Comments : 64

First off…my heart and prayers go out to the people of Boston and all those affected by this senseless tragedy. It is a painful reminder of how vulnerable we are still are as a country.  To anyone directly affected by the events in Boston yesterday, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and send my wishes for a world at peace.
OK this is bound to generate a lot of talk. Diets. Ugh..I know I know that dreaded “d” word. Too many of us know it. Well….mine has officially begun. I have a goal to lose ultimately about 25 pounds, but am saying 20 for now (sounds realistic). Been on a diet for about 4 weeks, lost about 7-8 pounds and just when I think its not “that much” I look or imagine a 7-8 pound package of meat, and that is A LOT of weight! (makes me feel better)!

 I am not a scale person, I do not get hung up on numbers except the single digit number I like to see on my clothing label (do not like doubles but they seem to like me lately). With spring and summer looming, and some of my favorite clothes being shown…its time to get busy. I have been on my diet for a little over four weeks now,  I know from experience the first week is always the toughest.

Oh to give up my beloved cheeses, pastas, fresh breads, chocolates…it pains me to even write this much less think of them as old flames. So…I am being good and sticking to it and doing what I need to do (no one said I don’t have fantasies about a big bowl of pastas or a chunk of fresh parm and baguettes right out of the oven)…..dreaming is calorie free. But I do like to reward myself at 5 or 10 pound intervals with a little celebration meal here and there:).

So…here’s my question to all of you, what are your tips? For anyone who has lost weight, whether its 2 pounds or 200, what worked for you? What kinds of foods sustained you? Snacks that were sure things? How much water? Did you weigh or didn’t you? Come tell. Knowledge is power and I bet you will not only be helping me but many others getting ready for the “bare your arms”season…your turn to talk! Here are 5 things that are keeping me going…..


1. POLAND SPRING, drink tons of water. I do think it helps to curb the appetite and I also like to add a flavor enhancer like Crystal Light’s mini packets with some great flavors like raspberry, lemonade, mango, many good ones!

2. CHOCOLATE! I LOVE these because it allows me to at least think I haven’t totally had to give up my beloved chocolate. A single brownie (pretty generously sized) is only 90 calories and its quite good and really satisfies my chocolate cravings.

3. ALMONDS.Carry these handy little packs with me everywhere I go. When I am hungry,I just nibble on these at 100 calories a package, it allows me to hold myself over between meals.

4. FRUIT.We are big fruit lovers, as with everything, this too is in moderation but I find keeping big bowls of cut fruit in addition to a meal gives me a little sugar without being too decadent.

5.SALADS. I have come up with some pretty creative salads, eat lots of Greek salads, love a good tex mex salad, a Chinese chicken salad, we all know often the hidden calories are in the dressing so I normally do not give into temptation and ask for it on the side. 

A recent discovery (not shown) which I am LOVING are the Kelloggs Special K crackers/chips. They are soooo good! 90 calories a bag, it gives me the salty crunchy fix I need and miss from when I used to pop open a bag of “real chips” or crackers. These are perfect to keep in my bag for an “on the go” snack, THANKS KELLOGGS!

 Your turn to talk and share your tips. What has worked for you? Any secrets we should all know about that you care to share? I know above all else, this is one thing likely MANY of us have in common, we have all at some point been on a diet.

I welcome your ideas, tips or strategies. Some days are granted easier than others, the busier I am, the easier it is…being on vacation surprisingly makes dieting for me pretty easy, so guess I need to go on more trips! LOL…can’t wait to hear your two cents!! Enjoy your day.

If you  missed the extraordinary post on Vicki Archers magnificent home in my Bloggers beautiful abodes series yesterday, you must click here. It is not to be missed!!


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Congratulations!!! That’s hard work!!! You are motivating me.
Thank you for you thoughtful not on my post today! I appreciate it!

Hi Tina, I feel like a bonafide expert since I think more of my life is spent on a diet than not! I find exercise to be my number one diet aid. I do cardio 3-4 times a week, get it done early morning and out of my way. I am 44 and find that without it the pounds do not come off as easily.

I eat a ton of salads and could probably make my own salad cookbook! My favorite is a low calorie Chinese chicken salad, I make it all the time and it can last a few days. I am also big on carrying small snack packs of snacks around, this way it doesn’t make me feel like I am not on a diet!

And I also eat a lot of Greek yogurt, its actually very healthy and thrown in with a little granola, its a satisfying snack. I also keep tupperware containers of cut up veges, carrots and cucumber and I munch on them all the time and use hummus as a dip, healthy calories. I could go on and on… I said I am an unofficial pro in this dept!

Good luck Tina, sounds like you have it figured out and are off to a great start!

Hi Lisa.
I like the sound of your low cal chicken salad. Any chance you would share your recipe?
Doreen S

Hi Tiina, good for you to make this happen for yourself. It is a commitment. Diet and exercise seems to be the standard…My husband simply cut out his bad habits (french fries and cookies) , started a do-able fitness routine, and has lost 12 pounds in 3 months. Otherwise, he eats exactly as he did before. Basically, all whole natural foods. I have been reading a lot on why our bodies are breaking down (cancer etc.) and most research points to the fuel we use to run our bodies. Prepared foods have many ingredients not found in nature, difficult for our bodies to eliminate…and therefore we store. Since you have made this goal, just like creating a beautiful home for your friends and family, take that same energy and enthusiasm to create a beautiful home for your essential self. The results will be life-changing. All the best and thank you for sharing:)

Hi Tina,
Thanks for sharing your desire and effort to lose a significant amount of weight. We are the same age and boy oh boy do I know that age certainly plays a factor in this endeavor! I am in the same boat (or should I say-vat of fat) and am about to embark in my own weight loss and am scared I will fail. I have never had to lose weight before with the exception of baby weight which just seemed to melt off. I know it will be difficult but I, as you am looking forward to those beautiful single digit sized clothes again! I am determined and I now happy to know that one of my favorite bloggers is on the same journey. Best of luck to you and your health.

