Tag: new products

Need your take and a giveaway!

Need your take and a giveaway!
Comments : 108

Hello and happy Thursday  to you. So, it was funny I was going through my draft box of various ideas, mood boards, reiterations of products, hundreds and hundreds of them and a few really stuck out at me (well, maybe more than a few). And this made me start thinking again about potentially putting these […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone……

Random musings as seen through my iPhone……
Comments : 9

Hi there, hope you are having a great day so far. I had a week of highs and lows so channeling positive happy energy today to make it a good day! We are continuing to work through our warehouse for our huge and daunting organization project but we are making progress, it feels slow some […]

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Seven on Sunday

Comments : 11

Hello there, hope you are well. First want to announce the winner of he tole planter giveaway Congratulations goes to-   #8 DONNA says: I so appreciate your humility and concern for your readers. Thank you! Please email [email protected] to choose ivory or green with your shipping address so your prize can be on the way! […]

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