new chapter!

I share all the “feels” you’ve experienced and I mean ALL. This part ahead of you with your grandson is about to be the journey of your life. Savor each and every moment because these days, too, will pass in the blink of an eye🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 ENJOY!

This was so special! My twins are 34 now. Married with babies.. its the best time for us now. We did our jobs correctly. Its time to enjoy the title of grandma!!!!

Oh Tina,
I can so identify with the stages you just mentioned.. three babies in 22 all out with amazing jobs and families…grandchildren are going on also from grade school to high school…a sad journey with Alzheimer’s with my husband and seeing the changes in my own once lively body. I am learning to cherish every day.. blessing to you for reminding us…

P.S. In conjunction with this blog post, a newly released book/cookbook (“Live Each Little Moment”) is currently available at…
I have no affiliation with this item nor with its author…I just felt it may be a “companion” for the thoughts within your post.

I loved this post and as a sixty year old, I have hit all of these stages. I can still tear up thinking about leaving our oldest daughter at college over 15 years ago…three hours away seemed so far! She acclimated very quick and soared. My sadness was quickly gone to hear in her voice how happy she was. It’s a new season of adjustments for parents as well…probably harder on us! Congratulations on your new blessing that will join your family soon!

You had me crying going along that journey with you. I totally related to each and every one of your snippets of “life”. Thank you for such a beautiful way in which you look at life and your sweet emotions. Enjoy this new season of life that is upon you.

Such great memories for most of us-from the tender years to the world of independence and adventure as young adults. Time is fleeting. We must enjoy it every day.

I can so relate to your post. I too had a very similar experience. Sometimes even the sidewalk chalk will get me all teared up. 😢

I have felt all the feelings you are feeling, and it does go by so quick. But, let me tell you the best is yet to come. Being a grandmother to two precious granddaughters ( yes, I’m biased) is so wonderful! They are coming over tonight for supper club that my husband and I try to do once a week. I have been able to enjoy this phase in a different way than when my kids were young. I was so caught up in getting everything done, that I missed some moments. Now, I can truly enjoy the moments. Congrats on your new grandson!!!

Your post made me cry! I am a grandmother to seven beautiful grandchildren. The two oldest are girl and boy twins and just this week left for different parts of the country. I have cried with their mother, cried with the cousins who will miss these two everyday, and hugged my husband extra tight as we realize our family group will be a bit different as we gather for Sunday nights. Yes, I have gone through all the stages too, but this time around, the memories are enhanced seven fold.
Grandchildren change your life…. I am excited for you.

Beautifully written reflection from the heart. Best wishes for the future chapter of your life.

What a beautiful post! I am sentimental as well and the smallest things can set me off. Congratulations on your new baby and all the joy to come.

Thank you Tina for sharing your heartfelt & beautifully written expressions of ‘life’! Your words also brought tears for me of past memories with my children and similar trips to Target! And now you can launch into another wonderful chapter of life being a new Grandmother! As you know, boys can be very ‘exciting’ and sweet!

Wonderful post ,Tina! I related to so much of it! You expressed your feelings genuinely. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your grandson. So many of us can be grateful to the memories that bring a tear …they are filled with love.

Thanks for the memories! So happy you are going to be a grandmother.
Wishing you the best!

TARGET has for many years been my favorite store. I love the cleanliness, organized feeling and the assortment of merchandise. Unfortunatly, management has lost it and so have the profits. First it was the bathroom issue. Target went to a Women/Men shared bathroom policy , which did not last very long, due to protest and profit decline. More recently Mega-retailer Target. has felt the pain of going WOKE and going broke?

Sales dropped after customers revolted when Target went all-in on woke merchandise for Pride Month — including LGBTQ-themed gear for babies and “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for trans women and even for kids.

All that junk got yanked after consumers protested. But the damage was done.

Target knows it messed up big-time, too: “Traffic and top line trends were affected by the reaction to our Pride assortment,” said CFO Michael Fiddelke. Target’s market cap has fallen over $15.7 billion amid backlash to decisions surrounding LGBTQ Pride merchandise as the stock dropped another 0.4% .

Tears??? I miss shopping there tremendously and I too have SO many memories of shopping all those years with my girls!!!
P.S. Being a grandparent is the very best time of your life!! I have 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So true, Tina! As I am writing this I am holding my first grand baby boy, and remembering holding his daddy when he was a baby! Life has come full circle. Enjoy every moment!

Your thoughts made me cry as well! You stated so powerfully the challenges we, as women, go through to adjust to each stage of life while trying (sometimes not so successfully!) to appreciate the stage we are in at present. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment – elevated from the mundane to something quite beautiful.

Oh my…simply beautiful…now I am crying!
Congratulations on your new precious little human to love💙

Thank you. I have been in your place so many times. Enjoy the next part of your trip it goes so fast. We just sent our oldest grandson to college seems like yesterday I was bartering with fellow staff to get off every other week to care for our new grand son. Love to all the caring moms and grandmothers. We do support and make the world a better place

I feel that exact thing. Our children our world and I treasure each memory of all the stages. This was a beautiful story and one that brings joy thinking about it.

Congratulations Tina on the birth of your grandson!

All the best to you and your family! Enjoy every moment!

Crying in Target! That’s been me a time or two. The little backpacks and lunchboxes this time of year always get me. And the cat food aisle. My autistic son was obsessed with cats, so he would always run to the cat food aisle to look at the pictures of cats on the cat food bags. Though I’m solidly in the dog camp myself, I gave in and adopted a cat, who turned out to be my son’s best buddy and partner in crime. So when you see the teary-eyed lady in the cat food aisle, it’s meeeeeee!

This usually happens to me around Christmas time in the toy department at Target. I couldn’t understand why I was sad when I walked through these departments. You described the feelings so beautifully and I thought I was the only who got sad at Christmas at Target. My boys are now 24 and 27 and I do realize how time flys. They are great adults but I do miss those times when I was shopping for toys out of the toy catalogue at Christmas.

The different stages of life can bring so much joy and longing for what was all at the same time.
Having 5 grandsons and enjoying every minute spent with them sure does fill my heart with renewed enthusiasm for what’s to come! I wish your son and his wife good health and happiness with their newest bundle of joy!

This post made me cry as I have passed through the first two and was so tired. Now I am in the third phase and will try to slow every phase down y try o enjoy the moment

Just beautifully expressed. I just came back from going with my daughter to take my granddaughter back to college. Same thoughts on the way home. Wish I had taught them more! Glad I can still have fun!

Very relatable to me and my nephew (the son we did not have). Thank God that these tears are happy ones mixed in with the sad ones.
We created memories and are thankful that we spent the precious time bonding with our loved ones.

I loved this post so much. And now I have big tears as I’m ready to send one to college and the other to his senior year in high school. They are ready, I am not. I think about how fast it’s all gone by and how I wish I could turn back the clock and relive those early days that I thought were so hard….but time marches on and more than ever, I am so grateful for my chicks that are prepared to leave the nest.

Just came across your post. How very true about time passing so fast. I remember taking our granddaughter shopping for school supplies and clothing starting when she entered first grade all the way till she was a senior in high school. Now she is entering her senior year in college. I have mixed emotions. Proud of the young lady she has become but also wishing she was still that little girl that held my hand as we searched the mall for that perfect outfit to start the school year.

Thankyou. All those memories I share as well.
I’m not crying thou, I’m smiling. Ah, Life!

Truly, the grandparent years are so so so so special. Enjoy them to the full….and by all means…..don’t blink!

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