Comments : 32

Hello friends! Time to announce the winner of the beautiful white Saffiano bag, congratulations goes to-


Please contact me at [email protected] with your shipping info so this beautiful bag can be on it’s way!


Hope you are having a nice weekend….here it’s quiet with my son being gone but it’s been surprisingly relaxing and peaceful,  sure do miss him though. Today we are invited on a friends boat and then might hit the movies, rain is in the forecast so if there’s something worth seeing, today is a great movie day. Hope whatever you’re doing is fun and mostly relaxing…..

As I do every Sunday, I share with you seven things on my mind….so let’s get this party started:)



1 BALI HAI SAGA. So I have always loved this iconic fabric. It is bold, beautiful and so classic. I got the last of what they had for pillows but upon seeing it in person my mind started racing with possibilities as to how else I could use it. Put a few pics on Instagram and the reaction was amazing.

Here is what I started “dreaming about”. Click here to see all of Quadrilles happy and amazing fabrics.



First thought is pillows…they make gorgeous pillwows!


Ah but then look at how it livens up my breakfast room….brings such life there:)



And of course its beautiful on a chair as well….decisions decisions! Feel free to weigh and comment


2. ENCHANTED HOME SHOP NEWS. Very excited for things that are in production. The ornaments and the planters are the “next great thing”! They will be here by the end of Sept….and I can hardly wait. A fabulous new collection of silver is due to arrive in about a week or so and then the first of the last two containers will be here mid Sept. Lots of excitement heading this way.

My new website is literally just a few week s from being done!! So exciting, there will be the usual bugs and speedbumps in the road but I am really excited about launching the new site and think you will agree it is much improved.
The first planter has come out of production here is a small in the ivory, GORGEOUS! Most were sold during the presale opportunity however I ordered a few extra as I knew these would be very popular-



A few blues we were experimenting with I like the right-

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3. A FABULOUS NEW BOOK. I love when I get a great new book to preview… love them all, novels,design books, cookbooks. I recently got this book and while the cover lured me right in (seriously beautiful) , it was only when I actually started to read the stories behind each picture that made me a believer.


An interesting and captivating mix of  entertaining stories with a wonderful sense of humor and playfulness, wonderful recipes, accounts of iconic parties and fun tidbits of trivia, Steven Stolman’s newest book is a keeper. If you are a book aficionado like myself, I highly recommend you get your hands on one! Click here to pre order one of your very own.



Come to Mama:)


So much elegant party inspiration

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4.INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST. Oh so much to love this week, clearly I could not help myself! Amazing array of beauty found in many forms with a few doses of extra cuteness thrown in-

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5. A MOVIE I AM FINALLY EXCITED ABOUT! I cannot wait to see this, read the book and the movies promises to be AMAZING…right up my alley and fantastic cast.

This is coming at time where I am seriously losing faith in Hollywood, sorry but to me,  there are very very few quality movies coming out of there. I want REAL MOVIES about REAL STORIES….so not into the sci fi and horror genres that seem to have monopolized Hollywood.

Woody and Nancy Meyers are you listening:)  Anyone else? This looks great……

6. BARGAIN ALERT. I was shopping at Last Call this past week, feeling all glum after my son left so treated myself to a few summer “pick me ups:” and lo and behold found t he best deals on winter/fall things too!

I was so excited, came away with cashmere sweaters for under $50 a piece!!! Unheard of, here are a few I got, click here to see them for yourself. There are so many bargains to be had:)

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7. Sunday’s Survey. With technology and our world in general moving at a record pace, there are times I actually find it scary. It often makes me wonder about the long term possibly damagin effects it is having on our children and youth in general. I see 2 year olds barely walking with their own iPads and 5 year old pint sized fashionistas with their very own Instagram account….say what?*!!?

Everything is all about instant gratification. From shopping to finding a date, to seeing pictures and needing info at lightning speed. It is right at your fingertips. I question that the lost art of waiting for something is going to rob our children of the simple joy of anticipation. Wondering if I have company hence this weeks poll-






And that friends is what is on my mind this week! Thank you as always for stopping in and making my blog part of your Sunday. Wishing you a wonderful and mostly relaxing day, time to charge up those batteries:) Until next time…….

