Comments : 243

Hi, well its been a busy busy week. Between the Blue and White love contest, to which the responses was simply amazing to the steals and deals..its been quite a whirlwind. I am still unloading boxes and will be offering more wonderful finds over the next few weeks so no worries if you missed out this last time, lots more goodies to come!

Nothing like ending the week on a really high note. A REALLY high note. Today we are talking skin care. As we glide into a new season, with colder drier air, no matter what kind of skin you have its sure to change as the temperatures dip. I am a product junkie and my bathroom drawers will not argue (nor will my husband). Over the years I have tried many skin care products, some I have loved and others I either tossed or gave to someone else to try.

I had mentioned receiving the most beautiful package of skin care goodies from Avery Graham about 6 weeks ago. The timing was actually ideal as I was not loving my regimen and was on the prowl for good new products aka miracles. I must tell you I am really really loving this line. I haven’t been this excited over a skin care line in a long time!  They are sooooooo luxurious and feel so decadent on my skin. It feels like I am giving my skin a rich moisture bath every time I use them.

 I have to say the moisturizers and eye cream might be one of the best I have ever used. I had two people comment on my skin this week, both saying it looked like it was glowing!  I love when it glows and is  dewy,  plump and youthful look (yea I know you are saying and who doesn’t?

I only talk about what I really love. This is not the first skincare I have received but its the first one I felt compelled to get the word out about. On top of that Elizabeth, the founder of Avery Graham has so generously and I mean generously offered a major giveaway, a huge box filled with every conceivable product (valued at over $1000.00)!!!! How is that for a giveaway!!

So this is a win/win. I am ecstatic over my new skin care, got to meet my own personal skincare guru who is so ready to answer all questions and am getting to share her line with you through this stupendous giveaway!!!! Elizabeth Cardarelli was so gracious to answer my questions, and let me tell you her thorough replies could warrant a book on it’s own and just think its all free here on this post:)

Ready to hear from Elizabeth? Take notes people, this is everything you wanted to know about skincare, aging, taking care of your skin, myths and more……a true wealth of information and I am excited!

 1. How did you get involved in the world of skincare? How long have you been doing it?

I actually was a PR Coordinator for a popular television dance show, Dance Party USA/Dancing on Air. We lost our contract with USA network and I was having difficulty finding a job in my field and decided to answer an ad to represent a natural skincare line, and fell in love! I then heard about the first aesthetic program to be offered in the Philadelphia area and decided to take the course to better advise and educate my clients.

Not long after that, I pounded the pavement and knocked on the doors of plastic surgeons to convince them that they needed me to teach their patients how to take care of their skin.

25 years later, I’m still excited to be a clinical aesthetician and the founder and creator of Avery Graham Noble Skin Care. My goal when I first started was to take care of one patient at a time by becoming their skincare expert and coach, providing the tools that they would need for acne, pregnancy, menopause, cancer and aging to maintain, correct, repair, and heal their skin throughout life’s journey. I never would have imagined that one shift in direction could led to such a exhilarating career that leaves me fulfilled each day!

Upon reflection, my journey began when I was a little girl volunteering as a candy striper at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania… making beds, aiding the nurses, and helping the patients feel their best. I knew then that I wanted help people, and I’m proud to say the place that inspired me now carries the Avery Graham Purity Collection, designed specifically for patients. It’s ironic how life’s journey can lead us back to what originally inspired us. Following your heart or passion is always what serves us best. 

2. Just how much does the environment/weather/seasons really affect our skin?

 It greatly affects it. Our environment has greatly shifted from years ago. Pollution, seasonal changes, barometric pressure shifts, and harsh environments can take a toll on our shield of armor. I commonly advise runners to really commit to skin protection while out in the elements. The daily impact has a cumulative affect that can be unfavorable. This is where hydration and/or sunscreen is most effective. You need a barrier between you and the environment. So, protect yourself and ward off premature aging.

3. Any myths about skin that you want to clear up/clarify?


The poor sun has received such a bad rap, and we need it for us to be healthy human beings.  Yes, of course you want to protect yourself from overexposure to the sun, but it is not necessary to wear sunscreen everyday. Many sunscreens are filled with chemicals that are not good for us and overusing them can contribute to excess breakouts, acne, and vitamin D deficiencies.

So, here is my recommendation: if you are in the sun for a prolonged amount of time, at the beach or involved in outdoor activities, wear sunscreen! If you are leaving your house to take a 10 minute walk or to go to work, you do not need sunscreen! I also think that sunscreen should not be used as source for hydration.  It’s a protecting agent, not a phyto-enriched nourishing hydrator.  Be aware of the differences.

4. Tell me please! 2 of the best things those of us with dry skin can do do our skin to keep it nourished and hydrated.

This is such a great question… Exfoliate and Hydrate!
Although, I wish you asked for 3 things Tina, and I’ll tell you why…

Let’s talk about exfoliation first:

In clinical skincare our main  focus is with the “stimulators and correctors” because they will create the most significant change within your skin. Those products would contain  AHAs, (glycolic and lactic acid) tretinoin (retin-a or retinols), and the free radical fighters known as antioxidants which can be a skincare cocktail of DMAE, alpha lipoic acid, phyto nutrients, vitamins, and  minerals.

