Comments : 34

Hi there. First things first, the two lucky winners of the Christmas Magic Contest. There is one winner from each round. Congratulations goes to……….

1ST PLACE.  From round 1, congratulations goes to this wonderful picture submitted by Susan……

Honorable mention goes to this amazing picture which was just a few votes behind……..

FIRST PLACE. From round 2 congratulations goes to Lauren who submitted this wonderful picture….

And an honorable mention goes to this special shot….

Please contact me at [email protected] to claim your prize. Thanks to all who sent in their pictures and to all the readers who participated in the voting. I will announce a new contest in the next few days…and it’s going to be a fun one!

 As most of you know I was away on vacation (much needed) in gorgeous sunny California. We,  as in my family,  like to start things and end things with a bang. We got there only for my husband to arrive sick, first cold, then bad headcold then he felt like the flu was brewing, so we were at the doctors New Years Eve….thankfully antibiotics acted quickly and by day 4 he was doing much better. To his credit, he was a trooper except that our New Years eve plans did not materialize. We first were in gorgeous, tony Laguna Beach. To say its heavenly is an understatement which is why we go back. And back again. I am not even going to get into my MAJOR airline drama with Jetblue and the nightmarish experience getting back. If it were up to them I would just be flying back tonight, to be continued……

We then went to the not so shabby Beverly Hills. Now personally for me, having been a few times and not having any daughters to shop with:)…..I would have been happy to have planted myself poolside in Laguna but my son and friend wanted to check “the scene” and did they ever! They spotted a few celebs, got to waltz down Rodeo Drive like regulars on a daily basis and we all enjoyed dining at some really fabulous restaurants, I mean REALLY good!!  The weather you ask…..PICTURE PERFECT. Seriously could not have been more incredible. High 70s, zero humidity, sunny skies every single day…magnificent!! God was looking out for us:)

So as I tend to do…I am sharing a ton of pictures, I am talking TONS. VERY picture heavy, not much narration and yes there are many “of the same thing” (come on, you have come to expect that of me by now, right)  but trust me if you were there you too would have been intoxicated by the view, it was just that incredible!! I even included my lists of “loves” for anyone contemplating a trip to the area anytime soon. There are SO many pictures here, I can almost guarantee you will feel like too have traveled to California by the time you are done with this post….. Enjoy!

So first here are some Laguna highlights…….

 The view from breakfast I had to “endure” every morning….

Lobby of the Ritz Carlton in Laguna
 Lobby, many more pics to come!
 Just cannot get enough of the views…sensational!

 At all hours of the day and night..especially gorgeous at sunset/dusk!

 Loved watching the surfers

 And lone sailboats

 A room with a view…..

 The surfboards were on display throughout the hotel….a great reminder of the enviable California lifestyle!

And small reminders of Christmas were abound….

 The lower lobby….

 As soon as it warmed up around 10 this is where you would find me, in an utter trance over the view!

 We enjoyed afternoon coffee in this cozy seating area with those dramatic views!
Starting my walk……

Did this walk everyday, there was a wonderful walkway that went for many miles along the beach!

 Had fun stopping to watch the surfers do their thing…..
 Main lobby, gorgeous and so elegant!
 The views from the restaurant perched high on the cliff are simply out of this world!
 This was a fully edible Christmas display…it was incredible!

 A wedding getting set up…what a setting!

Those California sunsets never ever get old!

 The flower displays in the lobby of the Ritz were so beautifully and artistically done

 View from the oceanfront restaurant at the Ritz at dusk……

 More lobby pics…..

Fell in love with these beautiful mantles in the hotel!
 The wine bar/restaurant….

 Those velvet chairs in front of the fireplace were where I planted myself with my iPad every morning at 6am…one of my favorite times of the day before the world wakes up!

The walkway……
 The wedding getting set up……on a picture perfect day!

 Our view from another restaurant in town….talk about being spoiled!

 Another bride…..can’t blame them for wanting to get married in Laguna!

Yes, obviously by now after seeing 50 pictures with this water view…you know I was a bit obsessed!

 This was one of my favorite activities…doing nothing but sipping my coffee in the afternoon and gazing at the view…..

 The Ritz is perched high on a cliff overlooking the Pacific…the setting is truly priceless!

 As is the beach!

 I always pay attention to flooring….call it an obsession, loved this!
 I am quite proud of these two artistic pictures….he was so cooperative!!
Think he enjoyed his little “photo sesh”
That small gazebo is where yoga is held every morning….

This has to be my favorite “view” shot……incredible!

This is a private dining room in the hotel where you can host small intimate dinners….

One of two pools….
That view just never gets old!