PS Last day for the pillow promo, some still available….many beauties! Click here


















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Tina, the fabric is gorgeous in your home. I especially love it in the breakfast area. Wow, it really shows off the space! I adore blue, and it looks absolutely beautiful in that stunning room! I also love the blue planters you are experimenting with. I can just see them on my patio! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful inspiration. I hope that you have a blessed and wonderful Sunday!!!

I understand always wanting to improve things, but I love your website as it is! Can’t wait to see how you can top it because I find it pretty wonderful!!

Hi Tina,
LOVE the Bali Hai fabric in your breakfast room on the chairs. It really pops but not so good in your LR where you’ve created a real sense of calm. LOVE the planters !

Tina, the fabric is very beautiful! I too love it on the chairs in your breakfast room. It is definitely a WOW! Perfect on the chairs. Thank you for “Seven on Sunday” !

What a great post! Loved all the instagram pictures.. The fabric you are considering is fabulous and the breakfast room chairs win my vote!!!
Great way to begin my day with your post!

Hope you are having a relaxing Sunday. I absolutely love the blue fabric on your chairs in the breakfast area! The color is so vibrant in that room. In the other room, the fabric seems to get lost.

Thanks for the movie trailer; it looks like an excellent film and also very poignant. I am afraid we are of a dying breed of movie goers that want more from a film than fast cars, sex, drugs, and bad language. I want a film with substance and a good story. Can’t wait to see it.

I can’t believe the difference that Bali Hai fabric makes on your kitchen chairs… it there, love it!

Another great Sunday of inspiration with you! I too am so excited about the movie “Light Between Oceans.” My book club read it last month and we all loved it. We are planning a field trip to see it together as soon as it’s in theaters. Enjoy your day!

I have to agree with everyone else, the minute I saw it I thought the breakfast room . It is the perfect spot, just seems to bring the right amount of color to such an already beautiful room.

I’m always inspired by your 7 on S instagrams:). I think I’ll try to duplicate the flat bread pizza this afternoon. I also plan to order the book through Amazon..With the Holiday season approaching, I’m looking forward to picking up some new entertaining tips! Never too early to plan!!

Thank you, Tina! have a great week.

Love the fabric in the breakfast room. Can’t wait for Lignt between the Oceans.
It was one of my very favorite books. Just a beautiful,touching story.

While I LOVE the pop the Bali Hai brings to your breakfast room, I would prefer to see it in your PB home. It has a a more casual, yet classic feet to it. There should be many other bold fabrics to choose from for your NY home. But, yes, go with a bold pattern for the breakfast room!

The breakfast room chairs are just waiting for that fabric!! I LOVE the pug fabric …but the Bali Hai just pops and brings the space to life. Aliceinherpalace instragram post has her dining chairs in the green version. BTW: The new Ben Hur is supposed to be fabulous…done by Mark Burnett and his Lightworker team…. I always appreciate your content and I bid you a wonderful afternoon!!

Definitely the breakfast room chairs. The tall ceilings call for a linear print , and that one nails it.

And now I have two new books to read, thanks to you! I trust your recommendations on books of all kinds; decorating or fiction. With “Passion for Parties” coming out, which looks so delicious, I’m placing my order right after this. And since “The Light Between Oceans” looks so good, I’m going to read that too. Your breakfast room is simply beyond beautiful, by the way. The stack of windows against the dark wood is breathtaking. Happy Sunday!

Loved the poll and I am from “life is moving way to fast” camp. It IS scary as you said, everything is so transparent. Even my kids say they wish they could have been a kid during “my time” I am 53.

Adore the fabric in every space shown but somehow in your breakfast room it really pops and stands out in such a beautiful way. I trust anything you do.

That movie looks fantastic and I am ordering The Passion for Parties book, because I am serial collector of beautiful books. Great Instagram shares too. Thank you Tina, you always add such loveliness to my Sundays.