Daily exfoliation is key and it’s not about harsh exfoliators to scrub the skin off, it’s about being good to your skin with serums that infuse nutrients and exfoliants that remove  dead skin cells cumulatively. I frequently compare a good skincare regime to working out or being on a diet… I think clinical treatments are essential, but would you go to the gym and come home to eat french fries and expect a better body? Consistency is key for any lasting result, especially for dry or dehydrated skin.


I can’t tell  you how many patients I see daily that are using various hydrators ranging from the most inexpensive brands to the top of the crop, and are still dry, wrinkled and often break out because they are using too much to hydrate the dead skin. This was one of my personal problems and why I created my moisturizers. For instance Avery Graham’s Pink Opulence is a true game changer in skin nourishment and hydration.  This product contains phyto nutrients to nourish, regenerate, heal, and soothe the epidermal skin. You start to see vibrancy within your skin just as you would see within your body if you we’re nourishing it well. The use of  parabens, mineral oils, and petroleums are ineffective in changing the skin because the molecular structure is too large to penetrate into the tissue; therefore, acting as a barrier.  This is why so many people suffering from dry skin never seem to see a change.

And why I suggested a third product…

Skincare should be customized to the individuals’ needs. Without my serums and moisturizers, I would be lost. But, for me, it all starts with preparing and treating the canvas with the cleanser.  If I were to use something too harsh on dry skin, I am already at a disadvantage in moving to the next step because now my skin has been compromised. So, I would say, cleaning your skin with something that’s appropriate for you is the key

5. Please set the record straight…are there any products in the market that can help stall the aging process? Or are we just buying into the fancy packaging and slick marketing?

 I recently attended a seminar with the remarkable Dr. Andrew Weil, and I agree with what he said… There is no anti-aging, we are all aging… We just have to decide how we are going to do it. This really is the foundation of how my skin care line, Avery Graham, was created. Just as Dr.Weil explained that heart disease is no longer just about the heart – it’s about the body and how it functions as one complete system, fabulous and healthy skin needs the same support to radiate from within. Long ago, I realized that you could not just treat acne, dry skin, eczema, or any other skin condition by ignoring what was going on in the body. Water, phyto nutrients, exercise, and sleep all lay the stepping stone to aging well and having you look your best throughout the different stages of your life. So, yes, there are some key components that have proven the test of time, retinols probably being the leaders, but they alone cannot give you the optimum result. I think it’s a shift in our  mindset about how we view our health and our skin.  My approach is very different in treating the skin, and I think this is why my patients have experienced success for over 25 years.

6. What are two things we must all do every day without fail to protect our skin?

 Sip and Sweep!

Sip water, life’s essential nutrient, all day long.  You need it to maintain a healthy body, functioning mind, and hydrated tissue.

Sweep away the day’s impurities such as environmental pollution, germs, chemicals, and bacteria by washing your face once you are home and begin to settle in for the night.  Many people fail to do this because they fall asleep and don’t feel like doing it.   I advise my patients to wash their face as soon as they come home for the night, this way you’re actually doing something good for your skin and your additional products have chance to work their magic instead of soaking into your pillowcase because you put them on 5 minutes before going to bed. 

7. For someone who is not diligent about skincare and needs  no fuss regimen, how would you guide them?

 Cleanse, vitamin infused serum and/or exfoliate, and hydrate.

For the morning: I would cleanse your skin, do a vitamin enriched phyto serum like our Restora that firms, tightens, and brightens your skin, and then moisturize.

For the evening: cleanse, exfoliate with Active Glycolic Serum that exfoliates dead skin, tightens the tissue, repairs sun damage, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles and absorbs oil, glycolic acclimates to your skin needs, then moisturize.

A little goes a long way to maintain a healthy appearance!

8. Does drinking a lot of water really and truly make a difference in the way our skin looks?

 Absolutely! If you want to maintain good skin or if you’re trying to repair and correct… hydration is so essential to a healthy body. So, fill up and reap the rewards that water naturally provides – it flushes toxins, improves complexion, increases energy, relieves fatigue, boosts immunity, and it’s free!

9. What is the number one mistake people make when it comes to skin?

Not properly cleansing your skin and going to bed with makeup on! ! !

10. How is your line different from the countless others out there? 

In many ways, we are different! Avery Graham’s products were developed from making my custom mixtures for patients. I’ve been successfully serving my  patients’ needs for 25 years by concocting my own clinical treatments, custom compounds, and layered formulations with pharmaceutical ingredients.
    I’ve taken what I’ve developed in my clinical practice and combined it with phyto nutrients, vitamins and minerals to create this luxurious skincare line without parabens and formaldahaydes. What you end up with is the perfect synergy of wellness, science and nature. As my mentor once said, “poison ivy is natural, but you wouldn’t rub it all over yourself.” It’s important to remember that creating balance, as in life, is essential in skincare. And this is why I would say, “Come Discover The Avery Graham Difference!”

And this is like a milkshake for your skin, delicious and so nutritious πŸ™‚ VERY hydrating
How amazing is this interview? Doesn’t it make you want to run to your bathroom and start taking care of your skin in a whole new way? I must admit Elizabeth I am guilty of #9. oops. I think I need to step it up and thanks to you and your fabulous products, I am inspired to do so! I cannot say enough about her line, another perk of blogging, getting to meet and discover all kinds of amazing new products. I think her line is destined to become a big deal and I am so impressed with her unwavering attention to developing the best products out there given her extensive background. Now the fun part, the giveaway. Feast your eyes on this……….

