Comments : 21

Hello friends!  Hope you had a great weekend. We got the most beautiful snowfall, some pictures are below. I am a true kid in a candy store….I run around like a batty little kid frantic to take pictures from all angles, running out in my pjs and snow boots just to capture that “perfect shot”, I can’t get enough! I hope you are having a great week and no doubt the holiday frenzy has descended upon most of us.

For me, this is an insanely busy week- ornaments and holiday wrap coming in, preparing for my big holiday party this weekend and then it’s my birthday! So lots going on this week and doing my best to stay calm and and not let my anxiety over all that has to be done get the best of me. As I often do I periodically post on recent happenings in my life as seen through my trusty little iPhone. I let the pictures do the talking, so without further ado here we go…..


Nothing like fresh greens! The wreaths on above, I bought for my gates and love the 4 added red bows instead of one big bow

These poinsettias are massive about 3 feet wide!

This above is what I call a happy mess…a work in progress which should be wrapped up by this Friday:)

Great tip alert- if you are like me and prone to loading up your car with greenery that sheds like crazy at a moments notice, carry an old fitted sheet in your car. This was wrapped around the headrests of the front seat and back and “cradled” all the greenery thus saving my poor car from acres of pine needles, worked like a charm!

Remember how I told you I am really into flocking? Well I now am doing it on pinecones and love the effect……flock on!

And our beautiful snowfall

Our darling Christmas tree in the office that Margaret and Brittany set up!

Isn’t this a beauty? Gave me an great idea..

We went to Mrs. Wilkes while in Savannah and clearly we were not underfed:)

Love the combination above…..beautiful!

One of the pretty churches in Palmetto bluff on a foggy morning, pretty as a picture

The stables in Palmetto Bluff are like a heaven for these lucky horses!

A beautiful wedding in PB, isn’t this dreamy? And then it is so beautiful over the holidays all lit up like a pretty package-

Palmetto Bluff around the holidays is magical

Getting back to the office to these gorgeous pillows going out to a lucky client

Received this most amazing HUGE fruit basket for Thanksgiving….such good fruit!

Office mayhem, and this is the office you should see the warehouse:)

Had people over,  love any chance to make my favorite foods, things I could easily live on:)

Woke up one morning last week and look was casually strolling past my living room window

Love my Spode blue and white oven to table dishes they are so wonderful and really practical


Lots happening and this week in particular is destined to be crazy busy so I am doing my best to be well rested and ready! I know it’s a crazy time of year for all of us and I hope you too are pacing yourself….mini breaks help and that includes wine:)

Thanks for stopping in, wishing you a great day and wonderful start to your week! Until next time…


ANNOUNCEMENT- Ornaments arrived!  Today is a last call sale day for ornaments, we just got a big shipment in and are finally caught up with all ornament orders and shipping today and tomorrow!

We also got in the gold/white ginger jar gift toppers which we were thinking we were not getting in!! They are so beautiful. So if you wanted them just give us a call or email and we can get them out today

 Place your order today, your order ships today! Click here for all the details-


Our HOLIDAY LOVE contest is officially full, thank you for sending in your beautiful pictures. I can hardly wait to share them with you. So much holiday inspiration that really revved up my holiday spirit in a big way . OK, signing off…..







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Tina, I was so happy to unpack and see my TEH ornaments again this year. If anyone is contemplating ordering them do not hesitate any further. They are beautiful! They are delicate yet substantial. The large flat to ginger jars are large! So striking on the tree along with the smaller ginger jars and painted balls. I have all three in greens and golds – Yes, I am a devoted TEH follower, but B&W are not my primary color palette. I can hear the gasps now! LOl.. Belated Happy Birthday!!XO

So, so beautiful! I used to live where it snowed a lot and now live in Florida…I will never forget the thrill of the first big snow that makes everything perfectly perfect!
Thanks for sharing!

Now YOU ARE getting ME INTO this full force….must gather magnolia branches and locate red berries!!! Gorgeous photos!! franki

Happy almost your birthday Tina! Have a wonderful week, it looks busy and beautiful.

Hi Tina,
Love your blog! Read it daily.
Just wondering if you would consider making Buddah ornaments for the blue and white tree lovers. Had my Christmas party last weekend and several people said they loved my blue and white tree, but it needs a buddah! Can’t find one anywhere.
Have a great week!

Tina, I’m a North Carolina follower, and we too had snow last Friday! I could not get anything done Friday evening because I was walking from window to window just to see the different vistas as the snow fell. Just when I thought it could not get any more magical, 6 deer appeared in the meadow at twilight, paused, posed, and looked straight in at me in the dining room! It was my real life Christmas card. Thank you for all the beauty and inspiration you share. Happy Birthday Tina!!!!

I love the idea of the 4 little red bows instead of one large one for the wreathes, and the Spode oven-to-table dishes are indeed truly wonderful! With Christmas preparations and my son just arriving for the college break, I’m a little behind on the blog so the table of food from Mrs. Wilkes caught me by surprise, but made this Georgia girl suddenly hungry for “home-cookin’ ” (as only done in that fashion!)

Tina, I missed seeing Teddy in your snow pictures today. I enjoy the memories of Teddy in your past photos in your posts.
Be Well

Tina ,your mayhem looks beautiful! I love everything I’ve seen on your blog. Your pictures are lovely–both the SC ones and ones of your gorgeous yard. Happy almost birthday –hope it’s a great one.

Hi. Happy Holidays!!! Wondering where the porcelain pagodas I see on the site are from, do you sell them or would you furnish a resource. Thanks, Carolyn

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