Comments : 28

Happy Saturday morning to you. We are having the most spectacuar weather… about you? 70’s, breezy, clear skies…doesn’t get better.  I was really happy to have gotten in a small batch of unexpected goodies from one of my favorite vendors.The good news is that 28 of the scalloped chargers was amongst the loot. I know many of you have inquired about the chargers……so they are here! The bad news is some things are already sold.
 Unfortunately I am not able to get large quantities of these gorgeous items, as much as I wish I could. They sell and do private label for a lot of big time very upscale brands and I get things here and there. I take what I can get because I love it all. I normally do not list these things in my store since its only one of each item, so I make up a post and show you the goods…..if you are interested in anyhting just email me here.  So here’s the goodies……..anything catch your eye? Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

The chargers, normally sell them in groups of 4 but selling these individually, email me with inquires. Click here to email.

The prettiest way to dress up any table year round is with a stunning pewter coated charger.
Just look at how beautiful they look on Melindas gorgeous “ladies brunch table”…ooh la la!

And a few other gorgeous pieces……….

This is a really fabulous bowl, so much intricate detailing, about 22″ wide, very impressive piece!

I LOVE black tole pieces…and then add gold and handpainting….soooo gorgeous!

Love this elegant umbrellas stand….

And this planter which I own…..

Adore these painted tole planters with scalloped edging…..I have 6 of these.
Had one of these a while back, gorgeous for magazines, logs or as a beautiful trashcan.

Beautiful for guest towels, the perfect size.

This is one stunning tray…super detailed. Really fabulous and very very heavy.

Love this shape, perfect for a ladies vanity or a bar!

Love the scalloped edges with French writing

Very oversized about 25″ x 17″…just fabulous!

Stunning filligree detailing and etching

Pretty detailing on the side of the tray…perfect for a bar!
Love artichokes….put some in my pretty little planter.
Got in a bunch of soaps for orders…they are so fabulous! They smell as beautiful as they look, had to share!

Was out and about and fell in love with both of these settings. I have no place at all for the orange bench but I am totally in love with it. Then I have always loved a rustic feeling bench at a beautiful table and the green is particularly gorgeous…think this is so pretty!

The gorgeous color, the design, the square garden benches….fabulous!

Just love the idea of a green rustic bench…….great looking!
So that’s the latest over here. Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned, whatever wonderful means to you, relaxing, chockfull, whatever it is to you…just hope its great! Thanks for stopping in, be back on Monday.


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You have really been smart, Tina. You sell wares that people WANT and NEED for their homes. BRAVO TO YOU my dear. Everything you have is a must-have! I just wish I had money!!!

Your green chairs here are F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S!!!

Our weather has also been fantastic and we are going out for an 8 mile walk around the lakes and the mansions…..will think of you when I pass a new construction going on this CHÂTEAU style home…stunning!

Happy Saturday, Anita

You have beautiful things! That green bench is gorgeous, too, and I like the orange settee as well. It’s very Palm Beach and would be cute on a covered porch.
Have a great weekend!

Hi Tina! As usual many things to drool over, will be emailing you about the chargers and a few of those gorgeous tole pieces, I also love black. It has such impact. The Green and orange bench are so pretty too. Last, I hope you have a great abd relaxing weekend.

Happy Weekend, Tina! Love all your items–they resonate your great taste!! I love the green bench, but I love the orange just as much!! So “Fall-ish”!! xo

So many beautiful Things!! Liove the chargers, very elegant. I love your taste and style. That green bench is also great looking.

Such a pretty display with the blue and whites, and the artichokes in the planter! The chargers and your new silver pieces are gorgeous Tina. I use the silver I purchased from you ALL the time and it is perfect! I must order some of those monogrammed soaps at some point.. wonderful hostess or holiday gift idea!

Enjoy your weekend!

I really am loving the pewter chargers! I had antique ones in only one time at my shop and they sold immediately! I wish I could find them again! Yours are perfectly beautiful! Love the planter that you said you have as well! Shoot…it’s ALL pretty! Have a great weekend!

When I open your posts I always SIGH… is all so beautiful. We are building our new home, settlement is 9/28 but it sure isn’t on the scale of yours but I am SO happy with everything so far. I love the green bench too. We are waiting for our best friends right now to get here and we are taking them to the new house for a champayne toast then out to dinner to THANK THEM for all the hELP they ahve been with packing etc. Tomorrow we are going to be dumping pots of flowers and cleaning up the yard. I am LOVING this weather too. XO, Pinky

Hi Tina

Gorgeous silverware and I particularly love the champagne buckets that you can put flowers or topiaries in! The monogrammed soaps are so elegant! Have a beautiful Sunday.. we have family coming over for a bbq and a swim as we have just started spring. Am about to make a cob loaf for starters!!!
best wishes

Whats not to love here? I love it all from the beautiful soaps to all trays!I want one of everything. And that orange bench is so neat, could see it in a sunroom….what a great color. Happy to see your online store doing so well, a testament to your excellent taste. I plan on ordering the soaps for lots of Christmas gifts, am going to email you about the chargers. Bought 4 last time you had them and wondering what your thoughts are on mixing and matching patterns?

So many lovely items. The table settings are fabulous–makes me want to dig out the linens china and crystal for Sunday dinner. I love receiving expensive soap for a gift. I swear I could smell these gorgeous bars! Don’t they give powder rooms the most delicious aroma! I might have to have those silver chargers.

Wow I want it all! Its so beautiful. Especially love the tole pieces and ornate bowl and tray and chargers, well I think I am saying its all so beautiful. Going to email you now.
The soaps are awesome! What a neat and thoughtful gift. Love your take on whats stylish Tina.

your vignette with the artichokes is killer, tina. i love that.

and all the silver lovely is just divine-happiness-overload in the best possible way.

the gig last night went AWESOMELY. i loved every second of it and even though it was kind of rickety stage, that made it even better because the music was just penetrating my bones, i rocked easily, and felt completely at ease. and i loved the spectacle in front of us the lights of the ferris wheel and tilt-o-whirls. i’ll try to get some video to share!

love to you.


Thank you for the wonderful wishes, the beautiful benches and those trays. I have a collection of silver trays I’ve inherited and picked up at estate sales and I love to used them to compartmentalize things, as you said, on the bar, a vanity, a section of the bathroom. Putting things on a tray makes them look collected and organized. Love you choices here. Hoping you have a fabulous week. xoxoxo ebb


It can be just as satisfying to have a snap shot even if you don’t get to bring the article home. Great finds but again you have a great eye for these delightful things too. Love the soaps and the design on the benches they’re really a nice find.


What great new pieces!! The chargers are great, and the soaps are the perfect hostess gift ! Looks like I may be doing a little shopping again at THe Enchanted Home!

My darling Tina,

YOU ARE SUCH AN ENCOURAGEMENT MY DEAR! Yes, I am intending to publish my blog posts but I have to WITHOUT the photos…..copyright issues, you know. But it will give me a good literary challenge to polish my posts so they can STAND ALONE.

Bless you sweet friend for your kind words! Anita

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