Comments : 125

Hi there, and happy Saturday morning to you! I have had a borderline migraine for the last 30 hours so haven’t been around much. This time even the 80 mg. of Relpax did not do the trick which was unusual but I woke up feeling, while not 100%,  definitely better. It never became full blown but didnt’ entirely go away. Anyone else suffer from them? Any remedies you care to recommend? Some have said acupuncture. I would consider anything at this point. I do think I suffer from cluster migraines and there is not doubt in my mind that these are brought on by stress.

So really hoping its on its way out for good!! It looks like my random musings on the weekends are becoming a regular gig so here I am with more randomness….a few questions answered below then the start of my little of this and a little of that in no order whatsoever! Hoping and wishing you a wonderful and relaxed weekend! 

Before I begin, the time has come folks, for me to address two anonymous commenters. I am just going to say this, if you don’t have something nice to say, please not only do not say it but please do not come to my blog. Its that simple. I do not know who you are, but can only sympathize with you as you must be an unhappy individual to have to try to tear someone else down. I am a big girl with thick skin but still cannot imagine doing that. Furthermore, when you insult my readers as well, that is where I must draw the line. That is unacceptable. The second this type of comment appears again it will be swiftly removed, so dont’ waste your time. On that subject, can I just say again how great my readers are? I was so touched at how many of you spoke directly to “anonymous” and emailed me expressing your disdain for their comments. You guys are the best!!

1. What is the color of my laundry room cabinets?  I matched Starks Slate II to a Ben. Moore color, and they made it up for me. 

2. What kind of marble did I use in my kitchen? Calcutta Gold Select

3. Who makes the sconces shown in my boys rooms? They were all ordered from Visual Comfort and were a combination of Ralph Lauren and Thomas O Brien’s line, I had several inquiries about different bathrooms so not sure which specially you wanted but they were all from either of those two  lines.

4. Who makes the hardware for the kitchen and butlers? Everything came from RK International

5. Are there “hidden drawers” in the vanity below the mirror in my sons room? No they might look like it but they are just flat decorative panels.

6. Is “the tower” the main foyer? It is, almost like a big vestibule/foyer which will lead to a wide gallery hallway that runs the entire width of the house.

7. Is this the main entrance we will use? No, there is a side entrance which we will use for every day.

8. And this question I quote by a mystery person again...
A new reader: I am intrigued by how old your sons are and whether those kinds of bathrooms are really suitable and were chosen by (teenage?) boys. Somehow I doubt it! Was anyone else in your family allowed any input into the design of any of the rooms? Your home does look impressive and obviously a fortune has been spent on it – but do you ever wonder whether you have created a pastiche of the French country chateau

OK….hummm how to address this, ugh..backhanded compliment I guess? My boys are all young men, 15-23. They love what their mom loves and trust my taste completely, I have not steered them wrong yet and don’t plan to. We all love marble and I gave them choices and we all agreed on what to do. Does that answer part one of your interrogation question.
Yes if you really want to know, we are a family I am not part of a dictatorship so we all had input on what happens in our home. But when it came to the rooms like the kitchen,living, dining,foyer, the formal rooms etc…no I wasn’t letting my 16 year tell me he wants black walls and white wall to wall carpet with a funky light fixture. I say to that…he should stick to what he does well, lacrosse and school and I will ‘do my thing”. And last no, never ever for a second wondered if I am creating a “pastiche of a French chateau”, instead what I think, no what I know  we have done is build a beautiful home with tremendous integrity and one that involved much time in researching the historical background of this style to be sure it was done architecturally correct. On top of that we were blessed to have an “A-1” team behind us every step of the way. We could not be any happier with the result. Hope that puts your “worries” to rest.

Thanks everyone for your questions and feel to ask anytime!

I want to get my hands on a chest like this or find a ‘good bones” chest and have it painted for my bedroom..isn’t it pretty?  Or buy an antique chest and have it painted, think this one is mighty pretty!! Love the colors

SCONCES FOR OUR BATHROOMS….OPINIONS WELCOME! We really need to order these like NOW, my husband couldn’t believe I hadn’t gotten them yet so I am under the gun to get this done. I have frantically been online for days looking…..what do you think? I do want something classic but elegant.

Sconces for hubbies bath, thoughts?

