Comments : 13

Hello! Before I can being this post, I have to say I am devastated by the tragedy that unfolded in Kentucky, Tennessee and Illinois in such a relatively short span of time. So tragic and so much loss. I am going to donate 10% of all sales today and tomorrow to Samaritan’s Purse to help the tremendous relief effort that is in motion. Everyone has to do their part, small and large….it all helps. I will be keeping those affected in my prayers in the days ahead. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I want to first announce the winner of our giveaway. Congratulations goes to-

#74  Mells

The wooden potpourri Christmas trees are my favorite. Unique!

Please email us at [email protected] to provide your shipping details so your prize can be on the way!


We have have a busy weekend on tap and I know today I will look forward to a day of rest plus of course continuing to trim the tree  and decking my halls. I am doing a little bit every day, that’s how I do my best work. Can’t believe how these weeks are going by so fast and furiously. I mean Christmas is a mere two weeks away. I am admittedly not quite feeling the spirit as I always do, but making the best of things. I am also for the record perfectly OK to bid adieu to 2021 and bet I have plenty of company:)

Hope all is well on your end. Let’s get rolling with this weeks Seven on Sunday…..



1 MY AMAZING CUSTOMERS PHOTOS You know how much I enjoy showing off my customers amazing homes featuring our products. Gives me such a thrill! And around the holidays, they really shine. Keep them coming, these just make me so happy! Have one to share featuring one of our products? Email your picture to [email protected]

2 AN OLD CLASSIC MADE NEW AGAIN THAT YOU WILL NEED FOR YOUR PLAYLIST. A very dear friend of mine who is blessed with a fabulous voice has just completed her newest release, featuring my all time favorite song, What a wonderful world. If any song can put a smile on your face and fill your heart with happiness, this is the one.

Her melodic voice is the perfect compliment to this all time classic favorite. I always say her voice needs to be in movie scores! Such a classically beautiful voice. So proud of her and this phenomenal new release.  Click here to download the song…….it’s a keeper not only during the holidays but the entire year, just makes you feel good!

Listen to it and tell me it doesn’t warm your heart and make you smile:)

Loved this review about the release, click here



3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST OK from here on in, its only about the holidays!! Can’t get enough of the incredible beauty and holiday inspiration out there, too much to choose from:)


4 A STUNNING HOLIDAY HOME Every ounce of this beautifully decorated home is perfection in my book. So elegant, timeless and yet it feels incredibly cozy and welcoming. Really well done! Click here to read more over at BHG.

5 MY LITTLE CHRISTMAS TREES One day while trying to muster any holiday spirit I could find, I went to my  local supermarket and saw these adorable 3.3-4 ft trees (real) outside being sold. I had always wanted to put one in a fishbowl and place it somewhere indoors.

I instead bought two and brought them home not quite sure what I was going to do with them. So my first thought was to use fake snow and turned out it was a great idea! I love sno blower. Such a breeze to use and the effect is beautiful. Here is how that went and the before and after.

Then I started adding ornaments and  used my beautiful french blue grosgrain ribbon and made small bows. I couldn’t love it more it’s so sweet.  Still putting the finishing touches on it but you get the idea. It is such a welcoming sight when you talk through my front door-

6 MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SOUP DESERVES AN ENCORE Have posted this recipe before but honestly its so darn good, it feels like a public service announcement:) This is heaven in a soup bowl. Because of the pasta added, it could easily be a meal.

Add a crusty baguette, even better. It is actually quite easy to make and I always double up so I can freeze half for a cold wintry day.  I get emails from readers who have made it telling me its their new favorite soup…….yes, it’s that good!  Definitely becoming a weekly part of our menu especially in the winter.

7 SUNDAYS SURVEY  I have found that this year, unlike most,  I have given myself a break, understanding that its been a stressful few years, add in other stressors and well, you do the best you can. Normally I stress and fret way too much over the holidays but I am finding that I am giving myself permission to do things at a pace that I am comfortable with, understanding that it may or may not be done to the extent I tend to decorate for Christmas. I tend to be perfectionist and once I get my mind on something there is no stopping me. This year, I am being a little gentler to myself.

