Good morning!! I have been up since 5:30 after a ridiculously long and tiring (but fun) day yesterday. I panicked because I remembered that I forgot to wrap the small favors being given out for a very dear friends birthday today. So I have been playing “the wrapping elf” for the last hour, lol. ?I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed my post on my pet peeves yesterday. I want however to make it crystal clear however, that with regard to cell phone usage I was not referring in any way, to a professional who actually needs their phone by their side every moment, that’s a given for sure. And, touching on the “slow reaction” peeve, I certainly did not mean to include anyone who has some kind of learning disability or lets say ADD or ADHD.?Again in a situation like this, that reaction cannot be helped and I would naturally be sensitive to it. (Next pet peeve post I promise I will start off with a disclaimer…lol)?Its funny in blogging, how when you open yourself up personally even a wee bit, you are most likely to get a strong reaction. I could see from 99% of the comments, that you all agreed with so much of what I said and so many of the comments had me laughing out loud. I loved hearing your stories and your pet peeves! ?In addition, ?I got at least 20 emails to that effect as well. So thank you for that, its a little nerve wracking putting yourself “out there” like that about how you honestly feel about anything.?
However I did get two emails from people who somehow seemed offended and one seemed actually annoyed that I dare go off topic from design and decor! I wrote them both back, but like everyone on this earth, I am not one faceted. A blog is a form of self expression and I personally am captivated most by others blogs when there is a personal element of some sort attached to the post. It could be about an experience, the highs and lows of a renovation, something that one of their children accomplished, but having that personal connection is fascinating and interesting to me. So there are going to be times that I will venture “off course” a bit, I am not after all following a manual but rather winging this and learning as I go along and hopefully those that follow me want to know the real me, not a fabricated version who plays to her audience. I above all else respect those that are true to themselves and remain loyal to their values and morals. ?I learned long ago and its one of my sayings, that you cannot be all things to all people so I try to be true to myself. There, glad I got this clarified!!?
As you know Thursdays are always my “Things I am loving Thursday” post. But yesterday I was in Mass. getting my son then came home after seven hours in the car and had half an hour to get ready to attend a fundraiser/concert last night and saw Carly Simon! She was fabulous and hearing her belt out so many of her hits brought back a lot of great memories. She also performed with her two grown kids, Ben and Sally and it was such a treat. They are both very talented and certainly got the great voice gene! So there was not a minute to do anything yesterday and then on top of that I realized my son had borrowed my camera! So today after my “excursion” I am going to have a little photo session at the house and will do my normal Thursday post tomorrow. As far as today goes, one of my best friends in the entire world is celebrating her birthday and the pictures below are a hint of where a small group of us will be spending the day. I will be back tomorrow with a big house update post and my normal Things I am loving Thursday, but it will be a “things I am loving Fridays post”. Enjoy your day!!
The gift and the “favors”, I used sunflowers as I think its somewhat “winery-ish”!?Be back tomorrow with details!! Have a wonderful day!
I was out all day yesterday so will have to check out your post- I so agree with you that your blog is yours and with that, it can be whatever you want it to be…you certainly need no justification for deciding to post about something other than design one day- it’s yours for heaven sakes! As for your day- one spent in a winery is my idea of heaven…have a great time!!!
Hi from your newest follower! Those are absolutely gorgeous wrapped gifts. The paper with peacocks is stunning – it looks like it would make fun wallpaper!
Enjoy looks like you are headed to a winery-how fun and happy birthday to your friend! Lucky lady to get those amazing looking gifts, they are just stunning! Agree with above, you do not need to apologize for anything you write about, if we choose to follow its our choice as it is your choice to blog about what you like, and I for one (amongst many others) am a huge fan. Normally when there are naysayers, its because you struck a nerve in them, thats their problem not yours. Take the day to enjoy and relaaaaaaax!