And inside……

And this massive collection also includes my three favorite products……..

Isn’t this incredible!! This is valued at over $1000.00!! Almost too pretty to unwrap but trust me you will want to unwrap it right away and begin to use this oh so luxurious products! One lucky winner is going to win all of these amazing products and I will announce a winner Tuesday morning. Here is how-
1. Visit Avery Graham, take a look around and come back here and tell us a product you would love to try.
2. Want a second chance? Then like Avery Graham on Facebook by clicking here and leave her a comment telling her something good and that you are from The Enchanted Home.


NOTE TO ALL READERS WHO READ MY BLOG THROUGH THEIR EMAILS. You CANNOT leave comments via email. You must click on title of post in your email which will take you to my actual website. From there you can scroll down to leave a comment using your name, account or even anonymously, however you must include a first name in body of comment if posting anonymously.

Easy peasy! I will announce one lucky winner on Tuesday morning. So, its time to visit Avery Graham! Thanks for stopping in, wishing you a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth cannot thank you enough not only for your super generous giveaway, this amazing wealth of knowledge you shared but for creating products that I truly love and will continue to enjoy and recommend. I am a definite fan! 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
To learn more about Avery Graham click here.

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Oh what a great contest! The Hydro sheer for combo skin looks like a winner for me. The Grapefruit wash too. Actually the entire line looks wonderful!!
Thanks for sharing great products.

The Pink Opulence sounds like a lifesaver. This time of the year my skin gets so dry so a cream that hydrates your skin would be perfect.

Count me in, Tina! I would love to try that PINK OPULENCE! Oh you are on a great path here my dear….I am so proud of you and your stamina to keep offering the best to your viewers and buyers! AND I believe in water. Drinking it first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and washing and exfoliating. I know it’s made a huge difference in how I’m aging. Lovely post, SO EXCITED about this giveaway! Anita

Hello, This line is incredible! It would be so difficult to choose just one product, but if I had to choose I would go with the eye repair(hello crow’s feet!) Thank you for this amazing giveaway! Elizabeth

I would love to try the eye cream and exfoliant. This seems like this line of skin care products has it all! Would love to win, but if not is it sold only online?

Hello Cheryl,
You can call or e-mail me directly, and I can give you information on how to receive these products!
Office Phone: 888-570-6777
E-Mail: [email protected]

Look forward to talking with you.

All the Best,

I want this, I need this, at 64 the face shows life lines galore and just finding the right items to use for the everyday lady is not to be

This morning I woke up thinking how yucky my skin felt, and here was your wonderful post and giveaway. I would imagine the daily moisturizer with aloe vera – ahhhh -would be a perfect place to begin. Love your blog!

This looks wonderful!!! I’ve had two cancers and two bone marrow transplants. It has definitely had an affect on my skin! I would love the opportunity to begin taking such wonderful care of it. I’m really interested in the Opulence eye product. My eye skin is the most sensitive and sometimes gets a dry rash like reaction to products. I’m still trying to find a product that just nourishes. Oh to look refreshed and moisturized again!!!

Dear Deb,
I have something I’d like to send you that I created for a major hospital here, The Purity Body Wash and Lotion.

My e-mail address is [email protected]… please send me your mailing address and I will send this along to you today.

Wishing you good health!


The Hydra Sheer moisturizer sounds wonderful! At almost 53, I do find my once-oily skin getting drier but so many moisturizers are too heavy and make my skin break out. The Active Glycolic Serum is another product that would achieve exfoliation and rejuvenation in a gentle fashion regardless of your skin type. Thank you, Tina, for bringing this fantastic skin care line to our attention. Shelley Behm

Thank you so much for providing such an insightful interview. Your blog is always full of interesting and fun subject matter…I enjoy it everyday! Thank you!
Were I to choose just one product to try it would be the serum. 2nd would be the exfoliant.
Thanks again!
Patti C.

Wow, Tina ! Thank you for introducing these wonderful products to your readers ! If I were to chose two products, I would love to try the exfoliating cleanser and the pink opulence. The interview with Elizabeth,was very informative.

Thanks Tina for introducing these products! I have been looking for products that truly work and I am always buying what is supposed to be the best out there for combo skin! I would really love to try the Active Glycolic Serum as well as the Purifying Grapefruit Cleanser. They both sound fabulous and exactly what I have been needing for my skin!!

I am big on exfoliating and love the current one I use now. But it would be nice to try the AG Exfoliating Cleanser to see how it stands up to my fav. I am always open to change!

Good morning.

I would love to try the Avery Graham serums and the Restoration Cream. Thanks for this opportunity.


Oh how would love to win some of these products. I am deeply in need of them, My skin is feeling so dry and I do not take the time to look after it. With these products I am sure I would if I could try them. A wonderful Blog Tina – I look forward to it every day. Betty from Ontario,Canada.

What spoke to me most is what Elizabeth said in your Q&A with her.

“There is no anti-aging, we are all aging… We just have to decide how we are going to do it.”

Loving the Purifying Grapefruit Cleanser…

What spoke to me most is what Elizabeth said in your Q&A with her.

“There is no anti-aging, we are all aging… We just have to decide how we are going to do it.”

Loving the Purifying Grapefruit Cleanser…


This was such good information even if it is for selling a particular product line. Just the fact that Elizabeth was tuning into Dr. Weil made me take a closer look. All of the serums, moisturizers and eye creams look fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend Tina.

