Seeking grace and beauty in the everyday

Random musings as seen through my iPhone.....
07.26.2024 07:55
Hi and happy Friday, every few weeks I like to share life happenings via my trusty little iPhone which might need replacing soon,  doing a lot of wacky things. Been a very hectic stressful week but hopefully the weekend will bring about smoother sailing:) Also been really busy and hectic at the ...
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Our Italy trip- part one!
07.23.2024 07:55
Hi there, so about 3 weeks ago we set off for 9 incredible days to Italy. We had not been in several years and this time took our youngest with us. We started off in Rome and to me, Rome is always a magical city. Filled with such rich culture and history. On previous visits we had seen all of the ...
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Seven on Sunday
07.21.2024 07:48
Hi there, hope you are having a nice weekend. Rough week for me but the weekend got much better because yesterday I threw a baby shower for my daughter in law (still getting used to saying that) It was such a fun and magical day and made it all feel so real. We are very very excited for the big ...
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An amazing tabletop and wicker arrival sale starts now!
07.17.2024 07:53
Hello friends, hope you are well.  This sale is SO good, you will want to definitely take a 15 min break for this one...I promise! We got in 2 incredible shipments with all kinds of amazing goodies, many new items too. We have a whooper of a sale today. Best part is these are they are ready to ...
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Seven on Sunday
07.14.2024 07:11
Hi friends! I am back after a wonderful trip to Italy, which I will be sharing over the next week or two. So. much to share, the beauty was overwhelming! Its taken a couple of days to readjust and get back in the saddle.  Ended up getting a miserable abdominal migraine which put me down a full day ...
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