Comments : 102

Good morning,everyone…..First thank you sooo much for all the amazing birthday wishes and kindness, it was so touching! I must say I had a wonderful birthday with a few hiccups, but overall it was a wonderful day spent with my family at night and many good friends during the day who treated me to a wonderful and much needed relaxing lunch, and then showered me with wonderful gifts, including a luxurious cashmere robe, a tote filled with all kinds of scrumptious goodies,stunning earrings, travel bags (now I need to plan a trip),  a bunch of monogrammed goodies, and four gorgeous floral arrangements,  I had to include a few pics of my “birthday loot” just because yes, it was that good

I was thinking this would not be a very long post but turns out its a mammoth of a Things I am loving Thursday post, so sit back down, pour yourself an extra cup of coffee and relaaaaax.

I am trying to finish up my Christmas list, while doing a “soft pack” not a full blown packup but putting things away I know I won’t need for the next few weeks, getting ready for a busy weekend, my families arrival next week and our big Christmas party on Wed. night..whew!!!!!! I know I will get through it, always do and being a self appointed queen of lists, this helps me keep my sanity and see whats left to be done….anyone else out there able to relate to the tremendous power in being able to put a giant check next to an accomplished task on a list? BEST FEELING EVER!!!!!!! So lets begin, shall we! 

Giveaway low down all the way at the sure to enter!!

HOUSE UPDATES. Lots of finishing touches this week, biggest excitement for me was my kitchen backsplash. If there is one thing I learned during this process it is to listen to your instincts, and I am so very glad I did!!. Most were saying they werent’ sure about the oversized subway and finding it was not an easy task then finding it beveled proved to be beyond challenging. Well I stuck it out and finally found it and I was doing backflips over the finished product. LOVE the backsplash, only part not yet done is behind the range, the chair rails came in wrong, so now waiting on the new ones and then will complete the back of the range and then folks, its bring in the range, get some lanterns and we are nearly done!! Woo hoo! Painting continues downstairs, and other little odds and ends, here’s the lo down. Front entrance is back to being worked on again (they were waiting for copper flashing), porch is just about done, and came out beautiful, I know we are really going to enjoy spending time there. Some hardware got put on and mirrors put in.  Sure enough my camera died when I was about 3/4 done with my photo session!!  

Dressing mirror installed…..

Vanity almost done….glazing getting done tomorrow!

Vanity completed!
Close up

Mirror got put into closet

2nd floor window being framed
Front tower/entrance, from 2nd floor
Outdoor patio/fireplace is done! Wanted to take more pics, but thats when my camera died!

Door knobs

Finally top of front door is being finished!

Mini subways considering for laundry room backsplash

Laundry room completed except for backsplash
Might do mini bricks on backsplash since I have some left over!
Love the wire on the cabinets….

Ta dah! Loving my backsplash

Honed beveled very large/oversized….exactly as I had envisioned!!

BIRTHDAY GOODNESS. First and foremost the best gift ever is the gift of love, friendship and the relationships I am blessed to have in my life. Then the fun gifts and beautiful flowers are like the icing on the cake!! Here are some of beautiful and super thoughtful gifts I received on my very special day……

These white hydrangea and red roses arrangement will work beautifully with my nutcrackers!
I also got two vases of gorgeous pink roses!! They smell heavenly…..
Got these beautiful orchids!! Perfect on my console in the kitchen…
And this fun tote filled with all kinds of yummy treats, way too many but I am not complaining!
Sorry but camera ran out at this point…..but suffice to say lots of wonderful thoughtful gifts! Thank you to all my friends and family! 

