Comments : 44

Good Friday morning to you. It is FREEZING over here, single digits and with the wind chill its well below zero. We have had consecutive days like this….so wish I was back in sunny California! This is more than I can handle, how I wish I could stay home all day but that is not in the cards!

I often get questions from other bloggers, many newer bloggers and I am always eager to help if I can because I remember being a new blogger myself and betting utterly overwhelmed (and struggling at times ) wondering just how this thing really works.  Most questions here are ones I have been asked or ones that have been discussed. It took a while and there is, as with all things worth knowing,  a learning curve to be sure. The funny thing is I am still learning, but it’s part of the journey and it keeps me on my toes. I also from time to time,  have conversations with other more seasoned bloggers about just the day to day blogging issues, both good and bad.

For me blogging is hugely gratifying, it has opened so any wonderful doors, allowed me to connect with many amazing like minded people and is just a lot of fun it,  allows me to combine all of my interests in one place. So every time I get a bunch of questions or another blogger wants my ear on something…I kept saying I need to do a post on this. So finally I am doing it! I am no expert and can only draw on my own experience and conversations, that is why this interactive approach will be so interesting!

Now this is really meant for bloggers, readers, you  might find it interesting, you might not. If you don’t hope you might scroll back  a bit and take a look at a few of my older posts, perhaps some that you missed or go snap a picture of your kitchen and enter it in to my KITCHEN LOVE contest!! Click here and scroll to bottom for all details.

Bloggers please read over this and answer the 16 questions I have asked. It is totally absolutely anonymous and I think it will be a really interesting way to see how we all feel on certain subjects related to blogging. We all invest a lot of time, brainpower and creative energy into what we do so anything we can do to enhance the experience, including learning as we go is to me, vitally important. So enough of my gabbing, ready to get started?

Start with page one and click continue on bottom to continue on to the end (it will only take 2 -3 minutes at most). I will absolutely be sharing the results!

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That was a wonderful thing to do,Tina. I answered all the questions and I’m really glad you did this. How many times have so many of us wanted to talk about blogging, including all of these issues?

WE ARE FREEZING TOO! No school yesterday and today we go back. However…..on Monday, we may not have school again! We’re gonna pay for it in June with make-up days!

Stay warm my friend. Anita

Tina this is a great thing you did. As a newer blogger, I have at one time or another asked myself most of these questions. Thank you for doing it, I cannot wait to see the results. Love your blog and how you always keep it interesting.

Great blogging questions! It will be great to see the results.

0° here with windchill of -18° – more snow – wind gusts of 50mph today! Brrrrrr…not a good forecast! Where’s spring? πŸ™‚

I’m glad for this survey as well and can’t wait for you to share the results. I was totally obsessed the first year with blogging and spent 6+ hours a day at it, but it has leveled out to a few hours a day. I am frUstrated commenting on my iPhone and iPad which are the 2 modes that I mainly use. You can’t make more than one or two typos or you have to edit and preview! It’s changing my game and making it harder to participate. Have a great weekend. Xo Nancy

Tina- FANTASTIC idea and post. I loved the though provoking questions and as someone who has blogged for over 4 years I have seen many many changes take place. I so anticipate the results! Thanks for doing this.

Looking forward to the results! I am a fairly new blogger and fairly new blog reader…I am also learning as I go and often wish I knew more but I’m not very tech savvy!

Stay warm….I am ready for winter to be OVER!

I wonder how it would be living with that freezing weather and I Love that i don’t have too…but is nice to see. I have to say.
I start blogging in the end of 2012 and I really enjoy it. We really learn a lot with all the other and the comments motivate more. If you know someone liked or did something because of what you published is a good feeling.
Nice questionary, I’m looking forward the results.
Go on! πŸ™‚
Teresa ( from Portugal )

Tina the northeast is just getting clobbered, my parents are in CT. and my mom said she is ready to become a snowbird! Hope it warms up soon too.
I really really enjoyed pondering these questions, all excellent by the way. I am even more excited to see what others have said and to see if I am in keeping with most. I am a newer blogger (about 1 year) and still in the honeymoon stage but do love it. Thank you.

I will be interested in the results, because I think of blogging in a bit different vein than many. I rarely comment unless I feel I have something to add to the conversation. On my blog at this point my readers send me private emails a lot, especially with questions. Over time I have refined the list of blogs I follow, and the ones I do follow I really look forward to reading and remain loyal to. I am a newbie to blogging, less than a year, and do use Pinterest heavily, but from the beginning made the decision not to use Facebook or Twitter, and am not likely to change on that decision. I am rethinking In terms of using Instagram however. Thanks for doing this Tina. Very cold here as well, still a bit of snow on the ground.


