Comments : 17

Hello!? First order of business is? to announce the lucky winner of the stunning tote giveaway by Huff Harrington. Congratulation goes to…..

#106 Donna Levi says:

So, how is your weekend going? We have had the most beautiful weather, FINALLY. My sister is in town and we spent the day in the city, had lunch and went to see Gigi on Broadway, I loved it and definitely recommend it. I have the Broadway bug again! Then we came home, took a power nap and went to a beautiful party last night.

Today is my middle sons birthday and its back to the city later today to go to his favorite restaurant….no rest for this party animal:) Meanwhile I just cannot wait to throw on my robe and pjs and call it a day~! Hope all is going great on your end, here we go with my Seven on Sunday (ironic that two of my posts have to do with weddings)…..




1. PAPER PRETTIES!? Love Fawnsberg, have some of their beautiful stationery items and best part is that they just offered a new promo to my readers! I am in love with their hand done stamps, soooo pretty! I am placing my order today. Talk about adding a very special touch to any envelope, plus their notecards are so charming. Click here to see their entire wonderful line. They are offering 15% to Enchanted Home readers using the code April 15:)

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2. INSTGRAMS OF INTEREST. I love sharing these with you…I get so excited when I see something I know that you too will love. This week surely did not disappoint. Here is what perked me up this week…..

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3. ONE GLAMOROUS WEDDING! Wow this chic wedding in Capri has me dreaming about maybe hosting a wedding there for one of my own sons (yes I know I am hallucinating as their wives will no doubt want to make that decision:) But one can dream! This is so elegant yet casual and fun, had to share it with all of you, next best thing to being there is through seeing things in pictures!

For the full story and tons of pictures, click here to see the full story at The Coveteur

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Haven’t you always wanted to dine under a sea lemons? Me too!

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Glamorous crowd is that Christy Brinkley to her left?


Love this, simple and so elegant!


Love her dress and shoes…Capri chic


Enjoyed the coverage on her bridal brunch and how they all wore these gorgeous Mary Kantrantzou dresses…so fitting for Capri!

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4. SHOWHOUSE PROGRESS. So I have told you I am doing an outdoor patio room in a local showhouse. I am excited but admittedly a little nervous as this came about rather last minute, so there is plenty of scrambling going on but I am loving my ideas so far and have added some new ideas to my final mood board.

Though there are many balls in the air and several things I am waiting to come in before I can begin to actually decorate the space, I am confident it will all come together. Check it out….


So excited finally getting in a few of these very large fishbowls, going to fill them with big palms which offers the perfect vibe for an outdoor patio/sitting space…..

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5. I WANT TO MAKE THIS. Pinterest offers no shortage of seriously amazing food? inspiration…it’s off the charts. When I saw this I was completely enthralled, how incredible would this be for a ladies luncheon, shower or special fete? Amazing!


6. AN AMAZING GIFT! One of my absolute favorite paper queens is LB Originals, whose things I have featured many a time on my blog. Well she simply does not disappoint, EVER. Look at this most incredible “happy box” as she calls it that I got in last week. IN LOVE with the most gorgeous gift tags and notecards ever! Thank you Laurie:)? Click here to see her incredible entire line.


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7. DOWNTON ABBEY FAN? Can you imagine getting married there? Or one of your kids getting to have their wedding there? Well it can happen! Yes, you can have a wedding at the iconic Highclere Castle!!!! Just look at the highlights from the wedding of NYC designer Lacey Chaus. Amazingly gorgeous… yes dreams really do come true!

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And there you have it friends, what is on my radar this week. I hope you have had a wonderful, week and if you have something to share, please do! I hope spring has finally arrived wherever you might be as I know many of us have waited an awfully long time for it’s arrival.

Today promises to be another gorgeous day and I cannot wait to breath in that fresh unmistakable spring air. Thank you for stopping by! Until next time….

Last few hours to take advantage of this most beautiful porcelain promo! A few pieces left….click here for details.