8 lbs is GREAT!!!! Congrats. I like Special K flatbread sandwiches for bkfst. They keep me full for hours. “Better n’ Peanut Butter” is 85% less cals if you are a PB person. I also always carry a Wishbone spray dressing in my purse which is 1 cal a spray. Unfortunately, I hear they are being discontinued. Good luck – you’re doing great!

Kudos to you for recognizing what you need to do and doing it! Too bad most of America doesn’t see the same. Five years ago after my son was born, I had gained nearly 60 pounds.I got too comfortable being heavy and it was very hard for me, because I had always been fit and thin, it was horrible. I vowed to never let myself do that again. I have since become a vegan, not for everyone but its changed my life in so many positive ways. I do not have any cravings for meat and today’s world is more vegan friendly than ever. I live on grains, fruits, vegetables and feel more alive than I ever have. I also do yoga and walk about 3 times a week. Water is key, drink a lot, it flushes out all the toxins.

I also think nothing beats what nature grows, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat milk. Try and stay away from anything that is not natural and pure, or things filled with artificial preservatives, its like putting toxins in your body. Sounds like you are off to a successful start and I bet you will see that desired clothing size in no time. Good luck Tina.

Great post! I find that monitoring my calories on My Fitness Pal is a great way to stay on track. It’s a free app, and I love the feature where you can use the phone’s camera to scan the barcode of what you’ve eaten that day. Makes walking by the candy jar and mindlessly opening the lid a little less tempting πŸ™‚

Protein with every meal and snack— THAT is the key.
Also, I haunt a great website: — it won’disappoint.. she has every type of healthy (and really delicious) recipe imaginable..super easy as well. (She does have some “heavier” recipes, but she is a I stay away (sometimes πŸ™‚ from those)
Good Luck!

I firmly believe that diets make you fat. This is because it stuffs up the metabolism. Research has shown that the body acts like it has been on a famine, so our metabolism goes into hoarding overdrive to stuff more fat back onto our bodies to protect us from another famine. The more diet famines our bodies go through, the slower the metabolism becomes to protect us from starvation. The body is actually very good at keeping weight stable if you just listen to hunger and full signals. That said, if you don’t, and keep eating high calorie foods when not really hungry, the weight can stack on.
My best tools for losing weight are:
1. Water. The body will often signal it is hungry if you get dehydrated. Drink first, then eat.
2. Good nutrients. The body also signals hunger when it craves nutrients so a balanced diet helps.
3. Yoghurt. Get a good Greek yoghurt, not a low fat, artificially sweetened one and it will satisfy hunger and desires for creamy sweet things and be filling while giving a good calcium boost.
4. Fresh dates. One or two will be rather filling and give lots of nutrients and fibre.
5. Soup. Great for lunch.
6. Oatmeal/porrige. Filling, full of fibre and great for lowering cholesterol. Keeps me full till lunch.
7. Walking. Add a walk every day of atleast 30 minutes but an hour is better.If you walk already, increase the time by 30 minutes.
8. Don’t think diet. If you think you are on a diet then you will start to feel deprived. Think health campaign trying to eat healthily and add excercise. Eat a small dark chocolate like a dark Lindor ball or a Ferrero Rochere each day if you feel a craving or deprivation coming on.

I hope this helps. I gave up diets 5 years ago and this has kept me at a stable weight and in great health. I find I am less active over summer, so I gain a bit then, and use this to lose a bit over autumn and winter.

Good morning beautiful one!

My former home, BOSTON….I just remember standing at the finish line every single year as my husband and I would make a day and night out of the whole affair, walking from the Back Bay to The North End for pizza… good times.

YOU sound like you are on the right track here Tina! Almonds are a power food as well as chocolate. This is what I do:

I mix cocoa powder (Not the Dutch-processed; it has lost its antioxidant properties) in non-fat vanilla yogurt, add 10 raw almonds, raw oats, frozen fruit (cherries!)and raisins. I get my chocolate fix that way and like you, I enjoy plenty of fresh fruit and salads – lots of SPINACH and broccoli!

I think of HEALTH over weight. I recently lost about 12 pounds without trying and I can thank my husband for that. He wanted to lose weight so he has been on a campaign of walking daily. Fine. He hasn’t lost a pound (he just can’t resist desserts at night) but I have shed the weight instead! So get Teddy geared up and go for those walks daily and you will start to see the pounds shed as you also follow a plan of HEALTHY eating. ENJOY MY DEAR and keep safe sweet one…Anita

Tina- great topic! Sounds like you are on the right track, you are not starving yourself, eating small doses of the right foods, not totally depriving yourself and drinking lots of water. You did not mention exercise but I assume you are doing some form? That is key to burn off the pounds especially over 40 which I assume you are?
My sister in law is a nutritionist and I have learned so much from her. Bottom line is everything in moderation. Pizza for me is a total weakness. I allow myself 2 slices every week, its my special treat. On other days, I eat well, lean proteins, a lot salad, I have an entire shelf of Greek yogurt in my fridge at all times, even my kids have grown to like it!
I do not drink sodas, limit myself to 2 cups of coffee max a day and do eat three square meals with little snacks in between. If I learned one thing after yo yo dieting for many many years, I have learned from Jill my sister in law, it is that everything can be enjoyed but in small doses. There is no way I can give up my pizza but I don’t eat it every day, so I anticipate my one pizza pass weekly, this approach has helped me maintain my weight for almost 3 years now and going strong.
There are also many wonderful apps if you are a gadget girl, that can help with calorie counting/burning. The best motivator for me is I buy something I love in a smaller size. I hang it on my closet door as a reminder of what I will get to wear when I get to my ideal weight!