I think it is always interesting to hear people views and ideas about blogging. I think blogging has changed over the years to be sure. As a daily reader and follower of blogs for the last 7 years I can see the change. There are many now whose sole purpose is to generate money, not a bad thing at all but one that takes dedication, a lot of hard work and an original content, voice and images. Many blogs simply steal other people work and pass it off as their own, and in fact I know o several blogger that stopped writing because of it.

After 3 years of blogging my advice to any new blogger is this, do it for yourself and do it because you enjoy it.

Have a great week!

Great round up of questions. I love blogging but with 3 young kids under 11 I just do not have the time, plus I have a small design business on the side. I do not blog for revenue and do not advertise but know many who do and some who do very well.

I like blogs (like yours Tina) that has a specific voice. You like what you like and that is what you blog about. You aren’t blogging about the next trendiest furniture style because you dont’ like it, some are trend followers and have to be on the cutting edge of everything no matter if they like it or not. I like people who stay true to what and who they are. I visit about 10 blogs whenever I can but rarely comment. Only if I feel really inclined to (like today)

I think blogging has changed a lot. Its survival of the fittest. The best blogs that deliver and are popular will survive the change happening right now but the smaller weaker ones probably won’t, they will get gobbled up unless they just do it just to blog without any concern over rowing numbers and comments.

I will say that when I do blog I am sensitive to the fact, if I do not get more than 5 comments (10 would be a lot for my blog). If I get only a few, I take it personally so the number of comments (relative to the blog) is super important. I wish more people would comment that stop by so I am curious to see how many bloggers are leaving comments what percentage of the time.

I do love reading the comments of others, guilty as charged. Sometimes its even better than the post! These questions were just great, I look forward to seeing the results.

Finally I think the one and only real reason to blog is because you love it. Otherwise it will become a chore and eventually just lose its appeal.

Tina; a few comments I want to add from your poll, which I think was a great idea. 1) I think bloggers need to stick to their own ORIGINAL content / photographs. I have stopped following so many blogs that just repost photographs from magazines or other designers and talk about what others are doing. I will borrow a photograph here and there to make a point about something I am discussing but some go too far and make their entire post about something others are doing. It makes a blog so much more interesting if it has content I can’t find anywhere else. 2) I dont read many comments by other bloggers when visiting a blog because I feel so many of them are just trying to say something nice just to get the attention of the blogger. When I started blogging a few years ago I would read comments on blogs and think “what a bunch of kiss-a$$es”. I would say to newbies blog because you want to, not because you want the attention of other bloggers. 3) Regarding advertising; I have always questioned why someone is blogging when I see advertising. Are they blogging just to make money, or are they blogging becasue they really want to share something interesting and unique. I don’t mind a blogger advertising for their own products / stores because I like their taste which is why I follow the blog. Seeing adds for other companies, however, starts to feel a little more like commercials during my favorite show. 4) Finally back to blog comments; one of your questions asks something about leaving kind comments even if I dont agree with the content. I try to leave feedback good or bad. If I disagree with something I will suggest a change and why I feel that way. My purpose here is to share information and ideas which sometimes takes constructive criticism. I expect others to do the same for me which is how we all learn and benefit from blogging. These are of course just my opinions. Thanks again for bringing these questions up for discussion. – Tonya

I read with amusement over many of the comments and feel compelled to respond to this one on a few things. Please know i am respectfully disagreeing but in no way am I attacking you for your beliefs just want to bring up a few points.

1. To say that bloggers should only use original photos is ridiculous. Most are talking about design, lifestyle, fashion, architecture. To illustrate the points they talk about, they MUST use outside sources. To imply otherwise, you are in dreamland. Get real.Yes its nice to see originals but they are far and few between. I think most successful blogs combine the two.

2. You question why people advertise? Seriously? Because blogging is WORK. And most that I know do now work for free! I have had a blog for over 4 years and earn a nice paycheck from the sponsors I have (that have been chosen by me) and that relate well to my blog personality. NO I am not blogging just to make money but it is a nice perk, I do spend a lot of hours on my posts and followup and its a great thing to be compensated for it. Most bloggers do not have their own store or line so to say thats the only way its OK is just ridiculous.

Last about comments, why would you feel compelled to leave anything but a nice comment? I don’t understand that. If you dont’ like what you see move on. No one is blogging to hear constructive criticism, I can assure you of that. Why suggest a change or state your opinion if the blogger is making it clear he/she likes whatever it is in their post?

People put themselves out there on the front line when they blog, it is not fair game to tear someone down or try to undermine their voice on their blog. I think you have the wrong idea.

I think with all due respect you need to reevaluate your thoughts on blogging in general.