Beautiful website. I would love to try everything, especially the grapefruit cleanser.

Tina, as usual you gave a great interview. Thank you for admitting you are guilty of number 9. Me too.

Very interesting and informative post! I am a skincare junkie, and I would love the opportunity to try this one — especially Opulence and Pink Opulence. Even if I don’t win, I will probably order something to try. Good luck to everyone1

Pink Opulance, opulence eye cream as well as the eye make-up remover that would be a good start to get me on track!
Thanks for the giveaway and insightful information.

Loved your interview, you asked all the right questions of Elizabeth.
I checked her website and loved all the explanations of products.
I think if I had to choose just one it would be the Restora or Moisture replenishing creme.
Oops !, thats two.
Have a great weekend.

Dear Tina, much thanks to Elizabeth for this amazing skincare line!
I would love it all of course. The last 3 years have taken a toll, however the Active Glycolic Serum and Restora look too, too wonderful.


The Illuminating Eyel Gel looks like the product I have been trying to find for 40 years! Elizabeht had identified all of my eye issues and crated a product to address them. I have tried it all, starting with Erno Laszlo in my 20’s and had given up hope – now I can’t wait to try the Eye Gel, as well as the other products that would work with my skin conditions. As usual, great find, Tina!

Loved the skin care tips from Elizabeth, and although there isn’t any of her products that I wouldn’t love to try the eye repair would be my first choice. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

All the products seem wonderful but would love to try the Eye Repair & other eye products as I am no longer seeing results with what I had been using. Pink Opulence sounds wonderful too! Thank you for this fabulous giveaway!

Kathy B.

Another great contest.. what woman wouldn’t love to win these beautiful products. Pink Opulence would be a good one to start with.

Carol Ann N.

What a wonderful skin care line! I will say that as I am aging, taking care of my skin has become so important to me. I now only use products that are nutritious to my body inside and out and are free of dangerous chemicals. It would be amazing to be able to try such a wide variety of quality skin products from her line. The Lavender body lotion sounds wonderful-so relaxing and hydrating. Thank you Tina and to Avery Graham for offering such an amazing give-away.

I would love love love to try the Avery Graham Active Glycolic Serum. I have combination skin, and have yet to find a product line that actually addresses it all with natural and pharmaceutical products in one. Thanks for a great introduction and fabulous contest!! Alicia M.

Hi Tina,
What a wonderful giveaway and so informative. It all sounds wonderful.. But I would have to say the 3 steps to keeping my skin healthy. I also am so guilty of #9 in your post! I know cleansing and moisturizing is so very important.. Thank you so much again to both you and Elizabeth! Oh and the packaging itself is a gift! Lorene C.

Hi Tina,

I too am a skin care junkie. I had not heard of Avery Graham, but after your post am intrigued! I looked at her website and like the whole anti-age line of products, particularly the Restora serum. It sounds like an antioxidant cocktail for your skin!

Love, love , love your taste in decor, clothing, and skin care!
All the best,

Thank you both for such a generous prize! I would absolutely love to try the “Active Glycolic Serum.” I’ve been trying various products to help with sun damage and I’m excited to see that this is a “proven favourite”!

I am a skin care fanatic, so I’m really intrigued by this line! All of the products sound so wonderful…especially for those of us who are trying to minimize the appearance of lines and dry skin. I’d love to try the Pink Opulence (even the name is fab!)
I’ve also visited her Facebook page!


Hi Tina,
Just wanted to let you know I am now a follower over at The Avery Graham facebook page. Thank you again so much for this chance to win and try a product that sounds wonderful. I am having problems signing into my google account so this is Lorene from The Gilded Cherub. My comment is just a few Comments up on the product.

Always love reading your posts daily. I have been searching for good skin care products. Love the philosophy of this company
and would love to try any one of these products, especially the eye serum and Exfoliating Cleanser.

Nancy C.

Great timing Tina…..I am desperately in the need for a new skin care line. All of the Avery Graham products look amazing and I love the fact that they use natural ingredients. I would love to try the Pink Opulence for hydration and glow on my 55 year old face. Thanks for introducing this great product!
Nancy H.

Love the salicylic cleanser! A favorite exfoliator that makes such a difference on age spot & skin discoloration from years of living in the south Florida sun.

This looks like a great line of products. As an aging, but active grandmother, I would love to try the eye therapy. And organic marshmallow extract is one of the ingredients!…Now really, can’t beat that.

hi I am Mary Ann and I love your blog, check every morning. I want to thank you for all the work u do to give us this informative blog!!
checked Avery Graham out & nice product line I won’t leave home any more without serum. the moisturizers sound very good as well as the makeup line I am interested in.
I like the information she gives with her line I learned a lot from that.
this was such a good time of the year to introduce us to the line and how to use as the wind & temp are more severe and we need strong product line. my best

That was a wonderful interview, and very informative. I did go to the Avery Graham site before I finished reading, even before I saw the contest at the bottom of the post! I’m very much interested in Eye Repair serum, particularly to see what it can do for dark circles. Thank you so much for taking the time to do the interview and to introduce us to this skin care.

Take Care,

Hi, Needed to see this at just this time….gotta get it together. I’m going to try the Pink Opulence, it sounds perfect for me.
My name is Samantha Marie.
Going back now to read more.