MAST BROTHERS CHOCOLATE. Now I do consider myself to be somewhat of a chocoexpert. (I coined this term, catchy, huh?) I love chocolate, though not a huge fan of dark though I know its the healthier less evil twin:)  Anywho, discovered Mast brothers and their “gourmet chocolate” at Dean and Deluca, besides being sinfully good, I love the packaging, there are a million ways they package their beautiful bars and these also make great gifts/favors! Its a neat story about two brothers from Brooklyn who started making chocolate in their apartment to serve at big dinner parties, so many loved it, one thing led to the net and voila, Mast Brothers chocolate was born! They liken their chocolate to not candy but ” more like caviar”. Click here to visit. (Be sure to watch their beautifully produced video on their story and how they make/source their chocolate)

The brothers at work, you have to admire anyone who makes a career out of making chocolate!
AN INSPIRING POST FROM A FELLOW BLOGGER. Last week and in general, I haven’t been feeling the spirit as I normally do, much to my chagrin. Think mostly because of the stress I have been dealing with both with the house and with a sick relative and trying to help out on that end. I mean me, the one who goes all out with her decor, the one who cannot visit enough Christmas displays and must see every one, at least once, the one who dreams of becoming one of those little people in the perfect idyllic Christmas village scenes. Well I stumbled across a post which so moved me about the spirit of the holiday and ways to subtly get in the spirit. I felt like her post was talking directly to me. I wanted to share it because I think it was so beautifully and poignantly expressed. Thank you Suzanne from Privet and Holly. 
Please click here to see the post. 
A TRULY INSPIRING STORY. I found out about this blog through 3 peanuts and though I didnt’ expect to start my day (which started at a very early 4:43 this morning) crying like a baby,but they were tears of joy and total awe. You must visit this blog and read about this unbelievable story of an American who has two adopted daughters from China and after being on the path to adopt a third, for years, they are presented with a situation of a 9 year old girl having lived in an orphanage since 2 who was found on the streets literally on fire. You can read the rest on her blog but they finally met (picture below) and it became official yesterday. AMAZING STORY whose spirit will stay with me this entire day. You must stop by and say hello…its truly remarkable in every way.  Cami is a lucky little girl!
Click here to visit  Casadealegria.
TORY BURCH JEWELRY. Kind of hard to move from a story like that to something frivolous like jewelry but it is the holidays and its all about beauty, both in the human spirit and in fun things like gifts! I  am a big fan of all things Tory Burch, have lots of her clothes in my closet and really love the modern take on traditional classics (exactly how I like to dress when not in yoga pants)! I am really liking her jewelry line and must admit I have been so out of it, that I wasn’t even aware of its launch until quite recently. But I received a great bracelet as a gift and have since “investigated” and really love what I see, its a natural progression for someone who has done so well with her clothing line and the jewelry like her clothing, is modern but classic. Here are a few pieces I think that look great and will certainly stand the test of time.
The bracelet I was given (thanks C)!!

These are fun, could see these in the summer with an all white outfit!

This is a classic look

Love this, great colors for fall/winter

A great cuff is a must have!

A WONDERFUL GIVEAWAY!! As promised the wonderful maker of some of the finest artificial trees and wreaths has so generously offered a giveaway for not one but THREE wonderful items!!
They are the following:

1. A 6′ Frasier Fir tree ($219 retail) 

2. A 30″ Princetone Pine wreath ($129 retail) 

3.An 18″ Mountain mixed Pine garland ($119 retail)

Not only can you use these beautiful items for this year but for many years to come! The quality is excellent and surely something every household will treasure. To be eligible, its quite simple….all you need to do is leave a comment here and “like” them on their Facebook page. Click here to visit their Facebook page. (Only those who do this will be eligible as per their instructions). Christmas Tree Market’s artificial trees, wreaths and garland look fabulously real and stand the test of time! I will announce the lucky winners tomorrow morning so these lovely items can be sent right out……good luck!

Well, that is about it over here. Crazy busy, all good things and making my many lists and checking them twice and three times. I will be featuring various guest posts from some of  my incredibly talented taste maker friends/fellow bloggers, over the next 10 days leading up to Christmas with a sprinkling of my own posts. You are in for a treat, wishing you peace and calm during this hectic and sometimes stressful time! This says it best……..

Wishing you a wonderful day!!!!


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Glad you had a good birthday. Can’t wait to go and read the story of the little girl from China. Having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit, but your posts have inspired me. Thank You!! Also, LOVE the subway tile backsplash…AMAZING!!!