Wait, what???? You ARE multifaceted???? Who would have known?!? I have often felt as though my blog was all over the map, wondering if I should hone in on one subject, but that is not who I am. My focus is caring for my husband, and as consuming as this is, I love exploring other aspects of my life through this forum. That is why I chose to open myself up to the amazing people in “blogworld” I do enjoy seeing the progression of your home, but I loved yesterdays post!!! I love hearing about your son, and your missing golden… you became a better friend to me… does that make sense? Oh, and I love that you saw Carly Simon, with her children. I have listened to Ben and Sally for a long time~ so talented!!
Precious Tina, I always love EVERYTHING YOU POST. I think it odd that someone would be annoyed for you going “off topic” a bit and expressing what you love! Blogging gives us the creative license to post what we enjoy! I love everything you do. BE HAPPY! Anita
Bravo Tina! Beautifully written and expressed. I LOVE coming to your blog for all the different things you write about and love that its not ONLY house and home, boring! Keep on doing what you are doing because its perfect!
I completely agree. You are entitled to your opinions on anything and everything. I too enjoy reading blogs with a personal touch. If all I want to do is read about decorating and design, I’ll buy a magazine. I think your packages are DIVINE and wish I were getting one :)! Enjoy the party. It looks like it will be a blast!
Oh, my! You got emails about your post? Oh, gee! Seriously! There’s TONS of interior design blogs out there and if your favorite didn’t post about a house/interiors that day, just go find inspiration somewhere else, meanwhile, enjoy to get to know more the writer of the blog. I had so much fun with your post yesterday, Tina. I loved it!
Now, good for you! Keep true to yourself… that’s always the way to go in this life.
Good for you on owning the multi-faceted label, you are so much more than merely one area of interest. The presents look beautiful, I hope you enjoy the day! tp
Oh bummer, I’ve come to look forward to Thursdays, but no worries, my Friday will be great now. Have you considered making Monday your house update day? Would be wonderful to have something to look forward to on a Monday!
Regarding the cell phone thing….don’t back down. Really there is no reason ever to be distracted while driving. Pull over, make the call, don’t really care who you are and how busy you are–my child is driving too and the person you crash into might just be him. Hands free or not,if you are on the cell phone, you are distracted. As far as having it out on the table at lunch? Please. Use the voice mail feature, that is what it’s for.
Love the photos in today’s posting. Have a wonderful day at the winery! -Honey
You mean two people were annoyed that you had the nerve to write what you wanted on YOUR blog?!!! oh. my. head. maybe you can clear all your future posts through them;);) people are odd, yes?!
Tina, I’m exhausted – where DO you get all of your energy!! I adore the wrapping – sunflowers are a favorite of mine. Relax and enjoy the party today, and I can hardly wait for the house update tomorrow!!
Seriously someone was annoyed with you? OMG! I thought yesterdays post was one of the BEST ones I have read in a long long time. I laughed through the whole thing. I so enjoy your blog and love when you interject something personal, it helps us all to connect and thats afterall what a blog should do,right? Sounds like you have earned this wonderful day ahead of you, enjoy it and love the wrapping!
Have a wonderful time!! We all have lives and you are certainly entitled to a well deserved break. I’ll stop by tomorrow to see how things are progressing.
“…hopefully those that follow me want to know the real me, not a fabricated version who plays to her audience. I above all else respect those that are true to themselves and remain loyal to their values and morals…” How beautifully said! I so agree with you! I could see that in your pet peeve about people who call things they own by their brands, my Mercedes, my Gucci bag, my Louboutin shoes, etc. I know a few people like that and I can’t stand it.
Your gift wrapping is stunning! I thought at first they were pics from a magazine or some professional website, that’s how gorgeous the gifts are! Wow.
Have fun at the winery, I had my birthday at a winery last year, it was magnificent! Happy Birthday to your dear friend.
I have been away for a bit. Sorry. But glad to peek back in to your beautiful birthday setting! Actually breathtaking! What lucky friends you are to have each other and celebrate in such a beautiful place!
I find when I write things that have a personal meaning, I get more responses. It is the human connection that gets the reaction, and to think that people want to tell you how to write your own blog. #headscratching…I am a huge Carly fan…once I saw her on the ferry going to the island (offseason). I did get to see her perform on MV with her ex and the kids and it was such a treat. What an incredible life she has lived so far. I think it is funny that people are even telling you they are bummed that they won’t be reading your normal planned thurday post!! So strange! People~it is a blog, not a mandate! #moreheadscratching.