I would love to try the Pink Opulence. My skin is very dry & I have recently run out of my present skin care so I would love to try this lovely line of products.


Pink Opulence sounds like a dream come true for those of us with dry skin. The fall and winter months reek havoc on my skin. So enjoyed reading the informative interview with Avery Graham.

WOW! What a great giveaway. I loved looking at the site and picking a favorite is not going to be easy but since I have to I would choose PINK OPULENCE! THANK YOU so much for this wonderful giveaway!

It is such a daunting task to select skin care products as I age and my skin changes. Elizabeth cleared up a few things about skincare products and has caused me to re-think my routine. I’d love to try it all, but the Opulence seems to be the one thing to have in your arsenal of skin care products. I need to re-read the advice she has given! Thanks for bringing this product line to your fans!

My winter skin would love the Pink Opulence. All of these products look fabulous. I, as well, seem to always be looking for something
new and wonderful for my dry skin. I would take most anything from this line!!!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Wow, this is a wonderful give-away! I would love to try the Moisture Replentishing Cream, or the Pink Opulence! Also the Salicylic Cleanser! I always tell my adult daughters it is now they should be taking really good care of their skin, not waiting until they are older. Much easier to keep skin looking good than to try and repair poor looking skin!

If I had to pick one, I would try the RESTORATIVE CELLULAR NIGHT CRÉME. It sounds wonderful!

Tina, I am always interested in trying new skin care products. The pink opulence would be my choice because my skin is so dry. I have recently purchased Suzanne Somers skin care line, but want to try another to compare. This line sounds great . I am sure it is if you are promoting it. Thanks πŸ™‚ Kathy

I would love, love, to try the pink me this is the end all!!!! I feel even if you just have this as your daily regimen, it will make all the difference…turning 51 November 13th and boy oh boy would this be great as wverything else she has….wonderful to die for products…..

I simply cannot believe this one.
I just visited them, and I would love the Opulence Eye Therapy & the Serums that go with it.
I’m going to FB too.
This is totally awesome, and this one I want to WIN !!


This skincare line sounds fabulous. I live in Arizona and have extremely dry skin. Like you, I’m always looking for a hydrating skincare line. Thanks so much for sharing:)

The Pink Opulence Moisturizer would be my pick, as I am now trying two new moizturizers for very dry sensitive skin. I would be so happy to receive this beautiful gift. Patty

I would try Pink Opulence and Opulence for my eye area. These products seem to be luscious! Thank you for the chance to win!
Bonnie G.

I would love to try the Pink Opulence. Actually, all of the products seem wonderful!
Kathy from PA

I would love to try the Restorative Cellular Night Créme. My skin is already feeling and looking dull from the dry harsh weather!
Michelle Britt.

I’m most interested in this line of skincare! It represents the best of science and botanicals plus years of research. Thank you for sharing your interview with Elizabeth. I think my pick is the Opulence cream. I would love to win this giveaway for two reasons: I’m 54 years old and would love to set the clock back and get a program for the future care of my skin. Thank you!! Amanda

i’d love to try the Restora serum; I’ve tried one other serum and was amazed at the difference. The interview was very informative, thanks!

Would it be inappropriate to select a skincare line based only on the packaging of its products? πŸ™‚ Probably it would be. They are however, so elegantly packaged that I cannot help but want them for my vanity. Nevertheless, the science behind this all intrigues me, as are the testimonies on Elizabeth’s website, in addition to your endorsement, Tina. With the dry air of winter already affecting the moisture of my complexion, I would like the Restorative Cellular Night Creme.
Thanks, Leslie A.

PINK OPULENCE wins it for me! Wow a lovely giveaway, I would love to win this, my skin certainly needs this. Di@Cottage-wishes

Since there are three girls in the house, I would love to try everything, going with natural products are very important and worth
doing for your health, I really enjoy your blog, thanks for all your work. Lori

I would love to try the Pink Opulence – of course all of the line is really needed here!!! What a wonderful give away – but, just as wonderful, was all the great information from Elizabeth! I’m copying sections of this and putting in my products drawer!

I would love to try out the restorative cellular night cream. My skin always gets crazy when the seasons change from hot-cold to cold-hot. All of her products look amazing and its nice knowing that someone has a lot of experience when producing their own line of beauty products.

I would love to try the active glycolic serum..these products look amazing..I’m searching for a replacement for Obagi and I think this could be it…thanks for the chance to win….
[email protected]

Great interview. Just looking at the labeling of these products makes me feel pampered! I guess if I have to choose, I would like the eye repair, my eyes need some repairing! Seriously, I would love to try them all. I live in California where the air is dry, dry, dry. I have drawers full of things that did not work, and your interview was really enlightening.

How gracious and lovely is this gift!
I LOVED the tip about cleansing and treating when you return home from work! What a treat!
I just took your advice! My hubby and I are in for the night and dinner is in the oven!
Who wouldn’t want to try the Pink Opulence!
I am also interested in the Restorative Cellular night cream vs the Restorative Creme. I must go back and read more.
Thank you, Elizabeth and Tina for the lovely Saturday Night Mini Clinic.

I need help. As I am aging (56), I can’t quite seem to find products that work for me as well. The Pink Opulence would be a good start, but I think I’d need many of the products. They look and sound wonderful.

