Comments : 15

Hello there! How are you? Hope you had a fabulous weekend. Over here, chugging along. Still want to be on vacation though I cannot lie:)? Sometimes its hard for me to settle in and get back to routine after being on a leisurely roll for a while, but I feel back in the saddle once again!

Hope I am not getting sick but my throat is hurting so much so that I went into bed at 8pm last night! Hope it’s just allergies and nothing more, nothing like being sick in the summer! Have to make each day count:)

Today is just a little of this and a bit of that. Ready to get started? Let’s roll……




My Enchanted Home customer contest. Want to win $100.00 to spend in my online shop? Then you have to enter…. days are dwindling down. Last day to submit pictures is TODAY. I am taking up to 50 pictures. Have room for a couple more…hope you will join in if you have ever bought anything from my shop or from my Steals and Deals. 1-2 pictures, please put “customer contest” in subject line and send to [email protected]. Can’t wait!


Gorgeous NYC? landmark. Went to a dinner at a beautiful landmark building in NYC over the weekend, The Ansonia, I was mesmerized by the architecture and elegance of the lobby, being in true blogger mode I just had to snap a few pictures!

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Sweet video that will make you cry. Maybe it’s my own baby heading off to college in a month but this video really struck me. Katie of Preppy Empty Nester featured it and it really pulled at my heartstrings. One because no bells and whistles will ever take the place of the human touch and two, because I want to have a little cherub of my own!

Good reads. One big perk of being at the beach was getting to polish off a few books. Somehow when home I am always so busy and rarely have chunks of downtime so it was wonderful to not only start a few books but finish them! Here is what I read and what I would recommend…

Perfect easy beach reads….

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?Flowers and gardens.? I love buying sunflowers in the Hamptons. They seem bigger, happier and perkier:) Really love them in my big blue and white vase, the combination of colors is striking don’t you think?? Also planted a vegetable and herb garden and will be sure to snap a few pics of all the goodness it is soon to yield, lots of tomatoes just starting to turn, cannot wait! The gorgeous white hydrangeas are from my own garden and they are blooming like mad! Few things make me as happy as flowers….

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Movies. I cannot wait to see this….so up? my alley. I love stories like this and then there is food involved…total home run! And will you be seeing this too?

Shop News. Well, things might seem like they are status quo but behind the scenes, there is a lot going on. For example a new much more comprehensive site where my blog and shop will be one. A whole new experience. Better and bigger, I promise! I cannot wait and hope to have it up in a few weeks. Click here to visit my shop.


Also very eagerly awaiting the arrival of my tole line. So excited to get it! Of course you will be the first to know all about it. Expecting it sometime THIS WEEK, will take a few days to unpack and sort through but I promise that as soon as they are ready for their close up you will be the first to get a sneak peek!

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Dough bowls. I had on order about 24 pieces. Had only gotten in about 12 which all sold but unexpectedly got in 6 more gorgeous antique dough bowls and they are beautiful! If you missed out last time, this is your time to grab one. Pictures are on bottom of the current promotion page I still have a few items left from my Steals and deals blowout as well (p0st has been updated to show just what is available, all sold items were taken off) , click here for details.


Well everyone that is about it. I cannot believe how summer seems to be going by so fast all of a sudden. I am just about to start buying the first of my sons things for college and indeed it is bittersweet. I cannot believe we are only a week or so from the start of August! Hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you as always for stopping in!


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Good morning, Tina!

Your home is always an inspiration, inside and out!

Also, this is great because I am searching for a good book to read. I will definitely check on these! 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!

Big hugs to you!

Luciane from

The commercial with the baby is so tender and the perfect message. I love it when we {bloggers} share things like this.
The Hundred Foot Journey looks great. I searched our movie schedule and it arrives here mid August. It will be on my go see list.

Love the looks of The Ansonia I bet dinner was delish! I am so looking forward to The 100 Foot Journey Tina, there have been so few really good movies this summer.

The Arts by Karena

Just a beautiful website. I look forward to opening my emails everyday to see what beautiful pictures you have posted . I loved the movie trailer, any thing Helen Mirren is in I’m there. The video with the baby had me in tears. You really know today’s woman .

Good morning Tina!

That video with the baby – nope, nothing can replace LOVE. I’ll never forget a child in my fourth grade class one day. He whipped out an ipad after school once as he was waiting for the bus call. I made a comment on his shiny device and he sullenly looked at me and said, “Yeah, my parents bought me this to get me out of their hair.” I just wanted to cry.

STEALS AND DEALS GALORE! WOW, you are one busy blogger and dealer, and all the while, enjoying the midsummer dream we are all in. I can’t think about school that’s starting next month on August 25! I want to revel in the lazy days as much as I can.

Have a great day, Tina! Anita

Just LOVE your pics Tina ~ always look forward to your blog! Feel like I travel vicariously through you! Thanks so much!

What a gorgeous New York hotel – love the architecture. I want all of your hydrangeas in my yard. Mine are just starting to bloom and I love to be able to cut from them for the house. I just got Nantucket Sisters and I can’t wait to read it!! Lots to love today!

Your garden is very pretty and it is so exciting you have some veggies growing too! I am looking forward to your new shop/blog combo…good for you! And YES, I plan on seeing the movie and feel just as you do. Have a great day!

I too cannot wait to see this movie! I think we’d better eat before I see it, rather than afterward — as we usually do.

Wow. Seeing the inventory laid out like that made me realize even more than ever what a powerhouse you are! What a lot of work and you seem to do it effortlessly. I’ll be thinking of you in a month when your son goes off to college. I’m dreading the day and always feel sorry for friends who are going through it. BUT you’ll have even more time than ever to travel, enjoy your husband, etc!

Hello Tina, the toile cache pots look beautiful, I can think of a million uses. The summer is rushing by, I can’t believe I’ll be saying good bye to my son soon as well. Beautiful hotel, I love those pale grey walls, so peaceful.

As always, so much that is fun and lovely going on in your world, Tina! Especially love all the flowers and gardens. I love this time of year for beautiful yellow sunflowers with blue and white. I think it’s hard not to want to be in vacation mode in the summer. I feel like I’m a lot less productive from June until September. Hope you are feeling better and your sore throat didn’t turn into a summer cold! XOXO

What fun it was to finally get to meet you today and thank you for organizing such a wonderful lunch with like minded bloggers. The blue and white teapots with the beautiful hydrangea were such a treat and we’ll have fond memories of the day. Hope the rest of the week is equally delightful and that we’ll get together in the fall.
C + C

Hi Tina these are my favorite posts of yours. That apt building is gorgeous, wow! I bet the party was pretty amazing too. Love the sunflowers in the blue and white, think I need to copy.
I read Nantucket sisters and will take you up on your other suggestions and yes to that movie, love the looks of it! Finally we need a good movie, don’t we?

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