Comments : 194

Hi there and Happy Sunday, hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Lots to talk about today.


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Our weekend has been busy but a good one ( super productive) and on top of a few things we had going on I have also been sprucing things up for the holidays here and there. Two very important things to do here today. First off, I want to announce the lucky winner of either the gorgeous trivet or olive tray for the European kitchen giveaway. A hearty congratulations goes to……


I would have to choose #11, but they are all absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway πŸ™‚
Contact me here to provide your shipping details and selection so this can be right on it’s way!

Second, bring on the drum roll….the response to the “Hooray for the holidays” contest was amazing! I thank each and every one of you who took the time to send in your wonderful pictures and to all who voted. I had such fun putting it all together and will look back often on ALL of the amazing entrants. As per Polldaddy, here is the first and second place winners!! A big congratulations to you both, the victory is well deserved and indeed both images really do capture the theme “Hooray for the holidays”!
1st place goes to Lynda with 86 votes

2nd place goes to Susan with 71 votes

A few honorable mentions that had a healthy number of votes…….

Please contact me here to provide your shipping details so your gifts can be on their way! Thank you again to all who participated. I will announce details of my next contest later this week…..

Since I was chosen earlier this year as the “Classic” blogger of choice for the super famous HomeGoods (thank you HomeGoods)…..I was contacted about a fun holiday challenge. If you haven’t taken the Stylescope quiz,  you must! Its fun to see what you style you most gravitate towards. The challenge was to go in and purchase some goodies with a generous gift card courtesy of HomeGoods. It was my pleasure! What a place to stock up….the prices simply cannot be beat, period.  They were chock full with some really amazing holiday finds.

 I had fun taking a few pictures during my excursion (despite some weary looks from shoppers wondering why a roll of gift wrap warrants a picture:)  and  am sharing with you some “after” shots though this is still a work in progress. I tend to decorate most of the month of December, it’s a month long activity, tweaking/adding as I go but you can see things as they are coming along…it was such fun!! No one fell swoop for me……it’s a loooong drawn out affair though this year my goal is to have the bulk done by Dec. 10th and I am well on my way:)

I promised a giveaway a week until Christmas and I have all kinds of amazing things lined up! Best part….HomeGoods has so generously offered an extra two $50 gift cards to two lucky enchanted home readers for my giveaway this week.  This way you can go on your own little shopping trip and stock up on some holiday favorites, there  really are all kinds of amazing treasures there!  Details to enter at bottom…..

A recap on what I found during my excursion to my local HomeGoods.……

 Gift wrap galore..and it was so pretty!
Decorations were at every turn….

 Beautiful pinecone topiaries….can’t have too many and stocking up on giftwrap (3.99 a roll)!!!!
 I love nutcrackers and have a growing collection…..added two to my family.
 Candles everywhere….

 Was so happy to find these huge flameless battery operated candles, 19.99 (at a nearby store this size was $70) a bargain πŸ™‚

One can never ever have too many napkins!!!! They had a fabulous collection and sooo reasonable

 Cocktail napkins anyone? Picked up a bunch to have on hand for guests and our family Christmas party

Always like to keep wine bags on hand during the holidays….

 ANOTHER bay of napkins!! They are less than half of what I normally pay…woo hoo:)

 The shopping cart getting fuller and fuller….

 Ribbon galore! Always have to have lots of ribbon on hand
 There was all kinds of beautiful ribbons!
So many cute gift tags, can never have too many of these and very well priced too.

 I loved and picked up several of these beautiful gift boxes, you don’t need wrapping paper..perfect.

 Holiday bags of every shape, size and color.

 Love picking up pretty holiday themed kitchen towels…another great way to add some spirit!

 And do not forget about our beloved pets…their “toys for pets” dept was enormous!

 Teddy would attack that little monkey right there…its all in the eyes!

 Ribbon anyone?

 You can’t forget about holiday toiletries!! I love stocking up on holiday scented soaps, candles and bath products for both my powder room and to add a special touch to guest rooms for out of town guests!

 At the end of a loooong line, and this particular HomeGoods is ALWAYS packed (with good reason) but to their credit they move the lines remarkably fast

 Mission accomplished!!