Hello Tina,!

Happy the day after your birthday! I am so happy to hear that you had a wonderful day, family and friends are the best gifts/presents in life! That is truly what it is all about.

I love all of the updates! The tile in the kitchen is amazing, wow! I do not think I have ever seen tile that size, it looks spectacular. And the mirrors in the closet remind me of the fabulous rooms in the Hotel Particuliar in Paris! Stunning. I am so excited that it si all coming together for you.

As for your busy week, remember that the people, your friends and family are there for you! They won’t care if you did not make all 20 varieties of hor d’oeuvres. You are going to have a fabulous time at your party and with your family. Enjoy!

I love Privet and Holly, it is such a beautiful blog and I always leave there feeling so great! She is such a kind and beautiful soul! Love her!

Have a wonderful day, Elizabeth

Hey Tina, so happy to hear your birthday was such a fun success. Sounds like you were treated royally and you deserve it! Love all the flowers and gifts….now onto the house, WOW love the backsplash. Great move to get the oversized subway, completely works for the scale of your kitchen. Everything is just beyond, no other way to say it!
Love Tory Burch too…..and didn’t even know there was a jewelry line, looks great.
I will go and visit the facebook for the giveaway. What a lovely giveaway, and my house could certainly use more wreath and decor!

I’m off to check out that inspiring post…I could use it right about now also! And the packaging on those chocolates – wow – so pretty! Keep your eye on the prize with theh house – all of these hassles will soon be a distant memory. Transitions are so hard and as you know I am going through one as well…I’m not good at waiting and delays, so I have been frustrated, but know that soon it will all come together. πŸ™‚ Wishing you a wonderful day too Tina!

Thanks for introducing me to Christmas Tree Market. Checked out their website and liked them on FB. As an adoptive mother myself I am looking forward to reading the story you featured in today’s post.

All beautiful details on the house. Love the pulls your showing today. Those windows are amazing I’m seeing throughout. Looks like windows I see in Europe. Great backsplash Tina, I’m in love with it too. Love all the b’day pretties from your friends. Got to try those chocolates, yum. TFH will be full of such good things for my family and friends coming for Christmas.
May you and yours have a Blessed Christmas…….

The French Hutch

WOW I just came back after reading Cami’s story, talk about inspiring. One that has truly opened my heart to the season, one of love, hope and belonging, I love it! I’m so glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday and I wish you many, many more!

Love love love love love love love!
Thank you for sharing the amazing story. It truly touched me!!!
So happy you had a wonderful birthday.

PS I just “liked” the Christmas Tree Mart. I love a good garland for indoors. Thank you so much for telling us about the company!!

Glad to hear you enjoyed such a nice birthday with friends and family! The house is looking terrific. Love the backsplash!! Going to check out the blog posts you recommended. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity πŸ™‚

What a great birthday you had!
Love all the details being finished in the new house. Great choices!
Love the give away items-Crossing my fingers after liking them on Facebook!
Thanks for sharing!

I am a new discoverer of blogs. Didn’t even know what a blog was! Yours is my absolute favorite & the new house is lovely. Loved what you had to say today. So true. Didn’t know what to do with the “Select profile” needed to leave a comment so I chose Anonymous but, my name is Judy.

Tina, What an inspiring story. The courage the hope and what family and life should be. To open their home and to take in these children is what the season and life should be about. To serve and help others.

Have never tried an artificial tree, but they are so lifelike now. Hoping to persuade my husband. Maybe this will work. Marcie

Lovely post. So happy your birthday celebrations were so wonderful! The story of the little girl was beyond moving. Your home is truly stunning and I love all the love you have put into every detail. XOXO.

Tina, Tina, Tina! Where to start?
I am so happy that you had a wonderful birthday! So beautiful gifts you received.
Your house is looking fabulous! Love the knobs you have chosen for ht vanity, and the door knobs. Now on to the backsplash- amazing. Absolutely perfect. The tower looks great and the outdoor room is fantabulous! I am certain I am missing something, but I love it all. Can’t wait to see that door open!
Headed to read the story. Loved your suggestions and pretty Christmas gift.
Have a great day.

