Comments : 10

Stylish Blogger Award

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Whitehavendesign for passing along the Stylish Blogger Award to me, The Enchanted Home! Whitehaven design is  fabulous and one of my favorite blogs. So hopefully I am doing this right…..

I was told to do the following:

1) Thank & link back to the person who awarded you.

2) Share 7 things about yourself.

3) Award 10 great bloggers that you recently discovered.

4) Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award.

So, I have thanked Whitehaven interiors and now onto the 3 other things, here are my 7 things you don’t know about me…..
  1.  That I would love to write a screenplay/or a  book by the time I am 50
  2.  That I have dreamt and daydreamed about buying a run down farm, fixing it up, starting a huge garden, building a beautiful little cottage and opening up my own wonderful farm to table restaurant with a little gourmet shop next door….oh to dream!
  3.  When I go and visit the Christmas Village displays at various stores/nurseries I secretly have always  wished I could jump in and  become one of those “little people” skating on the pond, walking to the five and dime, running home at 5 sharp to sit down as a family, say grace and have a family dinner (translation- when all members of an immediate family sit together for at least 10 minutes to eat, converse and share their day with one another)    
  4.  I am  a serial chocoholic and nothing is going to change that!( never met a truffle I didn’t like)
  5.  That I am possibly THE most claustrophobic person you will ever meet (looking at an elevator makes me tremble)
  6.  That the way I put myself to sleep when I am having a hard time winding down,  is by imagining I am stuck in the coziest ski cottage you can imagine in a blizzard high up on a mountain in Switzerland.
  7. That I really wish I had had another baby (or two) right now… I feel too young and too needy to have 3 grown boys!    

Now onto my own list, drum roll please, here they are and why I like them:

I find this blog to be so adorably entertaining not to mention this woman could seriously give Martha Stewart a run for her money!

This is a great site also, I love the “new look” and it deserves some recognition and of course I am partial to the Hamptons!

This is one of the prettiest blogs I have seen to date and the pictures are just so beautiful, they literally have the power to take you away to somewhere wonderful
Because well..its just so pretty! I am  a very visual person and this blog is just so very pretty and thought provoking as well…..

I just happen to love her taste and her eye, we seem to have very similar taste so its always a treat to visit her blog

This is a really fun site, almost every one of her posts has resonated with me so I am continually drawn back…a lot of fun!
I had to add this one, had lost the site but just found it. So beautifully done and so inspirational, make sure to read her story and tell me you haven’t once thought of doing the same!

She has superb taste and her blog visually is pure delight….beautiful pictures and always something interesting to read
Because there is always soemthing interesting to read and she seems like an incredibly good person looking to make the world a better place

I always like something on this blog…and we seem to have a similar eye. I like the way that whatever she talks  she personalizes  as it applies to her own life

I am a huge chinoiserie fan so how could I not love this site! Plus she has an excellent eye and her blog always promises some great eye candy 

This is so wonderful….you feel like you were swept away to her blueberry farm when you go to her blog..visually and story wise, it is a treat for the senses

Because simply she has a wonderful style with a modern twist…love going to her blog

I know it was  few more than 10, just had to list them all. Hope you will check them out…I promise you they are worth the trip….enjoy!

My life is like a stroll upon the beach,

As near the ocean’s edge as I can go.

– Henry David Thoreau, The Fisher’s Boy

Don’t know if it’s the doldrums of this long, endless winter where the snow is “the new grass” but its getting old. So I find myself thinking a lot about the beach  and summer, the warm weather and all the fabulous things that go along with it.  Long lazy days at the beach, bbq’s, visiting friends at their beach houses, taking my dog to the beach, exotic cocktails, wearing flip flops, visiting open air vege and fruit markets, sitting outside at a clam bar, hearing the waves crash while reading a great book, swimming, tennis, I could go on and on…..but you certainly get the picture. One thing I hope to do in my lifetime is own a small beach house, doesn’t have to be anything major, just a small but well done, comfortable quintessential beach house. So today I pay homage to the perfect little beach house……isn’t it just peachy?
You know I love to know which is your favorite!

Can I serve you your pina colada now? Have a wonderful day and let me know if you had a favorite…..

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Thank you so much for the award nomination.

Love that you want to write a screenplay – that is totally cool.. and I would stop in for a bite at your farm to table restaurant in a heartbeat. Fabulous

Congrats on this award, I am enjoying your blog very much….love the beach pictures and your 7 things were so funny.
This was really enjoyable today, nice to see a summer day:)

thank you Tina,
Sorry, but I’ve been calling you Kay all this time…..
I’m preparing a post on the Stylish blogger award…except this will be my 3rd one in 1-2 weeks so I may have to change things up a bit…
btw, if I may ask, what firm are you working with on the interior of your home? hope you post on the work you do on the inside too…should be gorgeous…
have a great evening..

Restore an old farm house? yes! Me too! We are in the process of renovating our kitchen here at our 1800s hunting lodge, that will appease me for a while!

Happy to have found your site, can’t wait to peruse.

My favorite is the shake and stone house on the hill that appears to be in Chatham? reminds me of a friend’s parents house where we made many happy memories when we were younger.

LOVE the beach homes post and sooo agree…having one is wonderful and the spirit of them (simple, nature, indoor-outdoor, light and airy) is something that resonnates with me πŸ™‚

As a child growing up in Georgia, we summered at the beach and I cherish those memories of months of heading straight out some creaking, old screen door right out onto the beach and into the sea’s waves! My father and both sets of grandparents would come out on the weekends but during the week…it was mother, us kids and assorted aunts n’ cousins visiting a time or two…

Yes, a great time indeed to look at beautiful beach home pictures- thanks for a great post and congrats on your blog award- you’ve definitely got a great blog going here πŸ™‚ All the best, Lachlan

My hands down favorite is the one with the aqua kitchen – I love it. Great homes you’ve showcased.
Thank you so much for the Stylish Blogger Award! That is so nice of you to think of me, and I’m glad you found me again after I went missing for a while!

Thank you so very much for the lovely award and an even greater honor ~ your very kind words. I could jump into each one of those photos and declare a holiday. πŸ™‚

Loved seeing this old post!! Wow….you were just as great a blogger back then as you are now! You are my idol! Love you to pieces…love how you think, how you write and how you work! This was great and refreshing!

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