I love to catch bits here and there of of the person behind the blog. Its like letting your hair down and being ones self, if we can’t be ourselves and say what we feel, and mean what we say its really sad. I’m sure most everyone could related to anyone’s pet peeves. Maybe someone feels differently, but its how we as an individual might feel. We all know this does not apply to people having problems and not anyone I know in bloggville would say anything intensional to hurt anyone. It was a cute fun post, so everyone lighten up. You own no apologies for your post. Lovely photos today, and the gift wrap for the favors perfect for a summer birthday party. Birthday wishes to the birthday girl! Have a great time. PS I love Carley Simon too……..
Hi Sweets! As you can see I figured out my posting problem! Yahooooo! OMG! I loved your list of pet peeves and it cracked me up! There are always those people out there who have to ruin things. I stopped using my children’s real names on my blog because I have a freak attack me about a dumb comment I made. You never know who is reading 🙂 LOVE the favors!!!!!! I want to hear more about how you are ealing wiht the interior design of your new home. Do you keep a notebook? Folder for each room? Color samples on boards? Deets, please! Love to you and keep showing us you on your blog!!! xoxo
Oh my goodness….I thought all night about what I wrote yesterday, hoping it came across the right way. I am naturally shy so it was hard to express my feelings too. We all have to be true to ourselves and your peeves list made me laugh. I just had to say something about #13. ( 😀 & a giggle) We all have peeves. So other people need to get over it or just move on. I’m not upset, I like your personality that comes through your writing. You seem to have great style, manners and a heart. 🙂
Oh yeah, great looking gifts! My wrapping abilities are that of a kindergartener. LOL
Oh, gosh…can’t believe you received emails that people were offended. Seriously?! I, too, love a little personalization to the blogs I read, although sometimes I’m not the best at it myself…I tend to hold back. Anyway, I got a kick out of it!
I think the best thing about blogging is seeing what you reveal about yourself, and one of the best things about reading other people’s blogs is to seeing what they reveal about themselves. Of course we are mainly here for the photos, but it wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t feel like we “know” you a little. I try to do it on my blog, and I would be upset if it were not well-received. So I feel badly for you that you got a couple of complaints, but I hope you realize that it seems like the VAST majority of us loved hearing about the personal side of you! Stacy
you said it tina and yes, stay true to yourself, i veer off topic frequently because i CAN and like you said it is he way to really know the blogger……when personalized. do not change! debra
Take no notice of these kinds of people – they don’t belong in blogworld. It’s free after all. They don’t pay for this service, so as my four year old says, “You get what you get and you don’t get upset!”.
It’s your blog, your life, your posts, your creativity and your prerogative to write whatever the hell you want!!! People who believe they have a sense of entitlement over someone else’s blog, just because they follow it, are sorely misguided. Keep doing what you’re doing and take your blog in whatever direction you want. We will all follow happily on your journey.
I have been gone for a couple of days so I missed your pet peeves post…say that fast 50 times…but you can bet your booty I will be going on to read it now!
As for the lady that “scolded” you for not STICKING TO DECORATING? Yeah..THAT one-she needs a life! For every 100 nice person I have met there is always that one weirdo that doesn’t really want to know YOU at all-they just want eye candy and fluff. So, if you lose readers like that-who cares? Tell her to pop by MY blog where I NEVER talk about decorating-just plain old funny family-except for my “funny uncle”…we never mention him~ Keep it up, Tina…and I like the REAL you! xo Diana
Wow! What beautiful photos! Where did the gift wrap papers, ribbons, etc. come from? I particularly love the photo of the single gift. I’ve always loved Carly Simon, too. Have fun at your friend’s party! I’m anxious to see what you’re loving on Friday.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your honest comment. My aim is to MOVE my readers. I am working on writing straight from my heart, but skillfully. That video gave me a wonderful example I teach my French and English language arts students: SHOW DON’T TELL when you write.
