Comments : 59

Well hellooooo blogland! Wow what a ride, ?courtesy of Irene!! Here in NY, we were hit pretty hard, mostly from downed trees taking out all kinds of wires and cables which resulted in cutting ?approx 500,000 people out of electricity, cable and Internet access!!! We have had power off and on for the last few days but just got my beloved Internet about two hours ago!! I sooooooooooo missed being here in blogland, and want to send out a sincere thanks to so many of you who emailed me to check up on how we were doing…I cannot begin to tell you how touched I was/am. So, 2 books, several glasses of wine, one too many afternoon siestas (purely out of boredom),10 sore fingers from texting family and friends, countless boxes of cookies and bags of chips, several candlelit meals,and many many prayers later… I am back at The Enchanted Home!! And oh what a relief it is! This post is one which I had worked on last week to post one day this week so seeing that there is no time like the present….

Well truth is I think its fairly obvious why anyone would want to go to Paris, at any given time. It is to me, the most spectacularly beautiful city in the world, with the most breathtaking architecture, which boasts of incredible food and gastronomy bar none, their innate fashion sense is off the charts, they understand the pleasure of really living life and their language sounds like a perfect melody regardless of what they are saying……did I ?mention the food? Oh yea, got that covered. When we were there last time, we had the great pleasure of visiting the Maison Objet show and I shared a very lengthy post coming off the heels of that wonderful trip with you. But as I was going through my online album trying to clean it up a bit, trying being the operative word, I suddenly found myself yearning to be back in that magical city and really loving all my pictures (most from the show). There are few places that I have been in this world that I feel this way about but there I do. So though this is really random, I wanted to share again some of the highlights from the beauty of the city, to the mouth ?watering window displays of French patisseries, to all the divine goodies at the show (actually this is but a smidgen of what I saw) but it will certainly whet your appetite!!

The Christopher Guy showroom
Loved the marble mantles
Something about this moss green velvet…fabulous!
Blue and white always catches my eye!
This limed oak was everywhere
Gorgeous French company small family owned and produced,
Loved their furniture…so elegant and timeless
Another mantle..a stunner!

Love this butchers block and still want to find a place for one!
And this one too!
If I had a beach house, would love these chairs and table for it..
Saw lots of fun and whimsical displays
Loved the marble bath in our hotel room….
Always adored this wall of blue and white plates!

A gorgeous hand made ladies writing desk
Talk about a statement piece!! I could see this on a black and white marble checkerboard floor…
Fell in love with this burl walnut chest….
Black rules!
How stunning was this setting? Magnifique!

A cool beach house or Manhattan apt. vibe….
Love a really tall bookcase
Beautiful heirloom quality chest
The Phillipe Starc Baccarat limited edition chandelier
I loved all the paneling in the hallway of our hotel
And our room wasn’t too bad either…..
At every turn, there was something pretty to admire
A Parisian street, like no other!
Even on a dreary winter day… stunning is this city?
In fact i think its at its most beautiful when enveloped in a gray shroud
The beautiful Seine……ahhhh, this so has me wanting to return for our evening strolls here!
A few mantles we admired at an antiques shop, unfortunately when we came back to measure neither size worked

What more approrpriate note to end this on then a mouth watering display of French macaroons?
Does this make you?want to go too? Have you been to Paris? Do you feel the same way I do about this incredible city……If not whats your favorite city? Anything above strike your fancy or knock your socks off? Always love to know. Once again SO HAPPY to back here…I truly missed it! ?Have a wonderful evening…..and be back tomorrow!!


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First I’m so happy that you and your family are fine and made it through “Irene”. I kept my prayers constant and watching the never ending hyped news reports. What a whirlwind of time and space from hurricane to architectural Paris.

Lovely photos of lovely dreamy things those mantels every last one of them I love it all. I have not had the opportunity to travel to Paris but it’s on my list…I will go.

These photos are allowing us to say goodbye to summer and begin our plans for fall (my absoulute favorite time of year) and appreciate all that we’ve done.

I wish we could time travel like “Samantha of Bewitched” twinkle our nose and be there instantly. That would be heavenly!

So glad you and your family are fine and all is calm again…big hug and kiss to Teddy.

Love Bette

YEAH!! So glad to have you back! I’m so glad all is well with you and your family. This post is beautiful! So much inspiration! I have never been to Paris but my parents did a barge trip in France and that is on my list of things to do. Your pictures are STUNNING! Love love love this post!!!