Seven to eight pounds is great, that’s a solid start to your program. Nothing like needing to put on some new fashions of the season to encourage us to loose weight – I’m with you on that. Whenever I go on a lose and tone program I keep telling myself to keep it real. The ‘fat-free, low cal, diet’ products at times are not all we imagine. I stick with fruits, vegetables, lots of grains, grilled fish or poultry and omit packaged foods completely.
My kick start is fruit and fruit juice until noon {and one cup of black coffee} – and lots of water. Grilled fish {cooked in lemon} with dark green salad topped with nuts for lunch. Green tea because the benefits are huge. raw vegies for snacks – great fiber. Greek yogurt with fruit as a snack – but keep it small, a snack should be about the 1/3 of a cup.
If you eat red meat only eat with steamed vegies – do not mix red meat with potato, it takes your body a long time to digest this combination.

Fruit and fruit juice until noon really works to burn the fat for me – especially grapefruit because of the high fiber.

Enjoy the results you are already seeing.

Hi Tina,
I am also starting a diet. Recently, my husband saw a commercial about plus size women and size 12 was one. He said, “I didn’t realize 12 was plus size, did you ?” Honestly, I didn’t either. I have fluctuated between 10, 12 and recently have found that size 14 in jackets feel better. I think he was trying to tell me in a nice way, you need to lose some weight. I too love pasta and bread now. About 5 years ago, I never ate bread with a meal , didn’t want desserts and Pasta was my least favorite food. But now, I could live on warm breads with butter and Pasta everyday !! I also love different wines. About 20 years ago, I thought I was heavy, but I was a size 10. I put myself on Healthy Choice meals and salads and cut out chips,sweets, and the weight started coming off after about 5 weeks and then I was too obsessed. Now, the Healthy Choice, I love, but I have a problem with the sodium, so I think the natural way with water, fruits, green veggies is the best. They say the most colorful veggies are the best. I have also found Kale Chips to be wonderful for that salty urge. I buy bars of the darkest chocolate from the drug store and have one square a day. If I am going to have a large meal, I do it at lunch as opposed to dinner. I love the Greek yogurt. For lunch Fat Free Cottage Cheese and Peaches are great. I am sure all of us will be on this journey with you. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Dear Tina,

I am trying to lose about 15 lbs and have done 5 so far. I admit I am a snacker. So Like you almonds, sunflower seeds, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, a banana, natural peanut butter on celery sticks.

Broccoli with a touch of Parmesan on top, Baked Sweet Potato, salads that have lots of crunch are more satisfying. So add those almonds, Chinese noodles, celery, carrots, red peppers, anything bright green or red!

My clothing tells the tale; even though I have been practically living in yoga pants. I never weigh unless at the surgeons office.

Art by Karena

I used to drink an iced coffee with cream and sugar every day!I couldn’t understand how I had gained weight. I witched out the cream and sugar for milk&splenda.It takes getting used to but I lost 12 lbs just by doing that.Now, to really maintain,I must move it, so I walk with my neighbor a few times a week.Little changes add up. Debbie


I am a mother of 8 children. I had to loose about 20 pounds after each one. I have been successful all 8 times because I figured out the key. My secret is eliminating simple sugars and exercising “hard” 4 times a week. If you are unable to motivate yourself to work hard, then I do recommend a personal trainer. As we age, we loose muscle which is what keeps our metabolism strong. You must start your day with a complex carb and a protein if possible. Your body regulates it’s sugars through out the day based on breakfast. Breakfast is key to not having sugar cravings. Once you eliminate those, you will finally be in the drivers seat. So long as you continue to dream of the restricted food, you are doomed to fall back into the same patterns. I know I did until I learned how to eat and I no longer desire that food. I am no expert but I speak from experience. I have helped friends who carried around 30 plus pounds and were tired all the time.
Breakfast–Steel cut oatmeal or 2 eggs and whole grain toast. coffee
Lunch–lean protein, whole grain bread and fruit or veggie Sandwich with mayo and mustard just control amount of mayo
Dinner–lean protein, large salad (I make my own all natural dressing with dill, garlic, balsamic, olive oil, lemon juice and oregano)and small portion of pasta, rice or some carb.
Snacks–nuts (almonds, pistachios, all good) protein like cheese but no bread, hard boiled egg, raw carrots, raw veggies of any kind, and my favorite -fiber one cereal the original one that looks like bunny food. It fills you up.
I promise you will be full, enjoy coffee and tea, and will loose your cravings which is the real secret to loosing weight. When you can say no with no regrets.

Wow lots to read through here. I like that saying Tina, dreaming is calorie free. I like the rest of the world am on a diet too. Need to lose about 30 pounds really but will be happy with 15. I am very active, play golf/tennis but getting into my late 40’s has shown that it just doesn’t fall off the way it used to! I have taken to getting on a treadmill in my home 4 mornings a week, and doing a vigorous walk. And the pounds are starting to drop.
I have had a lot of success with Weight Watchers and cannot sing their praises enough. Its a sensible doable program that never leaves you feeling like you are starving or on a real diet. I love it and highly recommend it. Sounds like you are well on your way!