Now meanwhile back at home…I started to unpack all the goodies. It was fun sorting through it to see how it would work with my existing decor and indeed it was a very very good shopping trip! Here is how some things are starting to come together. Some people do all their decorating in one fell swoop….in my case I do it a little bit at a time, and tweak constantly (its my OCD). So I do it bit by bit, but am off to a good start and this is early for me, so even better:)

 Found a pretty white pointsetta plant which looked really good and was perfect for my blue and white footbath! I bought a bunch of faux pointsettas about 6 years ago and haven’t found them since (only really cheesy ones) I so wish there had been more than one!

And fell in  LOVE with these beautiful pine cone and moss ball cone topiaries, which I promptly placed in two and white containers….

 Here are the wicker stag deer planters, I stuffed the white pointsettas in them, charming!

 Found beautiful German nutcrackers to add to my own existing nutcracker collection, I am still playing with them but put them on this chest for now….

And in the bathroom and kitchen….

 Love this pair of beautiful white amaryllis with berries and greens, they were perfect for adding a little holiday cheer to the powder room!

Added the beautiful pair of gold and white nutcrackers to the powder room and the pretty holiday themed guest towels in the bath to keep the Christmas magic going…..

Added these battery operated very large pillar candles to my hurricanes on my dining table. Normally these are around $60 for this size…these were $19.99.

 And yes of course I will be removing the price tag:)

 And even in my kitchen, love the festive feel that the pretty dishtowels give..its those little touches that do it…..

Added some pretty cocktail napkins to my little holder in the living room….

And I have plenty more napkins and wine bags galore….

Was stopping off at Christmas party, so put a bottle of wine in one of the pretty new wine bags added a sprig of greens and off we went!

Added these pretty green and gold candlesticks to a small vignette in my pantry….

Can you imagine my delight when I spotted these beauties!!! Chinoiserie heaven:) My first thought was to spray paint them white or navy for outside, and I may do that but they are quite pretty in the black with a glaze rub…so for now going to keep them as is. I think with acorns, some greenery and a big pillar candle…they could make quite the holiday statement.

And though I have only wrapped ONE lonely gift, I must say it felt like the season is now official having  wrapped my very first Christmas gift!! I love adding little embellishments to it…..(much more to come). The gift wrap selection was as good or better than anywhere I have seen and there wasn’t a roll over $3.99! Love the ribbon and giftwrap, their selection was amazing…..

 Dont’ worry I smoothed out the wrinkles πŸ™‚

So even though this is just the start….I am feeling good about my progress and have HomeGoods to thank! I cannot tell you how much the stores have, and the prices simply cannot be beat! Now lets talk about this giveaway….

Two lucky winners will each get a $50.00 gift card. All you need to do to be in the running is  Visit HomeGoods and take the style quiz to see what your style is. YOU MUST TAKE THE 20 SECOND STYLEQUIZ AND COME BACK TO TELL US WHAT YOUR STYLE IS TO BE ELIGIBLE. Click here to visit and take the quiz. Come back here and tell me what style you are.

Want a second chance? Leave a comment on HomeGood’s Facebook page (click here) telling them you are from The Enchanted Home and your style as per the Stylescope quiz.  That’s it…… are in the running!

 I will announce two winners on Friday and announce my next giveaway at that time too. Thanks for stopping in, and wishing you a wonderful day and end to your weekend. Over here we are due to get some SNOW!!!! Good day to stay in and decorate:) 

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Hi Tina, so much beauty to take in I am almost overwhelmed by it all. The pictures from the contest are such winners! I absolutely love what you have done with your Homegoods finds, you are just too good! I got MANY ideas from this post.

Took the quiz and I am boho, who knew! I would love to win, maybe it will give me the motivation that I really need to get busy decorating, everything you have done is spectacular.

Great giveaway, Tina!! Isn’t HomeGoods great? Love living near one now!
I am a Classic, which didn’t surprise me :).
Happy happy Sunday. Headed over to Facebook.

Tina you do homegood proud my friend. Your home looks incredible! I am officially inspired:-)

Please count me in, I came up classic which I am not surprised by. That’s why I love your blog.


