Comments : 22


Hi there, hope this finds you well amidst the holiday hustle and bustle.? Anyone else feel like one day just goes right into the next with nary a minute to rest? I know lately I feel like that little gerbil on the wheel who just keeps on spinning:)

Guess what this weekend is? My birthday weekend! Dec. 14th is my actual birthday (tomorrow) , and I will be away for a few days so my usual Seven on Sunday will resume next Sunday so I can relax a bit and do a little celebrating and not much else:)

I do however have a wonderful treat in store for you, I am guest posting over at Phyllis Hoffmans blog, A Ribbon in my Journal (CLICK HERE TO VISIT)? In it,? I reveal my Christmas decor so far (in actuality it is nearly done) and I will have one final “reveal” next week on my blog. I am just about done but still in the tweaking stage which never really seems to end (we all can relate I am sure).

Also thought this was the perfect time to announce my newest contest, HOLIDAY LOVE. All details on the bottom of this post.

I hope you will stop over and pay us a visit. Thank you to my readers for being so unbelievably amazing, I swear my readers are the best! You make what I do so gratifying and fun. Being on my blog is truly my “happy place”.? Be back on Monday….thanks for stopping in. Click here to visit me, here is a sneak peek……




Also since we are all in full holiday mode, thought it was a perfect time to announce my next contest, HOLIDAY LOVE! I am accepting pictures as of today up until Dec. 29th. The contest will run the week after, in January.? You can send any picture that represents what you think of when you think of HOLIDAY LOVE.

It could be your tree, beautifully wrapped gifts, your holiday table, your pets in holiday mode, your little ones all decked out… parameters except that they are your pictures. Be sure you have those cameras ready as the holidays descend upon us!? I cannot wait to see your pictures.? Just a few “guidelines”-

  • Please send to [email protected] and in subject line put HOLIDAY LOVE (this way I can identify the entrants)
  • No more than 2 pictures per person
  • Please do not send pictures from the internet, Pinterest, Tumblir, etc…..
  • Winner will win choice of any tole item of her choice
  • There will be a cap of 70 pictures accepted (first 70 to be sent in)
  • Can be from past holidays does not have to be this year
  • Contest deadline Dec. 29th (contest will run on or around Jan 5th)

Thank you! I cannot wait to start getting in your pictures…..they are always so inspiring.

See you? over there at A Ribbon In My Journal……click here to visit.


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Happy birthday Tina. Your day is shared by my daughter Sarah … a young woman with a heart for others and a gift for cooking and baking. My best wishes to you for a wonderful day and a great year ahead, Mary Claire Salerno

Happy Birthday Tina! Have a wonderful weekend! Your Christmas decorations are beautiful!

What a teaser, I cannot wait to head over to take a look…you are the ultimate of holiday decorating!
Also a very happy birthday, hope your birthday celebration will be wonderful and deserving of the special person you are who brings so much joy to so many.
Thank you Tina.


Happy Birthday Tina….Enjoy your special day and have a relaxing weekend. Your house looks amazing for Christmas!
Thanks for all your postings.

Happy Birthday Tina! I believe this is an extra special year, right? πŸ˜‰ Well let’s just say that I probably could have been your babysitter when I was in high school πŸ˜‰ I am WAY ahead of you as far as that goes! I’ll tell you it just keeps getting better and there is nothing wrong with those “middle” years.

Enjoy your day! xxooleslie

It’s my birthday today so we’re almost twins! Happy Birthday to you! I’ll wait for your post to see your beautiful decorations – keeping it as an anticipated gift.


Wishing you many with love, health and happiness.

Barbara Kelly

Happy Birthday Tina!!! I hope all your Birthday wishes come true and you get your Greenhouse!!

Enjoy celebrating your birthday time. You need the refreshment and focus on you. I appreciate all of the sharing you provide and love your posts. A gift to us!

Happy Birthday Tina! I hope that you have a wonderful day to celebrate just how special you are!

Enjoy your family and friends.

I love all of your home decor! I cannot wait to see the finished house!

Happy Birthday dear Tina!! May your day and the year ahead be filled with much happiness and blessings!

Happy Birthday! Saw your home at A Ribbon in My Journal. Love your home and decorating. I lust for the blue and white pieces and the white flowers. Oh my! The most beautiful! Blessings

Hi Tina, Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your special day. Regards and Best Wishes Esther from Sydney. PS your home looks absolutely beautiful, you have been busy. I love that word tweaking it seems to explain everything we get up to this time of year.

Tres tres bel anniversaire Tina!
Que cette journee soit brillante de joie et d’Amour !
Bisous from Paris

Good morning beautiful friend!

YOUR HOUSE IS DIVINE! I am a bit late; we were out all day yesterday going into the best shops in town, and walking and shopping until we dropped. Well, we did a lot of window shopping, but to be together in 50 degree weather was divine.

Enjoy your Sunday! Anita

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