Comments : 30

Hi and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.  I will not be doing a Seven on Sunday today, as this will be a tribute to the most most wonderful mom I could have dreamed of having, my own mom who has been gone now for just over 6 months. Its been a difficult week for me. There is no more noble, selfless or heroic job than being a mother. It is full of ups and downs, highs and lows, hiccups and triumphs but I think we can all agree…we wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

My sons have brought me untold joy (and plenty of headaches along the way) but they helped to define who I am and gave me my most important role in life. I must say on a personal note, I had the very best growing up. I realize I was one of the very luckiest ones.

My mother embodied everything that one would classify as a a perfect mother. I have never met anyone more selfless, kinder, gentler, more giving, most elegant, more empathetic, more sensitive to others needs than my beautiful beloved mother. Last Sunday marked the 6 month mark that she was gone. It hit me really hard and its been a really melancholy week for that reason. It is a lingering sadness that I suspect over time will fade but never completely go away.

The grieving process feels like 2 steps forward one step back all the time. Every now and then I will stop and realize she is really gone forever and it feels like a downright sucker punch. My mom was always my “go to” when I was stressed, upset, sad, whatever. She was my safe zone. Just hearing her voice brought down my blood pressure and confirmed that everything was going to be OK.

When I went to visit them in VA, the minute I walked into the house, I was met with the biggest smile and warmest bear hug. Familiar and aromatic scents permeated the house,  a perfect blend of an (always) sparkling clean home and something good cooking on the stove. I walked in and immediately felt safe and cocooned from the rest of the world and any stress it brought my way.

So to have my mom, who was literally my rock taken away from me has been traumatic and heartbreaking. Make no mistake, I am doing fine. I am going back to “a semi normal life” like seeing friends here and there or going out for dinner with couples, but I will tell you, it’s like there is a permanent gray filter over everything I do.

The perspective has shifted, nothing seems as wonderful or exciting as it used to. And truth is, I am my absolute happiest being home, tinkering around my garden, planting flowers or puddling around, that’s when I feel closest to her,  always looking for that red cardinal that showed up on her 6 month anniversary.

I know with time this will get easier as so many have told me and I am confident in that but today, boy, do I miss her. I always loved showering her with special gifts and always, always a box of See’s candy (her absolute fave). I almost always made it there for Mother’s Day so this year it feels strange  and of course, very sad to not be spending it with her.


I will be going out for an early family  dinner with my family and I am sure it will be wonderful but nothing can take away from the fact that on this first Mothers Day without my mom, is a tough day.


I know many of you know this feeling and I am sorry for anyone who has had to experience such grief. It really does leave a hole in your heart. I used to think that sounded so dramatic when others would make that reference, little did I know I would experience it and wholeheartedly agree. It’s an indescribable kind of heartache though I know the grieving process is different for everyone.

For me, it’s been really rough, I have found working has been very cathartic, to be able to throw my energies into something I love has been strangle healing. I also find solace in flower arranging and working in my garden. I try to channel my mom’s beautiful spirit doing things I know she would have like to have done.

These last two  pictures are very dear to me as they were taken while she was in the hospital and though I have a picture of both us (I squeezed into her hospital bed every night) so we could watch TV together, she would not have wanted me to share that picture but the picture of our feet though looking quite insignificant is one of the most important memories of my life.  She was a true lady through and through and she would certainly not want to be seen in a hospital gown!  But our hands entertained like this always brings tears to my eyes, how I miss holding her hand.

It gave me an inner peace that is indescribable. So I am thankful to have all of these wonderful pictures to hold onto. I know she lives in my heart forever until we are united again. Hope you are resting in peace Mom, not an hour goes by that I don’t think of you. Love you forever.

To all the moms out there, both new and old, hope you cherish this day with those you love. Being a mother is a gift that not one everyone is able to experience. To those, like me, who are experiencing Mother’s Day without your moms, I hope that those you love will help to fill the void that is everlasting on this day.  I want to wish you a day filled with joy, gratitude and an immense appreciation of the gift of a single day. Especially when it can be spent with your mother. Thanks for stopping in, until next time…….


My mom was a giver so today only we are offering 30% off our entire shop site in her name (code- Mimi)

Does not apply to presale items

Click here to visit shop

This ends at midnight



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It is never easy losing a Mother. May the memories you have made with your beautful mother continue to bring you comfort. She is always with you.

A beautiful tribute to your Mom….she is with you today and always through all of the beautiful memories you shared!

You wrote about your Mother and your feelings about her so eloquently!
My Mom is 85 and I sometimes become so frustrated with her. Your words remind me to just enjoy the time I have with her, let things go, and just love her!

What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful mom, I see where you get your good locks from! I am so inspired by the love that you have for your mom and how you so eloquently have expressed it, you have no idea how many people you’re helping and letting them know that they are not alone in the grieving. Hope your boys and hubby spoil you today!

You are not just an entrepreneur. I consider you a friend, despite the fact that we have never met for your share your life with all of us. Thank you, I too had a loving mom, how blessed we are!

What a wonderful tribute. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family, and enjoy your memories.

