Comments : 49

Happy Thursday, my day to share what I am loving this week! It runs the gamut from a highly enjoyable book and a sublime bath product line all the way to exquisite garden statuary. I am also sharing some updated house pictures…things are moving along though there are days that I go and feel like its going at a snails pace, when in reality things really are moving fast and furiously ahead. So first, I share some updated pictures of the house, we are 99% sheet rocked so trim started yesterday and then that’s when we really turn a corner and things start to rev up! You will notice today I am a little heavier on more personal things than “house things”….its important for us to take time out to take care of ourselves, and there is nothing like beautiful products, a toasty throw and great bedding to ease our daily stresses. ?Now then, onto some things I am loving this week…..let me know if there is something you have discovered or something you are loving that you want to share!

HOUSE UPDATES. Definitely my absolute favorite item of the week:) I cannot overstate this enough, as much?stress?fun?as the building process brings….its been a ?long, sometimes, stressful, arduous process. We cannot move soon enough. So here we go with the updates…….

Back of the family room wall, limestone complete
Future kitchen!

Breakfast room!

Mantle from original house…we are determined to use it somewhere!

Family room

Downstairs hall/gallery

Limestone in the back..mission accomplished!

They did an exquisite job!

The reason the brick is darker is that they just finished those spots today
One bathroom in progress….
Even Teddy is getting tired of waiting….he has had it with the building process

Sons #1 bathroom almost done

Dining room

Living room

Guest room bath almost done, still wet so thats why it appears gray but its actually white Thassos

Upstairs hallway

Hubby’s bathroom tile sample
Our future sitting room staring into master
Upstairs looking down… a little scary but with the 2nd floor stair soon to be in…it will be fine

OLD?WORLD LOOKING STATUARY. I have always been drawn to old world, old fashioned, lush not overly landscaped gardens. I prefer a more natural and older look, and nothing tops off a beautiful garden or landscape quite like a beautiful piece of statuary. There is something so romantic and nostalgic, almost other worldly about it, makes you feel like you have gone back to another era. So here are a few inspirational pictures I have had in my little dream file and some gorgeous reproduction pieces from a company that I have bought from before, Orlandi Statuary…do their things not look like they were just plucked from the garden of a English countryside manor? ?They do this finish which you see in most of their pieces called “White Moss” and they look so old, ?LOVE the cherubs. Visit Orlandi here.

A GREAT BOOK. I love to read, have been “binge reading” if such a thing exists…where I will read non stop, sometimes even 2 or 3 books at a time (strange I agree), then nothing at all ?and then go right back to a frantic pace once again. Go figure, no explanation! Have read some good books, one of which I just finished and one I really enjoyed enough to tell you about. “Dead end gene pool”, I highly recommend it. Very entertaining and an easy read unlike Edgar Sawtelle which I forced myself to finish, after buying it over a year ago only to put it down after 50 pages. It was staring at me on my nightstand willing me to finish it, challenging me to understand it so I did and overall cannot say I would totally recommend it though there were parts that were captivated and had my attention. Dead End gene pool, on the other hand was one I can fully recommend however.?It is a memoir written by the great great granddaughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt and suffice to say it is interesting, funny, heartbreaking and entertaining.
GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY ABOUT INTERESTING SUBJECTS. Speaking of the famed Gold Coast and era…a subject, that is fascinating beyond words and a time our country will never repeat. Maybe its after seeing The Great Gatsby, that I became fascinated by it, anyway the house that inspired the films house, ?Lands End is the subject at hand. Sadly many of the fabled “summer cottages” of the rich and famous during that era have fallen under dire disrepair, many to the point of no return and many have been taken down only to be rebuilt with new subdivisions or mcmansions. Lands End, which is in an ongoing battle between the town in which it sits and the owner who wants to take it down, ?is now schedule to be razed. Jen Ross, a renowned and talented photographer captured this house in its current state in a chilling, hauntingly beautiful photography session. You can see how even now how the decrepit interiors were once very grand and beautiful. Click below to see it…its really powerful. Click on the first thumbnail to your right and it will start the slide show.
ANTIQUE PILLOWS AND TEXTILES. Love pillows and gorgeous textiles/fabrics, they add instant warmth, texture, color,elegance and comfort to a room. I like to use them well…just about everywhere. There are a few lines whose pillows I am already a big fan of and then its always fun to discover new ones too. These antique beauties are exquisite! Check out these gorgeous treasures from Debra, yes that lovely blogger from Acquired Objects blog, and the owner of Oreillers, her company that specializes in 16th-19th century European textiles and pillows…aren’t they just fabulous? Click here to go to her site. ?(And her blogs great too- all about her incredible 18th century carriage barn being restored in New Hampshire- its worth a look!) She has exquisite taste.

