Comments : 38

Hello there! Are we really near the end of August! Crazy to think next week is Labor Day…it’s gone by awfully fast! The back to school displays and fall clothes are making their way on the sales flo0rs which have been continuous reminders that fall is near. And you know what? I am all for it:) I love fall!

The MOST exciting thing that has happened to our family in years,  happened four days ago……..we became grandparents!!!  We are just  sohappy beyond words. Our little Philip is here and he is perfect, we are all so smitten with him.  OK onward to a little bit of Phillip and the rest of my post this Sunday…..




1 THE MOST AMAZING NEWS EVER!!!!!!!! We have a grandson and what a perfect little cherub he is. It was love at first sight. I cannot even explain the explosion of love I feel for this precious guy,   Phillip, is here, he was born on the 21st at 8 lax 5 oz and 21.5″ tall.

We are needless to say,  just one the moon in love. Mom and dad are doing well (except for the sleep deprivation) and we all know what that’s like! But so grateful that he’s here with 10 perfect little toes and fingers, and a face that could melt anyones heart. People described to me what it would be like, but I had no idea.This has been such an exciting week…and thankfully they live close so we have been able to get over there every day to help out which is our pleasure (at their request) we know how overwhelming it can be those first few weeks. But I have been helping out for a few hours at a time to allow them to catch up on sleep. Here he is….

Here he is 24 hours later and spend his eyes for the first time! Yes,this is whole new level of love:)


2 OUR COOKIE/CANISTER SETS ARE IN PRODUCTION I introduced to you two styles of cookie jars/canister sets in production. We added three new styles! I am so in love with these. They will come packaged as a set and would these not make the most sensational holiday gifts! I cannot wait for these, will keep you posted and we will hold these on a future presale.


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Always so many beautiful things to be insipid by on instagram even though the ads are driving me crazy….

4 TUNA TARTARE ANYONE? Ok, this is SO SO good. For me,  going out and ordering tuna tartare is always a treat, but no more. I don’t think I will ever order it again as it will be hard to compete with this award winning recipe. Or at least will not be the same treat its always been since this one is so darn good. If you love it like I do, I promise this is a must try, your guests will be impressed!! Key is obviously super fresh sushi grade tuna (thankfully we have 2 great seafood stores nearby)


  • 12 oz raw ahi tuna, fresh sushi-grade
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mirin
  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
  • 2 teaspoons sriracha
  • 1 tablespoon thinly sliced green onion
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds


  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and diced
  • 1 tablespoon Japanese mayo (kewpie)
  • 1 teaspoon wasabi paste
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon mixed sesame seeds
  • optional- thinly sliced cucumbers


These were SO easy. I took flour tortillas, cut them in triangles, lined a baking sheet with parchment paper used a little spray olive oil, sprinkled sea salt over them and stuck them in a preheated oven at 375. In less than 10 minutes, I had golden brown delicious tortilla chips which were a perfect accompaniemnt to the tuna tartare.


Cut the tuna into small (1/2″) cubes. Toss with the soy, mirin, sesame, sriracha, ginger, and green onion until well coated. Refrigerate until ready to assemble.
In separate bowl, mix in the avocado (cut into small cubes) and mix with the mayo, wasabi, salt, pepper, and lime juice.
Use a ring mold or a shallow cup to assemble. Press the avocado into the bottom of the mold, then top with tuna and press to pack it in. Remove the mold and top with thinly sliced cucumber and sesame seeds. Drizzle with ponzu sauce before serving with chips and/or on a bed of lettuce

5 ARE YOU A WRAP/CAPE PERSON? I am, I love wraps. I think they look so chic and stylish, are super easy to wear, can elevate even the simplest of outfits and are not cumbersome like a big jacket. My mom often wore one and I always admired how she looked with them. I also love the you can easily fold it when you are seated. I have a few favorites and a fairly big collection of them. When I am going out in the evening in the fall/winter (barring really extreme cold weather) you will often find me with a wrap.

Her are some favorites-

From Alicias Alpaca (used to carry this line, excellent quality that will stand the test of time) Click here

From Alice Walk a more lightweight cashmere version, love the little mini fringe detail, the two tone cashmere wrap is super versatile and available in a large array of colors. Click here


From J McLuaghlint a great collection of classics that won’t break the bank. Love the soft tones colorblocking in the tan/blue had to order that one, click here


6 OUR FRETWORK BAR CARTS!! So excited over these, they just are shipping to us this week and will be here in 4-5 weeks. You can preorder yours now, so far they are really popular. I can’t make up my mind as to which color I like most (only color not yet shown it white wicker) Click here for information.