Moving onto Beverly Hills at The Montage….
Part of the beautiful luxurious room….
This cute birkin bag sign on the nightstand caught my eye……it was offering personal shopping services

 Part of our room at The Montage in Beverly Hills

 Gorgeous flower displays in stone urns in the lobby..gave me some ideas:) I also loved the soft candlelight

I love that Peets coffee is the coffee of choice everywhere and it was offered in the lobby every morning!

This is an area where you could get a light breakfast or have drinks in the afternoon..this was my “hangout” when I get up early, loved the quiet and peace, it was me, my cup of Peets and my iPad!

Strolling through Beverly Hills…..

This statue caught my attention, thought for a few minutes that they were real until I started thinking about how much his knees would hurt when he stood up after being crouched down that long (showing my age)!

Beautiful windowboxes!

The very elaborate feast displays in the windows of Versace
Beautiful perfect palm trees line the famous Rodeo Drive
The courtyard of our hotel…..

 The outdoor loggia area where we sat every morning with our coffee and croissants from Bouchon Bakery (it was a little too close and a little too convenient:)

 The courtyard area

 You know I am a sucker for topiaries!!

Flipped out over this luscious lemon trees…I want one!!!!!!!

Rodeo Drive was alive with Christmas spirit and plenty of power shoppers!

 Beautiful flooring in the lobby of our hotel….LOVED this!
 Evidence of my daily indulgence……
 Remnants of it’s demise, sinfully good and worth every decadent bite!
In Santa Monica, went to very very poplar Gjelina, just loved the industrial cool vibe of the place and the food…out of this world!
One of the best pizzas and salads we have EVER had!

 Koi…food was OUTSTANDING!!!

The famous Fred Segal…… the ivy!!!!
Was soooo excited when I saw the storefront of Charm Cakes on Melrose (have watched their amazing creations many times on the food network)!

Their cakes are a true work of art…..
The fun cool scene at La Pain for breakfast……

AMAZING oatmeal! And their fresh baguettes out of the oven with butter and apricot jam was heavenly!

Le Pain,  on the corner of Melrose

OK fell in LOVE with this store, Dennis and Leen only it wasn’t opened!! So I took pics through the windows with my trusty iPhone! So my style..and so elegant!

Every inch of their space was so incredibly and tastefully done!

Now here we are back at Laguna……morning yoga happens every morning in that gorgeous oceanfront structure! Thanks to TWO canceled flights with Jetblue which meant three extra nights here…..although hardly roughing it!

 I might be willing to move for this house on the ocean and golf course:)

Arriving to San Diego last stop en route to airport at long last (spent the day there)…toured the city, went to the gaslight district and had fun walking around, grabbing a coffee and taking in the lively scene!

You can’t visit San Diego without a stop to the USS would feel sacrilegious plus there is a virtual “shrine” for Bob that guy!

Ok that’s it….I promise!! Do you feel like you have been on vacation with me?

A few highlights I really recommend-

Laguna Beach– Ritz Carlton is fabulous as is the gorgeous Montage, both have superior service and views that cannot be beat! We have been to both and they are both winners in my book! (but the setting at the Ritz is truly unmatched)

Just walking around beautiful Laguna makes you want to diet and get into the best shape of your life. Everyone is so fit and healthy and the lifestyle is really conducive to looking and feeling your best. We did a lot of walking.

Beverly Hills– The Montage was amazing with incredible service and special very luxurious touches. Scarpetta is in the hotel and is fabulous. Ditto Bouchon Bakery 
And last Angelini Osteria another excellent choice!
Walking down Rodeo drive BEFORE all the tourists come out and pack the sidewalks is so enjoyable, we grabbed our coffee and enjoyed the relatively empty streets window shopping
Melrose, went to Le Pain Quotidien for breakfast, its organic/healthy (as is nearly everything in California) but REALLY good! I was so excited to learn they are also in Greenwich and Rye not so far away!!
Santa Monica/Venice Beach– Son and friend did the Segway tour and had such fun. Ate at Gjelina on funky and fun to to walk down Abott Kinney, the food was AMAZING, two of the best salad and pizzas we have ever eaten without an exaggeration. They open at 11:30 with a line of people ready to eat! Also love the industrial vibe…you just feel cooler eating there LOL!

Those are just a few of my personal highlights. What can I say, California is one amazing place and I am reminded of it as I bundle up every morning  in my heavy down coat, scarf, boots and gloves…yep reminded every single morning that California dreamin’ is mighty sweet!

Thanks for stopping in and checking in, wishing you a wonderful day and end to your week!

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Oh Tina… What a great treat for a snowy morning! We lived in San Diego the first 5 years of our marriage. My parents came out for Christmas and it was our tradition to go to the Ritz for lunch a week after. I have so many Christmas decorations that I bought half price in the gift shop. The pics are gorgeous! Just got my lights from you – electicians are here to put them up. Will send picture as soon as things come together. Hope you get a lot of rest this week. Welcome back, you were missed.