Happy Mothers Day Tina. Your family pictures are inspirational and tell so many stories for all of us. Thank You.

Tina your beloved mom passed on my 84th Birthday…..My own beloved mom, to whom I owe much of what i became and am today, came from my mom.. She taught by example, as I am sure your mom did also. Not a day goes by I do not think of her…and even now i often feel her around me…It gets better with time but you never, ever forget her……

Dearest Tina, First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to you! Secondly, I am so very sorry you are going through this pain after the loss of your dear Mom. Queen Elizabeth said it so well, “Grief is the price we pay for having great love.” From all you have said, your Mom was the best & how fortunate you had her for a mother. My Mom passed in 2002 & there is not a day that goes by without my thinking of her & missing her. My heart is sharing your deep loss. I am sure your Mom is still with you. I believe that love is such a strong emotion that it never dies. Please take care –

Thinking of you today and remembering my first Mother’s Day without my mother -10 days after she died and now 24 years ago. For those of us blessed with mother’s like yours, the hole in our hearts is especially large. It will never go away, but time smoothes the rough edges and cherished memories outpace the sadness. You are not alone!

Tina, what a beautiful tribute to your Mother. My mom passed away in 2014. I had to chuckle when I read the See’s candy reference, as my mom LOVED those too! All your mother’s attributes live on through you. Enjoy the day with your family.

The pain in your grieving is measured by your loss.
I, too, have lost my mom 40 years ago come this December and it’s true, the pain is no longer as intense as that first year of loss.
What remains is an overwhelming sadness that she’s not with you enjoying the most simplest joys of life… skies, birds singing, the scent of beautiful flowers, the cup of tea with a loved one, the look in her eyes letting you know things will be better……..
.Have a peaceful Mother’s Day with your loving family and reminisce with them the love you had for your dear mom.

Such a beautiful tribute!! This is my third year without her and in 2020 she was in a nursing home and was rushed to the hospital, so I did see her. It is a bit easier, but not easy. My sisters, brother and I met at her grave, which is a little easier. My mother loved us to chatter always. So you doing things that were close to her is helpful, like your gardens. I hope you have a happy Mothers Day with your children, as I will and my grandchildren. Please know you are not alone.

I loved reading your post today; it brought me so many memories of my beautiful Mom and how I miss her. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.

Your dear mother reminds me of my mother. Both are elegant and beautiful ladies with every important trait that is so essential for being the best mom! I lost my best friend, my “go to” rock and my biggest supporter 20 years ago. My loss never goes away but I have learned to accept, adjust and be grateful for having a wonderful mother. As we grow older, we become those super ladies and continue their legacy by walking in their same shoes. I truly understand Mother’s Day, my family’s special day celebrating our special mom. Twenty years later, I toast my mother and thank her for everything. I hope I am giving the same to my wonderful 31-year old son. We are so blessed! Take care today.

For you, Tina,
Tonight we pray for the momma who has lost her own momma. Lord, there is not a day that goes by where she doesn’t miss her, doesn’t wish she could call her just to hear her voice or visit over a cup of coffee. Lord, there are so many celebrations that she wishes that her momma was here to share in such as a new grandchild, a wedding, or perhaps a graduation. And then the heartbreakingly precious ones such as baby’s first steps, first tooth, or first smile. Lord, tonight we ask that You help this momma to rest. Even in sadness let her experience joy. Grant her peace. Help her through this coming Mother’s Day. We ask in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Dearest Tina
Thinking of you on Mothers Day and always, this week especially, You are a beautiful mother and wife and wonderful daughter, and your mom Mimi is watching down on you all with love and pride. Your tribute to her brought tears to my eyes once again, how lucky you all were to have her. I hope this day, you will get to spend some time in your lovely garden, I have been so happy to see your many blossom trees and flowering shrubs, loving gardening as I also do. I pray it will bring you some healing being there outside, amongst the nature.
Sending blessings and fond love to you my dear friend
Sally xxx


What a lovely tribute to your dear and precious Mom, Tina. It is so hard to lose a Mom. I lost my dear Mom in April 1996 and, to me, it is still hard as I just miss her so much. My first Mother’s Day without my dear Mom was so difficult and there’s still an ache in my heart that I don’t think time will ever heal.

Hold on to all the precious memories as they will become more precious as the days go by.

The pictures you shared with us are lovely.

Your love and life is the best legacy your Mom has left behind. The way you mourn her loss is such an honor to her. I lost my Mom I was 13 years old- you never really get over losing your Mom. They are irreplaceable. Your Mom was a beautiful and elegant lady. How lucky she was to have you for a daughter!❤️

So beautiful, I’m crying ❤️
She certainly sounds like someone we all would have been so honored to meet.

Tina, your beautiful tribute to your lovely mom brought tears to my eyes! You are soooo very blessed to have had her in your life for so long! I do know the heartache, as well.

I am 86 years old and lost my mother at 8 years old …..
I still miss her and think if her every day…

So sorry, and so difficult. My own mother died in 2011 of Alzheimer’s. My brother and I took care of her—24/7—for seven years. So I know what it’s like. Prayers up for you.

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