Love, love different opinions. That is what makes the world go round. “The first image is my favorite. Does that say anything about my day? Hope you had a grand time a the party. Mona
I loved your design posts, but I think it is SO important to have posts like yesterday’s. If it wasn’t for the personal connection of blogging, I would just pick up a design magazine but I like learning about YOU too in the process. Don’t let people’s rude comments get you down!
I love everything you do. Details, decorating, wrapping etc. Your blog is perfect and I always feel welcome, interested, and open to share everytime you publish a post. Wonderful party favor gifts they look wonderful. Hope your day was really enjoyable.
You’ve got a heart of gold, an ocean of compassion, impeccable taste and grace you share with us we are the lucky ones.
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Your efforts paid off, great looking gifts! Janell
I was out all day yesterday so will have to check out your post- I so agree with you that your blog is yours and with that, it can be whatever you want it to be…you certainly need no justification for deciding to post about something other than design one day- it’s yours for heaven sakes!
As for your day- one spent in a winery is my idea of heaven…have a great time!!!
oh my goodness, those gifts look amazing!!! Have a glass of wine for me!
Hi from your newest follower! Those are absolutely gorgeous wrapped gifts. The paper with peacocks is stunning – it looks like it would make fun wallpaper!
Enjoy looks like you are headed to a winery-how fun and happy birthday to your friend! Lucky lady to get those amazing looking gifts, they are just stunning!
Agree with above, you do not need to apologize for anything you write about, if we choose to follow its our choice as it is your choice to blog about what you like, and I for one (amongst many others) am a huge fan. Normally when there are naysayers, its because you struck a nerve in them, thats their problem not yours.
Take the day to enjoy and relaaaaaaax!
Wait, what???? You ARE multifaceted???? Who would have known?!? I have often felt as though my blog was all over the map, wondering if I should hone in on one subject, but that is not who I am. My focus is caring for my husband, and as consuming as this is, I love exploring other aspects of my life through this forum. That is why I chose to open myself up to the amazing people in “blogworld”
I do enjoy seeing the progression of your home, but I loved yesterdays post!!! I love hearing about your son, and your missing golden… you became a better friend to me… does that make sense?
Oh, and I love that you saw Carly Simon, with her children. I have listened to Ben and Sally for a long time~ so talented!!
Precious Tina, I always love EVERYTHING YOU POST. I think it odd that someone would be annoyed for you going “off topic” a bit and expressing what you love! Blogging gives us the creative license to post what we enjoy! I love everything you do. BE HAPPY! Anita
Bravo Tina! Beautifully written and expressed. I LOVE coming to your blog for all the different things you write about and love that its not ONLY house and home, boring! Keep on doing what you are doing because its perfect!
I completely agree. You are entitled to your opinions on anything and everything. I too enjoy reading blogs with a personal touch. If all I want to do is read about decorating and design, I’ll buy a magazine. I think your packages are DIVINE and wish I were getting one :)! Enjoy the party. It looks like it will be a blast!
Oh, my! You got emails about your post? Oh, gee! Seriously! There’s TONS of interior design blogs out there and if your favorite didn’t post about a house/interiors that day, just go find inspiration somewhere else, meanwhile, enjoy to get to know more the writer of the blog. I had so much fun with your post yesterday, Tina. I loved it!
Now, good for you! Keep true to yourself… that’s always the way to go in this life.
Have a super fun day!
Luciane at
Good for you on owning the multi-faceted label, you are so much more than merely one area of interest. The presents look beautiful, I hope you enjoy the day!
Oh bummer, I’ve come to look forward to Thursdays, but no worries, my Friday will be great now. Have you considered making Monday your house update day? Would be wonderful to have something to look forward to on a Monday!
Regarding the cell phone thing….don’t back down. Really there is no reason ever to be distracted while driving. Pull over, make the call, don’t really care who you are and how busy you are–my child is driving too and the person you crash into might just be him. Hands free or not,if you are on the cell phone, you are distracted. As far as having it out on the table at lunch? Please. Use the voice mail feature, that is what it’s for.
Love the photos in today’s posting. Have a wonderful day at the winery! -Honey
You mean two people were annoyed that you had the nerve to write what you wanted on YOUR blog?!!! oh. my. head. maybe you can clear all your future posts through them;);) people are odd, yes?!
