Tag: gardening

An epic presale on tabletop and home accessories plus a giveaway!

An epic presale on tabletop and home accessories plus a giveaway!
Comments : 39

Hello friends, hope you are well.  This sale is SO good, you will want to definitely take a 15 min break for this one…I promise! We have not had a presale or arrival sale in a while so it’s overdue and this is worth the wait, I promise! We have a whooper of a sale […]

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Seven on Sunday

Seven on Sunday
Comments : 13

***Reminder our custom lattice bar mailer went out yesterday, if you were one who was interested email [email protected] and put the word “bar” on subject line. You will be sent the mailer***   Hi there and happy Sunday. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Over here no complaints, some fun plans with friends, will […]

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Random musings as seen through my iPhone

Random musings as seen through my iPhone
Comments : 7

Hi Everyone! Hope you are having a good week. Here summer is flying by and I must say we have not had a great summer of weather. Very few truly nice summer dry days. Almost all oppressively hot, humid with rain or just gray sticky days. I know I am not alone and of course […]

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