A few tips that have helped me. I do not eat anything that comes from a package. I prepare and process all my own food. No sugar or flour. On occasion (rare) I will have a bite, only a bite of a dessert. I measure my water in the morning in a glass container to make sure that I consume at minimum 64 oz. in the day. I generally end up drinking more. I drink only water, many artifical sweeteners have aspartame,take the time to read up on it, it is very unhealthy. I eat five times a day and try to have protein each time. Do not eat after 7:30pm. It is a mind set, I satisfy myself with healthy foods and do not think about being deprived or hungry. I am never hungry, I try to eat at the same time of the day. I am 55 and lead an active lifestyle with children and grandchildren. At one point I had to loose 40 pounds, I have been able to keep it off for many years. I too enjoy the single digit sizes and I do use scales just to keep an eye on things, (not that the mirror doesn’t tell me alraedy!)

Check out “The 17-day Diet”. It worked for me two years ago and I have kept the 20-25 lbs off. If I feel like I am gaining, I just go back on the first phase and it works! Nothing weird, just basic food, salads and fruit (stop eating fruit after 2:00 pm). Let me know if you need help!

Good luck!

Well now, THIS is something I can actually help you with! (you have given me such great décor advice, I feel good being able to help you for a change.) πŸ™‚ Have to agree with everything anonymous with the 8 kids said. I struggled for YEARS with an extra 30ish lbs until I figured out that I could eat 5 times a day (every three hours), never be hungry and lose consistent, healthy amounts of weight each week. No kidding. I felt like I had just won the lottery! Just make sure you do the protein/complex carb thing at each little meal. Have 2 glasses of water each meal, and you will reach 10 with no problem. Best thing about it is that it’s just real food and it’s maintainable as a lifestyle, rather than a deprivation diet that is doomed to failure. BEST of Luck to you!

Tina I think you have the right idea. Sensible eating, the right foods, lots of water, mini meals NEVER letting yourself go hungry..the main reason people binge. Be sensible and develop the mindset that everything can be had but in moderation (more to maintain than lose).

I have a sweet tooth but am very disciplined when it comes to when I eat sweets, how many and how often. Its a once in a while treat, that I indulge in,I always enjoy it, and consider it a reward for being good most of the time. I think if you balance this approach with exercise a few times a week, you will see the results you are looking for. Good luck, and think of all those single digit clothes waiting for you!

Hi Tina,

About a month ago, I went to my doctor for a physical. He and I were both shocked to find that my blood pressure was 170/110! Immediately, I changed my diet. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nothing fried, or deep fried. Within a month, my blood pressure dropped to Be120/80, and I lost 10 pounds as a side benefit.

I also found out that my one-diet-soda-a-day habit also contributed to my high blood pressure. Water is the best choice.

Have fun with your diet. It shouldn’t be something you dread.


I am right there with you though my goal is a little more than yours sadly. I’m down 12 right now and what I’ve found to work is protein. I didn’t realize how little protein I was eating and vegetables. My diet is now consists of protein shake or bar, salads with 2 cups of veggies and lean protein, and lots of water. I also kicked my horrible soda addiction. Good luck and keep at it. πŸ™‚

Great job, Tina! I followed Yolanda Foster’s Lemonade Cleanse & it really works. Even if you don’t cleanse, drink the lemon water mix. It cleansed my system & then I ate Trader Joe’s turkey burgers, Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate in the huge bar size, Trader Joe’s Miso soup with added veg’s & tofu, lots of the packaged shredded carrots in salads, grilled chicken, Yoplait Lite yogurt & poof…..lost 38 lbs in 3 mos. Walked the mall for exercise & perused the shops. Really works… xoxoxo Moy

Hi Tina,
Oh boy the diet talk….. Congrats on your weight loss! Any pound gone is one for a shout-out!
The last couple of years my health had gone downhill really fast, was diagnosed with Thyroid/Hashimoto disease, a blood clotting disorder Factor V Leiden, high blood pressure, anxiety and numerous pounds that I needed to get rid of. Last fall I read about the Paleo Diet/way of life and found a book, Primal Blueprint, I read it cover to cover and started slow, that was around the middle of October. As of last week I have lost almost 50 pounds, which I am embarrassed to even say, I hate to admit that I was even that heavy to have needed to loose that many. The program/diet is simple, you basically eat what a caveman would have eaten. Focus on quality sources of protein (all forms of meat, fowl, fish), lots of colorful vegetables, some select fruits (mostly berries), and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, olive oil). Observe portion control (calorie distribution) week to week more than meal to meal. Eliminate grains, sugars, trans- and hydrogenated fats from your diet. Read more: This really has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done and has changed my life, my marriage, everything. I couldn’t be happier with how the pounds have fallen off. You can have dark chocolate and red wine, which are an indulgence. I can’t drink alcohol because of blood thinner medicine, so the red wine is a no-no. I’ve gone from XL clothing to almost wearing a medium… πŸ™‚
Look into this if it sounds like something you could do. Again, it has changed my life.

The best *diet* tip I was ever given is to not call it a diet, and simply decide that you are going to change your eating habits. The diet word conjures up too much sacrifice.

We just spent three weeks on a “clean” regimen – no animal products, no processed foods, no sugar, no coffee, no alcohol, no wheat – and we actually feel great! Gone is that mid-afternoon slump we used to get and the winter hibernation pounds. With lots of water and green tea, our skin is glowing and our skinny jeans fit. And best of all, we learned some new recipes that even the boys (hubbies, too!) would like to see incorporated into the weekly meal plan. The first week was the hardest but now we love this new way of eating!
C + C

I think you are doing everything you can to be successful! I agree that the 8 pounds is already a great accomplishment! You go girl…keep it up!