You certainly hit the right spots in. LA. I recommend walking the shops on Robertson Blvd, and for design enter the Pacific Design Center. It’s the best ever!!! Also the shops on La Cienega can give you an eye full!
I’m glad you enjoyed your vacation.
Happy New Year!

Wow! What a trip! Too bad there were a few mishaps along the way, but just looking at the heavenly views I know it was all worth it. I can almost feel the warmth and hear the waves crashing. And you have me seriously craving a croissant from Bouchon! The flowers at the Montage are just stunning, and I’m wishing I could do a little early morning window shopping on Rodeo Drive. Thanks so much for sharing your highlights! You’re making me think I need to add Southern Cal to my travel list this year! XOXO

What a trip, sounds like such fun and I really enjoyed the pictures. They are the only way to relive a vacation so I am also a big picture taker. Laguna Beach looks incredible. I have been to Beverly Hills and though its beautiful it felt too fake for me, its all about shopping and it’s very over the top, I am with you…..sitting at the pool in a beautiful beach town is the way to go. Glad you enjoyed! My brother and his family were also stuck thanks to Jetblue for four extra days on their trip, Jetblue is really going to have to pay up big time to their customers to restore their good name.


Wow Tina!!! I so feel your travel woes. I won’t detail all of ours here, but let’s just say mine was less of a vacation than a long trip. While we were in Mexico where it was raining, I couldn’t help but notice that Cali had perfect weather. I’d glad to know that you were there enjoying it. Which you deserve with all the other stuff you had to deal with. Love a Ritz…and will put Laguna on my dream list. My oldest son has been saying for years that he wants to go to L.A….so this could make a really fun Spring Break for us next year (headed home to Dallas this year).

Welcome home…though it’s photos like these that make me wonder, WHY do I live in New York. The snow is pretty today….but I live for Spring!
xoxo Elizabeth

Good Friday morning to you, Tina!

Really enjoyed your photos from the Ritz Carlton! December weather in southern California is wonderful.

Next time you are in Orange County, you might love staying at The Resort at Pelican Hill in Newport Beach.
It is an incredibly elegant property, with wonderful large bungalows with glorious views of the ocean and golf course, great service, and marvelous food.
Hands down, to me it is the very BEST of all of the hotels along the coast!

The Montage Beverly Hills is indeed elegant, perfectly located in the middle of town, and yes, that Bouchon bakery is a delicious way to start the morning:)

Next time, if you want to stay in Santa Monica, I recommend the hotel “Shutters at The Beach”.
Ask for a direct ocean view suite on a high floor (maybe the 4th floor) – very charming indeed!

If you can find or make a protected space in winter time back at your home, then by ALL means get a 36″ box Meyer lemon tree. They have the sweetest juice EVER!

These pictures are incredible Tina. The beach and beautiful bright skies are a sight for my sore eyes as we have another below 0 day today and more snow on the way. I cannot stand it. I cannot wait to escape to St. Maarten next month! I have heard of the fallout with Jetblue through a good friend who was also stuck in the Caribbean and could not get home for 3 days and it was only because she flew back on another airline. Things are not looking good for Jetblue.
Happy you enjoyed your trip, and thank you for the recommendations. We are heading that way in June to a wedding in Santa Barbara and my daughter is begging us to go to Laguna Beach for a few days, after seeing this post, I see her point. I am convinced!

Tina this is certainly my kind of vacation! It has been awhile, I have had many happy stays at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna, even taking my precious Scottie Carole Ann with me.

The Arts by Karena

what a gorgeous getaway. the ritz, now that has to be THE way to enjoy laguna. you’ve made me hungry and aware of how cold i am at this moment.

happy weekend, beautiful friend.


Hi Tina, congrats to your winners, beautiful pictures. Laguna looks incredible. We were there many moons ago passing through just for one night, you have me wanting to return. The pictures are just beautiful.
Thanks for including recommendations, it is always good to know what is tried and true. Sorry to hear of your travel woes, seems widespread. Happy you made it home and happy you are back to blogging, always enjoy your posts!

Oh, this was fun ~ Laguna is one of our favorite vacation spots! So glad you enjoyed a wonderful trip and perfect weather! πŸ™‚ That pizza and salad caught my eye too, yum!! Happy weekend at home!

Great vacation highlights. Love Orange county, weather is always so perfect and so agree about healthy living. Glad you made it home, sounds like some ordeal! Thanks for the mini virtual getaway as I watch the snow coming down once again!

Hi Tina,

Thanks for sharing your vacation photos. Seeing what Rodeo Drive looks like all decked out for Christmas was a real treat. I love Cali too, but have never been during the holidays and have always wondered how they dress it up.
The photos of the seagull are great and a few of your other photos have got me hungry!