Your favors looks beautiful- enjoy the day!
Tina, I’m exhausted – where DO you get all of your energy!! I adore the wrapping – sunflowers are a favorite of mine. Relax and enjoy the party today, and I can hardly wait for the house update tomorrow!!
I adore your blog! Such beautiful gifts too.
Seriously someone was annoyed with you? OMG!
I thought yesterdays post was one of the BEST ones I have read in a long long time. I laughed through the whole thing. I so enjoy your blog and love when you interject something personal, it helps us all to connect and thats afterall what a blog should do,right?
Sounds like you have earned this wonderful day ahead of you, enjoy it and love the wrapping!
Have a wonderful time!! We all have lives and you are certainly entitled to a well deserved break. I’ll stop by tomorrow to see how things are progressing.
Have a lovely weekend, sweetie….
“…hopefully those that follow me want to know the real me, not a fabricated version who plays to her audience. I above all else respect those that are true to themselves and remain loyal to their values and morals…” How beautifully said! I so agree with you! I could see that in your pet peeve about people who call things they own by their brands, my Mercedes, my Gucci bag, my Louboutin shoes, etc. I know a few people like that and I can’t stand it.
Your gift wrapping is stunning! I thought at first they were pics from a magazine or some professional website, that’s how gorgeous the gifts are! Wow.
Have fun at the winery, I had my birthday at a winery last year, it was magnificent! Happy Birthday to your dear friend.
I have been away for a bit. Sorry. But glad to peek back in to your beautiful birthday setting! Actually breathtaking! What lucky friends you are to have each other and celebrate in such a beautiful place!
I find when I write things that have a personal meaning, I get more responses. It is the human connection that gets the reaction, and to think that people want to tell you how to write your own blog. #headscratching…I am a huge Carly fan…once I saw her on the ferry going to the island (offseason). I did get to see her perform on MV with her ex and the kids and it was such a treat. What an incredible life she has lived so far. I think it is funny that people are even telling you they are bummed that they won’t be reading your normal planned thurday post!! So strange! People~it is a blog, not a mandate! #moreheadscratching.
I love to catch bits here and there of of the person behind the blog. Its like letting your hair down and being ones self, if we can’t be ourselves and say what we feel, and mean what we say its really sad. I’m sure most everyone could related to anyone’s pet peeves. Maybe someone feels differently, but its how we as an individual might feel. We all know this does not apply to people having problems and not anyone I know in bloggville would say anything intensional to hurt anyone. It was a cute fun post, so everyone lighten up. You own no apologies for your post.
Lovely photos today, and the gift wrap for the favors perfect for a summer birthday party. Birthday wishes to the birthday girl! Have a great time. PS I love Carley Simon too……..
The French Hutch
The gifts are beautiful, and a good example of your multi-talented self; hence the blog is also multi-faceted to reflect that. No worries!
Hi Sweets! As you can see I figured out my posting problem! Yahooooo! OMG! I loved your list of pet peeves and it cracked me up! There are always those people out there who have to ruin things. I stopped using my children’s real names on my blog because I have a freak attack me about a dumb comment I made. You never know who is reading 🙂
LOVE the favors!!!!!! I want to hear more about how you are ealing wiht the interior design of your new home. Do you keep a notebook? Folder for each room? Color samples on boards? Deets, please! Love to you and keep showing us you on your blog!!! xoxo
Sorry for the typos!!! Should have re-read before I posted!
Have a wonderful day with your dear friends! We look forward to your updates tomorrow. The gifts look great. Everyone will love them!
Oh my goodness….I thought all night about what I wrote yesterday, hoping it came across the right way. I am naturally shy so it was hard to express my feelings too. We all have to be true to ourselves and your peeves list made me laugh. I just had to say something about #13. ( 😀 & a giggle) We all have peeves. So other people need to get over it or just move on. I’m not upset, I like your personality that comes through your writing. You seem to have great style, manners and a heart. 🙂
Oh yeah, great looking gifts! My wrapping abilities are that of a kindergartener. LOL
You did an amazing job with those gifts! Wow!
