Comments : 27

Good morning, well if you follow me on Instagram you know I have had some kind of nasty stomach bug. I am not out of the woods yet but certainly better than yesterday.

Of course this happens when I have four things to attend four days in a row, 2 so far I have had to miss and the event tonight and tomorrow are a question mark…so please send your healthy get well vibes over this way!

I am very excited to announce a winner of my Enchanted Home Love contest after nearly 4,000 votes combined, you have chosen the winner and a beautiful one it is!


Congratulations goes to Lory for this fabulous picture-


Lory please contact me at [email protected] with your shipping address so that your first package of 11 more to come can get on it’s way and a very hearty congratulations to you!

I also want to thank once again, all  of the other entrants who submitted so many beautiful and inspiring, images.  I lost count, there were so  many fabulous pictures.  You make what I do so much fun and incredibly gratifying!


Here is a snippet of life over on this end in the last week or so……as I went through my many pictures I smiled every time I came across one from Nashville/Franklin and it was temping to include those again but that would have made this post one of the longest in history so I used restraint:) So this is from the last 2 weeks ……..


We went for a walk to a neighboring horse farm and this beauty greeted us



The backyard is finally getting green and the azaleas are in full bloom, still have to put out all my pillows and other accessories, but it’s happening, slowly but surely!


Napkins out the door, love my new stickers


This gorgeous complex is part of a HUGE marina/housing project which will service a new ferry service from Glen Cove to NYC…its going to be fabulous! The preview party was last night (husband went) and said it’s going to be amazing, we took Teddy there for a walk last Sunday


Above will be the marina terminal



And look someone is trying to cozy up next to Teddy…a new friend:)




White inpatients and azaleas add so much to our entrance


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Love this custom napkin going out the door to one lucky recipient


OK this is the only Nashville pic…a reminder of how wonderfully civilized it all is there. The entire airport experience was fantastic and that is saying something. Even in the dreaded security lines..they had a waterfall wall which was so soothing and such a smart place to put it….it eased the most stressful part of the traveling experience!


Gorgeous batch of beautiful hand painted chinoiserie pillows arrived!


Awwwhhhhh….let’s all say it in unison, here is Teddy and his cousin Chloe when they were only a few months old!


My gorgeous Mother’s Day flowers!

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Was at my friends beautiful home which they just lovingly (and beautifully) restored


Part of a local design job, this is turning out to be the most darling girls room, cannot wait to show you the finished space


Loving the newest color of my foo dogs, the turquoise…fabulous


Reorganized my stovetop with all my “essentials”


Put together a new vignette using green apples, love decorating with fruit (these are good faux never have to worry about them rotting:)


And caught my dining room late afternoon with the beautiful late day sun streaming in, my favorite time of day


So along with my bed rest from being under the weather came along a movie binge, saw some of my all time faves, cried like a hyena and laughed like a crazy person watching Steel Magnolias…one of my all time faves


Then watched Stealing Beauty, always loved this movie…the scenery literally takes your breath away and the party scene at twilight in Tuscany brought tears to my eyes, it made me so badly want to be there (yes I get emotional about beautiful things)

And then watched some amazing documentaries which I will talk about on Sunday, so made the best of feeling lousy.


And that friends is a wrap:) Hope you are well and enjoying a great week, hope to feel better soon and get back on schedule. Thanks as always for stopping in, until next time….


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Only you could make being under the weather look so comfy and glamorous!
Your blog always inspires and brighten my day.
Feel better XX

As usual, your lovely pictures bring a smile to my face! Thank you for sharing! Take care and feel better soon, Tina!

“Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion” Enjoy reading your blog. One thing I do miss is your posting of the beautiful room decor photos contest. I used to enjoy seeing all of the lovely rooms you found to inspire. Recent SC transplant as well so also enjoying the decor for the new PB house.:)

Congratulations to Lory! A glorious photo. So many gorgeous photos, I was truly impressed with all of them. ….What a beautiful post today, love the horses and Teddy and his cousin? …Hope you feel better soon?.

Congrats to the winner – what a gorgeous photo! Your post was so beautiful as well. I have always wanted to go to Nashville. That photo of Teddy as a puppy is just darling! I also have a golden retriever so seeing a puppy picture makes my heart melt. Hope you are feeling better!

Love the new hand painted chinoiserie pillows! Please send dimensions and price or when they will be added to the website. Feel better, Nancy

Thank you so much, Tina! I’m delighted to be chosen your winner!! Thanks to your readers for voting and to the other entrants for their beautiful inspiration, as well… 🙂 Wishing you a speedy recovery and I’m loving todays lovely photos, too.


Are you enjoying American Housewife (spotted a copy on your bed)? I laughed out loud at several of those stories.

I’m so sorry you’ve been under the weather!!! Hope you feel better soon so you don’t have to miss anything else. I don’t think I had ever seen pictures of the entrance to your home. It’s beautiful!! Blessings from Missouri!

Hope you’re well soon!

Love your green apple design touches……..also the new hand painted pillows……

Blackberry brandy is my go to after a bout with intestinal problems. After the next day, I sip a small amount and it seems to recalibrate my system,

Love the post. Sure you must be feeling better by now. Always good to have a little rest. You have been on the double-go. Have a sunny day.

I hope you feel well enough to attend those other events! And thank you for sharing all those lovely pics…they are gorgeous. Sending get well prayers your way…

Yes, Stealing Beauty is a good one. My all time favorites are Enchanted April, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it, Out of Africa, Dinner with Friends, Cairo Time and I rewatched the Horse Whisperer the other evening , and enjoyed it.

Feel better soon! Here’s the hoping that the sun which finally decided to shine on the tri-state area helped your spirits.
Have a question: is there any way to keep silk drapes w/ cotton lining from being destroyed by the sun, other than having blinds as a first layer of defense? My house faces due south, love my windows and the light, especially on those grey days in February. Am starting to plan my window coverings, but don’t want to invest thousands in silk drapes with an insulated liner and natural fiber back if the sun is going to rot them in five years. Any suggestions?
BTW this is the same reason I am holding back from buying a silk hand woven rug. I know that rugs need to be turned every season to even out the wear patterns but I also don’t want there to be glaring areas of sun fading – not when I am looking at an investment piece.
I really do hate it when the practical gets in the way of the pretty!

Havent heard from you in while and now I see why you have been busy and now sick! I was hoping to see you tomorrow and catch up since we missed you last time. Hopefully we can grab lunch in the city this Summer now that you will have a great ferry to take you there.
Feel better! xo K

sending light and healing as you recover. i love coming here! i have been ill in bed too many days this week and hope to turn the corner soon so i may enjoy the beauty outside my windows!! let me know if you still plan to link to my post about BRCA and my sister in a forthcoming post so i can link back to you, friend. peace.

Great pics! So glad you enjoyed Nashville. Looks like a great airport. Hope that you are having the gorgeous day that we are! Enjoy your weekend!

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