I must say your touches should be blasted all over Homegoods website! They are amazing, I love Homegoods and go weekly. I always buy lots of holiday goodies there and stock up on everyday things too. Their prices cannot be beat. I would love to win the giftcard and could put it to good use. Now you have me feeling like decorating, thanks Tina I needed the push!


Good morning Tina! Congrates to the winners; that JOY photo is so hilarious and is perfect for ALL of us!

Oh dear, your house….good gracious, do you remember just two years ago, your manor wasn’t quite ready yet, and here you are! Decorating to OUR hearts’ content! I just love your mantle bases and of course, your pantry along with all the other treats. Put me in for a draw for Homegood! I have one just miles from my house!

Happy Sunday and careful out there in the snow; we’re getting more! Anita

Just took the quiz and I’m a classic! Not at all surprised! Wish I could have been shopping at Home Goods with you ~ really love the wrapping paper selection and cocktail napkins! I’ll have to find a Home Goods near me.

I have to say HomeGoods is a fave of mine! Boy did you ever get the “goods” on your trip to their store! I am “Farmhouse Glam” and I have to say I really like the sound of that! It would be a real treat to win one of those nifty gift certificates!

I came up with Urban Funk with a touch of Boho…lol and I always thought I was traditional with a twist! πŸ˜‰ This is a great give-a-way and the fun part was taking the little quiz! Thanks for the chance!

I’m Socialite….which truly surprises me as I love Classic design….with a touch of whimsy! I’m a true Home Goods junkie and love to browse there for hours!

Urban funk, touch of boho, who knew. Love love home goods. Enjoying decorating and having fun. It IS the most wonderful time of the year! Valerie D.

I came up Socialite with a touch of farmhouse glam….I guess thats right! That was fun….Tina your home so far is looking out of this world. You are my design hero!

Hope to win..crossing my fingers. Adore Homegoods and adore your blog!

Lisa S.

What a fun test! I am Classic and a touch Boho (think that was the bright red lips speaking.) I haven’t been to a HomeGoods so was interested in your post and I will definitely check it out! Thanks Tina! Margianne

I ended up classic with a touch of new country. I love Home Goods. Wonderful place to find presents or new treasures for your home. Your decorating looks wonderful.

Well, no surprise here, I am SASSY!!! I adore Home Goods, and make special trips there seasonally as it’s way across town. I always end up spending too much$$$. Thank you for hosting another fun contest.

Classic, very true, I noticed you were classic too no surprise why I love your blog.

Came up as classic which I expected! Tina your decor looks amazing, you really know how to take even something simple and turn it into something to marvel at!

Classic, totally classic. The HomeGoods quiz was how I came across your blog in the first place.
Cheers and now a shameless beg…PICK ME PLEASE. πŸ™‚

Classic for me as well…which I would totally expect. Love you blog. Seems you found lots of goodies at Home Goods.
Thanks again for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

Boho with a touch of Classic. Sounds right… house if filled with color!
Love Homegoods and your post will get me there today for some Christmas shopping.
[email protected]

Hi Tina, love the picture that won. It symbolizes both the stress and beauty of the holidays at the same time! You have me in the mood to do some shopping today, I cannot believe how much you found! I love the way you put it all together especially the beautiful touches in often forgotten about places like powder rooms, got some good ideas!
I am up classic which I am not at all surprised about. Great giveaway, hope to win.

My style is Classic with a touch of Set Sail. Love Home Goods, and all the goodies you picked up! The photo that won is priceless. As a mom of twins, I can relate to the difficulty of getting a good photo!

Hi Tina! Can’t get enough of Homegoods. I am embarrassed to admit I go there at least once a week! According to the quiz, I am classic with a touch of Boho. Love those chinoiserie hurricanes. Will have to see if my local store carries them. A bit of advice for those new to Homegoods…if you see something you like, buy it because chances are it will be gone if you wait!
Happy holidays!

Would love to win! I came up as new county with touch of boho. Fun quiz. I am so impressed with your vision. I go to Homegoods and they do have some great things but you have that special touch I want. I definitely am copying many of your ideas here, Tina thank you for being a constant source of inspiration. I feel like I know you! Hope I win.
Great finalists for the contest too. All great.