What an education I received from reading every word of the interview twice! I am totally bad about cleansing at night, and maybe this push will get me to do a better job of it. I need the Active Glycolic Serum badly – have been through Obagi and several other “TV” infomercial products. How generous of Elizabeth to give us this chance, as well as educate us at the same time. Looking forward to trying these wonderful products. [email protected]

Sandy Jones

Great interview! I’m in a constant quest for the perfect moisturizer for my dry skin…I would love to try the Pink Opulence. Thank you!

WOW…I am in trouble…too many nights I have gone to bed with my makeup on!! Have to try to change that bad habit!! I would love to try the Illuminating Eye Gel to see if I can get rid of the dark circles and the puffiness I see in the morning πŸ™‚

I would love to try any of the products, but I’ve been particularly searching for a new eye cream, so Opulence would probably be at the top of my list! This is an amazing giveaway!

A product referred to as Noble Skin Care has my attention. Everything is package and presented so well – elegant and understated {in a good way}.
The Opulence cream would be my choice to try. My dark circles are crying out for the Organic Marshmallow Extract.

What a beautiful line of products! I would love anything in the Pink Opulence****

Hi, let me start by saying I am such a big fan of this blog. I absolutely love everything you post and look forward to all of your emails!

I have never written before . However, this subject hit home for me. I am a 57 year old menopausal woman and have been plagued with acne since I was 12 years old. That’s 45 years of fighting bad skin! I have tried everything on the market; oxy 10, taxerac, differen gel, retin A, Practiv, antibiotics, Accutane (twice) just to name a few.

Thank you for a very interesting Q& A session. It was like a mini skin seminar. I would love to try the M.A.P. products for acne. I also can’t find a foundation that will not make me break out either. It is extremely frustrating. Wrinkles AND acne!

I live in sunny south Florida and I totally agree with Elizabeth about the sunscreen 24/7. She’s right. It is too heavy to wear all day, just to go in and out of the car. Every thing she said made sense to me.

Please consider me for the gift basket. My skin is so dry from Proactiv. But my alternative is acne. I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. Help!

Thank you for your consideration.
Diane C

This post spoke directly to me. I had no idea you could mix glycolic acid and retinol together. I’ve been alternating them month-to-month. I would love to try the ACTIVE GLYCOLIC SERUM, but really, like everyone, the whole line would be wonderful to experiment with. Thanks for the great giveaway Elizabeth. –Elizabeth

A lot of moving responses here–Tina, thank you for this amazing interview with Elizabeth. I will admit that I cannot afford her products (I am so sorry if that sounds impolite but it is true) and yet really took away a lot of great information that has absolutely nothing to do with a budget. So merci. Her line really does sound wonderful and just makes a lot of sense as well. I had a hard time choosing but with my sensitive redhead skin, I think that the Restora serum could be a lot of help.

Wishing a wonderful Sunday to you both,

What a wonderful and informative post! The Avery and Graham skin care line looks amazing! It seems like it has it all, and is all natural, which is the best of all. I’d love to try one of the serums or the pink opulance. I went to their page on FB too and left a comment! – Thanks again for introducing your readers to the products – Jennifer

Tina, thank you for the enlightening lesson on skin care from Elizabeth of Avery Graham. I love the fact that this skin care line is not only focused on external beauty but what is needed internally for a healthy “best face” forward each and every day. Exfoliating cleanser and pink opulence seem to be two products that would make a difference for my 50 something skin. And of course, plenty of water for hydration. ~ Bette

Amazing giveaway. I have used Clarins for many years, my sister was an executive with the company and that’s how i got started but maybe because its been several years, it doesn’t seem to work for me anymore. My skin looks so dull and has no glow whatsoever. The opulence products sound amazing, and for someone like me with really dry skin, that sounds like a match made in heaven. If I don’t win I will still purchase some of these products, Tina if you give a thumbs up, I am on board. Thank you Tina and Elizabeth for this wonderful chance.


Tina!! Such a fabulous giveaway!! Anyone over 50 can understand everything you have written about here, neck and eyes being even more tedious to deal with!!
Please put my name in the hat!!

Tina- What a nice giveaway. I love this blog!! I l would love to try the PURIFYING GRAPEFRUIT CLEANSER. The products seem natural and I like the look of the packaging. Good luck to everyone!!

This looks like an incredible line! I would love to try the skin repair cream. After running about 6 days a week, I end up getting some sun on my face and I need something to even out my skin tone. Love the interview!

I am so excited to find out about this line! I would love to try the Pink Opulence, the Restora serum, and all of the eye products! I really like the philosophy that we are all aging, but that we should do the best we can with what we have. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway. I truly enjoy your blog. JuliaW cre8tivew4ATyahooDOTcom

The Pink Opulence sounds amazing and exactly what my skin needs right now. Kristin N.

This looks like an incredible line of skin care. I would love to try the Pink Opulence and the Opulence. It’s very hard to name only one thing to try it all looks wonderful. Such a generous giveaway. Thank you.

hi tina!
Thank you for the tutorial. I have never heard of Avery Graham product line before. I would love to try any of their lavender skin products or Mandarin Vanilla Body Lotion. mia sahnebomber(at)

What a great interview! I had not heard of Aver Graham before and I really love the product line from what I can see. Thank you for introducing it to us.

I drink a ton of water and while I don’t have a good skin care regimen I think that is one reason people often tell me I look younger than I am. Now, I need to do the other things she recommends:) I The product that I would love to try is the illuminating eye gel. I sometimes have dark circles and it sounds perfect for me.

