Comments : 25

Hi friends and Happy Mothers Day! I want to give a “shout out” to my own incredible mom. I may not say it often enough but hopefully you know Mom,? that I think the world of you and love you so very much. You are an incredible person who has raised the “motherhood bar” quite high…but it always gives me something to aspire to, so thank you for that and please know I most definitely know how incredibly lucky I am to have you:)

I am back and had such a wonderful girls getaway to Newport, what a beautiful majestic jewelbox of a place. I have been many times but it had been a number of years, and I forgot just how special it is. To me 3 days in Newport is perfect, I will do a post on it later next week.

Hope for all of the mothers out there, that you will spending the day exactly as you please…..we work so hard and goodness knows we deserve a day of total self indulgence! My son is coming home from college today, best Mothers day gift ever and then my other two sons will also arrive later, a perfect day when they are all home in my little nest:) We are heading out for an early dinner and I look forward to spending the day as a family:)

As I do every Sunday, here is what has caught my attention this week……



FOR ALL THOSE HARDWORKING MOMS OUT THERE. This chart is genius, I had to share. This might enlighten you as to what you do on an everyday basis is really worth:) I think I have been underpaid? all these years, have some major back pay due!


2. TORY BURCH. I go hot and cold with this label but lately fell madly in love with four items from TB. Here are some that I think are must haves for any chic summer wardrobe, two items I already have received and love and two I am waiting on-

Love this fabulous dress as it looks so easy breezy, could be great because you can dress it up or down, very pretty. This says summer chic all the way!


This I had to order, has my name all over it, so fresh and pretty with a pair of white slacks…..LOVE this!


These are just adorable, got them and they are also as pretty as they are comfortable (in 4 colors) love anything with a “lattice-y” feel…..


And you know I love espadrilles, this pair screams pretty summer dressing….


3. MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS. I put together these beautiful small arrangements with my super easy to use flower clusters? for a few Mothers Day orders. These are so pretty for a nightstand/end table. Always love anything in blue and white and how pretty are the clusters in the elegant mint julep? Easy peasy too! Everything from my online shop.

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4. TAKE NOTES BBQ MASTERS! With National Burger Month (who knew)!? being? in May, this was a perfect time to share the expertise of? the hamburger masters over at the iconic restaurants, “21”? and Delmonico’s in NYC. We do lots of grilling so I took careful notes, here is what they have to say on the matter….

1. A burger is all about the beef?you have to look at the fat content ratio,” Delpique says. “You don’t want to go above 15-18 percent fat, because if you cook the burger above rare or medium-rare, you’re going to melt all the fat that the butcher puts in, so what’s the point?


2. Delmonico’s opts for brioche, “because the richness of the eggs and butter in the dough holds up to the burger,”



3. Cover one side of the patty with salt and pepper. “You want to season it very well, because there’s no seasoning inside,” Delpique says. “And you’re going to lose some of the seasoning when you cook it.”



4. Let the meat come to room temperature before it touches the grill



5. Be sure the grill is very hot. This is the secret to getting a nice char and a nice crust, according to Delpique. Also never touch it while cooking, this will take away all the juices.



6. Let the burger REST! On a cooling rack. For at least five minutes. This step allows burgers to finish cooking on the inside. It also lets the juices on the exterior redistribute within the patty, allowing for maximum juiciness when you take that first bite.



5. INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST. Always enjoy going through what has caught my eye this past week, a great mix of beauty, cuteness, inspiration and always have to throw in something that looks decadently delicious!


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6. MAGGIE AUSTIN CAKES. I have been an admirer of her cakes for quite some time, her work is truly breathtaking and she is just on another level in my eyes as a cake decorator, the attention to detail is astounding and the flowers she does are unreal! I am determined to use her for something don’t know what quite yet!? Don’t take my word for it, have a look and click here to learn more about Maggie Austin.

succulent-detail ivory-frills-with-orchids-and-peonies dahlia-detail english-ivy-and-molding golden-bees baby-eucalyptus-frill1 brides eucalyptus-detail

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7.A VIDEO EVERY MOTHER NEEDS TO SEE. Oh boy, this is one you cannot possibly watch without crying however the message is so beautiful and simple and it’s a must see. For any mother that ever doubts the job they do or how their kids might view them as mothers,? this ones for you! (but be sure to have a few tissues handy). Every mother needs to see this……especially today, Mothers Day:)



So that is what’s on my mind, how about you? Anything you care to share? Hope whatever you are up today is wonderful and relaxing. Hope the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Many thanks as always for stopping in, wishing everyone a wonderful Mothers Day and end to your weekend.

Whats coming up this week-

  • A fabulous flower giveaway from The French Bee
  • A recap on my Newport trip
  • An amazing blue and white announcement you will not want to miss!


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Happy Mom’s Day! Arrived home from Houston with a delicious French antique strapped to the roof…and took the long way home to avoid severe weather…so grateful to the man who made me a mother!??

Tina… I haven’t had a burger in months and now after looking at the pics of one on your post today I may splurge and have one. Boy does that look yummy! Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day!!l

Good morning Tina!