Same one in single light for his vanity
And for mine, these are nickel and rock crystal…

Isn’t this a great piece? I am having a hard time finding a place for it as it doesn’t fit in to where I originally wanted to use it. It is so beautiful though I am determined…..

So excited….I ordered my first wallpaper for the back powder room! The winner was…..

I think this must be everyone’s dream room. We have a very large basement which we are not finishing right now as its hardly a top priority, but eventually how neat would it be to carve out a small multi purpose room like this, I think I would spend all my time in there and never leave!!

Last night, after being in bed all day, I was going a little stir crazy so guess what I watched? An oldie but goodie…..Dr. Zhivago. It was sooo great and I forgot what a wonderful and beautiful movie that was, love old movies so much more than the new ones. Seen anything good lately?
Whats your favorite movie to watch around the holidays?
Well, that wraps things up here for this Saturday. Hope everyone is well, enjoying a nice weekend and wishing you an enchanted day! 


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I hope you are feeling better today. A friend of mine has told me that his wife has bedridden migrains. She has botox shots given in the forehead to relieve the pain. Just thought I’d pass that information to you in case it might help you as well.

Take care.

I do hope your migraine is gone for good, Tina. Great post as always. I love the powder room wallpaper, the bathroom sconce choices are beautiful – perhaps the double option would provide better lighting (so imperative in a bathroom).
I love the idea of a room designated for crafts and wrapping. I’ve designed a space for this in our basement if it ever gets finished. It’s been a work in progress for over two years!
Have a lovely day, Tina!
~ Wendi ~ xo

Tina I love what you are loving! Yes to those gorgeous sconces, love them both, they will stand the test of time.
My husbands all time favorite movie is Dr. Zhivago, I have had to sit and watch it with him more times than I can count:-)

Love the wallpaper, the marble vanity and your word of warning to any mean posters…well said. Feel better, I second the botox for migraines, my sister gets them on a regular basis and they have greatly reduced the frequency.

Hi Tina. I’ve come to realize that jealousy is usually at the root of nastiness. We all reap what we sow in one way or another – even the mean people. You and your blog are fabulous! And your home ain’t too shabby either!!! Keep up the fantastic work! Take care.

You go girl. You are living and fulfilling a dream! I am impressed with how you are hanlding it all and I can tell you are a good and kind person. I am always inspired when I see someone getting what they are after, it keeps me going so you are really an inspiration.
I love your home, your taste and your overall zest for life. Its shows in every post, and how you write. It is what keeps so many coming back. Keep doing what you are doing. Its pure happiness.

Hi Tina, I have been getting migraines lately too but luckily only optical ones – no pain. I’m sorry that it has been bothering you so much. Unfortunately I don’t have any good solutions! And, I have to say I admire your response to the anonymous *feedback*. Your integrity, while still standing your ground, is incredibly impressive. You truly deserve all the good that is coming to you. AND I was laughing out loud about saying you are having your son do what he does best…HOW TRUE. Well done my friend. πŸ™‚

I hadn’t read yesterday’s blog comments and just went back to read them. UK anny has quite a poison pen to write with it seems. It’s sad that a person has so much hatred in them and they are to be pitied.

There are many of us to will continue to visit your blog and enjoy whatever you choose to blog about.

Could you use the sink in your mudroom? Do you have a potting area? Happy with your choice of wallpaper, I love that one. I like the double sconce for bathroom. Find an antique chest &then paint it, hat’s what I did with my grandfather’s. Have you considered. Just erasing negative comments and not addressing it? Sometimes it’s just best to ignore them than to give them the satisfaction that their comment even matters.

And would love to have that multi-purpose room! How great would that be to have everything organized, in one place and @ your fingertips in a moment’s notice?

Hi Tina! Please offer the marble and pine commode sink for a giveaway! I would love to put it in my first floor bathroom!! haha!! Good riddance to bad rubbish~for all the losers who post ugliness on blogs and hide behind anon. Yuck!
I loved your sconces, so pretty!. I had to laugh as I once agreed to paint my 13 year old sons room black! It was horrible as he became depressed in such a dark cave…so I would never go to those lengths to please a child in the decor department again. Wise girl!
And honestly, I would have deleted that “inquiry/comment” as well. Just plain ugly.