To Anonymous, I appreciate your reply. I dont disagree with most of what you said. I should have more clearly described supporting examples for my comments. That being said, our different opinions appear to come from our personal uses for blogging. For me it is a hobby. For you it might be more. I only disagree with your thoughts on constructive criticism. I feel that everyone who wants to be successful should want and expect constructive criticism. Without it how do we improve and grow? A quote by Norman Peale sums up my point. He said “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” Please don’t misunderstand the comments I made. I am never rude or disrespectful to any blogger. If you want to discuss this further please email me directly so that we do not utilize Tina’s blog for a debate. Again I appreciate your feedback.

I am looking forward to the results! I have only been blogging for 6 months but hope to improve and grow my readership. It is a challenge and times but I wouldn’t give up at this point! It’s the positive feedback definitely propels you forward.

This is wonderful Tina and will be helpful to many. I think it’s easy for people to get caught up in the numbers and I’ve noticed many bloggers have removed some of the visible stats. Having a unique, honest, and informative platform is essential. It’s easy to get side-tracked while reading so many wonderful blogs. Other factors also weigh in such as how computer savvy are you? Do you have a career outside of blogging, kids, etc.. Some bloggers hire photographers, designers, and consult with developers.. I think you have to decide what your goal is and then look at your time, knowledge, and resources. In the end, we do it because the time we put in is worth whatever we get out of it πŸ™‚ Great post!

I can’t get over the weather you’re still having! It’s still warmer- than- usual temps here in Seattle. It doesn’t feel right to not have freezing rain and snow.. so I’ll take a little of that cold you’re having!! We will have a dry summer if we don’t receive some snow soon. I Happy Friday!!

Good info Tina. Well thought out questions. I do not have a blog but follow many. Some for years but my sister has a very popular food blog that you would certainly know. She does advertise and some years has made more than 75k! More than I have made at my accounting job;-) I see no problem with advertising as long as the ads relate in some way to the blog. As with commercials on TV, like it or not its part of of the landscape. She wouldn’t have been able to stop working at her job if she wasn’t subsidizing with the money she gets from blogging and the ads. But I will attest to the fact that she works even harder at blogging than she did at her 9 to 5 job! But she also loves it much more too.

She does not like or allow negative comments, she takes them down when and if they appear. We both feel that if you dont’ have something nice to say, don’t say anything. I am going to send her your poll. I think authenticity is revealed quite easily, you can smell the copycats a mile a way. I really love your blog, its my favorite home design blog (and I love your fashion sense too)! Keep up the great work that you do here.

Not only am I looking forward to the results, but also what I can learn from them. It’s encouraging to know that this may help me, and there for help others. Great idea. Thanks for posting this.

Cannot wait to see the results. I am dying to know what people are making of advertising as I am now considering it. Also I spend about 4 hours blogging but my youngest left last fall for college so suddenly I have all this free time. I think that largely depends on if you have young kids or not at home and a job outside of the home as well.
I can only speak for myself but I do not leave comments on the majority of blogs I visit, and sometimes I feel bad because I wish I would take more time to let that person know how much I appreciate what they wrote or posted. I may have to make more of an effort, i only leave nice comments, would never want to hurt someone and fail to understand how people can do that.
I think this was a great idea!


I have looked at your “store” several times and as I click an item nothing comes up. I cannot get the prices or description of anything, Am I doing something wrong or is there a glitch ? dv

Tina, this is such a great idea to do this poll. I’m awaiting the results too. I leave any negative comment up, but not spam. I don’t often get negatives, but you know there will always be those people who just have to say something bad, it reaffirms their pitiful place on Earth. Know what, I love ads on other’s blogs if they are from other bloggers, not Sak’s 5th Avenue, etc. It’s a friendly and ultra-nice way to present others. I absolutely HATE links taking one to shopping sites, this is absolutely not for me. I love comments, I love leaving comments mostly because I’m a “people person.” And, for me, this is a great way to connect in a very real way. We’re freezing too, but it’s frozen rain, a real mess and so dangerous. xx’s

Blogger went on the fritz for a few minutes there. It must have been hungry because it ate my comment! πŸ™‚
I took the quiz and can’t wait to see the results!
Stay warm!



the topic is a sensitive one. i just typed a lengthy response and then blew it up. blogging remains a pleasant escape and writing practice, and i desire for the blog to work for me rather than the reverse. money is not much of a motivator for me, and i know the pitfalls of fame, so i suppose i am an oddity. after 4 yrs, perhaps i should worry more about image and competition and blog maturity (is that a thing?). or maybe not.