Tina, I look forward to the house updates every Thursday! Things are truly looking fantastic. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.

Keep Calm and Jingle on indeed, thanks for such a lovely post in the midst of a birthday, the holiday madness and “soft moving”! I’m glad you enjoyed your day and got to celebrate with friends and family! XO

Tina, I love your spirit; always
upbeat and so supportive of
others. I was honored to be
mentioned in Things You Love.
I hope you continue to be
joy-FULL and are bring this
Christmas through you to those
lucky enough to call you friend.
You just brought a lovely dusting
of it to me : ). Thank you!

xx Suzanne

OMG your backsplash is AH MA ZING!!!!!!!! love it along with your doorknobs, the woodoworking and Jimney Chrsitmas that porch!!!!!!! I could live out there.
Thanks for the chance for this great giveaway, and now will go visit the two inspiring posts you loved so much. Could use a dose of Christmas spirit myself. Working non stop is just stresssing me out and having 25 people over for Christmas day dinner is enough to make me faint!
I need a “destresser”
So glad your birthday was wonderful, your flowers are beautiful and you deserved to feel special! Enjoy and love that last saying, jingle on!

Thanks for sharing all the photos of your home. I love seeing all the details you have picked out. We are currently in the planning stages of a remodel and you have given me lots of ideas and inspiration.

Happy Birthday to you also.

I love the giveaway. My fresh greenery around our house is looking a little dry. I’m actually taking the fresh greenery off of our mantle because it looks so bad. I “liked” Christmas Tree Market on facebook.

Happy Holidays!!

where to start on this post??? okay 1) i LOVE all of the house update photos… i just find myself daydreaming and scrolling through all of them. 2) i need to visit you after your house is done. 3) i’ll just sleep in your dressing room. 4) LOVE the kitchen backsplash. 5) and the wire on the kitchen cabinets. 6) happy belated birthday! 7) that is the most beautiful chocolate i have ever seen. 8) definitely going to check out the christmas spirit blog post and the adoption blog right now. 9) i NEED one of those TB bright leather bracelets. 10) oh, put me in for the giveaway.

told you… a lot. πŸ™‚

Oh how I love the subway tiles for the kitchen and for the laundry room…how can you go wrong with this? I also was sitting here with Kristy(and Will)showing her your gorgeous knobs for the vanity…smashing!! Love the crystal and the size is perfect. So glad you had a wonderful birthday!!

I love that dressing mirror – something I always wish I had but is currently low on my priority list but I know I would use it daily (and so would everyone else in the family!) if I had one. The wire in the cabinets is a nice touch..I like the pattern it lends to the cabinet face. Have to connect to the other posts you have mentioned.

Your new home is beyond gorgeous, and I hope it will be finished and your family moved in soon, with a minimum of stress.

Thanks for the intro to Christmas Tree Market. I am hoping for 2nd prize, since the wreath is really what we need.

Happy belated birthday!! I love following the progress on your amazing home and so enjoy your blog! I would love to win any of the items, the tree, wreath and especially garland all look beautiful and would be a welcome addition to my “enchanted home”. I am also a “Christmas baby” , December 20th so winning the giveaway would be a double bonus!
Many thanks and best wishes to your and your family for a wonderfulChristmas and New Year! I look forward to your blog as you move into your new home!!
Susan C, a fan in Connecticut

Wow! The backsplash is amazing, and you blow me away with your patience and attention to detail. I would be so ready to move in that I would go along with anything at this point just to get my foot in the door!!! I think one of the best things ever will be to sit around the outdoor fireplace in a nice wool blanket and stare at the fire while nestled in your dream home in the woods. How fun will that be?? With Teddy sitting contentedly by your feet getting all toasty warm! I have been a late starter too for getting in the spirit this year, but I have heard that from lots of people. Starting Friday I am dedicating myself to the holidays!! I promise!