But this year, I feel a little differently and I am relieved as it’s taking some pressure off. I am doing this at my own pace and yes, things will get done.  But maybe not that long list I had in my mind in June! Yes,  I wanted a tree in my family room and one in the library but it’s not happening. I wanted a wreath in every window with big red bows. I wanted to come up with really unusual phenomenal gifts for each family member. Those “extras” won’t be happening this year. But I do know that enough will be done and our home will be filled with what’s most important, my family. Do you find yourself also being a little kinder to yourself and giving yourself a bit of a break? I hope so, because it feels really good.


And that is a wrap my friends. Heep you enjoyed the post, I am blogging only 2-3 times a week as we are so insanely busy. Blogging,  I always say is like my own little therapy, I love sitting down with just me and my thoughts and penning whatever is on my mind. And I very much look forward to resuming some of my favorite posts after Christmas. Wishing everyone a wonderful ,relaxing day. I know many of you are decking those halls,  I will be going the same. Stay calm and jingle on……


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Thank you Tina for all the wonderful pictures and article this morning. It was just what I needed! Have a wonderful week.

Thank you, thank you so very much for supporting Samaritan’s Purse. This organization is unequaled in their disaster response. Their armada of laden tractor trailer trucks were headed west before we were out of bed the morning following the tornadoes. A check with Charity Navigator confirms SP uses every bit possible of your donated dollar on the projects you wish to support. Our hearts are so heavy for our neighbors who are suffering. Thanks again for your help.

Thank you for reposting the fabulous Pasta Fagiole Soup recipe. I’m making it tonight! Bless you for donating to the Tornado Relief cause.

What a fantastic post- it’s like my favorite newspaper and magazine all in one. Thank you so much for your support for the victims from the tornadoes, as you said it is almost too much to comprehend.

I am in love with your little Christmas tree in blue and white it is spectacular you have inspired me to try and duplicate!

Your friends voice is beautiful, reminds me a lot of Karen Carpenter very similar tone, what a beautiful rendition of an all-time favorite song.

Love everything you do and my Sunday mornings would not be complete without reading your blog.

All so gorgeous! Love your friends new song too.
That soup I have made many times and it is DIVINE.

Blessings to you – and Samaritan’s Purse is an AWESOME organization and very worthy of your donations 🙂

From reading your posts it appears you’ve had a difficult year and found it hard to get into the Christmas spirit. I have had a few of those years, especially when a family member is not doing well. I was glad to see that you gave yourself permission to do a little less and be satisfied with that. It was a good message for your readers. Sometimes we need to be reminded that being kind to ourselves is essential.
Thanks so much for your blogs. I love the recipes and the beautiful pictures of homes and table settings.
Happy holidays,

Tina, think of it as “stopping and taking the time to smell the flowers.” Just like the weather, some days the sun is shining brightly and other days, it’s pouring rain! When we take the time to slow down, we’re being wise and mature. I, myself have slowed down and have no qualms about doing so. Years ago, it would have bothered me, I got over it!
Merry Christmas!

Good morning Tina. So many interesting articles and beautiful photos to look at today.
The home in Mississippi is gorgeous and the Christmas decorations are tasteful and not overdone. So pretty.
The tornadoes that ravaged the South were horrendous! Our son was traveling in southern Illinois, with his young family, to Missouri Friday night in all that bad weather. They had to pull off and take shelter in a gas station’s restroom, along with other people, until the storm had passed. This same son lost his home to a tornado in 2013 and takes the weather very seriously.
Unfortunately, it will take a year or more for these hard hit places to rebuild. All first responders and donations are greatly appreciated, for sure.

I have been feeling the same as you. While I normally love (and normally am super energized!) to decorate every space I can, I just can’t seem to find the energy/spirit to get it done this year… It seems like I’m two weeks behind! But I am plugging along, trying to get at least one good task done daily and that is how it has to be.
Thank you for your efforts towards those in the path of those horrendous tornadoes. I have dear friends in Mayfield, KY who survived because as a teacher, she and her husband were helping out at the High School/shelter and it withstood the storm. I cried in Church on Sunday knowing her beautiful historic church on the square was obliterated. I pray for all of them to feel the arms of Jesus around them especially as we move through this Christmas season.

Thank you so much for the lovely pictures you posted today. I loved every single one and enjoyed looking at all the beauty. It’s good to see beautiful things that we can be thankful for. It encourages our imagination lifts our spirit.

I was thrilled to put out my “blue and white” tree this year. I used your sweet toppers as my ornaments. It blesses me to my core. I found your 12/19 post totally relatable regarding how hard the past 20 months have been. Hoping all stay well

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