This 17th century Flemish tapestry is amazing….love the colors.
LUXURIOUS ALPACA BY ALICIA ADAMS. ?I came across this company a few years ago and bought the most delicious shawl/cape that I have ever owned plus a sweater which I loved so much that I went back and ordered not one but two of the throws for the home, one for me and one for my very deserving mother who loves these kinds of things as much as I do! What makes them even sweeter is that this small boutique company, is run by Alicia Adams and her family on their upstate NY farm. They hail from Germany and bought the working farm where they grow and raise Suri aplacas, one of the rarest breeds. The product is nothing less than pure luxury, think cashmere but thicker and as soft and luruxious! You should visit her wonderful site and discover some of her gorgeous offerings…here is a little sampling. Visit them here

MONOGRAMMED BEDDING?WELL MONOGRAMMED ANYTHING. Its no secret that amongst the many beautiful things I love, monograms is one of them. I think the Southern in me has revealed itself in many ways, beautiful traditional old world interiors, lover of good food and lots of it, monograms, etc…… any case one company that does beautiful work is Leontine linens. Here are some samples of what they do. Gorgeous, huh? If you want to visit them, click here.

INDULGENT BATH PRODUCTS. You know I love my products and consider myself a product?connoisseur! Another line I discovered a few years ago is Shelly Kyle. I was first drawn to their uber elegant packaging that is very European/French inspired…then I smelled them and was doubly excited. Beautiful soft romantic fragrances….if you are a product junkie like me you should check them out, click here. My favorite products (of what I have tried so far) are the body lotion, candle, parfum, which I used as room spray for my powder room and the foaming bath gel. I love the Tiramani and Annabelle scents. Beautiful line of products.

Well, that’s about it for now….tomorrow is a whole new day. Did anything excite you? Love to know and of course if there anything you are loving this week that you want to share….. Hope you have an enchanting day!


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Your house looks amazing! Thanks for the updates. Your dog looks pretty cuddly too 🙂 I’m hoping to make it to Leontine Linens while I’m in New Orleans this weekend. I would love to have them on all of the beds in my house.

So many goodies here I don’t know where to start. Your home…magnificent. You must be getting so anxious to get settled. It’s an arduous process, but absolutely worth it!! So many beautiful details – exquisite limestone and brick work. I too love monograms and have leontine linens in my master bedroom. The workmanship is amazing. Hope you have a wonderful day!!

I am having heart palpitations your house is so beautiful! I am so jealous!!! I want to build a house with your budget…. or maybe you want the ladies of Whitehaven to help you decorate. Not that you need any help – it’s going to be gorgeous!!!!! I foresee magazine spreads in your future.

Your house is coming together wonderfully. I loved seeing the inside. I love how it’s going to look like a house that’s been there forever. I’m immediately adding that book to my wishlist on Amazon. I have been reading about Lands End recently. The Great Gatsby is just about my most favorite book of all time. Hmmmm….either that or Wurthering Heights. I am so sad that this mansion that inspired Fitzgerald is set to be torn down. Those photos of it were so fantastic. Oh…my I’ve never seen such disrepair. So very sad. Thanks for this great post!