I have found several tips above in the comments that I am going to try myself! Thanks you for sharing your tips as well as for you always kind and thoughtful comments on my blog.

Good luck!

Hi, You’re doing so well, congratulations !!! You must feel so amazing to have lost so much weight in one month !!! Just lost 20 pounds in 3 months.. from strict dieting and working out with a personal trainer twice/week and did cardio once or twice/week.. helped immensely with tracking calories calories each day. Its highly recommended to have one cheat day per week (an extra 500 calories). Favorite diet aids.. decaf coffee/tea, jello sugar free chocolate pudding mixed with blueberries, white wine spritzers, sushi (when dining out).. Greatest reward.. watching the scale go down, feeling more energetic, knowing how hard work can turn any world around πŸ™‚

Such good advise here. Changing one’s eating habits rather than dieting is not just a phrase to make you feel better, but it is really true. I am convinced the low-fat craze caused much of the obesity our society suffers. Taking out the fat takes out the taste, so the food chemists replaced the fat with salt and sugar. Not good. I try to avoid all processed foods and eat “real” food; lots of protein, veggies, fruits, nuts and calcium-rich foods…and, of course, lots of water. I also drink La Croix naturally flavored sparkling water. Delicious and satisfying. I hope they are not fibbing about the contents because it is a nice alternative to just water. Congrats on the 8 pounds.
XO, Victoria

7-8 lbs is awesome! Your post came at the perfect time for me. I’ve know that I gained some newlywed weight (pants are a little tighter! all those evenings on the couch eating popcorn and watching movies together!!) that I needed to lose, but I was at the doctor yesterday and the number on the scale was not one I ever want to see again! I need to lose 11 lbs to get back to my wedding weight, and honestly closer to 15 lbs to get back to where I was when I met my husband.

Things that have worked for me in the past: For me the big thing is being prepared. I keep a bunch of hardboiled eggs in the fridge. I’ll have one with an apple or banana for breakfast, or mashed with some tuna, avocado, and mustard for lunch. Some people hate rice cakes, but I love them!! Mother’s Plain Salted rice cakes with a tiny smear of peanut butter are (I think) a pretty satisfying snack. You get crunch, salt, and peanut butter πŸ™‚ What’s not to love?!?! I normally eat a super healthy/low calorie breakfast and lunch and then cook a dinner that’s certainly not heavy or unhealthy, but a little more substantial than salad and chicken. We’re also big on homemade smoothies: some type of greens (normally kale or spinach) + frozen fruit (Target has a tropical fruit blend with mango, pineapple, and strawberry that’s amazing) + banana + milk or water. Really yummy and good for you and the fiber from the greens keeps you very full.

Sadly, I’ve found that in order to make it stick, I have to cut out alcohol entirely. So bye-bye glasses of rose for at least the next month or two. That said, I do try to allow myself a few “cheats” or “treats” every week. And I agree with April from A. Liz….My Fitness Pal app is great at keeping you honest!

Tina, I lost 30 pounds 2 1/2 years ago on Weight Watchers. I have 20 more to go and hit many plateaus. I love Weight Watchers because of their sensible way to eat and it is designed by doctors and nutritionists. My tips mimic yours: Lots of water but not too much. I have chronic kidney disease and I drink lots of water but have to use Gatoraid (per doctor’s orders) once in a while to keep my electrolytes from getting out of whack. (We CAN drink too much water) I also keep the 100 calorie almond snacks handy (some in my purse) especially the cocoa roast ones. The Special K chip crackers are a must! Do you have Trader Joe grocery stores in your area? They carry a thin cracker that is wonderful and 15 can be eaten at a time. Fruit is good. Small portions; think European eating. Good luck! You can do it. Julia H.

P.S. Don’t mean to take up so much space, but exercise and especially walking is so important. It is true that it only contributes 10% to weight loss but it keeps you motivated and feeling good. I walk about 7 miles a week and am 67 years old. And like was said before, don’t call it a diet; we are just ‘watching what we eat.’ A life-style, at least for me. Weight Watchers has all the latest technology such as an app that figures our ‘points’ for us when we use the scan in a store. Love it! (Julia)

Hello Tina, I am anti diets completely. I believe in increasing metabolism and not distroying it with diets. ((:
It is about eating healty, without preventing yourself enjoyment of chocolate or icecream…but focus on healtry sweets…and eating often more so or regularly and not too much at one meal…increasing your metabolism.
I feel sorry for women that even have to think that the word diet is an option…as it only worsens everything…so I wish you all the best but hope that you don’t eat all the low fat, low callorie things because they will make you eat more..later or your body store more fat due to it thinking that it needs to make storage…since the food it gets is simply not enough…(: Well, forgive me my honesty, I am a passionate believer in ZERO diets, eating half full and eating well, butter, cream, veggie smoothies and wholesome everyting…low fat yoghurt is not an option and special K cerial is a waste of food…so I appologize! And besides, I love your “good” wholesome cooking …so please don’t change it into low callorie one ((:

Great topic! I feel like a pro in this dept. I think you should ONLY adopt a plan that you can see for the long haul. What good is it surviving on 1300 calories a day if you know that could never be your norm? You are setting yourself up for failure, not “you” but whoever. Be real and practical and realistic. Its about a life change. Eating healthier, getting closer to nature and getting rid of all the junk.

