Comments : 32
Hi there, busy week over here and I feel like my engine is just revving up for a few hectic crazy busy (but fun) weeks ahead!  I am so touched by how many of you enjoyed my post yesterday about my country fantasy Christmas, several of you emailed me to tell me it brought tears to your eyes because it was so nostalgic and/or reminded them of their own childhood in some way. It was with pleasure and I enjoyed every minute spent putting it together. Click here if you didn’t get to see it.

I have to say I loved my time in Palm Beach, short but sweet. Very sweet. Posh lodging (thanks Breakers) absolutely breathtaking atmosphere, perfect weather, awesome food, great shopping, wonderful company, fun activities……does it get better? This was a VERY long overdue mini vacation and the timing could not have been more right! I might physically be back here in NY, but trust me mentally I am still back there under those gorgeous swaying palm trees enjoying that 75 degree weather:)  I naturally had to take you along with me and took pictures along the way. Only a little narration as I think these pics speak for themselves….


Driving up to the magnificence that is The Breakers

Every hallway, nook and cranny is filled with magnificent antiques……..I was drooling!

The main “lobby”…..utterly gorgeous! These flowers to give you an idea of scale were about 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide!

Those perfect palm trees……..

I wanted to sneak in at midnight and take these lanterns home with me…… them!

Walking down towards the beach/pool

Everything is so green, so lush, so perfect!

Yachts and Palm Beach go together like peanut butter and jelly, caviar and toast, milk and cookies,etc….

Fabulous Worth Ave…..we had such fun!

Even the hallway/corridors off the street shopping on Worth Ave. had these gorgeous chandy’s…no florescent light bulbs for Palm Beach, no siree!!!

The Christmas tree outside Chanel

Now, that’s a Christmas tree!!! All 20 feet of it…….

If only those Breakers elves could come over to my place for a weekend………

Woke up one morning and the ocean and sky looked so beautiful, just had to snap a few pictures

The gorgeous gilded heavily detailed ceiling of the main ballroom

Main ballroom

The central courtyard

Almost looks like a painting… favorite time of day

And of course yours truly just had to indulge in a lobster roll (not as good as Montauk’s but certainly a treat)!

Check out what they did with these palm trees!

Finally I have been using this lotion ever since I first bought it many years ago during a stay at The Breakers…and I love it as much today as I did the first day I discovered it! Now they make it in a huge container….which is perfect, I keep them near my kitchen and bathrooms sink. The smell is divine (it’s The Breakers exclusive fragrance)  and its rich enough but not too much… this stuff! It keeps me in a “Breakers state of mind” all day long:)
Click here if you want to indulge and get into a Breakers state of mind too…….
 So there are my highlights….such fun! Have you been there? Care to go? I cannot rave enough about the Breakers. Had not been in a while and will not let that much time lapse before I return! It was a wonderful and much needed little reprise. The restaurants, shopping, window shopping….all world class. And lets not forget people watching…oh those cougars were out in full force and let me tell you….they mean business! Fun fun fun! Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping in!


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Oh, I have such wonderful memories of The Breakers. Being the first grandchild, my grandparents were very young. When they decided to retire early, my grandfather needed something to entertain his time along with playing golf. He worked part time at The Breakers. He loved it, and they loved him. Thanks for the wonderful photos!

What a fabulous trip! I sure could use a stay at The Breakers right about now! Your pictures were wonderful! There is an antique show there every now and then that I am dying to attend….may have to find out when it is and book a room to enjoy both! Glad you got to get away even for a short while! Thanks for sharing this!

oh that is like stepping back in time to a grander way of living~the hotel is gorgeous! I loved the carpet in the main ballroom and all of the decorations and lights~so beautiful!

This Hotel is breathtaking. I love all the decorations and the place is like stepping back in time as Amy said. Thanks for sharing these pictures.