Is that your house or the new Four Seasons?? Hahaha. WOW! You must pinch yourself everytime you see is magnificent, love how though its new it looks old. It is truly a castle. Love all the other goodies too, beautiful pillows and old tapestries, gorgeous bedding, and incidentally looking for a cape to go to Italy with when we go…so will check out the line above. Beautiful post!

Would it be improper to admit that I am envious of your limestone details and your diamond paned windows?? Improper or not, I am! Gorgeous! And I know it has got to be so exciting for it to finally feel like the end is near!

Your home is beyond magnificent! I love seeing the updates and I would be so ready to have it all done so I could wander around with a glass of white wine pinching myself the whole while.

I can’t believe my eyes!!! Your home will be so fantastic that it will appear in all magazines!!!! I just love it! And that beautiful chimney piece!!
Oh your dear Teddy!! He is really awaiting his new place at the home! So darling!!

Firstly, your house is STUNNING! With the sheet rock in you really get a sense of the rooms, don’t you? And the limestone outside, ah, be still my heart! And the marble tiles in the bathrooms! And the reclaimed mantelpiece, what a lovely touch, a nod to the old. Love it all!

Secondly. Monogrammed pillows. Hello!!! You’ve inspired me, I’m going to get our two little bed throw pillows monogrammed. Today. I’m running out the door now, lol! No, seriously, the style of the little throw pillows I have is perfect for monogramming.

Thirdly. Can’t afford your house, but books, bath products and soft alpaca wool, little luxuries we can afford! Thanks for sharing all your goodies with us!

Your home is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to see more details. The tile on the floor in your guest bath is stunning and I love the cartouche off the back, lots of details without overwhelming, very nice balance. Your staircase is something to see, I like the gentle curve. You must be so excited to see your home coming together.

Teddy sitting in that chair looks exactly like my Dylan right down to the semi curly hair below his shoulders. I had to send Teddy’s picture to my husband and he asked why Dylan was laying in that chair….lol. Dylan doesn’t like laying on furniture to soft for his taste.

I’m in love with your statuary and will have to go have a look since I have this thing for putti. Thank you again for including my business in your weekly favorites.

*** Um, yeah. well… I’m seldom “speechless”… but I AM today, here at your blog!

Your new home will be STUNNING!!! What a special treat to be able to do this!!! You are certainly blessed!!!

Linda in AZ *
[email protected]

I’m enjoying everything you have been loving this week…but I can’t get over your house! It looks so amazing! Very fun to see the process…so many things to delight in, but that master bathroom, wow!

This week’s list is divine, simply bliss in a blog, so many fun topics in one post! The sheet rock being almost done is wonderful, it already looks so different in your photos. I do understand poor Teddy’s sentiments, it can seem like forever, especially in canine time!

The book sounds excellent, I just added it to my list, thank you for the tip. The linens have to be my favorite part of the post, I have some serious linen obsessions! I’ll take one of almost everything, although I wish neither of us was still in need of snuggly sweaters, bring spring!

Thank you for such lovely tidbits!

The house is coming along so wonderfully. Thanks for sharing. Love the limestone, beams and tile in your son’s bathroom….oh gracious, just love everything. We had an opportunity to meet Shelly Kyle a month or so ago. She is so delightful and a savvy business woman.

I love the tile you are putting in your hubbies bathroom – love!!!

And, Leontine Linens have been on my bed for the past 9 years! My all time favorite linen company! I’m guessing they’ll be gracing your new beds as well! And cocktail napkins. And towels….etc! 🙂

xo Elizabeth

Well Tina,
Did you just wake up today and decide to write a beautiful post? Mission accomplished on everything I LOVE!
Your home is amazing, Tine. Looks like all is moving along well!
Leontine Linens = My Favorite. So beautiful and well made. I am having them do my bedding soon.
The books and the body products I will go check out, and the stunning throws…wow!
Well rest up a little and enjoy it all.

First, I love Teddy…if you ever need me to doggie sit I’m here…my little ones would have so much fun with Teddy! Secondly, your home is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous…love all of your ideas and direction! Fabulous, my friend!

