Comments : 58

Before I begin, just want to mention again that I am guest posting over at TG Interiors. I was asked to speak  about my blog, how and why I got started, what’s happened since and about my online store. I think you might find it interesting! I was honored to be asked to guest at one of my favorite blogs so please do visit us there, click here to visit!

H there! It is time for our monthly By Invitation Only which by now you know, is when a group of talented bloggers get together to post on an agreed upon theme and it is so much fun to see each others interpretation,  I must say it’s an honor to be part of such a truly talented and accomplished group. This months theme was a lot of fun……to create a perfect fantasy Christmas day. Fun, fun fun!

I cannot help but think of going back to simpler, less chaotic times, a time when families sat down to talk and didn’t rely on texting to announce dinner is ready or that your chatty teen needs to call it a night  and you can still hear her talking, a time when friends socialized by sitting down face to face over a cup of coffee not by email, a time when kids were out on the neighborhood streets just hanging out playing ball, breathing the fresh air, when moms beckoned to their families at 5 pm for  dinner which the whole family would sit down for! So a perfect Christmas? It didn’t take long to figure that out………

This  brings me to my fantasy….. an old fashioned country Christmas. And my fantasy guests? My family, that’s all I want for this special Christmas!  I would love to transport my family back in time just a few decades when the only technology might have been a new cool TV or maybe a cordless phone and that’s where I might be happy to call it quits on technology. In my “fantasy Christmas”  we are spending it for the first time in our newly bought and fully restored country farmhouse. And it will be nothing but quality family time.  So welcome to my old fashioned country Christmas……….

As we drive into town, the distant glow of twinkling lights greet us……..

And look at that, the carolers are already strolling through town, singing our holiday favorites!

I always cannot help but get giddy with excitement when I get my first glance of our beautiful country home, standing proudly on a hill looking majestic in the white pristine snow…..

Its all lit up, and our beautiful Christmas tree fully decorated greets us when we enter (as long as I am getting to make this up…my dear husband drove to Vermont the weekend before and chopped down the tree, then fully decorated it and got the house all ready…yea, I know fat chance:)
We are all exhausted and have a few busy days ahead so we all decide to retreat to our rooms and call it a night. A few shots of our country abode……

  Its light, casual, elegant but above all inviting (dogs included)!
 I light the fire in my toasty bedroom and dream of homemade waffles in the morning with the fresh Vermont syrup I got just down the road on our way in…..

The next morning we all wake up, happy to put on our cold weather clothing and decide to go ice skating….no better old fashioned activity than that, so we head to the town pond which is in full swing….

We walk through the winter wonderland to get to town for the festivities that await……

After an afternoon of skating and catching up with new and old friends alike…..our family returns later that afternoon to a homemade lunch while I have been busy putting the finishing touches on all the holiday decor…….


And a warm bowl of hearty chili is the perfect answer to those ravenous appetites…

  My motto while we are here is “leave your diets at the door”, you have entered comfort food heaven people!

We soon settle down for an late afternoon  of board games..oh yes we do love our board games. Christmas in the country is practically synonymous with board games. Fierce games of
Monopoly and “every man for himself” Scrabble marathons are commonplace over here!
And of course we make time for some of our ol favorites…….

After all this fun, I look at the clock and it’s nearly 6:00 when we are finishing up a long Monopoly battle royale…..time for dinner!

  Looks like my mini chicken pot pies are ready to come out of the oven! Only must come to the table in your pjs and robe. Comfort food calls for being comfortable!
  No one objects to crawling into our cozy pjs, cashmere robes and socks..this is about as “high fashion” as things get around here and that’s just how we like it!

  We are all wiped from a fun and full day, but not too tired to  grab one more bite of the fresh apple pie we picked up from the farm in town…..

We all go to bed dreaming of Christmas the next morning! We wake up to heavy falling could not be more perfect, it is truly a winter wonderland!
I hear a knock and sure enough, there’s my trusty milk delivery…ahhh nothing like fresh milk in the bottle!

 But before I can get out of bed and touch my feet to the floor, my husband surprises me with coffee in bed, even with a small votive of flowers and a local paper!!!!! (remember this is a dream)

Before long we have all gathered around the tree and spend the next few hours, opening up each others gifts, reminiscing about past holidays and just lounging in our pjs while the snow continues to pile up outside.
  I start preparing our special Christmas dinner and all kinds of wonderful scents permeate the air……
Breakfast is casual and country but delicious (robes are welcome)!
After breakfast we spend a few hours in the kitchen baking delectable pretty Christmas cookies that look almost too good to eat! Almost being the key word πŸ™‚ 
After taking a long afternoon walk in the cold wintry air, we head back for our Christmas early dinner, as we are heading home, snow starts gently falling once again……
Before long we are sitting down to a wonderful country Christmas dinner, with a roaring fire as our backdrop, softly playing carols filling the air, all the while ensconced in our beautiful cozy home while the snow rages on outside…….
J. Hobick
After feasting on all of our tried and true holiday dinner staples until we literally cannot move a muscle…we all head into our own cozy nooks of the house to “recuperate”, mine is my bedroom where a large roaring fire welcomes me and lulls me to a much anticipated snooze……….