Wow, really FUN quiz to take and VERY accurate! It said “Classic” was my style….and it really is! Loved the blog today and LOVE shopping at Home Goods….fingers crossed!

forgot to attach my name yesterday, then read the blog today! Yikes! Thanks, Jeannie


Wow! They have such beautiful stuff.

I took the quiz and my style was sassy!

something frugal at at yahoo dot com

Well Tina I am apparently Sassy with a touch of Boho. Never would have described myself as a touch Boho other than when I shop at Calypso but I am sure my husband and kids would back up the “Sassy” for sure! I love Homegoods almost as much as your Blog. I just pulled out my 5 ft Nutcracker today that I got at HG several years ago and still love it so much.Thank you for doing another fun contest πŸ™‚

According to HomeGoods, I am farmhouse glam! I actually think I am more “Enchanted Home”……classic, timeless, conservative. Oh well. Still love going to HomeGoods but they need to add an “Enchanted Home” style. Merry Christmas and only the best in 2014. Thank you!

Evidently I’m a classic with a touch of new country! Guess that sounds about right! Thanks for the opportunity Tina! πŸ˜‰

I am farmhouse glam with a touch of classic, sounds good to me! I have not done a thing around here so this post has me inspired. I love all of your touches Tina, you are truly a genius!

Please add my name to your hat for the giftcard.


Oh my goodness, the Style Quiz described me perfectly. I am a Socialite. My husband says I live to decorate and I get a high if I find a bargain on anything high end. I love to have fun and entertain in our home so it always has to look great. Pamela

You have such a beautiful home! I am really enjoying your blog! My style was New Country…this is a perfect fit for me! πŸ™‚

I’m a classic with a touch of traveler….hope I am lucky…because my home goods sore is just a couple of minutes away…it is my favorite store!

Would love to win, I make weekly trips to a HomeGoods near my sons school, they always have great things at unbeatable prices. You certainly made out like a bandit and honed right in on all the best. Love how you put it to good use in your home, especially love the pinecone trees and lanterns.
Please count me for the giveaway.

Anne M.

Forgot to add I came up as a classic (no surprise) with a touch of boho (surprise), fun quiz.

I am Farmhouse Glam…. A bit of a surprise. Would love a Home Goods shoppingbspree. Love those pinecone topiaries you found!!

My style is classic and I am pleased! I love HomeGoods; visit there often. We have a store 15 minutes from where I live.


According to Home Goods I am New Country with a touch of Farmhouse Glam. I think that is really pretty accurate. I shop at Home Goods often and love, love, love that store!!

Ha! My husband will not be surprised to see that my style is Sassy! Tina, thanks again for such a fun round up. Hooray for the Holidays, indeed, and what fun to see my little red car here today. I’m also loving the glimpses of the holidays at your home. So beautiful! Happy Sunday. XOXO

Hum, I came up with classic with boho, which made it interesting. Fun little quiz. I love Homegoods and pop in when I can but not as much as I adore your blog and your magnificent home which by the way is staring to look mighty beautiful for the holidays!

WoW… I am a boho !!!! A true surprise! Maybe my choices had a lot to do with recovering from hosting a cocktail party last night lol..
Am always appreciative of spending time reading your blog, especially now that the Christmas season is upon us ! Thank you and happy holidays ! ~DFE

Hi Tina…Happy Sunday! I love the photo of the sweet babies – so happy it won! Your Home Goods scores made me want to go straight to my nearest HG store and try to find all of the goodies you discovered. I was there to other day but only bought wrapping paper and gift tags – some of the same ones you bought! My style score was classic with boho – I never would have guessed boho but it was a fun quiz. Enjoy your evening! xoxo

My style is…Classic. We finally got a Homegoods in the Seattle area. Ours doesn’t have near the selection of cocktail napkins and ribbon; I’m jealous!
[email protected]

Love your bathrooms and the nutcrackers they look wonderful in there and I am in love with those partridge napkins. I have that size of napkin holders and always find it difficult to find beautiful non pricey napkins. I need to visit HomeGoods.

Not surprisingly, I am “Vegas Baby” with “A Touch Socialite”….thank for the giveaway to you and to Home Goods. And I am SO happy the two crying babies won- one of the funniest photos ever!!!