Oh I love this stage – the house is really looking like great!! I particularly love the tile work, especially the lovely basketweave. Lots of inspiration today – I have seen Alicia Adams before but never have purchased anything. Now that I have your ok on the quality, I’m going to go back and peruse. And Leontine Linens is of course a long favorite – such beautiful things. I have also used Caroline at Monogram Inc, for custom work and then she organizes the linens for you – the monograms are nothing short of magnificent!!

An AMAZING home! How generous of you to share this experience. The house update was thrilling enough and then to follow up with so much more goodness. I get weak in the knees looking at the antique fabrics and statuary. Thank you 🙂

The limestone looks wonderful and gives the right amount of impact and contrast to the brick. I love the breakfast room windows, as a breakfast room should be filled with light.

The textiles and bedroom linens you have shown are also incredibly beautiful.

Your house is jaw dropping! I can’t imagine what all your decor details are going to be like. It will be a real treat to see!

I don’t even know where to start. Beyond amazing as always. Love the progress you’re making on the house and of course, adore your dog! I’m a sucker for anything monogrammed, so the bedding is right up my alley.

I am enjoying the building of your home, without your stress of course. Always, can’t wait for the next update. I’ve built six homes and enjoyed every one of them, I can’t even begin to imagine building such a grand house/home and all the decisions you have to make, all of which are fabulous! I’m learning a great deal from your decisions, so thank you. Look forward to the next post………Stop in for a visit with me anytime.

The French Hutch

Your home is amazing! You have exquisite taste! I just started blogging too! Looking forward to seeing your next update! Oh, and I love the monograms too, especially on bedding! Leontine does beautiful work.

Oh my… your dream home is my dream home! Seriously how much prettier can it get? I am now following you and I am so excited to see the progress, wishing you the best luck with the last details!

ps: love the bathroom sample tile wow I want to see that bathroom once it is ready!

Enter my lovely book giveaway! Hugs and kisses from Rio!

The house looks fabulous! The breakfast room is making my knees weak already. I can’t wait for it to be finished! Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

Wow, wow, wow!! What a beautiful home you will have! I can’t wait to see it finished and I know it will all be 100% worth the wait. Enjoy the weekend 🙂
PS. How adorable is your pup Teddy?! <3

OMG. Now, we just added two rooms to our home in December, and the headaches were enough; but the SCALE at which you are building is of massive and GORGEOUS PROPORTIONS! WOW…I have to say, this is the grandest home I have ever seen in blogland! THANK YOU FOR COMING AND INVITING ME TO YOUR BLOG….I love EVERY BIT OF YOUR NEW ABODE. I too had arched doorways installed and a vaulted ceiling. What a gorgeous place you have going here. MERCI MILLE FOIS POUR TA VISITE!!! BON VENDREDI, Anita


I am with Anita – OMG! What a home. No – what a palace! Absolutely stunning and the materials and colors you chose – Veranda Magazine will be knocking on your door soon!

You are now on my blog roll. This project I need to follow.

Very, very nice.

Warm regards,


The Enchanted Home is right. Or maybe a better title The Enchanted Castle. Your home is incredible and your taste is impeccable. I’m looking forward to following along. My only question is, once it’s finished how long will the decorating phase take?


I love your home updates. I remember the stress that my mom had when building several homes as we grew up (one my Dad sold when a realtor knocked called and said he had people who HAD to have it….my poor mom!) Your taste is impeccable….cannot wait to see more!

Oh, ya’ll’s house looks soooo wonderful and I absolutely adore all of the windows! Very pretty!!!

I think that our tiny miner’s cottage we lived in out on a mountainside in Park City, UT could fit into your dining room, hehe 😉

Thanks so much for posting progress-pictures and all the very best to you from here, Lachlan

Amy from Maison Decor told me about your blog and I am so excited! Your home is AMAZING and I cannot wait to see how you finish it. I absolutely love the pics of the textiles/fabrics… SO my taste. 🙂


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