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Your outdoor patio room looks fabulous so far! Will you be able to share the details of the showhouse when it opens? I’m in the tri-state area and enjoy going to them. It would be fun to your room in person.

Oh my…everything so beautiful it is tough to say which is my favorite…the photo of the three girls with baby asleep on top priceless…always love a monogram and the Downton wedding, like royalty…amazing. Good picks!

I love those stamps and gorgeous calligraphy. Christie Brinkley is ageless. She looks better than most people in their 20’s and 30’s!! Love, Deb xo

Wow – what a beautiful couple in Capri! Fabulous photos. And love your outdoor design. I just love it and will use it as the inspiration for my new home. Thanks for sharing.

Tina… whatever you do… if you ever meet my girls DO NOT TELL THEM ABOUT THE DOWNTON WEDDING RECEPTION SETTING!!!! Thanks. Now that we’ve got that settled, not only did you open my eyes to blue and white, you have broadened my spectrum on lemons. Who knew? And I thought they were only good for lemonade! Now I want to decorate my whole house with them!! As always, love all of your instagram pics. Hope you had a wonderful bday lunch with your son on this gorgeous day. Enjoy your week!

Hi Tina!!!

So much fabulous stuff going on here today!!! You know I love anything that has to do with “pretty paper” so love those stamps so much. I was ogling your instagram pics and then saw one of mine?so fun!!!!!

The wedding in Capri! It is on my radar in a big way. G and I almost went there this summer, but going from Seattle all the way to Italy seemed a little much while my guys are away. So, we settled on Nantucket. But, anyhoo??I have friends that went last year and had the most amazing time and guess who was in one of their pictures? Christie Brinkley! She must really love Capri (who wouldn’t?!).

Happy, happy birthday to your son! Love a celebration! I’m exhausted after just sprucing our outdoor patio (new blue and white umbrellas!) so excited to see your show house patio come to life!

xoxo Elizabeth

Tina, a wedding at Highclere Castle or in the islands anywhere would be my wish for my children!!
I added a couple of new Instagram accounts which I always do after reading your Sunday Seven! Always love seeing my friends featured of course!!

The Arts by Karena
Artist Nathaniel Galka

Love your design and accessory ideas for the show house project! Love, Love, Love the pagoda pillows! Can’t wait to see your design completed! Thank you for sharing!

Sure looks like Christie Brinkley to her left…wearing a perfect Capri dress…but is that Olivia Palermo to her right? I just added Da Paolino Lemon Tree restaurant to my Places to Visit List. Your mood board’s lovely. Great choice using Juliska Bamboo Flatware – It’s on my Wish List!

Always so many beautiful things in your Seven on Sunday. The calligraphy is gorgeous and your showhouse room is going to be fabulous?can’t wait to see it all come together. Happy Monday!!

Hi Tina! Well, it’s Monday and I’m a little behind, but I always love these Sunday posts. So fun to see what’s on your radar. And thanks for including one of my Instagram sketches. Always gives me a little thrill when I turn up here. Weren’t Elizabeth’s cookies crazy good? LOVE them.

Those weddings make me want to tie the knot again (with Mr. H. of course) or just throw a huge party for all our friends – preferably at Downton Abbey. Some friends of ours married in Capri and they have a milestone anniversary coming up and have talked about celebrating it there with friends. Crossing fingers that it happens.

Your patio project looks like it’s coming together beautifully! Of course I love all the blue and white. You’re inspiring me as always – I’m working on ours – really want to have it just right this summer. Here’s to warm days and ros?!

Have a glorious week! XOXO

Querida Tina amo tudo que voc? nos mostra acho que nossos gostos s?o bem parecidos sou simplis por?m amo o belo . Parabens .Obrigada.

Lovely post as usual
Tina! So fun to
See you have selected one of my IG pics!! I just purchased several Meyer Lemon trees in hopes to have a mini grove soon!
Have a great week!

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