My week has been crazy, but I have joined Instagram to stay close to friends. I have a long way to go to make any of my photos interesting, but I’m learning! I need to follow you.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to you Tina, you have to be one great mom to those sons of yours. Wishing you a relaxed day dear Tina, Anita

Happy Mother’s Day Tina! Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned. BOTH my kids are spent the night and we will be heading out for a fun day .. which will include plenty of yummy food and maybe a little sparling wine;) Those cakes are incredible! I attempted to make flowers on my daughter’s birthday cake last month and it was very difficult so I have a lots of admiration for all those bakers out there that decorate cakes that look to pretty to eat. (side note: I added flowers and it helped give it the look I was going for, ha;)

Happy Mother’s Day Tina! As usual, your blog is the first thing I opened and it really started my day with beauty and thoughtfulness. Your spirit is kind, open, and so genuine that it is contagious.

The ‘burger’ post is most appropriate. It’s the time of year to enjoy the grill. (In a few weeks it will be too hot here to even think of it!)

I always feel like I’ve walked through a nice shopping area with a good friend, window-shopping and ducking into one or two shops on the way, after I’ve read a post like this. Thank you!

This is the first Mother’s Day without my Mom on this planet earth. I miss her very much and wish I could have her one day, cooking fried chicken in the cast Iron skillet she gave me, and having her tell me simple things that mean so much. I remember the time she came to help me and I was holding my 2 year old daughter, “She said, put her down, never do what they can do for themselves.” It’s so true, as a Mom we do so much but the best thing we can give our children is to not to do. It’s to let them do, even if we think it’s not enough. That Minute maid video made me tear up. I left my parents after college with one suitcase and looking back, I know they believed I could do it. I thanked them for letting me fly from the nest. Now my own twins will be flying off and I hope I can let go, let them do for themselves what they can do, but know that I am near if they need me. I wish you a loving Mother’s day full of flowers and sunshine. xxoo

Happy, Happy Mother’s Day to you, have a wonderful day with your family, thanks again for your wonderful blog, love getting up on Sunday mornings, making a cup of tea abd reading your Seven on Sunday!!!! Love it!!!

Happy Mothers Day Tina! Always a super blog. I will be teaching a barbecue class in a couple weeks. Theme is chicken, but I will be sure to pass the secrets about the beef on to the participants. Thanks for the tips.

Well who knew? Minute Maid? That video was incredible. Where do you find this stuff? I love your blog…even when it makes me cry.

So glad you had a great girls trip and I love the mom chart?so true but worth every second! Thank you for including our instagram image?it’s a favorite of ours too. Happy Monday, sweet friend!

Happy Mother’s Day Tina and I am excited to hear more about your Newport trip!! We had a big family brunch yesterday and Isabella was here for the weekend!! She had a performance on Saturday. I am so proud of her! Her chorale group has been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall next spring!

The Arts by Karena
Bunnies by Hunt Slonem

Love your Sunday posts even though it seems like with the bustle of the weekends I never get to them until Monday – but it’s something to look forward to to start the week! Hope you had a beautiful Mother’s Day, Tina. Can’t wait to hear more about your girls trip. Your Insta photos looked amazing – may have to put Newport on the list for our annual girls adventure! Have a lovely week. XOXO

Hi Tina,
I hope you had the most wonderful Mother’s Day. Having all your “boys” home was surely the best part! My mom just left this morning – boo hop – but we had a wonderful time! She was here for Grandparents’ Day at school, but we squeezed in some time on Greenwich Ave, cupcake baking with my youngest (his favorite red velvet), a fancy lunch and then hours outside just chatting the night away.

I love all that you’ve shared…those cakes are a must! I’m with you on TB. I’ve been hot/cold. But that blue leopard print blouse is fantastic and maybe I’ll see you wearing it later this month!!! πŸ™‚

Enjoy another spectacular Spring day!!!! You deserve it!
xoxo Elizabeth

ps: So happy you’re feeling better. I forgot to leave a comment on your post last week before your trip, but have been thinking about you!

As always where to start…your posts are soooo full of good stuff! Love the TB clothes, and those cakes are simply incredible. How about just getting her to send you one, a small tiny private cake for celebrating incredible YOU?! we all should…anyway will be excited to hear about Newport. I am doing a decorating job there in June for a high end rental. xox

Happy belated Mothers Day Tina, I am sure it was wonderful to have all three boys at home, even if only for a few days.

Love all of the instagram sites, I always find new ones when I come to visit.

And your flowers look beautiful!

Have a great week,


Hope you had a lovely Mothers day! Love those Tory picks and those cakes.. wow! Looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks, I guess we should pick a much spot right? K

Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day! I did?.just wish my baby girl could’ve been here! But the boys did an amazing job! I know you enjoyed your’s as well! Glad to hear you are feeling better?I too, thought about you often last week! Hate I didn’t tell you personally! I’m really going to attempt to be better at that!

Hope you had a beautiful Mother’s Day Tina with your boys and family. I loved that video and knew I had to grab some tissues before hand. It really touched home now that i’m raising teenagers. If you have any advice I would love to hear it.

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