Comments : 7

Hello and happy Sunday, hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Busy one here, had dinner with friends two nights and went to a lovely gathering in CT on Sat.  Today we are invited to a relatives party later on so going to try and take a few hours this morning to just have a lazy Sunday and catch up on things around here. Fall is slowly creeping in and I am just loving it!

OK onward to my post this Sunday


1 A BEAUTIFUL BLUE AND WHITE PARTY Our club held a beautiful blue and white bash over Labor Day weekend and I was part of the planning and loved being able to use many of our blue and white pieces as centerpieces, on the card table and a few other areas like the cocktails bars etc. We did sharp looking navy/white ticking and beautiful navy/white crisp napkins on the table.s. Despite he weather being iffy during the day, the clouds parted and the sun came out just about an hour before it was to begin! It wa a really beautiful evening, here’s a few pics before things got started


Was not able to capture much indoors before the cocktail hour begun but here are two featuring our gorgeous trellis ginger jars



2 THE YUMMIEST CHICKEN KEBOB DINNER! I cannot even tell you how good these were. SO GOOD. And I thought they were pretty easy to make as well.  If you enjoy trying new recipes I highly recommend you give this one a go, think you will thank me:)

My phone was charging so didn’t get to take any prep pictures but my tomatoes from my garden were a good starting point!

  • 1-2 lbs ground chicken
  • one small onion
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic
  • about 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • spices- salt and pepper, cumin, paprika, turmeric and coriander (optional)
  • Medium carton of greek yogurt (at least 2%)  I used 2 cups
  • One pack of baby arugula (used about half of a large pack)
  • cherry tomatoes (cut in halves)
  • 2-3 small Persian cucumbers (small cubes)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • fresh dill (about 3 TBSP)
  • juice of half of a fresh lemon
  • pita bread *I love the naan

Put the ground chicken in a bowl and gently add the finely chopped onion (3/4 of the small onion), the cilantro and the spices to taste. You can then mold them into whatever shape you want, I made mine like small rectangular shapes about 2″ x 4″ (thinking it’s a good size for the pita). I line a baking sheet with parchment paper, put them in a preheated oven at 375 and cook for approx 18-20 minutes.

Meanwhile add 2 cups of yogurt, very finely chopped cucumbers, 2-4 cloves of finely chopped garlic and a TBSP of the chopped onion then added a healthy squeeze of lemon. Then add your chopped dill and season to taste with salt and pepper. In a separate dish I add the arugula, the tomatoes cut in half, drizzle a little olive oil and fresh lemon with a dash of salt and pepper, set aside.

For the “extras”you can add extra sliced or cubed tomato, sliced onion and crumbled feta. I used a skillet to cook the pita on each side for about a minute as the chicken was coming out of the oven. I slide one of little kebobs into the pipping hot bread, then add the salad mixture a healthy dollop of the yogurt sauce (and guaranteed you will want more)  and whatever else someone wants on it (onion, feta, etc….SO GOOD! I think I may need to make this tomorrow night again.


3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST A beautiful bounty of Instagram faves this week….

4 INCREDIBLE CUSTOMER PHOTOS! You know how much I love to receive pictures from you featuring our products. Here’s a batch recently received, thank you! Have some to send then please send them in to [email protected]

5 A SIMPLE HEARTWARMING STORY This story pulled at my heartstrings. This man sold an old VHS player to someone,clearlly not having use for it anymore. To read the 86 years old note of appreciation and how it allowed him to relive such important memories cannot help but make you tear up.


6 THE ICONIC RALPH LAUREN I have always been a huge admirer of this man. His talent, taste level and even low key public persona are pure classs. His homes, are well,  on another  level. This is a fun and glamorous  look at his life and  his fabulous collection of homes! I so enjoyed this and will watch it again….



7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY OK just call me Miss Snarky pants. I won’t take it personal. But here goes another situation that happened tome this week. Not a huge thing but curious how you would have reacted. So I like to stop in at Cava when I am in that area, as I like their salads. I stopped, generally there are quick and efficient. So I make it to the cashier, I give her my money and am waiting for change at which point she asks if I want a bag. In NY, (they charge 5 cents for paper bags). She slowly gives me the change as she is answering a question of a fellow employee who is helping a new customer  behind me who just walked in.  She literally stops counting the change midstream and forgets to give me the bag and starts going over to this person to assist. I said ” excuse me I am in a rush can I just get the bag”. I mean it was ridiculous that shes in the middle of a transaction with me and then suddenly aborts what shes doing to literally go help someone make the food!

One of the guys behind her sees whats happening and quickly jumps to the rescue, handing me the bag but then there’s the issue of my change. He tells her to go back and give it to me, as she’s making a salad mind you, she comes back exasperated and hands it to me. I walked off in a huff because I was upset how the whole thing was handled. It was absurd! Hopefully I laid out the scene well enough to where you can visualize what was happening. I mean, come on. One thing at time, finish what you start! Would you have said something or waited for her to finish. making that other person their salad THEN come back to you to give you your change and bag? What planet am I living on for someone to think that’s ok?



Today and tomorrow the entire wicker collection is 25% off. We just got a shipment this week so restocked on many of our best selling items.

Use Click here (code wicker)


Also we are now taking your photo submissions for our SUMEMR LOVE photo contest! Send in 1-2 of your best pictures depicting summer. Send in to [email protected]. To see all info, click here


And that’s a wrap! Hope you enjoyed my post. Always fun to hear from you and your feedback. Wishing everyone a wonderful and relaxing Sunday. Until next time….

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You know what got me about the situation? She went from handling money to making a salad. Ick. Did she wash her hands? Glove up? She definitely should have finished with you before moving on… and washing her hands!

Definitely would have spoken up, probably would’ve tried to inject an amused sympathetic tone. Something along the lines of yes, you’re being asked to do several things at once and it would make my brain melt, get me out of your hair. People screw up all the time; if I have the bandwidth I try to extend a little grace while sticking up for myself.

We had one of our daughter-in-law’s baby showers at your club five years ago. Beautiful day and the food was amazing. Your photos brought back beautiful memories.
Good for you to speak up. I find customer service lacking at times.
Thanks for the recipe. I am going to make it this week.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

We all need to take a deep breath and calm down. It’s a pick up for goodness sakes. The cashier did not handle the situation well but it is one interaction of many she’s had. Let’s cut each other a break.

That story about the VHS player also left me teary eyed, how sweet! And it reminds me of my parents who are both in their 80’s and just don’t get our new way of doing things! The party was beautiful, I see your touches everywhere!

That recipe looks so good, I am going to try it. Regarding your what would you do situation, I am full agreement with you. Where were her marbles? I would have reacted as you did. Some people are not meant for serve oriented jobs, it is overwhelming for them. And the lack of efficiency costs these companies.

Lovely Sunday read, Tina

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