I would just repeat what everyone said – but so glad that you and yours are okay…. take care – have a great weekend!

Glad to hear all is well!
We got our power back this morning at 3 am. Sure, it was our neighbor’s burglar alarm that alerted us to this fact, but I’d never been happier to hear it go off!

Your Paris pictures make me want to travel there. I still can’t believe I haven’t been yet…

Glad you’re back Tina and that everything is fine and somewhat back to normal.

Paris, c’est magnifique! I have never been, it is missing from my life and at the top of my bucket list, but when I finally go, I want to do it right and not in a cheap touristy manner. I want to soak up every inch of the architecture and the culture.

The mantlepieces are spectacular!

Welcome back! Glad to hear you made it safely through Irene 🙂 Paris is beautiful, and I would love to go back someday. My husband and I went backpacking across Europe before we had kids. It was an adventure, but I’d like to go back and actually get dressed up for a nice dinner 🙂

Although we loved Paris, the place that stole our hearts was Brugge, Belgium.

Oh my goodness, it’s wonderful. Just simply wonderful. I think I’m french at heart… I guess what caught my eye most from these photos, was the moss green sofa and chairs, and the plates on the blue wall. There seems to be a look about everything that i can’t describe, but find so appealing. It’s obviously beautiful there, but there’s something else too…


Oh, please… let’s go! I have never been and I know it would be like finding the Mothership! You always bring such gorgeous things to share! I am a lover of blue and white too… those images are swoon worthy!

Sadly, I’ve never been to Europe. When we go our first stop will be Italy and then France. Your photos are amazing!
Glad all is well down there. In Syracuse we barely had a breeze.

Tina oh I have been wanting to go for the longest time!!I love it when my blog friends visit and bring back such fabulous accounts and images!

Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!

Art by Karena

First of all…I too am so glad you and your family are ok…surviving these storms sometimes is not so easy…and it lingers…trust me!!!
But, Paris….wow…I’ve been day dreaming of going back like you can’t believe!!! Last time we were there we stayed at the Lancaster Hotel!!! Unbelievable!!!! Wish I could remember all of the names of the places we ate…they were divine!!! but the flea markets, etc…and the drive to Provence…there is nothing like it!!! I do think it is time for us to go again!!! It’s only fair to my shop!!!! Mulberry Heights is BEGGING me to go!!!! Hope it also begs my husband!!! LOL!!!!
Love this post…and once again…glad you are well and fine!!!
much love,
Carolyn Bradford

Why do you do this to me? I do love Paris, it’s just one of those perfect places in the world. Firenze also has that affect on me, every corner is a post card.

Welcome back, and so glad that everyone is safe. Now I am going to go stare at your pictures again…:-)

I am glad you are safe and sound! It makes us grateful for the basics when the power comes back on, doesn’t it? I haven’t been to Paris since I was a girl, and I always remember certain things from a child’s view like the cars appearing matchbox size from the top of the eiffel tower.

So happy to hear you are back and safe. I’m sure it was a wild ride! Paris is my absolute favorite city and I’m dying to go back!! I could really live there and be so happy. I’m hoping to make another trip next year and cannot wait to spend more time there.

You had me at moss green and blue & white! You have also inspired me. I have been collecting blue and white plates for a display in my kitchen, my kitchen is a white linen color, but I really like how they used a blue background for the plates.
I used to visit Paris regularly for business and pleasure. With kids, I started to focus more on European cities with beaches or ski mountains. However, I just visited Barcelona, which was the best of both worlds. Swing by the market to take a visit with me. Welcome home!

So many gorgeous photos !! I havent been to Paris but hopefully will next summer…I cant wait. I know its such a magical and beautiful city !!


TINA! YOU ARE BACK!!!!!! When I went to Paris, it just was my magical moment. I speak French, so it was even more the magical. DON’T THE FRENCH JUST DO IT ALL SO BEAUTIFULLY?????? THOSE MANTELS…I have one in my studio and it is the centerpiece, next to my harp. Dearest, I am so glad that you are well….is your NEW mansion in NY or in NC? I WAS THINKING OF YOU the whole time of the storm my friend, hoping first of all that YOU were safe, but also that your new construction was not damaged…..MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU dear Tina!! Anita

So glad that all is well – I was firstly worried about your safety of course but it also occurred to me that something could have happened in terms of damage to your future enchanted home – I’m happy that none of those worries materialized! I have been to Paris several times and I do love it but I have to say I love the variety of cities around the world…Cape Town, Bangkok, Istanbul and Hong Kong are quite stunning too!