Dear Tina,
I’m not sure how I missed your birthday, but Happy Birthday! I hope the year ahead is full of good health, peace, and joy. I can certainly relate to the happiness that comes in checking off items on a list as I have a lonnnng one right this minute! Here’s to getting everything checked off and living cheerfully even if everything doesn’t!

Tina the kitchen just keeps getting better every time, I cant wait to see the final product. Casa de Alegria’s story is so touching! A truly beautiful story. It is indeed hard to move from a story like hers to Tory Burch jewelery, but I must say I am really liking those pieces too.


TINA! The subway tile is SPECTACULAR. I used to be kind of bored with it, but leave it to you to make it totally exciting and gorgeous again! And I love the wire in the cabinets, too. I guess I was thinking you would do glass there, and it was such a cool surprise to see that when you first posted it. You have amazing talent and taste!

Wow, Tina… where to begin on this wonderful post? You have given US some terrific gifts today! The house is amazing and you are living proof that Design is… All in the Detail (sorry, I couldn’t resist!)
I am so glad that you had a beautiful birthday – and it was filled with heart-warming love (Obviously)
… and I am not quite sure if you can be crowned queen of lists. I do hold that title (I even place blank post-its around my house to remind me of ‘to-dos’… sad really.
ok… last but not least… I am an evergreen snob but have become a HUGE fan of the real-life artificial greenery…. the kind that you literally have to touch to convince yourself that it isn’t real and I LOVE finding new sources for these.
A big ‘all around’ thank you for today’s post!
Have a wonderful day!

The back splash is perfect. The over size fits the scale of the house. ..very beautiful

I liked the Christmas Trees. I would love to win the garland…as I have a beautiful curving stairway. Every season I say I am going to get a beautiful garland and time and money always escapes me and I have never done it. I am painting the stair railing and posts black this year ( next week) and garland would be the the perfect addition. Clearly this brand of garland is quite beautiful ….thanks so much

Dear Tina,
I am new to your blog and am totally “enchanted” by it. In addition to all the beauty you write about and show us regularly, your heart of love comes through in each and every post and that is a beautiful combination to behold indeed! There is never a sense of pretension or pride in anything you write, and I wish I could be counted as one of your friends. Thank you for the inspiration and joy you have brought to my life!
Warmly, Beth

Your home is coming along beautifully. I’m sure you can’t wait to move in, but at least you have lots of fun events to help distract you until then.
Happy Birthday and thanks for such great posts.

First and most important….HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I’m so sorry I’ve been offline the past 2 days while in the city. I hope you were spoiled all day!

Mast Brothers…guess what I brought home from the city yesterday, wrapped with ribbon and will highlight on the blog? Yes. Mast Brothers! Agree their packaging is amazing and the quality…sublime!

Love that oversized tile in the kitchen. Oh, the times you will have in that space.

Must go…so behind!Mwah!!!!
xoxo Elizabeth

Good afternoon, I do love reading your blog and house updates…you can say I admire you home, the beauty it is becoming thank you so much for sharing it. I went on to facebook and liked Christmas tree market as well:) Thank you for sharing that. Happy bleated Birthday as well! Blessings to you, Tress

Happy belated birthday….glad it was a wonderful one. Your backsplash is divine….absolutely LOVE it. I could live in your closet quite happily πŸ™‚ I have a Tory stoor within walking distance of our house….hard not to get sucked in πŸ™‚

serious swoonage going on upon glimpsing the house updates! omg, tina. the backsplace choices are so classically beautiful and look amazing.

good luck with all your holiday preparations, and smiles and love to you!


Please enter me in your drawing darling

I don’t know your story however I am blowed away over this mansion you are building. I have never been in such a house. Your one blessed person

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Your home is beautiful!! Can’t wait till you get to the fun part…furnishing and decorating!! I liked the Christmas Tree Market on FB.

I follow Three Peanuts and I have cried over Cami also! It takes very special people to do what they are doing! Happy Birthday a day late!The house is looking beautiful and I can’t wait to see how you decorate it! I entered on Facebook and would love to win!

Thank you for the opportunity to win one of those beautiful trees/garland/wreath! What a dream to get one of those!