My style is farmhouse glam…I think that describes my style pretty perfectly….love your holiday decorating so far, can’t wait to see more.
Love Homegoods! Sharon
[email protected]

Those topiaries are gorgeous! I am a “Socialite,” which is pretty fun! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway πŸ™‚

CLASSIC. I love those hurricanes. If it wasn’t sleeting, I would go see my Homegoods had a pair!

Thanks for the giveaway…..

Took the Stylescope quiz at Home Goods and result was Socialite with a touch of New Country. I really thought it would be Classic. Then I went to Home Goods FB and commented that my result was Sophisticate (which is not one of their categories). Too bad they did not have a Blue and White category, I’d have nailed it!

No surprise, I’m a Traveler. Tina, couldn’t agree with you more–Home Goods is the best. I always score there!
Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy Holidays!

I am set sail with a touch of boho – clearly the beach house is on my brain! Loving all of your gorgeous decorating – rain here today so it was a good day to stay in and work on ours!

HomeGoods says I’m a Farmhouse Glam, which is sorta true…I do love rustic elegance. And I’m so excited for this giveaway—I’m a HomeGoods addict!!! btw–so glad the pic of the crying babies won first place—so funny!

Classic with touch of spa life….thats just about right. A Homegoods opened up near here last year and I have been a devoted fan ever since. I have built the most amazing copper collection by getting it all there, they now put it aside for me whenever it comes in! Their prices cannot be beat but things go fast and normally they don’t get more than 1 or 2 of an itme so you need to buy it when you see it. Would love the gift card, I would happily put it to good use.
Tina, love all that you bought and how you used it in your home. Your touch is always so elegant. I loved that you shared it with us. Thank you.

My decorating style is “Set Sail” and a touch of “New Country.”
Please enter me in the HomeGoods $50 Gift Card Giveaway.
Thank you.
Pam G

Home Goods confirmed it, I’m a ‘Socialite’ decorator!
Love, love, love, HomeGoods, Marshall’s & TJ Maxx…shop them ALL the time;-))

They FINALLY just opened a HomeGoods in our area…shout out to, Jake, the manager who is loving his new ‘home’ and our area. The new store ‘soft’ opening was mobbed & wiped out of merchandise in a matter of hours;-) It has trucks coming daily with amazing new ‘finds’…before the closest HomeGoods was 300 miles away…I’m in Heaven ❤
Kathy C.

Apparently, I am Farmhouse Glam with a touch of Boho. There is some truth to that. Home Goods is one of my favorite stores. Some of my neighbors and I visit it and TJ Maxx nearly every week and we NEVER go home empty handed. This was a fun style test. Now I am off to HG’s facebook page. Thanks, Tina, for hosting such a fun giveaway.

What a fun style quiz! I am a SOCIALITE πŸ™‚ Love HomeGoods — was just there the other day for gift wrap, ribbon and napkins! Merry Christmas!

Whoa! I need to go shopping with you!!! Actually, I am off now to do some shopping around town… I’m so late with my gifts!!! πŸ™‚

Have a Blessed week, Tina.


Luciane at

I am Vegas Baby. I was a little surprised by that, so I apparently need to go shopping and spiff things up a bit. Fun quiz.

I am Classic!! Not a surprise at all!!! Thank you for the opportunity!!

Merry Christmas!

Classic with a touch of BOHO … surprised me, thought I would be farmhouse glam! LOVE your home goods loot! So jealous! Our home goods is a 45 minute drive away and clearly not as large as yours but I still manage to get into a LOT of trouble everytime I make it there! I am inspired to make a trip this week!

Ah,my home away from home!!! I love Home Goods. My style is Farmhouse Glam…pretty accurate! Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway.

Your house looks spectacular and SO festive! You and I do love those nutcrackers! πŸ™‚

Home Goods is impossible not to love….they have everything!!! Love their candles and bath products.
Merry merry!!
xoxo Elizabeth

Absolutely love to shop Home Goods every other week just to see their new inventory! Who can deny their great deals & with their credit card you double your benefit!! I’m a “Classic” designer at heart!!!
Susan Chairez

First off – Who doesn’t Love Home Goods!! I’m ‘Set Sail’ True enough, I’ve been worshiping the sun and waves for years. Fun give-away!

