Comments : 5

Hello and happy Friday. I am so happy the weekend is here, it’s been an unusually hectic, stressful week with a few good things sprinkled in…such is life. I periodically show life through the lens of my trusty little iPhone, the good and pretty only. And by far the best highlight is our precious little Phillip and any time spent with him (pretty much a few hours daily). So in love with that little cherub.

In the warehouse, we continue with our deep dive and feel like we really are about half way there, so we will continue to hold our warehouse sales until we are fully cleaned out and ready for holiday and spring merchandise (in a few months). I don’t want to even jinx it but our new website is now days away from launching (doing a serious happy dance) We will keep you posted!

Hope you are having a wonderful week, fall is here, the leaves are turning their glorious colors and the temps are starting to drop. I love it, fall is my season! Phase one of our renovation is underway, it will never feel fast enough for me and frankly this stage is rather boring but does signify progress! I will start a series on our renovation in the coming weeks.

OK here is life in the last ten days or so…..




The one meal always on a weekly rotation in my house

Did a deep dive into my holiday decorating room and immediately got a jolt of Christmas spirit! Our gorgeous holiday florals will be making a new debut in a few weeks

LOVE our porcelain and chinoiserie tole trees (all coming back in stock)

More gorgeous holiday florals

And yes, even a big basket of Easter eggs were found in my special little room:)

Took the cutest little pumpkin to his first pumpkin patch!

The cute little family:)

Lunch at Farm Italy, a great restaurant in Huntington

Dinner with four couples at Autentico, loved the presentation and the food was excellent!

True story, was making dinner, realized I had no more tomatoes or cucumbers and decided to go to pretty much dead garden to see if any remnants were lying around, and lo and behold, the little garden that kind of let me down this summer, gave me a beautiful parting gift! Just e3nought for a salad for two

Our precious little angel!

That beautiful late day sun….

Love our white wicker balloons, need to plan something in the spring to use them!

Celebrated my oldest son’s birthday, and was so happy to have my dad in town! Unfortunately middle son was in California and he was missed.


And that’s a wrap on the highlights of life lately! Hope you having a wonderful day, and great start to your weekend. Until next time….




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What a lovely family!! You are a lucky woman! And that Phillip is the most precious little guy ever!!! Takes me back….
sweet, cuddly, baby boys! It’s the best time in all of your lives!! So happy for you!

So much to love and admire here. You have a beautiful family and you my dear look like Phillips mommy not grandmother! He looks like a doll.

Love the holiday florals when will they come back in? I am over halloween decorating and want to start doing my Christmas decorating earlier this year to savor it for a longer period.

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