7 SUNDAYS SURVEY Really curious how you might have reacted in this situation. I was at the market about a week ago. It was unusually busy, alsmot felt like Christmas and every line was quite long. Of course, on a day when I was running late to try and get somewhere before they closed. So, I am waiting as patiently  as I can, carefully choosing what I thought was the fastest moving line. There’s someone in front of me with a pretty full cart (yes, I was sizing up everyone’s cart) and she is talking across the line to a friend in the next line over.

Before I know I see her motioning for her friend with an even fuller cart to move to our line with her. This is where I had a little meltdown. I did not raise my voice, but did say “excuse me, that’s not really fair”. I think I caught them off guard and the one in front of me said assertively “OK, calm down” to which I replied “I am calm but I don’t think that’s right” Her friend then said she was moving back to her line which she did and was met by an exacerbated person in that line thinking she had gotten a  break from the long line.  It was uncomfortable but I stood my ground and said thank you to the friend. Now, if she had a couple of things, I truly would not have said anything but she had a legitiamte cart full. So……curious what you think?


Set an instant beautiful table for Labor Day. Ships out on Monday to guarantee delivery well before Labor Day!

25% off until Monday night off all Patriotic bundle sets

Code America

Click here

And that friends,  is a wrap for this Sunday post. Hope you enjoyed it. Wishing everyone a wonderful day and a smooth end to your weekend. Until next time…

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CONGRATULATIONS on such a beautiful bundle of joy! He is precious.
Very exciting, I am not there yet myself but hopefully one day! Enjoy every minute. Love those bar carts💙
And yes, I would have reacted exactly as you did. That was not at all courteous, she should have asked if you minded. Have a good Sunday.

Congratulations! Your grandson is adorable! God bless him!! Great post and the tuna tartare looks fabulous.

What a precious baby! I’m so ready for this next phase and have heard it really is a whole other level of love. Enjoy!

1. Congratulations to the entire family. Phillip is a precious bundle, and becoming a grandparent is the BEST!
2. Pretentious women shoppers aside, when I’m in a hurry and analyzing grocery lines I look for teenage young men checkers. Those kids fly through line, are accurate, unruffled, and not too chatty.

– When my dad was teaching me to drive we noticed someone waving another car through an intersection. Dad said, “You see that? They think they’re being nice, but they upset the flow of traffic AND they’re being rude to all the people behind them.”
– Congratulations on your beautiful grandson! Wishing all of you health, joy, and sleep. 🙂

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful grandchild.
Blessings on you and your family as you celebrate this wonderful time!

Having grandchildren is the most unique and wonderful blessing! Make every minute with them a source of great joy….mine are now 17 and 26 and still text me just about every day! They are such a beautiful way to remain connected to the past and the future….enjoy this great adventure!

Congratulations on your new grandson! I hope you and your family will have many happy times together. As far as the situation in the market. I would have suggested to move in front of her since she was bringing her friend over and let them visit with each other in line.

Congratulations to you & your family!! Grandchildren are a wonderful blessing…Philip is Precious!!

Good for you for speaking up about the “ lane changer “ !! My mantra has always been ……” we all have 24 hours in a day “ …… so what made that woman so special that she could cut in & basically cut down on wait time in a queue ?
Because she actually returned to her original line shows that she has “ an embarrassed conscience “ ; but I do wonder about the original woman who started what could have been a “ range war “ ? ( haha )

Tina- there is nothing like the joy of being a grandparent- it’s the best! Congratulations to you and your family- may God bless him.

I’m so happy for you Tina that you have a healthy little baby boy as a grandson and a new addition to your family. I’ve just spent the past four wonderful days babysitting my granddaughters. (11 and 13)What a thrill to be able to spend the special time with them and experience such a love for them deep in my heart.

Your grandson , like mine, are our gifts from our children. Your newest addition is so, oh so sweet ❤️❤️

Just a thought…After the friend came over to your line I might have said, very politely of course, “would you.mind if i go ahead of both of you because I only have a few items and I’m i a bit of a hurry. today”?
Congrats on your handsome grandson! I can’t help but wonder if your beautiful mother had a little hand in sending to you and your family all this joy! I bet she did…

Just a thought…After the friend came over to your line I might have said, very politely of course, “would you.mind if i go ahead of both of you because I only have a few items and I’m in a bit of a hurry. today”?
Congrats on your handsome grandson! I can’t help but wonder if your beautiful mother had a little hand in sending to you and your family all this joy! I bet she did…