Sassy with a touch of Boho here! I love Homegoods and could really use this gift card! Thanks so much!


I am a Classic. Your home looks great for the holidays. The green in the Homegoods topiaries is great with the blue and white. I too love Homegoods.

A true fan,

Karen T.

Love your blog, your photos you always post and LOVE shopping at Homegoods! My style was CLASSIC and I couldn’t agree more! What a fun quiz! Thanks and enjoy your snow!!!! Jean A. in Tn.

I thought I was a “classic” for sure but the Home Goods style quiz says I am a “Spa Life” with a touch of “Socialite”. That got me so intrigued so am going to explore that more!

I am Classic.
Your home is beautiful. Love all the goodies from Home Goods.
Thanks for the give away.

I took the quiz and I’m a “Set Sail.” It couldn’t be more appropriate!!!! I’m a beach girl and my house is very “Nantucket” with tons of blue and white!!! So fun!

I enjoyed taking the little test. By the test I am Classic and fond of Country. I think that is pretty darn close!! Thanks for always having such a fun blog.
Debbie S.

Wow! I am always blown away by your home and your bathrooms are so glamorous! The kitchen, wowza! Love, love your festive decor throughout! Beautiful! And you said you’re just getting started:-) Looking forward to more!!

It’s so fun to see the back seat of your car piled high with those Homegoods finds….such a wonderful place. We have several in the Charlotte area, but you have to know the “good one” to shop!
So glad to see that my style is CLASSIC! I’ve taken a few other style quizzes and they always seem to come back with the strangest styles. Leave it to Homegoods to really know me!!!
Love the blog. Have a blessed day!
Daniel – Charlotte, NC

I cam out as “Farmhouse Glam” which doesn’t seem quite right but hey I’m all over the place with my decorating drama! Your HomeGoods purchases are fabulous! I want to shop at YOUR HomeGoods….ours is great here in RVA but we don’t have the selection of ribbon that you have!

Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!

Love, love, love HomeGoods! But Urban Funk with a touch of BoHo isn’t quite me. Ha! But all the more reason to go shop around HomeGoods and get the things I really love! Merry Christmas to you!
Dolores – West Los Angeles, CA

I am Farmhouse Glam – had not really thought of it, but seems to fit me perfectly!
Thanks for your wonderful post.

Hi Tina
Fun contest! I am “set sail’ with a touch of traveler which doesn’t surprise me but fun go learn. Thanks for always having such wonderful posts.

OMG! I came across your blog via your virtual beach house post on Chic Coastal Living at 11 pm and needless to say I can’t look away. Took the quiz and I’m Farmhouse Glam.

I would certainly make good use of a HomeGoods gift card!


My style is Classic and I love shopping at HomeGoods! Thank you for all of your wonderful posts and for always sharing such beautiful design inspiration!

I am farmhouse glam with a touch of classic. Love your blog and HomeGoods. Jo Ann White

I think my response was left on the wrong post so here goes again. My style was Farmhouse Glam and a touch of New Country. The country surprises me! Thank you for a chance at the give away and always for your beautiful ideas, thoughts, and photos. Hope you are moving along with Holiday preps and enjoying it!! Bonnie G.

Tina, I get so much inspiration from all your tips, hints, etc for Christmas decorating and so much more. I have to say I visit Home Goods quite often as we have a new one nearby in Charlottesville and an spend hours in there. It is always fun to do a quick run thru the store, stop and have a nice lunch maybe even Boars Head Inn in Ivy and then going back to Home Goods. I am anxious to go back hopefully this week-end if the predicted sleet and snow doesn’t hit us too hard. After reading your last two blogs, I am so anxious to look for some of your great finds and add to my decor. You just have a way of making a bowl of greens and pinecones look elegant. I could really use the gift card to Home Goods . Now, if you can please tell us how to keep all the glitter from covering everything, you’ll be a genius ! πŸ™‚ Kathy

Love, love, love Home Goods!! The most fun is just looking around the store for a fun find, or that perfect piece. My style was Farmhouse Glam , so I’m looking forward to my next trip to Home Goods to seek out items that might work in my decor. I also enjoyed all your lovely wrapped presents today, can’t wait to try some of your ideas πŸ˜‰

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