Glad you’re back online! What did we do before internet?
I love Paris – truly my favourite city. Even though we just returned from a lovely cruise visiting some amazing cities, Paris will always have my heart 🙂

So happy to hear you are well and OK! I have watched the news and have been saddened to see how much destruction has occured in some parts. Hope your beautiful home is fine too.
Have been to Paris twice and we are going back in April to attend a wedding of my husbands cousin, we are so excited and will take a few days after the wedding to go to Provence, which we have never been to. This show looks incredible. All the blue and white is beautiful, the moss green sofas are amazing and your hotel is quite spectacular too. Which hotel is it? We are staying at the George V. So looking forward, great post and I agree there is no city on earth quite like Paris.

Tina, we were thinking about you guys and are glad you and your family are okay. We have been dreaming of going to Paris for years. Going to try and make it happen in 2012! What a wonderful city…we can’t wait.

Glad you are back and everything is okay! We missed you in blogland!! Ohhhh Paris looks like a dream-so interesting to see the similarities and differences in the design aesthetic!

Yay…so happy you are back and worth the wait I must say!! So many beautiful images to start my morning. I have the perfect home for the ladies handwriting desk and the settee – both spectacular. There really is no other city quite like Paris…truly a dream. You have me longing for a return…

Oh, I am so glad you are back!!!!!

OK, I have never been to Paris and it has been on my bucket list forever! Remember how Gmynnie’s father took her for to Paris because he wanted to be the first man to show her the city. Oh! I want to go!!!

I have been wondering where you were! So happy you and yours are safe. Beautiful post today.
I always insist that Paris in ON THE WAY to any and everywhere we go in Europe. Heading there in Oct.

Must admit none of my hotel rooms looked like that though! Wow!

Good to have you back. I was checking the blog every day! missed your posts. Beautiful photos today. Have a happy, Holiday weekend..

Oh.. Paris! I’d love to goooooo! 🙂

I really need to travel. I haven’t for a while and my mind needs a break.

Paris is so romantic, so profoundly beautiful.

Thanks for this great post and it’s so WONDERFUL to have you back. I sure missed you!


Luciane at

I thought that was my pics of the Plaza Athenee there, I think we were in the same room! Oh I just got an invite to Maison Objet – yet another thing I can’t justify the cost of, boo hoo.

Your time snuggled at home sounds great I wish I could have been there with you!

So glad you’re back safely Tina. Great pictures of the show last year … will you visit again this year? We could meet for a coffee?

Hi, Tina.
I was just about to send you another email, because I was missing your blogs and hoped everything was OK. I’m happy you are back without any calamitous events, except the loss of power.
As for Paris, I love it as well and would gladly go back again, but my favorite city is Florence. It is smaller, of course, and more approachable in that way, and everywhere you turn you see magnificent works of art and architecture. And then, there is the food.

It may simply be a visceral reaction because I am more in touch with my Italian background than my French heritage, but that is a long story.

I am so happy you are back online and anxiously await the house updates.


So happy you are back and “weathered” the storm ok! I ahve never been to France, can not force myself to fly over that ocean! I am a TERRIBLE flyer, actually I hadn’t flown in over 30 years til 2 yearas ago! I LOVE blue and white and would give anything for some of those jars!!!! I do ahve a good collection but would love to add to it. The mantle are stunning and the marble tub in your HOTEL room made me swoon!!!!!!! Can’t wait for the house updates!!!! XO, Pinky

Oh my gosh!! What a wonderful pictures you posted!! I wish I was there with you!! Beautiful settings at the show and I loved the pictures of your hotel!! Indeed a beautiful paneling in the hallway!!
Thank you for sharing this all to us!

So, so happy to see you are ‘back,’ and powered up. I think most media have underplayed the damage to some degree, the fact there wasn’t a massive death toll downgraded the story in many ways, there are still many places without power, coping with floods and other issues.

I do love Paris, although I haven’t been for some time, it remains a lovely place. The wall of blue/white plates is beautiful, and that butcher block is gorgeous!