Your home is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I cannot wait to see the completed product!


Everything looks fabulous in the house, Tina. I love the oval door knobs and the backsplash looks great. You have very generous friends. The birthday gifts were lovely. Now I am off to look at the Mast Bros. chocolate and the story about the adoption.

My goodness there is so much to comment on! The house had my heart doing backflips, Love at first sight! Oh that backsplash is pure heaven Tina, ditto wire in the cabinets. The whole house for that matter and how incredible is that loggia? Great choice for your vanity hardware, do you know who makes it? Love it.
I will go visit both posts, as they sound like just the lift I need to see. Funny I got my sister a Tory Burch necklace and Revas for Christmas, she wears that line as though its her personal uniform and I agree about the jewelry, its a nice looking line.
Anyway, another home run of a post. Thank you for all you do. You always put a great big smile on my face:-)

Hi Tina,
Love the house updates! It is so beautiful!! I’m glad you had a great birthday. Would be so happy if I won the tree/wreath/garland. They look so very Christmas and would certainly put me in the holiday spirit.

“Mini subways considering for laundry room backsplash” hehehe! How magnificent!

Babylove! I am so grateful that you are sharing! Thanks! The house is such a marvel!

Why thank you I’m loving the opportunity to win this prize! Happy Holidays~ (and I am following them on FB)

So it’s only 7.30am and I’m sitting here wiping up the tears now, what a beautiful and inspiring story of an amazing and extraordinary couple, that truly does show the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you for sharing their story and for your gorgeous house updates, which as ever are staggeringly beautiful. Can’t wait for you to move in. Love the tile too.

Tina–when I have time I will come back to read all about the house updates (very soon) but I wanted to quickly thank you for sharing the story of our friends. I cannot tell you how much that means to me. Who know…maybe it will inspire one person to help someone in way there were not sure they were capable of doing so. Also, Karen needs the prayers, support and encouragement and I saw a alot of readers went over to comment on her blog after your post too. Thank you!!! You have a truly giving heart.


So happy to hear that you had a great birthday! I admire all of the energy you have building this house, throwing holiday parties, etc.!

Your closet is a true dream and the knobs look wonderful in the bathroom! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

this post was jam packed!! πŸ™‚ YOUR HOUSE IS AMAZING. can we have a blogger retreat there? i’ll bring the champagne… but i’m calling your bath tub. πŸ™‚ ha! love the backsplash. that bevel is PERFECT.


So glad your Birthday was filled with sparkles and splendor. Oh the flowers just lovely.

House updates just keep unfolding the mastery of your imagination to fruition and it is fabulous! Love the subway tile it is every bit as perfect as can be really look great. Subway tile in laundry room will be fabulous too!

Closet, dressing mirror, bathroom vanity are all surreal.

So much to explore Tory Burch jewelry, Mast Brothers Chocoate and the miracle story at Casadealegria. Tis the season for all kinds of goodness.



This was such a great post, Tina! You touched on so many wonderful things! Blessings all around! When people have blessings in their hearts (and chocolate in theirs hands) life is sweet! xoxo

Happy Belated Birthday, sounds as if it was wonderful.

The splashback in the kitchen is perfect, as you knew it would be.

Thank you so much for posting the link to Cami’s story. Like everyone else l was incredibly touched by the love and generosity her new Mum and Dad have displayed. It’s the very best Christmas story you could have shared with us.

Glad you had a nice birthday, Tina! Your house looks amazing; that subway tile back splash is gorgeous!

I “liked” the Christmas Trees on Facebook….would love to win!

HI Tina, YOur house is really getting there! You must be so excited! I am!!!! I went to the site and “liked” them on Facebook. Are you sure it is an 18 INCH garland???? In any case, great giveaway!! I wish you and your family a truly blessed Christmas! I will go visit the other blog to read the story! XO, pinky

I “liked” Christmas Tree Market on FB! What a fabulous giveaway! πŸ™‚
I Love, love, love your house and love watching it progress!