Yes as some have said everything in moderation, just look at The French who indluge in their butter, sauces, sweets, breads and cheeses but LOOK at the amounts they eat, just enough to satisfy not enough to stuff. There is a difference and that to me was the ” aha” moment. I have done this now for over 9 years and happy to say at 49 I am still a fit size 8. I drink my wine and enjoy all the things I love but just watch how much and how often. Good luck Tina, I am sure you will succeed as you strike me as someone who sets goals and achieves them with flying colors.

Tina, hope all is well! This is a great discussion topic. I honestly was so eager to get down here and reply that I have yet to read some of the others so I apologize if this is a duplicate suggestion. My husband lost over 90lbs in a little over a year; and get this..NOT on a diet. It was accomplished through simple food selections. He still ate as much as he wanted, but of the right foods. No calorie counting, only 20min of light exercise 3 times a week and like that it came off. Okay, now on to how he did it. We have a close friend that specializes in weight loss. He was a cardiologist that got tired of seeing patients with health conditions due to excess weight. His clinic now educates on and treats weight. A few of his suggestions; 1) Only eat salads if you want to be on a diet for your entire life. Salads have little to no protien, so we do not become full. Salads can have lots of calories, but since we have no protien and are not full we are hungry again in a few hours, thus we eat again or starve between meals. Eat protien! Chicken, Beef, Pork, if your going to get a second portion make sure it is of the proteins. Cut out all of the processed grains. Read “Wheat Belly”, the book and cookbook. It will change the way you look at eating and cooking!!!! -Tonya

I am one here to say diets DO work but no all diets.I think some readers need to brush up on what a diet

means. YES, some people need to go on a diet. I went on one such “diet” about 9 years ago and have

maintained my weight to a healthy 135 lbs the entire time.

Low fat/low calorie/high protein seems to be a reasonable approach that works for most body types.

Cutting back on calories is a must do to lose weight, that is a fact. Lots of water to flush everything

out. Good amount of sleep and regular exercise. All this not done in extreme doses will allow one to

lose weight safely and slowly, at a reasonable pace and hopefully over time, the objective is to learn

how to eat properly and as some have said portion control is an absolute must in weight management.

Love your blog and think its fun when you go off topic to discuss things like this! Thanks Tina.

I watch what I eat all the time, so dieting is just habit now. I eat salads almost every day for lunch and know the ones that are low in calorie (or how to make them low in calorie). If I splurge all of my calories for the day at lunch then I usually have an omelet for dinner. It’s filling and about 100 calories. I put tons of veggies in it-mushrooms, red bellpepper, onion, spinach. It’s nice because I know that one bad meal won’t hurt me, but I do only try to eat half of an entree when I go out if it’s a splurge. I guess this is why I never feel like I’m on a diet!

I have a few tips too. I love spray butter on 100 calorie English muffins in the morning. String cheese is another good snack choice, 100 calorie microwave popcorn mini bags or 3/4 C. flavored Cheerios. Any fish or shrimp is friendly too-better if it is grilled. I like Fruit 2 O better than plain water or flavor packets. Coffee pods in flavor with biscotti at the end of the day.

Oh I am so glad you did this post! After a hysterectomy in January, I gained 10 pounds. I already had bout 10 to lose. 20 pounds would make me so happy. I have also been trying to diet.Perhaps if we could chat once in a while I would be motivated?? My recommendation would be to also do the Walk Away the Pounds DVD’s. They help me tremendously if I am faithful and do the 3 or 4 mile every day! Good Luck πŸ˜‰

Ok!! My husband is on a “program” his trainer gave him. It is so easy that I have lost 20lbs so far (size 6 and counting!!)!
It is mostly a food clock

Breakfast: protein (egg white or some other type protein no larger than your palm)
Walk for 30 minutes (treadmill). If you have a gym program you should continue. Making sure you do the 3imutes of cardio somewhere in there. Trainer says it is best to do cardio after machines and or weights.
Snack/2nd breakfast: carb (oatmeal or yogurt or SMALL breakfast sandwich made at “home”, slice of cheese on 1/2 English muffin or similar.
Lunch: carb and protein
Snack at 3-4pm ish: carb
Dinner: protein and vegetable ( not potatoes!)
Dessert or evening snack: sugar free jello or sugar free Popsicle

Repeat every day!
Spring/ summer makes this plan very easy. Using the grill and making healthy salads is perfect, just watch the calories in the dressings! Good luck!

Congrats on the 7-8 pounds already lost, that is wonderful. I also drink gallons of water, fortunately it is my favorite drink, and the almonds are another fave.

The term diet has gotten something of a bum rap IMO, although I understand why, it implies a short-term fix for what is a longterm issue. Perhaps we need a loosely meaning a more disciplined approach to one’s lifestyle? Making a more concerted effort at ingesting healthier things while also spending more time expending calories is the goal, we all look and feel better when following that philosophy. It can be a lot “easier” to nibble on junk food and stop exercising, unfortunately coping with the results of poor nutrition and lack of exercise is anything but easy. I like the topic and enjoy seeing everyone’s feedback on the matter.

Sending you a smile,

Tina, great post and as much fun to read over the comments. Some of the comments though who abhor the word “diet” need to put on their big girl panties and accept that YES some people get carried away, gain weight and newsflash…need to go on a DIET, YES DIET. It is not a 4 letter word but a reality, here to stay and not going anywhere.

