Comments : 25

Good Tuesday morning to you! Here today for another installment of “ A perfect fall day” with one of my favorite bloggers, one who infuses a fun playful sense of humor with a healthy dose of self deprecation that is so endearing, and her fair share of fabulous taste! She keeps me going back for more. Besides how can I not feel a bond with her since we both share an insane love for all things blue and white:)
Stylish Jennifer just moved into her dream home (big congrats on that) and is settling in as we speak…my heart goes out to her, I know full well how utterly exhausting it is to move but Jennifer I assure you it is  worth every sore muscle, every aching muscle, every hour of stress and super sore feet every package of cookies and bags of chips eaten out of stress! I was so happy to get her take on a perfect fall day, one that she is probably wishing she could take right about now:) This day spoke to me on many counts…..we could be great fall friends! If you are not a visitor already of Belclaire House, please stop over to visit, I assure you that you will most definitely make it a regular habit. Enough of me, lets join Jennifer on her perfect fall day…….

One word that comes to mind when I think of fall??Football! (I’m a huge Missouri Tigers fan)

One of the most wonderful things about fall is…….the crisp air, something about it energizes me 
(okay fine, the fall TV lineup is pretty wonderful, too) 

My favorite fall color is???
hmmmm,  even though fall is my favorite season, I’m not a huge fan of traditional fall colors in my home (like reds, oranges, burgundies and browns, although I love them on the trees outside).  I guess it’s more about texture and layers for me in the fall – more blankets and pillows and heavier fabrics as I prepare for winter (but still in my blue and white color scheme).  This fall I predict I use a lot of navy, dark green and blush colors.

Perfect spot for a book and a pumpkin spice latte
via the now book
On a perfect fall day, I would wake up at ???10 a.m.  (okay that’s never going to happen) … 9ish?

To the sound of????bacon sizzling and my husband, Kip, telling our two-year-old, Edward, to please hush because “it’s very important not to wake up Mommy because she works so hard all week to entertain you and prepare three perfect meals each day all while looking beautiful and skinny.”

Donna Reed

The view from my window looks something like this???We usually cannot keep up with the pace of the falling leaves much to my son Edward’s delight.

The ideal fall weather could be described this way………Sunny and not too cold.  Light sweater weather, if you will. 

My ideal morning activity would be???I’d always rather be sleeping, but if that’s not an option than taking a walk around the neighborhood. 

This is a fall outfit you might see me in???
via Snubnose
At least that’s what I look like in my head when I have on leggings and a sweater with my hair in a ponytail.  I’m sure I’ve never looked that chic.

A favorite product (beauty or otherwise) I like to use as the weather gets nippier????My slow cooker! At least twice a week! 

For a fall breakfast I would indulge in???Extra coffee.  I never eat breakfast.  I know, it’s bad

My favorite daytime activity in the fall is????playing outside with my 2 year-old, going to a pumpkin patch or baking some yummy pumpkin treat 

Here’s whats on my plate for lunch…….Probably Crock-pot leftovers from the night before or my Grandma’s Casserole, which is basically goulash.  I love to make a big casserole for lunch and then eat it for the next three days

Around 3pm you might find me???????Getting out of the house for a walk because Edward and the dog are driving me crazy.  They love it and I find it soothing.  It’s sort of the last thing I do before I’m ready to pass the baton to my husband when he gets home.  Here’s a photo from my favorite stretch of my walk

An afternoon “pick me up” snack might just be……..Cracker Barrel White Cheddar Cheese and Triscuits, or, let’s be honest, another cup of coffee.

For dinner you might find this cooking on the stove…………...Spaghetti, my ultimate comfort food. 

The perfect way to end a perfect fall day would be??????A glass of red wine, my new favorite is Patz & Hall 2010 Jenkins Ranch, and a good TV show to watch while I snuggle on the couch with my husband. We love a good TV show, quality programming like The Bachelor.  