 Of course the perfect ending to a perfect day is sneaking into the kitchen for a few yummy bites of leftovers…..

I take one last lingering look outside my window to take it all in and hope to keep a little of the magic with me as we head  back home tomorrow and out of the corner of my eye, you will never guess who I see……..

Thank you for joining me on my fantasy Christmas day! Hope you enjoyed it….ho ho ho!

If you want to see other bloggers ideas of a perfect fantasy Christmas day click here. I assure you it will be well worth the time, as the talent is breathtaking! Thank you so much for joining me for my special fantasy Christmas, I had so much fun putting this together and would really love to be able to recreate this one year! Who knows…….maybe I will add it to my Christmas list:)

Don’t forget to visit me at TG Interiors, click here.


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Ahhh what a fabulous round up of Christmas season inspiration! I need to get fresh maple syrup this year! Everything looks so toasty and cozy….makes me want to call in work and tell them I’m not going today πŸ˜‰ I’ll be sure to check you out at the other blog! XOXO

Tina, you just described MY fantasy Christmas. As I was reading through it, I found myself completely wrapped up in your story and for a minute felt like I was almost there. What is it about getting older and wanting to get back to the simpler things? You sure told a beautiful story here, right down to the comfort foods, the choices in movies and the pjs required, love that!
Thank you.

Oh darling Tina,

What a fantastic post. Your DREAM CHRISTMAS…you have me thinking now. You know, you have said it all here for me. Quality time with my loved ones, snow outside (this year we have NOTHING!), a cozy fire, FOOD of course, but those walks and romps in the snow with a sleigh, a horse and carriage ride, only to come into a beautiful farmhouse where hot chocolate and sweets await. A hearty breakfast, staying in for games and just making MEMORIES are part of what this season looks like to me.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful images, and I hope you get all your wishes my dear. If you have a chance to visit me, I hope you are able to listen to the music; without the music, my post doesn’t make any sense!!!!!!

Wishing you peace and much love, Anita

Oh dear Tina,,,, I am transported and transfixed!!! I want to come!!! The images are just magical and the whole deal a winner!!! Total bliss and as said before, I would love one white Christmas…

Have a fabulous Festive Month…

Sending Christmas Cheer and much love to you!


Sounds absolutely perfect Tina..I want to come too πŸ˜‰
Gorgeous selection of images…you do indeed have an ENCHANTING home.
Thank you for popping by, lovely to hear from you.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas full of JOY.

This is A M A Z I N G!!!!!!! I will be sharing this with all I know, we all lead such hurried lives that this sounds perfect. Oh if it could only be! Do you have a spare guest room? Loved it, Tina!

A beautiful Christmas fantasy. Santa riding off, the dreamy white house, delicious food, games, gifts and carolers in the snow. I will dream of that tonight.

Just loved this Tina! I’m heading out to the office, and will plan on coming back to take another look πŸ™‚ I have saved the Southern Living magazine that those top photos came from.. gorgeous home!! Your reminiscing of the days when we didn’t text our kids when dinner is ready really made me chuckle. Our adult children lead a much different life.. sometimes I think it’s TOO fast and not personal enough. Oh well.. it is what it is. Great movie choices (we have them too!) So much fun and holiday spirit here!

how i would love a dream day as you have described. i could easily exist without the techie stuff we are chained to these days. when my cell buzzes, i always expect bad news. can you imagine? i think my anxiety could be rooted in the technology revolution…

can’t wait to see softly falling snow as i bake deliciousness.

love to you, tina.


Tina….sounds like an amazing day. Always love your food selections. We are gamers too. This year we have added a very silly game called Quelf. It is a game of trivia, stunts, and performances by its players. Visited your guest post and think you gave some great insight to blogging. Have a great day. -Tonya

Tina, what a truly beautiful quiet country Christmas you’ve dreamed up here. Sounds utterly perfect to me. Thanks so much for taking us along with you. I’ve enjoyed this little bit of calm before starting a busy day! XOXO

Tina, this absolutely made my day! It transported me to a different place and time. What a wonderful way to spend the morning.

This is one of the most visually pleasing blog posts I have ever seen – scrolling through the pictures just makes you happy!