Looks lovely ~ I love taking care of my skin and teaching my daughters how to take care of theirs as well! Would love to win this one! Thanks for your wonderful blog! xoxo

This sounds very interesting. My “older” skin needs to get it’s glow on! The Restora sounds interesting.All the products sound like a treat.Would love to try. Debbie Bowker

Pink opulence cream looks like it solves a lot of problem. I like that it is all natural

WOW, loving all these fabulous product and during the Winter my skin looks parched.. especially my eyes so I am loving the Eye, Repair, Gel and Pink opulence!! Fantastic giveaway.. you have the best! Will tweet this one too!

So many amazing products but the one that stands out for me is Pink Opulence Cream , I love plumped , glowing skin. I am always on the lookout for a skin care range that is plant based. Sandra Booth

My jaw dropped when I saw that glorious box box of beauty! My skin definitely needs the entire regimen, but I confess I’m deeply interested in the Lycogel. I’d really love to try it!

Thank you Tina for a great post! Your interview with Elizabeth was so informative and helpful. I would love to try the Pink Opulence, it sounds truly amazing!! With the weather changing and getting colder my skin could use all the lovely products in the gift box!! The presentation of the products is beautiful!

Wow – it looks like a great line of products! What bothers me more than anything are my “festoons” and the dry, fine lines around my eyes! They bother me so much so that I am seriously considering surgery to remove them! I think I have tried all of the lotions and potions out there for the eye area withouth success. But, before going the surgical root I am open to trying the eye repair. It sounds like it can do it all! Heck, if I don’t win I’ll just have to purchase it!
– Sharna Reid

Pink Opulence sounds like a dream. It sounds like a dream with the winter season upon us. Although I would love this gift for myself, I would give it to my mother. She has been my rock throughout the planning of my wedding. She would deserve this gift and could use some pampering for herself. Thanks for offering this gift. i look forward to each and every post from you. You are such an inspiration for me, thanks again!

Oh, how I would love these products! I am always on the lookout for great skin care. I love that Elizabeth is honest in saying there is no anti-aging. The Restorative Cellular Night Creme is a product i would love to try.

Oh, how I would love to try the Opulence Eye Therapy & the Serums! I’ve just lost 50 lbs and my skin is in desperate need of an uplift! Thanks so much for offering this incredible prize!

Oh boy! I really want to try Pink Opulence, it sounds amazing! Liked them on FB also, and left a comment.

I am a skin care junkie. I admit it! The Pink Opulence sounds wonderful. Actually, the whole line sounds amazing. See what I mean?

Thank you for introducing us to this marvelous skin care line Pink Opulence is the product I would choose if I had to choose just one. This is by far the best give away ever! Thank you for this chance and for introducing us to Avery Grahm Noble Skin Care!

Thank you, Tina just for the opportunity! As a diabeti, my skin really suffers in the wintertime, Pink Opulence would be such a gift!
Going to FB next to Like this amazing product group!
[email protected]

Aging is sooo much work…and I have sun damage from living in the South before sun screen…I would love whatever you choose, I need help! Thank you,
Susan Vicary

I think the Restorative Cellular Night Cream is exactly what my skin needs. What a lovely and ever so generous giveaway! Thank you Elizabeth and thank you Tina!

The Skin Perfecting Cream sounds too good to be true, I’d have to try that one! What a great interview.

I have to try the Soothing Botanical Polish! I really liked the Tip of Day. It was a nice little something extra. Can’t wait to try Pink Opulence

This is such an interesting interview, I am especially interested in her comments on sunscreen, I always wonder if the added chemicals are worth it {especially on a thickly cloudy day in the PNW!] Great giveaway, my fingers and toes are crossed!!

A working mother of a three year old could really use these amazing products. Especially the eye repair and other eye products to recover from my lack of sleep. Love your blog!! Cynthia Estrella

After 2 heart attacks and open heart surgery; numerous procedures since; and many medications taken daily – I need help with my complexion. After reading about the products I think all would help but would like to try Pink Opulence first. Would love to be rejuvenated and have a fresher appearance! All happened to me before the age of 60. Ladies please be aware of signs of heart disease and live a healthy life-style. Thank you for the chance to win some wonderful products!!!!

I would love to try the Restora serum. Many thanks for introducing us to the Avery Graham product line! Ursula

These products look amazing. I would love to try the Pink Opulence, what am I saying I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to try any of these products.

Am excited to learn aboyt the Avery Graham line. And definitely would love to ty the Pink Opulence. My grand daughter is Avery and my son-in-law is Graham!

Love your blog Tina, thanks for the enlightening interview with Elizabeth. I must admit I’m guilty of not drinking enough water! The Avery Graham products all look amazing – would love to try the Active Glycolic Serum & the pink opulence amongst others. Will they be available in Australia or only online?
Regards, Wendy Robinson

What an amazing collection of products–lots of wonderful things to try! My first would be the Active Glycolic Serum. I would use it in place of my retinol during the dry winter months. – Deb

I was very interested to read the comments on skin care. I was particularly happy to hear her opinion on the sunscreen issue as I think we have gone a little overboard with it in recent years. If given the chance, I would love to try the Pink Opulence or Glycolic Serum. I have gotten lots of great ideas from The Enchanted Home over the years so I am sure these products are as wonderful. A faithful reader, Cynthia P.