Omgosh, I would love to go there, you are making me want to take a trip to Carmel!! It doesn’t take much to get me wanting to go there, to be honest. Breathtaking views and the decor is so elegant. I would imagine it was hard to leave there!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us,
Also thanks for your visit today, glad you liked my gift tags, they were so fun to make!
xo Kathysue

This is very beautiful – I have walked around the Breakers but unfortunately have never had the cash to stay and visit. You are so fortunate to be able to afford such a lovely place to stay. Betty

Ahhhhhh….sigh. This is bliss on a monitor! I almost felt like I was there, taking a bit of a lobster roll and wandering on the beach.

Thank you for sharing some of the beauty, it made my morning ever-so-much nicer!

Beautiful resort Tina:) and that lobster roll looks heavenly. We’ve visited this area but never stayed at the Breakers. The people watching is half the fun and YES.. there are lots of {surgically enhanced!} cougars running around Lol! Glad you had a bit of calm prior to the busy holiday season.

Enjoy your day!

Wow, Tina, thanks for transporting us all to Palm Beach – I can hear the waves, smell the surf, feel the 75 degree sunshine and taste the lobster roll! No wonder you had such an amazing time. It looks stunning all decked out for Christmas. Enjoy your warm and relaxing memories as you dive into a busy few days! XO

So much gorgeousness to take in! Reminds me a lot of the Ritz in Laguna Niguel! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful life! Your posts are very inspiring! Lisa L.

And I have to say… I want that giant Chinoiserie ginger jar!! So beautiful!! Lisa L.

I do so love being taken on these little guided tours of other places in the US with you Tina. Particularly as you alway pick such gorgeous and glamorous places to visit. This looks amazing and I can’t get over the grandness and magnificence of the Breakers – mind boggling! Thanks for your lovely photos. Adding this to my list of places to visit.

Wow Tina, just beautiful! I was there years ago for a function for my husbands job, it was so much fun and so beautiful. Palm Beach is a very special place, wish I could go back soon. This post makes me want to plan a trip there ASAP! Glad you had fun, beautiful images you shared.

Tina, when I was young my parents lived in PB, so brunch at the Breakers and many many holidays were spent there. I have such fond memories and this post brought them all right back in vivid color. It is such a beautiful spot, and though its too quiet for me (and way too hot in the summer) I can think of few places that are as spotlessly taken care of and as beautiful as PB. The people watching is fun and you had me laughing at the cougars in town, so very true! Glad you had fun, isn’t it beautiful at Christmas time? Loved your pictures!

I really liked your post about blogging and how you got started. It was very interesting! Your trip to Fla. looks so amazing! We love The Breakers and have gone several times (my in laws live not so far away) we have been for Easter Brunch four years in a row and it is incredible. If you haven’t gone for Easter, you might want to consider going it is fantastic! I love your pictures, they do the beauty justice.

So glad you had fun in my state! Florida really does have the best winter months temperature. A dream most days in December! I’ve never been top breakers but I can see why you were drooling! It looks like your house inside with all of the gorgeous arrangements and blue and white vases. Welcome home! XO

Wow that is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen! I have never been but think we must visit! We go to Jupiter and next time, I think we need to make a side trip. Your pictures are just amazing, you really captured the beauty of this place!

Thanks for sharing, this was like a mini vacation πŸ™‚

Hi Tina, I am so glad you had a great trip. Growing up we would go to Palm Beach often and stayed many times at the Breakers. My son and DIL just stayed there a few weeks ago and loved the hotel. Isn’t Worth Ave. fabulous?

oooh la la, thanks for taking me along, travelin mama. all those palms, and the ocean! i haven’t seen it in some time, and that’s just not right when i’m so beachy in my heart.

i have been making lobster mashed potatoes the last few xmas eves, and your image reminds me to put them on the list!



Good morning FABULOUS TINA!

WOW! I have never been to Palm Beach, but this reminds me of my former stomping grounds as a kid in Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive! LOVELY MY DEAR!!!! Welcome home. I hope your festivities at the house are going to be underway soon; you have certainly had a beautiful vacation and now, are you ready to entertain?


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