This reminds me of days spent at my grandmother’s home. We didn’t have snow, but we had everything else. Reminds me of her “Auntie Mame” kind of spirit, where everything was a BIG deal, and no one would dare to be late to the table. A perfect Christmas, Tina…fantasy or not.
Thank you for being one of the members of our troupe of By Invitation Only…we have gone so far past what I had envisioned, and I know in the future it will be bigger and better !! Merry Christmas, darling…

This is just incredibly perfect. I love every detail from “your” house to the decor, of course all that great food, the cozy cashmere robes and socks and that that is your uniform! I love your two movies and we love games too. Christmas is all about turning down the volume and just sitting back and enjoying the simple things. I love that you “get” that, Tina. Just beautiful! Give Teddy a big holiday hug:-)

I am sittin at my desk with the tears flowing.I had all of this growing up in the 50’s.The houses were maybe not as fancy,but everything else was the same.The most important part was the love and family.The memories are wonderful.Thank you for this. Debbie

This was a dream that I did not want to wake up from. Reminds me a little of when we used to visit my grandparents who owned a small farm outside of Burlington, VT. We used to go sleigh riding and have fun with all the country pleasures. I miss those days so much and this post brought me back. Wonderful!

Dear Tina,
What a wonderful ‘By Invitation’ post ……it must have taken you ages but it was well worth it. At first I thought that really was your house on the hill …… I had nearly booked my flight to come and visit you but then realised it was your fantasy Christmas !!!!
….. and, many thanks for your lovely comment today. I love these ‘By Invitation’ posts …… everyone always have a different take on the subject which makes for a lovely collection of posts. I look forward to your next contribution. XXXX

You know what Tina? As perfect as all of this is, so much of it does remind me of Christmas Past while growing, albeit in a simpler form! But the ideas were the same. So thank you for a lovely trip down Memory Lane and wishing you, yours and Teddy a very Happy Holidays!
With all of my Best from Provence,
Heather from Lost in Arles

Oh what fun to dream and Girl you know how to dream. You have a wonderful imagination I am sure full from all the wonderful experiences you have had!
Will you come decorate my house? I’m pooped!

I want to join you in this wonderful fantasy. I would just adore a white Christmas as it is my favourite season of the year. Snow makes me so happy. Unfortunately we live in Australia and usually swelter through a hot summer day while still wanting to eat roast turkey with all the trimmings and hot Christmas pudding with custard! As this is my favourite meal we just turn up the air conditioner and enjoy. We often go out later and have a swim. To enjoy a white Christmas, we have to travel overseas and that just isn’t the same as having Christmas at home with family and friends around. I hope your real Christmas is just as magical as your fantasy. Merry Christmas from Down Under.

WOW, now that makes me wish my family celebrated Christmas! Although, I do need to remind myself that all of that was a wonderful Fairy Tale… seriously, a wonderful Fairy Tale. Thank you.

Tina…this might just be my most favorite of all of your posts! Truly! It’s so heartfelt! Even if it’s a dream! Any dream you dream is sure to become a reality and any of your “perfect” days are all the more perfect in mine! I must tell you that your dream country home is indeed exactly like my best friend’s dream home…that is her reality! It was handed down to her and her husband who has been a best friend of mine since 7th grade…they truly live in a house pretty much identical to this one just without the snow! I’ve often envied them…and when our kids were younger we spent every waking minute out there! So many memories! And now our son’s are college roommates and having the time of their life at Auburn! Hunting whenever they want and coming home about every other weekend as they both have girlfriends here. Thanks for sharing your dream! It’s truly spectacular!

Such a beautiful post! I often dream of simpler times, with far fewer electronics.

Parts of your dream do remind me of my own childhood, and as well, current holidays spent at my parents’ home. My mom prepares delicious meals (including the best homemade apple pie!), we all relax together, read, watch movies. They live in a beautiful, old house on a lake in New York, so outdoor winter activities are always part of the fun . . . making that hearty evening meal taste even better!

Your post leaves me smiling, and very nostalgic!

Tina, that was the most wonderful experience reading your post – I feel like I’ve been transported to another time and place. And now I desperately want to go there. I’m kind of disappointed it doesn’t really exist! Your images and inspirations are just beautiful and have created an idea of Christmas that I have fallen in love with. Thank you for conjuring up such a wonderful Christmas in my mind.

Oh my I feel like I’ve been on Christmas vacation! What a fun fantasy trip…..loved it all including the fantasy calories. Merry Christmas to all!

Are you sure you should not be in the movie directing business or set crew? I love the way you play by play have it all out to such a splendid dream.

This was the perfect dream~I loved every single thing about this journey!! That house was a beauty, I totally can imagine living in it in a real live fantasy! xo

OMG – I just happened along to this post, and couldn’t stop reading (and dreaming) about what you describe. Funny enough, I just posted an article to my own blog yesterday talking about the desire to go back to simpler times, and trying to get away from Christmas being so commercial. I’ve asked my readers for their ideas, and posted a few of my own (things I did myself over the years that did not involve BUYING things at the store). You’ve inspired me to keep on trucking down this road to simpler times. Thank you!

Some ideas from my post (if anyone is interested). They are listed more towards the bottom. πŸ™‚

Oh what a WONDERFUL dream Christmas! I know I am VERY late seeing this but just saw it on Pinterest and had to come over. The images are fabulous, I SO want that bedroom with the fireplace!! It is sad for me that our daughter is an hour away and our son is 1000 miles away, but we will spend Christmas at our daugters, our son will be in Hawaii…..GREAT for him, me, now so much.

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