Thanks for the little peak into your trip. Looks like it was a lot of fun.

All the best,

Welcome back, Tina! Happy New Year!!! Congrats to the winners. Your photos are absolutely beautiful – the blue sky, ocean, palm trees….all look like postcards!! And the Ritz with the stunning views is heaven.

So. Cal is where I was born & where I spent over half my childhood. Sometimes when there’s 10 in. of snow on the ground, I wonder why I don’t live there now!

Great photos!


There is no place like home, but oh my the beauty and warm weather during this trip must have been wonderful. As you know, we had this unbelievable cold snap and the warmth would have been a welcome change. Such gorgeous image…happy weekend!!

Tina, thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures of my part of the world! Growing up as a child, I spent many a summer in Laguna and it is one of the only places in the world that I can truly relax! I have no need to go to Hawaii, when I can go to Laguna!! Love the Laguna Art Fair that is held every August as well, you really need to schedule a visit there if you have never been. Keep theses images in your mind to keep you warm during those cold New York winters!! Happy New Year to you and your family.

OK GIRLFRIEND, THIS WAS AWESOME! I was there when you were, and it would have been wild to bump into you while at Santa Monica! I must say, you have just about covered my old stompin’ grounds when I was young. Of course I did not live in any of these parts of California, but once I got my drivers’ license at 16, I was hitting these spots weekly with girlfriends! I remember many years back seeing Fred Astaire walking his dog on Rodeo Drive…that was a long time ago!

The beach is a necessity for me. When we touched down in L.A., we went immediately to my mother-in-law’s home, said hello, then drove out to Santa Monica. We went to the shops, and I fell in love with BABY AND CHILD, an off-shoot of Restoration Hardware….SWOON!

I am so glad you are home safe and sound. I prayed for you, knowing you were caught in the middle of that polar vortex sweeping across the plains. Be happy, enjoy being back, and onward we go into spring. LOVE TO YOU! Anita

What fabulous pictures from your vacation in California, Tina!!! Sorry that you had so many problems getting home, but a few days extra at Laguna Niguel isn’t too rough of a duty. I was reading this post yesterday when I was at a conference in the city and oohing and ahhing over your gorgeous photos – everyone probably thought I was crazy but I was at a travel conference so they should understand.

Have a fabulous rest of the weekend!! xoxo

Wow! Incredible trip! So sorry about your sick husband! You were not kidding about a lot of pics! You know I love that though! And yes…it makes me feel better about the post I’m working on! I just thought I had too many pictures! LOL! It really does help to have the pics to get the point across! Also…your Ritz beat my Ritz! That is one of the things in my next post….but this one won for sure! I cannot wait to visit one day! Thanks for sharing your fabulous trip!!!


Y’all were in my very favorite vacation spot in the world. The way others go to Europe, we go to California. As I read this post, I counted over 20 trips to California! Our family has had seven trips to Laguna Beach–The Ritz Carlton and The Montage, and Pelican Hill..We’ve also taken also seven to Santa Barbara–San Ysidro Ranch, the Four Seasons and Bacara Resort. You should really check out those spots as well. We also LOVE LA. We’ve stayed where y’all did–The Montage–and it was so fun to see your pictures! I guess we head to California so much as we live in Texas and in the summer we need the cool air we find in Cal! We’ve seen sooo many celebs…which is such a treat! The most friendly was Rod Stewart and Ali McGraw. She and I were in a sunglasses store and she kept wanting my advice on what looked good on her! Ha! Everything looked good on her! Oops—forgot John Travolta. We met him at the Ritz Carlton, Laguna on one of our stays there. He was unbelievably friendly to everyone. Anyway.. I digress.. YEA for California!

Thank you for the beautiful photos — I really do feel that I got a bit of a vacation from viewing them! JuliaW

Thank you for this wonderful travelogue, Tina! California is one of my
most favorite places in the world!! Loved seeing all the pics..the beach,
the PALM TREES, the shops (I,too, loved the design of that brick patio).
Even the FOOD is beautiful!! Enjoyed the trip!

I was supposed to stay in Laguna
with my dear friend Kathleen last fall,
but her illness was so aggressive at
that point, we never got to share it,
together. She loved Laguna Beach!
My daughter goes to college about
20 minutes from there, so I have had
the pleasure of dining in Laguna, but
haven’t stayed there. Your trip truly
looked and sounded enchanting!
Glad everyone is healthy, again : )

xo Suzanne

Wow!!! You guys sure know how to live it up! You were right down PCH from where I grew up – Palos Verdes!
So beautiful, glad you all had a great time! I’m going out for my (oh my gosh, 40th) high school class reunion in July!

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