Tina ~ the little one is precious. Congratulations to ALL of you. And to little Phillip for arriving into such a wonderful loving family environment.
Now to the business of business.
The woman in front of you in the grocery line was rude and felt entitled. Unacceptable and you handled it with high level grace and aplomb. Do not doubt yourself on this one. IF and only if there was no one else in line behind you at this point ~ she could have invited her friend to join her AFTER allowing you to go ahead in line in front of her. In that case her friend wouldn’t have been “cutting in line” in front of any other customers. And they could have continued their chat more politely than talking across grocery lanes. Sometimes even nice people are self absorbed bc we’re all so busy and the world is so crazy. To me the fact they chatted for a while across lanes becomes annoying but that may be because if I can stand in line and think for a moment instead of be in the midst of driving, talking, scrolling, emailing etc ~ sometimes the grocery line can be prayer and reflection time. Crazy as that sounds. But back to her. There’s no way to excuse her rudeness bc she didn’t even offer to let you go ahead whilst adding her friend and friends cart into the mix. And this is assuming of course that there were no additional shoppers behind you in the line. Anyway ~ you handled it well. I would have taken the extra step to say “you are both welcome behind me but as I’ve waited my turn, I will be maintaining my position in line”. Only because she responded rudely when you spoke up. That. Is sad. And it doesn’t sound like she’s a young, inexperienced shopper. So. NO excuse for her behavior. I’f she and the other grocery patron were long lost friends and needed such interaction, they could BOTH have exited their checkout lines to visit elsewhere out of everyone’s way (and earshot). Brava to you for politely and respectfully standing up for what was right. The end.

Dearest Tina
Many Congratulations to you and Michael on becoming grandparents, and to all your family on the birth of baby Phillip. He is absolutely beautiful, I am so delighted and excited for you it is just the loveliest time. Thank you for sharing the sweet photographs, it really made my day to hear your news.
I didnt get a chance to comment last weekend, but of course I am always following along my dear friend ( now around 11 years). I love and appreciate everything you do. Your blog has always been my favourite, a truly happy place.
Have a wonderful time with your gorgeous grandson
With my fond love Sally xx

That is one beautiful baby! Congratulations to the whole family, and God bless baby Philip! I know your world will never be the same again. He is one lucky baby, and you are one lucky grandmother. So happy for you!

I detest being put in a situation where I feel I have to speak up when someone is blatantly doing something wrong, such as cutting in line at the supermarket. Rather than say, “That’s not really fair,” I probably would have said, “Excuse me, but the end of the line is back here” pointing behind me. The person in front of you was clearly rude, however, and I would have to bite my tongue to keep from responding to her inane remark.
All that being said, grandchildren have a way of reminding us what’s really important in life, and it’s not the idiots at the grocery store. 🙂

Congratulations on your darling new grandchild! Your Little Prince Phillip is so precious and I am so happy for everyone he arrived healthy too. Now your son and daughter-in-law REALLY know for themselves how much they are loved by their own parents with experiencing and feeling this new unconditional love for their own child with being blessed with this little guy.

Wishing you and your husband much joy in this new phase of life!

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful grandson ! He is handsome and so alert . There is nothing like a sweet baby , with sweet smells ,soft skin and little baby noises . Enjoy your cuddling time with your grandson , I’m sure your Mom will be his guardian Angel .

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother ! Your little Philip is SOOOOO ADORABLE !! He’s actually BEAUTIFUL !! Your life will forever be sweeter !! ❤️


The pictures of little Phillip are adorable! Precious little baby!
Congratulations on becoming grandparents! Very special time!

Thank you for sharing with us!

Congratulations on your grandson, Phillip. He is beautiful and healthy. Grandchildren are the best! My oldest grandchild just started her freshmen year at a university. And, you’re right, the time goes by quickly.

I think that you were within your legal/ethical grounds to say something to that woman that cut in line. Two weeks ago, I was in the grocery store parking lot and pulled into a parking space. I noticed a woman, behind my car, got out and knocked on my window. I rolled the window down and she began to tell me that I was in a handicapped parking space and she was going to call the police and did I know that it was a $250.00 fine? To make her happy I parked somewhere else and made sure that where I parked originally was not marked for the handicapped.

I went into the store and found the woman and told her, calmly, that she should be sure of her facts before she starts verbally accusing someone. She apologized and said that she was sorry. She also explained that earlier in the week, somebody hit her car and the driver was nowhere to be found. She was upset and took her frustration out on me. The conversation ended politely and was glad that I had said something, which is totally out of character for me.

🍼💚🍼 Congratulations!! Your new grandson is perfectly beautiful. There is nothing as wonderful as a newborn child. 🎉🎉🎉

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