Sending you a smile,

Yay! So glad you weathered the storm and came through safe and sound! Here’s hoping your fall gives you nothing but blue skies and beautiful, crisp days.

good to know you’re back online and doing well..
beautiful pics of your trip to Paris…love the blue and white ginger jars.. and all the limed oak as well….
hope you’re able to get the house back on schedule too..

We been to Paris more times then I can count and never tire of it, it’s a beautiful city. Love the architecture in fact a lot of the pictures I took of the buildings are part of the husbands Christmas gift this year. Those macaroons and the crust bread with cheese I could live on them.

Glad to hear you’re ok after Irene we just ended up with a mess up here in NH but our house in Greenwich didn’t fair well it received a foot of water….ugh!

Tina, I was invited to the Christopher Guy showroom in Paris and so wish I could have gone. I have never been to Europe and it looks amazing!! Wow what a trip. Beautiful photos, thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Are you coming to Paris for the Salon de Maison et Objets? If you are, e mail me and let me know. I will be there doing an entry for my blog and meeting with different suppliers. I would love to meet you in person! I will be posting lots of photos from the event. My new favorite place is the Musée de Sevres. I spent the whole afternoon there today. It was heaven, if you like ceramic!

Glad to see that you are well, and back to blogging. Best regards to you and your family.


Tina, I am so sorry I did not know you lived in the path of Irene. So glad to hear that you survived its fury. I have never been to Paris but we are going next Fall and I can hardly wait!! I fell in love with so many of the above images, you know I will be pinning the blue and white images!!! Glad you are safe and sound, xo

I had no internet, phone or tv in the past couple of days where i am in ny, but thank goodness i had power. i caught up on my reading. yes i have been in Paris and yes it is magical. the food was fab and the people was so very nice and helpful. i didnt get to go to all the places i would have liked but i would love to go again.

I so want that glass chandelier in the first photo, and I so agree that Paris is beautiful in a shroud of gray. One of my memorable trips to Paris included a stay at Le Meurice Hotel, and your Philippe Starck chandelier is reminding me how much I’d like to return to see his renovation of the Hotel. He reportedly gives an ode to Salvador Dali (a frequent guest), that sounds charming and whimsical. Here’s a link to the project.

So glad you came through Irene safe & sound. The wind & rain was relentless here in VA. 15″ as a matter of fact, lots of flooding, but we were safe.

Was in Paris for 10 days in June. Oh, I just love Paris. We had an apartment and that was wonderful, just too short. Plan to return soon. I am a true francophile!

Boy, was that Irene a scare!! We had rolled up rugs and moved furniture upstairs….and had every outdoor pot and piece of outdoor furniture in the garage so it would not become a hurricane projectile. In the end, we were very lucky. I have numerous friends who are still suffering in one way or another.

Paris would be the perfect escape. Your images capture it beautifully. Let’s GO!!!! 🙂
xoxo Elizabeth

So glad you are all ok. Loved your visit to France. So many inspiring ideas. Where did you stay? The hotel looks like what you dream Paris will be. Id love to stay there but Im guessing its expensive. Fiona

You’ve captured so much of what makes Paris special. I still pinch myself when I walk through the streets everyday. WOUld love to meet for a café if you come, and if you have time.
Goad to hear you and your family made it through Irene safely. An answer to prayer.
The mantels are gorgeous!

Wow – amazing photos and what a wonderful trip. Your marble bath – how sensational. It all looks so luxurious and stylish and expensive! I love the blue and white room with plates and those wonderful jars especially, but I’m predictable that way. You must have had such a brilliant time. And the the food is to die for as well. Hard to settle in back home, but your wonderful house will be like a little piece of France back home.

So fantastic! Thanks for sharing your pics.


Oh I believe that everything French is good…
so good.

Missed your beautiful blog! So happy that you and your family made it through Irene safely. I want to go to Paris NOW! Love the scenery and the mantles…Oh, the mantles!!!

Oh dear, between your shopping & images in Paris and Melinda at Georgica Pond’s shopping & images from NYC & LA, a girl could get into a lot of trouble……SP

Catching up on my blog reading this long weekend and now I wish I was in Paris! I pinned that marble bathroom on my Pinterest.

I’m glad you faired Irene well despite the power issues. Hope you have a fabulous Labor Day weekend. The house is looking beyond gorgeous!!! xoxo

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