Thanks for doing the poll. I’ll be interested in the results. I’m only an occasional blogger but one of my resolutions is to blog more regularly this year. I’ve actually hired a professional writer to help keep me organized and on track! I’m hoping that’s a good investment, since one of the main reasons I blog is to help drive more traffic to my business website.

Once I was done with the poll I think it reaffirmed why i do it. Not for the notoriety, although a little couldnt hurt. but because I love learning myself and meeting all the great bloggers out there has opened my eyes to things, places and ideas I never would have come up with on my own! Thank you for doing this poll I think I need to update my own blog and really push myself this year!!

This is interesting. I’ve seen that some of the biggest and most engaging blogs get the fewest comments, while some of the smallest get large numbers of comments. I’ve noticed and read that it’s proportional to the blogger’s level of commenting. It’s kind of a quid pro quo situation. As such, I think numbers of comments can’t reflect blog quality and instead reflect the amount of time the blogger is out visiting and commenting. I rarely have the time to visit and comment on many (a mom involved with my child, school, the house and a business), but when I do it’s fun to see everything everyone’s doing. I also think that occasionally bloggers can lose sight of the fact that REAL life offline is more important than numbers, comments and traffic. Oh. Another thought. I think it’s bizarre to expect bloggers to not want to make money. Why is it negative to be compensated for time and work? If anyone thinks blogging is not work, they’re not a blogger. It’s fun, rewarding and interesting, but it is work.

Excellent idea, Tina. I will waiting for the results as I am most curious especially on two things-
1. Do most bloggers leave comments on the blogs they visit or do they just stop by and take a look?
2. What kind of revenue those who advertise are seeing. Wonder is it worth it? My husband says its crazy to not at least earn something!

My blog is just getting off the ground, but I have visited blogs for years. I am a loyal reader and like those who personalize their blogs. I think its a great way to express yourself and think if the main drive behind doing it is love and passion, then the rest will follow. Thank you for this post!

This is so interesting, Tina! I just took the quiz, and I cannot wait to see the results! I have been blogging for just over a year now, and I honestly cannot imagine my life without it. For me, blogging has created so many amazing connections, friends, and small-world contacts… all during a stressful cross-country move and difficult period of personal transition. I have found the blogging community to be incredibly supportive, which has also been so helpful during our home renovation! I am delighted that we “met” through the Blogosphere. And thank you so much for the kind words you wrote today… You absolutely made my week! Your blog is such an inspiration, and you make the world a brighter place!

The Glam Pad

Wonderful survey, Tina. Great questions and I am dying to know the results. You asked a lot of questions that have been on my mind. In February, I will be entering my 3rd year of blogging so I still have much to learn.
Thanks for this!

Tina, I look forward to reading the results of your survey. I blog as a creative outlet, but the biggest reward is the friendships that have resulted from meeting other bloggers with similar interests. I’ve met several in real life, and I’ve certainly enjoyed the experience. It’s impressive how many creative people are part of this community. I’ve learned a great deal from this experience. Thanks for putting this together.

Like many others, I am so curious to see the results of this poll. I am a newer blogger could easily see me getting really into it, I already spend about 3-4 hours a day. I try to leave comments when I really love something but will not leave a comment just to say something as it seems many do, only if I can add to the “conversation” and would never say anything mean.
I would in a heartbeat accept advertisers when my blog is established enough to hopefully earn a paycheck, why not! I think one would be crazy not to.
Great questions, can’t wait to see the result. Thank you Tina, love your blog , it is my favorite of all!

Good morning beautiful one!

I hope that you saw that you too are on the list of HEARTists that I compiled; I don’t know if you paint, draw, sew or do any other “art”, but what you do with your writing, your business, your HOME is the art of living a life that inspires. Thank you Tina for always celebrating the good and beautiful things that nourish! XOXOXO Anita

your place is looking AMAZING now it’s furnished!!.. Love the living room, the teal wall looks great.. Ralph & I have just started, hoping to get our kitchen ordered in the next few weeks..You’re more than welcome to pop in anytime, I’m sure you’d have plenty of good advice!! Living Room

I think this is a great idea and very nice of you to do this for new bloggers! When I penned my first post 4 years ago I had absolutely no fricking idea what I was doing or HOW I should be doing it. I’d never read another blog so thankfully I wasn’t intimidated, just clueless! My older son, the tech wizard, set it up for me as a creative outlet to share with friends and family and away I went. I’m still constantly learning and that is one of the main reasons I still enjoy writing Slim Paley. I’ve answered your questionnaire and hope it will help some newbies to find their way…PS. did you know that there are over 46 million blogs hosted by alone?! There must be SOMETHING to this thing. Now if we could only come up with a prettier, more appealing name than “Blogging”!! xx SP

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