Oh, gosh…can’t believe you received emails that people were offended. Seriously?! I, too, love a little personalization to the blogs I read, although sometimes I’m not the best at it myself…I tend to hold back. Anyway, I got a kick out of it!
I think the best thing about blogging is seeing what you reveal about yourself, and one of the best things about reading other people’s blogs is to seeing what they reveal about themselves. Of course we are mainly here for the photos, but it wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t feel like we “know” you a little. I try to do it on my blog, and I would be upset if it were not well-received. So I feel badly for you that you got a couple of complaints, but I hope you realize that it seems like the VAST majority of us loved hearing about the personal side of you!
I love your posts! You can’t do wrong with me.
Love the wrapping on those gifts, esp the one with the peacocks! Would you PLEASE share your source?! Enjoy the party! And THANKS for being YOU!
you said it tina and yes, stay true to yourself, i veer off topic frequently because i CAN
and like you said it is he way to really know the blogger……when personalized.
do not change!
i am with deb all the way!
how the heck will any of us know you if you don’t expose yourself here and there???
if you want to look at design pictures…
go to a newsstand.
who ever criticized you might possibly be a tourist in the blogasphere, and be unaware of it as well.
…..if you follow my meaning.
xx thanks for the comments about my trip to mom
Tina I love getting to know the real you!! Sorry to not comment yesterday. It has been a crazy family crisis week!
Being from Kansas the sunflower state I adore your precious gifts!
Art by Karena
Do come and enter my new Giveaway, a very special painting!
Loved your post yesterday and the nerve of you posting what you want to. lol Look forward to your posts.
Take no notice of these kinds of people – they don’t belong in blogworld. It’s free after all. They don’t pay for this service, so as my four year old says, “You get what you get and you don’t get upset!”.
It’s your blog, your life, your posts, your creativity and your prerogative to write whatever the hell you want!!! People who believe they have a sense of entitlement over someone else’s blog, just because they follow it, are sorely misguided. Keep doing what you’re doing and take your blog in whatever direction you want. We will all follow happily on your journey.
I have been gone for a couple of days so I missed your pet peeves post…say that fast 50 times…but you can bet your booty I will be going on to read it now!
As for the lady that “scolded” you for not STICKING TO DECORATING? Yeah..THAT one-she needs a life! For every 100 nice person I have met there is always that one weirdo that doesn’t really want to know YOU at all-they just want eye candy and fluff. So, if you lose readers like that-who cares? Tell her to pop by MY blog where I NEVER talk about decorating-just plain old funny family-except for my “funny uncle”…we never mention him~
Keep it up, Tina…and I like the REAL you! xo Diana
Wow! What beautiful photos! Where did the gift wrap papers, ribbons, etc. come from? I particularly love the photo of the single gift. I’ve always loved Carly Simon, too. Have fun at your friend’s party! I’m anxious to see what you’re loving on Friday.
My dear Tina,
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your honest comment. My aim is to MOVE my readers. I am working on writing straight from my heart, but skillfully. That video gave me a wonderful example I teach my French and English language arts students: SHOW DON’T TELL when you write.
THANK YOU !!!!!! Anita
Love, love different opinions. That is what makes the world go round. “The first image is my favorite. Does that say anything about my day? Hope you had a grand time a the party. Mona
I loved your design posts, but I think it is SO important to have posts like yesterday’s. If it wasn’t for the personal connection of blogging, I would just pick up a design magazine but I like learning about YOU too in the process. Don’t let people’s rude comments get you down!
I love everything you do. Details, decorating, wrapping etc. Your blog is perfect and I always feel welcome, interested, and open to share everytime you publish a post. Wonderful party favor gifts they look wonderful. Hope your day was really enjoyable.
You’ve got a heart of gold, an ocean of compassion, impeccable taste and grace
you share with us we are the lucky ones.
Now I’m intrigued- I’ll have to go back and read yesterdays post! Enjoy your day today and I look forward to the update tomorrow!
You always do a wonderful job in your writing! Thanks for being so open! I love the gifts you wrapped! Beautiful!