Comments : 6

Hello and hope you are well! It feels like it’s been a while and I have missed being here!  I am back from my trip and it was so wonderful and getting to leave all my responsibilities at home for 6 days and experience the beauty of Paris! Though I missed and thought of precious little Phillip on the hour so coming home to see him was the best.  I look forward to sharing more of my trip soon. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend, onward to my post this Sunday….



1 A FEW HIGHLIGHTS FROM PARIS With many more to come soon! Had to share a few of these beautiful highlights from Paris, will work on a full post or two on my trip as there were so many highlights! LOTS more to come…..

2 A BEAUTIFUL STORY I love sharing inspiring stories and am going to try to do this more often. Think our world needs this more than ever! This group of students at a school in Vienna, Virginia raised money through a Go Fund Me,  to raise $20,000 to buy a car for their custodian who had been in the school for a long time. I think what I took away from this was, many (probably most)  kids do not even take notice of a school custodian, but the fact that these kids took the time to get to know him, talk to him and find out what he wants in life really touched me. This is so inspiring…spread the love and kindness.



3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST Just some random beauty, a little of this and a little of that……


4 A NEW RECIPE! You know me and soup. I could live on soup year round. I made this a few weeks ago and it was so good.There is no meat so great for a vegan diet too. VERY tasty and quite easy. A definite “add to roster” soup, Hearty enough to serve as a meal or with a nice crusty baguette

  • 6 cups 1420ml of Vegan Beef Broth
  • 1 cup 185g Pearled Barley dry
  • 1 cup 45g Kale chopped
  • 16 oz 454g of Mushrooms sliced thick (baby bella or white button)
  • 1 Onion 270g diced
  • 2 medium Carrots 160g diced
  • 2 ribs Celery diced
  • 6 small 360g Red or YellowPotatoes peeled and diced
  • 3 cloves of Garlic minced
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp 23ml Avocado Oil
  • 1 Tbsp 15g fresh Thyme chopped
  • 1 Tbsp 15ml Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp 15g Miso Paste
  • 2 Bay Leaves
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Plus up to 2 cups 472ml of Water if needed


    • 1. In a large pot on medium heat add the oil and sauté the onions for 5 minutes. Add in the celery and carrots and continue cooking for another 5-6 minutes.
    • 2. Add in the sliced mushrooms and thyme and let cook for 5-7 minutes or until the mushrooms have release their water and started to brown.
    • 3. Add in the diced potatoes and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Add in the garlic and miso paste. Mix until the miso has dissolved or it coats all of the veggies.
    • 4. Add in the barley and bay leaves and mix through. Add in the broth, mix and cover. Lower the temperature to medium low and simmer for 30-40 minutes stirring occasionally. As the barley cooks it will absorb the broth so you may need to add additional water. Add a cup at a time if needed.
  • 5. Once the barley is cooked (it will plump) and vegetables are tender add in the chopped kale and vinegar. Cook for another 15 minutes, check for seasoning and add salt & pepper if needed. Serve with a piece or two of hearty bread.


5 EDWARD ACHOUR Discovered his line when I was in Aspen near ago and they carried his line at Gorsuch. Talk about a talent! Then found out he followed me on instagram and we became instagram friends and fans of each other.

We were supposed to meet last week when I was I Paris, but my schedule changed at the time we were supposed to meet and he was gong out of the country that evening,  so we missed one another) next time). However still found time to stop by his insanely beautiful boutique at The Peninsula Hotel and found the most beautiful jacket to take home as did two of my friends. His line is beyond gorgeous (he used to work for Chanel) so you will see a lot of influence in his beautiful line. Click here to visit his site.


6 CHARMING HOME WITH LOTS OF BLUE! This beautiful home was a fun tour from The Potted Boxwood, enjoyed taking in all the pretty details and even spotted a few Enchanted Home goodies:)



7 SUNDAYS SURVEY As I get older, I sleep less. Anyone else? I have always gone to sleep fairly late but my waking up seems to happen earlier and earlier. I miss days where I could “sleep in” but now most mornings I am up anytime from 4:45-6ish. Curious about what time you generally wake up?


It’s pumpkin season!

Starting today- our entire pumpkin collection is 30% off and they ship right away! This includes all of our tole pumpkins and all porcelain pumpkins, we are well stocked as well. 

Click here to see our pumpkin collection (code- boo) 


And thats a wrap. Hope you enjoyed my post and wishing everyone a wonderful and relaxing Sunday. Until next time…

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The Paris trip looks sublime, cannot wait to see/hear more as we are going in May. Recipe sounds great *husband is a vegan so this is especially interesting for me.
welcome home Tina, missed getting your posts. Love your blog, often the best part of my Sundays!

Sleep? Whats that? haha. I am 55 and since I turned 50 I am waking up at the crack of dawn. I try to rest in bed but cannot. So my days start super early (around 5) I have since gotten a peloton so now do it early in the morning which is a good thing.

Can’t wait to hear all about your Paris trip, I follow you on instagram and it looked amazing! Lovely house tour, nicely done and not overdue as some are.

Today, October 14 is Indigenous Peoples Day where I live. Please be mindful that Columbus represents a violent past to some of us. I am offended by an email starting with “Happy Columbus Day.” I think you are a sensitive, kind human from all that I have read on you blog and thought you would want to know. Thank you.

As a former high school teacher for many years, my experience was that the janitor was often the most popular and endeared adult in the building. I enjoyed and related to the Jeep story which was so touching. The Edward Achoud designs were fabulous and beautifully detailed. And I will try the veggie recipe which looks hearty and delicious.
Having done years of research on Columbus, including reading his own original diaries, I find despite all the inaccurate information in current media, that he is a perfect symbol of white, male, Western, Christian culture, which is so maligned nowadays. It is not the man himself who is targeted. Have a happy holiday celebrating Indigenous people as well as Western culture!

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