Love your Sunday postings..from decorating to fashion to movies! Always enjoy hearing your reviews. I am so looking forward to the movie, as I adored the book! The trailer is fantastic! Thanks, as I did not realize a movie was being made!

Love the fabric on your breakfast room chairs. Thank you for the heads up on the movie. I have not heard of this and want to read the book before seeing the movie. I agree with you, movies are not what they used to be!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Got a movie for you if you haven’t already seen it: Florence FosterJenkins with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. Saw it Friday night and loved it, especially the ending.

Love Sunday, beautiful as ever.

I like the SCALE of Bali Hai for your breakfast room. It’s in keeping with the

architectural scale…………although, like comment #12, I think this choice

(casual) is better suited for your PB home. You have a good

eye for design and an unlimited source of choices available to you. Am anxious

to see what you will have for us. I know it will be beautiful.

Love the material anywhere but especially like it on your chair?.It would be so lovely in your room with your beautiful colors and decor! I checked the website to order a sample but not sure that anyone can?.looked like,you might have to go through specific design shops, an interior decorator or an upholsterer?.will have to check further. They have lovely fabrics?.Thanks so much for sharing…

PS I also meant to say, the fabric looks lovely also on the dining room chair and really “pops.” In addition, it would also be perfect for your Palmetto Bluff home?.. beautiful. Love the movie suggestion too?..Always look forward to your Seven on Sunday!?.

What a great ‘Seven on Sunday’! Totally agree with you about technology. In my opinion, it’s threatening to rob our kids (and many adults) of the ability to interact and socialize properly. Love the new fabrics and especially like the blue and white on your breakfast room chairs. My book club just finished reading The Light Between Oceans and we all gave it top marks. Can’t wait for the movie!

Gosh I have to agree with the majority, the Bali hai ROCKS the breakfast room. Can’t wait to see the final result
Kris in Seattle

I have used Bali Hai for several clients and they always love it. It does fade a bit, though, sadly. I have a recommendation for a great movie: Florence Foster Jenkins. It is based on a true story and it seemed so simple and silly when I first heard of it, but it is a complex and interesting story, far beyond a woman who only thinks she can sing. As someone who does much work raising $$$$ for the arts, it is interesting how the angels who write the checks are still accommodated, but for good reason. Definitely worth viewing. I predict that Meryl Streep will win another award for it, and maybe even Hugh Grant, who is excellent as well.

A day late and a dollar short! I missed having my Sunday coffee with you yesterday. Positively ADORE those new planters that are coming to your shop!! They were made for my patio. Your new fabric on your chairs will look beautiful, even though I will miss the pugs. That new book looks great. Hope you have a wonderful week, dear Tina!

Love the Bali Hai fabric on your breakfast room chairs. It gives the room so much personality!

Weighing in…love the Bali Hai fabric in the breakfast room. The dark blue ripple brings your eye up, accentuating the soaring height of the windows. Not sure if it’s best used only on the back with a contrasting front cover OR only on some chairs? In any case…you always pull it off.

Dear Tina:

I think that the fabric, while beautiful, overwhelms the delicacy of the Breakfast room chairs. Go with the Pugs. I just do not feel it in this particular room.

Karen T.

I just finished “The Light Between Oceans” this weekend and could not put it down, I am really looking forward to the film. Michael Fassbender seems perfectly cast. I think you will not be disappointed in “Florence! Foster!! Jenkins!!!”

I have a different opinion of most of your bloggers’ comments. I believe the fabric vertical design doesn’t work in the breakfast area, being that the windows are vertical as well, which causes everything to look the same. It brings your eyes to the ceiling without stopping on the chairs. As well as, the chair in the living room, which will stand out too much because it’s a small piece to bring in that much attention, and steals away from the rest of the room. The sofa is for me the best option for this fabric because it will make the sofa stand out and becomes the focal point. The light wall color and blue details around the house makes everything tie in together and flow smoothly.

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