People do not need to get all crazed over the word. Its about finding a sensible diet, that works for you and one that will allow you to make adaptations to apply to your regular every day life. I have been on the Weight Watchers “Diet” for about 5 months. Lost 22 lbs- and feel great. Will I be on this “diet” forever? No but will I take away with me life lessons on how to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat? Yes!
I had a baby, gained weight did what I had to do to get back. Go on a diet. Keep up the good work Tina, 8 lbs is fantastic! Isn’t it so great putting clothes on that you haven’t worn in a while. That to me, is the ultimate prize for losing weight. Being a serious clotheshorse, its my biggest motivator.

Congrats on a job well done so far! Prior to me being a designer for hire (I’ve always had my hand in decor) I was a fitness instructor and personal trainer for 17+ years. Sooo,, first off don’t tell yourself you are on a diet. That for some reason in our minds tells us we are deprived! Heart healthy eating is better on our brain (and our bodies!). After that eating every 4 hours is key to keep your metabolism up and running without spikes and drops. Forget about anything processed and my rule of thumb is nothing with over 7 grams of sugar (snack/protein bars,etc.). Eliminate white flour, sugar, rice, pasta and potatoes. Go for whole grains, brown rice, pasta and sweet potatoes. Get in the habit of looking at serving sizes on labels. For example a serving size of rice, pasta, potatoes is about a 1/2 cup….measure until you can eyeball it. I always eat on a salad plate, that way I do not overeat and I only get firsts, never seconds! Lots of water is key and exercise 4-6 days a week. If you are not used to exercising start with 3 times a week and move forward from there. 3 times a week maintains fitness, 4-6 days a week improves fitness. I usually get 4 or 5 days in a week. Give yourself one cheat day a week where you indulge in something you absolutely love (like that brownie). Oh and for your daily chocolate fix, how about a piece of dark chocolate rather than the brownie which is super high in sugar (white flour) and fat? I like sweets too and I make cookies with an olive oil spread very little sugar lots of oats and little flour with craisins (if you want I send you the recipe!) and I make them very small so that one will satisfy!
You are so motivated in all that you do, I know you will get to your goal sooner than you may think!

I exercised (walking, running, biking) religiously for 15 years and never really saw much change in my weight. ( I must say that I didn’t really worry about what I ate. ) My husband’s doctor said to him that there are about 5 factors involved in losing/maintaining your weight. The first is genetics, the second is exercise, and the other 3 are what you eat. So last summer we started using a free app on our iPhones called LoseIt. You put in your weight and how many pounds you want to lose. Then you select the number of pounds you want to lose in a week (2, 1, or 1/2). Then it calculates when you should meet your goal. It’s very helpful. It has a list of foods and calories, and it lets you put in foods either by scanning a barcode with your phone, or by typing it in.
The other 2 tools I have found helpful are the food scale and the measuring cup! Good luck!

Congratulations on your weight loss! I’m not a fan of diets in general but when I’ve indulged at too many Christmas parties all I need to do is go back to my regular way of eating and I’m sorted out rather quickly. I’m a big believer in that anyone who eats as I do will get and stay thin, there is no magic involved at all. πŸ™‚ Here’s what I do. Except for nights out or at a party I stick to no refined sugars, no grains (except for a tiny bowl of Cheerios for breakfast sometimes), no corn, potatoes or rice. Except for dinner, I drink spinach/kale/broccoli/parsley and strawberry juice throughout the day, no snacks, just drink the juice if you’re hungry. For dinner I eat either grilled chicken or a steak and a spinach and goat cheese salad. Besides the juice I only drink water. I’m never hungry on this diet and on nights out (once or twice a week) I eat whatever I want.

Good morning dearest Tina. Your visits are always a cheerful experience to have. Kindness, energy, fun and LOVE are characteristics I think of when I see, THE ENCHANTED HOME comment come through. Be well, safe and continue to make your world a magical place. Much love, Anita

Your home is full of beautiful things carefully chosen to reflect the love and care that you have for your family. I believe one of the best things you can do for your family is to keep yourself healthy. With good health, you will have the time and energy to be the wife/mom that you are meant to be. I have lost nearly 20 pounds recently by replacing my breakfast with a protein shake. It is so delicious that I would drink it even if I wasn’t losing weight, and it’s packed with vitamins. My favorite is chocolate, peanut butter and banana. Go to

Tina congratulations on 8 pounds. once you lost those first 5 and start feeling it in your clothes, I think it does get easier. I cannot offer much advice, I have never had to lose more than 10 or 15 lbs. but I think it boils down to being practical. Obviously less calories means weight loss. The key is finding foods that fill you up and are good for you. I think the snacks you take along are also very key, they don’t make you feel like you are on a diet and you can munch on something with calorie control. Water as everyone said is very important as is exercise. I mostly eliminate most carbs and that seems to really do the trick. Good luck with the rest of your goal.

We were doing the Paleo diet before we left for St. Lucia…you can only imagine how THAT is going now! Will definitely have to jump back on the bandwagon with you when we return! Have you tried the Wasabi almonds? They are delicious! Not sure if they are that much worse for you than the regular but they definitely would help be make it in between meals. I also felt a lot better when we were on Paleo. It’s a heck of a diet to cook for, though! I only lost 1 lbs….my husband about 12 in the two weeks that we did it! Not fair! Good luck and keep us posted with tips!

Hi Tina – I woke up this morning thinking about this post and realizing I forgot to comment (strange way to wake up, I know)…I have ridden the “diet” train many, many times – some more successful than others. Right now I am eating mindfully – as freshly as possible and thinking before I eat – and it is working very well. It’s a lot easier with no children at home any more. I also am working out at a great program called Get In Shape for Women – it’s small group personal training with accountability. I don’t know if there is one near you, but I highly recommend it. One other huge tip that has worked for me – – if you write down everything you it, it keeps you honest and it becomes almost like a game to stay under your calorie count. Just my two cents worth!

