Comments : 9

Hi there, hope you are having a great day so far. I had a week of highs and lows so channeling positive happy energy today to make it a good day! We are continuing to work through our warehouse for our huge and daunting organization project but we are making progress, it feels slow some days but definitely moving in the right direction.

Also made great progress on our new website this week (a very good thing) so its looking like we are closer to the finish line, and frankly it cannot happen a moment too soon. Thanks for your patience! We have several containers of goods coming in by end of the month so we are anxiously awaiting those, filled with all kinds of beautiful new arrivals. We were going to do the presale this week but the schedule did not allow for it, so it will be held next week (very much worth the wait)!

I like to share life lately via pictures taken on my phone. Yes, I like to take a lot of pictures,  but one day when I get to look back on all these posts, what a wonderful memory they will be to reflect on. And you know what, I think my family will enjoy them one day too. Kind of reminds me many moons ago when we were on vacation in Hawaii and I “made” my family dress up in matching aloha wear. Oh boy,  the arguments, pushback and scouring faces I will never forget….but fast forward 15 years later, they all admit it’s one of their favorite family pictures to date (and mine too)!  So here is the good and pretty only:)


My garden makeover is almost complete, I am so happy with how its turning out….cannot wait to start until the picking season!

Never enough white flowers

Prettiest time of the day, the golden hour

Three simple dishes for the most delicious meal I make 2x a week, Branzino chopped Greek salad and asparagus (or whatever vegetable I have on hand)

This fabulous Chippendale bar is in production, very excited about these! Stay tuned for details (these casters are not the ones we are using, we are using brass casters)


Were invited to a friends home with the prettiest view…..felt like we were right in the middle of the water!

Most exciting meeting in years….meeting with our architect to give a final OK to our renovation plans, THRILLED to announce we finally got our approvals! Felt like it took forever but happy that part is over.

True story here- went to Trader Joes, saw a Nordstrom Rack next door, had left my sunglasses at home, figured I could go in and find a pair. I actually found two. Not crazy expensive but certainly not CVS sunglass prices either. Not only was the cashier painfully slow, but he hands me my 2 glasses literally with noting, no bag, no case, nothing. I then ask can you put them in a little case, cover? He says they have nothing. Then I say how about some tissue paper. Nope. Finally I say OK then a bag? To which he says they only have huge bags for suits. So he hands me my “purchase” in a Fedex sleeve. I KID YOU NOT.

Loving my blue and white fishbowls


Made a delicious pomegranate margarita (skinny version, no agave)

Had to share one of our newest tray tables, just so in love with this!!!! Cannot wait to bring one home! Coming in approx 8 weeks (will be on our next chin tole presale)

Pesto for the win. Was invited to friends house for a BBQ, so I made the addition. I am staying off carbs right now but did a small taste test and it was so good! Pesto is really quite easy and so flavorful. I freeze it when I make it and love it for so many things- marinade for chicken, shrimp or steak, and of course its amazing with pasta.

The last batch of peonies. This was my “peony mobile”run.  We were supposed to leave to go to Palmetto Bluff so was giving my flowers away to a few people then ended up not going, due to our driveway being worked on and not being accessible and 96 degrees!!

Could not love this more!

Wish I could freeze this and keep it forever!

Restocked some of our beautiful pleated lampshades

I have never seen a white peacock! My friend sent this to me, it is so beautiful!

This I swear is every bit as good as ice cream, I take half plain Greek yogurt and half vanilla Greek yogurt, mash fresh raspberries into it, with a handful of the assorted raw mix (found at Trader Joes) It is soooo good. Perfect blend of sweetness, tartness and crunch!

Newest color wicker flatware, love this soft green! Will be online later today…


We did a recent inventory and our silver, linens and gift wrap is flying off the shelves. Today thorough Sunday these three categories are 50% off!  

use code happy

Click here for silver

Click here for gift wrap

Click here for linens


Also for anyone who was interested in our custom lattice bars….


And that, my friends is a wrap for today. Hope you enjoyed my post. Busy days here, kind of waiting for the “relaxing summer days” to kick in! I already feel like its going by quickly, we have a pretty full summer ahead so going to try and take one day a week to savor the slower, longer days of summer and do something relaxing, like visiting my favorite farmstands, a day with a friend, maybe a beach day, etc…..I say it often, but life is and should be about balance. Not something I am terribly great at, but it’s a work in progress! Wishing everyone a fabulous day, until next time…..

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Your peonies are wonderful. In Oklahoma, we have to protect them from the sun. I can no longer eat tomatoes but love a Greek salad. I have made it without tomatoes and it just isn’t the same. What would you do?

Thank you for sharing all the beautiful things!

Nordstrom Rack – DO better! I just had something very similar happen to me yesterday…has common sense (and customer service) gone out the window?

I find myself smiling when I read your blog! Thank you, Tina.

Any thoughts on the suggestion you consider writing a lifestyle coffee table book complete with recipes, design tips,

Happy Wednesday! Thanks for the laugh—I realize it isn’t funny, but the sunglass story is a good one and relates to so much we are experiencing today. This morning I had such a scare. I ordered an oyster plate to complete a set, and received a two headed scary doll. The seller had help when packaging their orders and they messed up the labels. We got it sorted out but what a scare.
Great photos, your garden beds look so good!

Your Greek yogurt is BETTER than ice cream. Healthier, too. I put this together frequently for myself. For Hubby? just the fruit.

I am REALLY excited to watch your renovations!! And your vegetable garden is amazing, the gravel around all the beds is perfect, keeps the whole garden looking tidy and no mud. You have a very beautiful property.

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