Awesome Jennifer! Anyone who considers red wine, spaghetti and  the guilty pleasure of reality TV part of their perfect day is an instant friend of mine:)  Love it, thanks for injecting your fun spirit and light hearted humor….makes you  so real and like so much fun, my kind of girl!  And how cute is little Edward, cutest pumpkin in the patch! Thanks for letting us all tag along on your perfect fall day and I am going to have to try Patz and Hall in your honor of course! Be sure to pop over to Belclaire House where beautiful things are always happening, click here. Thank you all for stopping in and wishing you a perfect fall day too!

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You are one of the most generous people I know, Tina. You feature others so we can get to know each other and that is a valuable extension of grace. Thank you for everything and every kind word you share about us all!

Your comments to me as so special. Beyond art, writing is my true passion, yet the art in my life that is taking a back seat to developing my art business. DID I TELL YOU I GOT A WINDOW DISPLAY job at a local and very beautiful bridal shop? I will be making a paper wedding dress for their window and my name and contact info will be plastered on the window too! So my goal is to WOW the public and other merchants and see if I can have a go at it…but one day, WRITING will be what I intend to share on a wider scale. Your comments really do mean a lot to me.


Now this is one perfect fall day! I love the sweater, and the little man in hte pumpkin suit is adorable.
Thank you for sharing a day with Jennifer. She is one of my favorite bloggers too.
Happy Tuesday.

I love that this “perfect day” is so genuine – it is pretty close to how I would spend a realistic perfect day without adorable Edward, of course, since it’s been a while since I had a two year old. Maybe I could borrow Edward for a day just to make things really perfect (I miss having little ones around!)I am on my way to follow Jennifer.

Tina, as always, thank you for sharing!

I like this one, like you said Tina, spaghetti, reality TV and sleeping in…its all good. Plus I also love my slow cooker and its like a miracle, NO POTS! Theres a great cookbook on recipes just for slowcookers that is fantastic if anyone is interested. Its like my cooking bible, its called “Not your mothers slowcooker cookbook”. I have gotten so many great recipes from it. I will visit Jennifer to say hello.

Fun post. Thanks.

This is a good fall day. I love football, huge fan. The little one in the pympkin is priceless! Love the fall color too.

Great interview.


Thank you Tina and Jennifer! What an enjoyable and beautiful day. My favorite part was your “quality program” The Bachelor. A girl after my own heart!

Wonderful fall day in my book for sure!! Love the pumpkin costume! My children had one almost identical to this and it was always my favorite! Now I am also craving spaghetti! I know what I’m making for dinner!! thanks for the idea! Can’t wait to check out Jennifer’s blog some more…I’ve always enjoyed it but will hop on over right now to see more! Thanks, Tina!

Such a wonderful day and I think I could watch a little football, eat spaghetti and drink wine too πŸ™‚
What a darling little boy and the fall outfit is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and I’ll look forward to checking out her blog.

Enjoy your day Tina!


She sounds so real as you said, my kind of gal. I love that football is part of what makes her perfect day, football is a big deal in our household and basically dominates on weekends.
Spaghetti and red wine will always rank high on my list too! Gives me a good idea for dinner tonight. The “little pumpkin” is precious.
Enjoy your day.

A great post – makes me remember the days when my girls were little. A bowl of spaghetti is my go to comfort food as well. I don’t think there is anything better.

Looks and sounds like a beautiful Fall Day!!! Love all of the images, especially the tree with its beautiful Fall colors and all the leaves on the ground,
Happy Tuesday!

PS thanks for your visit to my Pretty side Of Halloween!! I know you will make your Halloween Home a pretty one! xo

Tina I can see why you said what you did about Jennifer, she sounds authentic and I like that it showed in this post and how she would spend her day. How my husband wishes I would say football is part of my dream day! The little pumpkin man is adorable and makes me miss my when my two were younger. Fond memories indeed.
Lovely post and it sounds like a perfect way to end it with a glass of wine and bowl of spaghetti!

Being in such a different climate than usual {it’s nearly tropical in the S. of France} I especially enjoy this post. We went up north to Provence this weekend and it was nice to get a whiff of Fall.

Jennifer is just adorable and she had me smiling throughout her post!! Extra sleep? Yes, please! Crock pot? Keep meaning to get mine out of the basement!!! Might need to get some of her recipes!! πŸ™‚

Today was such a gorgeous NY fall day!!
xoxo Elizabeth

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