I hope you have a wonderful day!! xoxo


I would highly recommend you read the book “The Body Reset Diet” by Harley Pasternak, it’s a New York Times best seller. He has personally worked with celebrities and has had great results.

I started out this Spring with a detox that Dr. Oz recommended just to get all of the Toxins out of my body. He recommended 3 days , I did one, and lost 3 lbs. My husband did 3 days and lost 8 lbs. The energy level is amazing, because you get all of that sugar and junk out of your system.

Then I was introduced to Harley’s book, and he highly recommends that you walk 10,000 steps a day using a pedometer. Nike makes an awesome wrist band for $150.00. Its called the Nike fuel band sold on line or at the Apple Store. It’s a narrow band that looks like a bracelet. Different colors, I prefer Black.

You will want to read the book to learn more about the diet, walking and exercise. I have enjoyed adding one smoothie a day to my diet. My favorite which is good for either breakfast, lunch ,or dinner is a Red Smoothie. I use my blender and it works just fine.

I use ½ cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk.

1 cup frozen blackberries, leave a little chunky because it tastes so good that way

I take that out of the blender and set aside, Then add:

A small amt of Almond Milk

¼ cup frozen blueberries

½ orange peeled

1 scoop Vanilla protein powder, I use Whey Factors

1 T. of Chia seeds

1 T flaxseeds, ground

Pour into bowl you set aside and mix with a spoon

Pour into a large glass and enjoy!

On the weekends we eat some of our favorite things!

Hope this helps,


Hi Tina!
From the comment above, I can see this is an area most of us are working on. I recently made some adjustments b/c my clothes were tight and I knew I just didn’t look my best. I cleaned out gluten, sugar, alcohol, dairy for about 2 months….and caffeine for 3. I focused on incorporating more protein into my diet and yes, lots of water. I would make 2 liters a day the goal.

I went back to lifting weights….and I think to build lean muscle, that is key. I vary my workouts, as I’ve always been active, but the mix of cardio and weights seemed to work. I had a cheat meal once a week, so that I could never feel deprived.

I think weighing once a week is plenty. Watching it too closely will drive me crazy.

I think making changes that you can stick to is the key. So proud of your initial weight loss…..stay on course. You can do it!!!!
xoxo Elizabeth

I’ve gained quite a bit of weight over the last few (stressful!)years. Since Febuary, I’ve been watching what I eat, and so far I’ve lost 22 pounds.
My staples have been:

Breakfast: Siggi’s brand Icelandic yogurt(which I like because it’s thicker and tastes like real fruit), a small handful of walnuts and cup of (black) tea
Lunch: usually a baked spinach/mushroom/cheddar dish (made once a week, then warmed up until it was gone). In the colder weather, I really liked having a hot lunch, but I’ll probobly switch to raw vegetables as the weather warms further.
Dinner: Usually a small piece of chicken or fish (I’m not a fan of beef) on fresh spinach or steamed asparagus.
I also snack throughout the day on nuts (almonds and walnuts), cheese, and fruit (strawberries, pomogranate seads, apples)

Of course, all this changes depending on what looks good in the store, what I’m in the mood for, etc, but these are the core components at the moment. I’m also making a concerted effort to find healthy substitutes for my comfort foods. Though I am actively trying to lose weight at the moment, I try to remember that losing weight is just a sidenote to my real goal, which is to get in the the habit of eating well.

Along those lines, I try to make each meal meaningful and pleasant, by paying attention to aesthetics, rather than just grabbing something convenient to eat. Choice of plates, a pretty garnish,paying attention to combinations of tastes,colors,scents etc, all help to divert my attention from the lack of dessert!

Oh Tina….I feel your pain girl…..have had to watch my weight all my life…was never one of those who could eat whatever they wanted……Your tips are all great! The first 2 weeks are the hardest… hang in there girl!

Tina those Special K chips are a regular snack around here. I carry them around of them in my bag (always have backup) so I am never hungry, haha. I think everyone is slightly different with their metabolism and how they burn foods.You need to know what works for you, no two people are alike and respond to particular ways of eating.

I have adopted a low fat diet for many many years. I am active, I run 4-5 times a week and play golf in the summer. I always am my best when I combine good eating with exercise. I love Greek yogurt and do not believe in diet sodas, artificial sweetness,etc…..go for the real thing like butter, sugar, whole milk but in smaller quantities, it is much healthier. I am convinced all these artificial ingredients are what is making America so fat.

Water is very important. And last tip, I never eat past 7pm. If I have to then its a very small amount. I also eat my heaviest meals for lunch and go lighter with dinner. If I am going to indulge in something like pasta or something heavy, I will always have it at lunch, when I can still burn it off! Even fruit should not be eaten at night, because of the sugars. Anyway, looks like you got tons of great advice here but at the end of the day, its what works for you. Good luck with your goal.

One great site for super healthy eating which will take weight off in a natural way is:


Another person, Matt Stone, has a E-book out called, ‘Eat for Heat’ (180 Degree Health)
Metabolism is the key – one shouldn’t slow it down with just salads.

Just last night I was talking with my sister who is 50+ and can still get into her
wedding dress. If she skips the fats and does just salads the extra weight (like a pound
or two) that she wants to take off, doesn’t. She has to continue to eat a bit of everything
and finally things settle back.

Remember how your grandmother ate? No GMOs and processed and everything in moderation – that’s the secret!

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