What a great ,post I would love to try any of the products, they all sound wonderful.

Tina, I have been dying to try these products and so glad to hear your endorsement!
My first purchase will be the Opulence eye care cream; next is the restorative cellular night creme.
Great, informative post!

What a great and informative post. There are so many Avery Graham products that I would love to try such as; the Lavender Body Wash, Opulence eye cream, Moisture Replenishing Créme and the Restora Serum to name a few. Being fair-skinned I am especially wary of the damages that the sun can cause; I feel like I should be wearing sunscreen on a daily basis and I found Elizabeth Cardarelli’s comments on sunscreen use reassuring – especially because I do not enjoy wearing sunscreen all the time.

Tina, thank you so much for this informative post and the amazing giveaway. I truly enjoy reading your blog and love all the ideas and inspirations you write about.


Shannon Thomas

Would so love to try this wonderful line! I’ve always tried to take good care of my skin and have been blessed with looking younger than my age; but Turning 70 in April has me somewhat in a panic!

Pink Opulence sounds wonderful!! Great giveaway for this time of year!! Klchr at hotmail dot com

Wow! This is amazing….thank you! Her products sound & look fantastic!
Can’t wait to win and try them out.
Thank you,
Dana Munoz

I think the two products that I would be most interested in are ACTIVE GLYCOLIC SERUM, and the PINK OPULENCE. After all, I have a wedding to look fabulous for in nine short months!! A tired mother of the bride will not be a good thing!!! πŸ˜‰

I posted my two choices, and for some reason they didn’t display… ACTIVE GLYCOLIC SERUM and PINK OPULENCE…. only if I have to choose!!!! Nine months for this mother of the bride to improve for photos!!!! πŸ˜‰

I think the restorative night creme sounds amazing. I am looking for a less expensive cream than la Mer which I love but can’t justify the price. I am anxious to try this line!

Opulence eye cream would be my first purchase as I never feel “complete” without moisturizing the eyes. Love this line, appears to be fantastic and who does not need or want good skin care. Love your blog too!

I am so excited to find out about Avery Graham products. I would love to try the pink opulance for my dry and sensitive skin.
Thank you Tina and Elizabeth for introducing these amazing products. And thank you Elizabeth for the mini skincare clinic you just offered
us. I will definitely going to like on Facebook.

I like the holistic approach she takes to skin care. Hydration is so important. I also like the ingredients in her products and plan to try the grapefruit cleanser, glycolic serum, eye repair and the fabulous- sounding pink serum. Thanks for the introduction, Tina.

The Pink Opulence would be my # 1 pick. What a beautiful line of products.

Barbara in Oklahoma

Absolutely decadent-you can just tell from the packaging and your endorsement-I want it ALL, but the Pink Opulence and Opulence are at the top of the list.

What a fabulous give-away-thank you!

I would love to try the eye repair! I am trying to age “gracefully” and want to protect the delicate skin around the eye. All of your products sound amazing and I want to try them all!

Thanks, Tina, for introducing us to this wonderful product line. Pink Opulence and Active Glycolic Serum are on my order.
The giveaway is a wonderful gift!!

All of these products sound amazing. I am a breast cancer survivor and treatment does seem to have taken a toll on my skin. The pink opulence and illuminating eye gel sound like heaven to me.

I have dry sensitive skin, so I would love to try the Illuminating Eye Gel and the Lavender Cleansing Cream.

Thanks, Kathy

How do I pick just one?! I’d love to try the Opulence eye cream. As the mother of two little boys, I haven’t had much time to update my beauty routine in the past few years. Now that I’m no longer in my 20s (actually, pretty far from my 20s now that I think about it), it’s time I update my routine. Would love to try these products!

Skin care products can be so confusing. I loved reading about this wonderful line and all the benefits it offers. I am very interested in the Active Glycolic Serum as well as the Pink Opulence cream.

Great blog post. I have been just starting to search for a new skin care regimen! I enjoyed your interview with Elizabeth. I am the worst when it comes to cleansing my face at night. I must do better. I liked her suggestion of washing one’s face as soon as you come home in the evening. I do try to sip water all day. I think that the item I would like to try the most would be the Pink-Opulence.

Thanks for the great article!!

What a generous giveaway. I am interested in the clarifying toner. I use another brand right now and think it probably has too much alcohol. I’m going to give this a try.

Wow this is some giveaway. I would love to win and the opulence products most interest me given my dry “mature” skin. What a generous giveaway and her information shared was priceless.

Ah, anything “anti aging”, but specifically the “Restorative Night Cream”. My skin is so dry and I am really not aging well I fear. This could be my turn around πŸ™‚

My face is screaming for the Pink Opulence! I am feeling bored with my skin care routine and would LOVE the opportunity to try a new regime. Thank you!

This line looks and sounds incredible, I will definitely give it a try!! I think my first purchase would be the Pink Opulence, even the name sounds decadent! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a fabulous giveaway!

The packaging alone is lovely enough! I would be very interested in trying the Pink Opulence or any of the lovely products with Lavender! Thanks

I love the extensive research and philosophy behind this whole line of products. I also love the honesty and no false claims – so refreshing. I would love to try the exfoliating cleanser, the eye repair, and the pink opulence moisturizer.The hugely generous prize is a dream that I can only hope will come true.

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