Ah, Tina.. ::sniff:: There is so much in this post. I’m still drying my eyes from the Chinese adoption story, & I know I’ll have to revisit Privet & Holly to re-read that post & fully take it all in. Thank you for sharing such inspiring links. I got some bad news today, & those two posts have really helped to put it all into perspective. Thank you, thank you!

Your house is looking gorgeous. I’m getting excited for you just looking at all the pictures. I’ve mentioned before how much I like the entrance tower, & I always am anxious to see its progress. Best wishes for a speedy move-in!



I am so late…I am sick and will be going into the doc tomorrow to see if I have pneumonia!!!!! I think not, but everyone keeps telling me to go! OK, the house is SPLENDID!!! You have GOT to be just chomping at the bit to GET IN! I WOULD BE!!!!!! LOVE TO YOU ALL! Anita

The house finishing touches are gorgeous, and a belated Happy Birthday to you!

I “liked” Christmas Tree Market on their facebook page. What a lovely giveaway. Thanks, Tina

You’re home looks amazing! I cant wait to see the finished product and your decor inside πŸ™‚

First of all I am such a loser to have missed your birthday…..yikes. Second those large backsplash tiles are killing me…..I love them. I will get my Kleenex to go read those post…..xoxo

Your house is looking amazing. I love EVERYTHING! I’ll have to gear up for the post you were mentioning. I love inspiring stories and I think I could probably use a good cry. Stressful times.

This was such a fun post and it was nice to see some of your great birthday gifts! I love the kitchen back splash! I want that tile!!!! Gor-geous!!! I will have to check out the story about the adoption. My neighbor adopted a little girl from China and all of the stories just touch my heart. So sweet….xo

Yur kitchen backsplash is amazing…way to persevere…it’s worth every bit so angst you went through defending it and finding it!! And, your front entry is just beautiful…beyond beautiful actually, it rivals estates throughout England and France…I could go on and on…it’s stunning!
So happy you had such a lovely birthday…
xo J~

Happy belated birthday, I am glad you had a wonderful day! Your choice for the subway tile is right on! It is spectacular like your taste in everything you have chosen for your amazing home. Yes, I also love anything and everything Tory Burch! I am heading over to read the awe inspiring adoption story.

I am so honored to have been added to your blog roll! Thanks so much…getting lots of traffic from you!

Your home is just beautiful. I hope you only have happy moments there!

Happy Belated Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog every morning, it’s my ” me time”. You are so inspiring and I am getting so many wonderful ideas for my new house – thank you so much! I liked the Christmas Tree giveaway on FB, hoping I’ll be chosen…I am sponsoring a family this Christmas and they don’t have a tree or any decorations yet, would love to see their faces light up if I were lucky enough to win it for them! Thanks Tina!

Wonderful post as always Tina. Happy belated Birthday! Your new home is looking positively beautiful. I can’t wait to see everything completed.
The chocolates sound tempting- I might just have to order these for the holidays. Also, thank you for the Christmas Tree Market giveaway.

Long time admirer first time commenter. You’re house is stunning. The choices you’ve made are beautiful. I’ve been considering replacing the glass in some existing cabinetry with brass wire. I’ve found the best selection seems to be in the UK. I’m reluctant to make this kind of purchase online. How was your experience?

Tina, love the backsplash, you always seem to make the right choice and since you have to live with it always get what you think will work. I have a question and I hope you can answer, with all the comments and stuff you have going on I understand if you don’t, but in the backsplash next to an outlet there is something that looks like and outlet plate but has a bumped out cover, what is that? I am sure I am going to need one, after I know what it is, haha! Thanks, MB

I LOVE lists too! Can’t imagine getting through a day without them! House is looking absolutely amazing!!! Happy Holidays Tina!

Happy Belated Birthday dear Tina!!!
So glad you had fun. And yes, the best birthdays are those spent with dear ones you love..
Terrific post. Your home never ceases to amaze!! :))
And Suzanne at Privet and Holly is one fantastic lady.
– Irina

I’m late to the party, too, but I am so glad you had a great birthday! That tile backsplash is gorg. I love the knobs in the bathroom. I have the same ones in my master bathroom!

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