How patient of you to answer all these questions and how rude that new reader is. Your house is fabulous! Love the wallpaper choice.

P.S. I featured your beautiful home yesterday. If you want to take a look. Happy weekend!

Hi Tina- if it makes you feel any better, some say that you know you have gotten big in the blogging world when you get a neg. comment here and there. I think that was the case with CotedeTexas…..and a few others. Its almost like being a big movie star, no one wants to pay attention the “small time stars” they focus on the big ones, so I guess in a weird way, it shows how far you have come. I think you addressed them beautifully and in a very classy manner.
And as usual every single thing you posted here I am completely smitten with. Feel better, botox does wonders!

I love your posts! I think your house is coming along so beautifully- I have enjoyed sharing the process! I can’t wait to see how you decorate it! I like all of the sconces, especially yours with the rock crystals- you can’t go wrong and I think it is important to utilize timeless fixtures and you have done it! Get well soon!

First try the natural remedies to relieve your headaches, like essential oils. There is also a product called my-gra-stick, which can be found at health food stores..feel better. Also drink a lot of water. I really like perrier w/lemon. Exercise & Sleep.

First, thank you Tina for posting the source for your sconces. I have bookmarked it.

Second. Oh. My. Word. I have a name for your migraine ant it is Anonymous. I have just read Miss Nasty’s anonymous posts of yesterday. Why does she keep coming back and commenting if she hates your blog so much? Go back to the U.K. Things are “sooooo much better” there! Marble soulless indeed! WTF!?!

Guess what Anonymous? I am planning on putting some in my ensuite, Mouhahaha! Just to bug you.

Whew, that felt better, lol! Kidding aside, I think your sons’ bathrooms are just fine. The fact that they are 15 to 23 means they won’t be home for too many more years, but the marble will be there for a very long time and is neutral enough if those rooms eventually become spare guest rooms. With kids, you have to think long term. Keep the fixtures neutral and use paint, fabric and art to style.

Tina, never mind the naysayers. I’m sure you and your husband have worked hard for years to get where you are, so you deserve it. And Anonymous, you don’t know enough about Tina to make assumptions: perhaps her husband and her donate a lot of time and money to worthy causes, which is I’m sure more than you do…

Please do not let some negative people keep you from posting. Yes- I wish I had the means to do what you are doing– but I don’t. I am honored to travel along with you through this process. Love the house. You are building a treasure– thanks for opening your life via the blog

I have suffered from migraines for years and years. The only thing that works for me is 100 mg. of sumatriptan (which is the generic form of Imitrex). I started out with 25 mg years ago, then went to 50mg, and now (I am 59 years old) I have to take 100 mg. Fortunately, I think I am “outgrowing” them, as they are not as frequent. Good luck to you. Your new home is fabulous!

Tina- I am just wondering if you would like me to send you a tube of Preparation H? I really think it would help dealing with some of the PITA’s that seem to target you! Oh? You can afford your own tube? Really? You mean you haven’t spent it all on your “pastiche of the French country chateau”? So… not only do you have a headache you have other end issues to deal with!;>)

Well, you KNOW this is NOT a poison comment..just one to say that those that write such critical reviews must be full of jealousy and have nothing better to do with their time.

And…as to the “mystery person” that left you the comment on the boys…WHAT? Are her children picking out HER underwear? Seriously?!?! This is YOUR home and you can make it wonderful for everyone that lives WITH you! Children are soon grown and gone and at those ages their tastes change from week-to-week ~ month-to-month! Crazy people. Again, I sense jealousy and too much time on one’s hands!

So….other than that- how the heck ARE you?;>) Love to you- Diana

Your home is exquisite. I, too, love marble and your choices of material throughout are so very tasteful.
Can’t wait to see the finished and furnished result!

love it all. the blog, your remarkable house, your happy writing style. i’m a follower who has heart palpitations with each new post! please reveal the source on that to-die-for wallpaper! and last, but not least, we have a son who has diet restrictions, so the whole family eats clean now. i was able to perfectly pinpoint a trigger to migraines b/c of my sweet little boy–food dye. my son also has reactions to artificial ingredients {preservatives, flavors, etc.}. dye is in more than just food though–it’s often in our medication and toothpaste. and mouthwash, and sandwich bread, decaf coffee, etc. hoping this helps! LOVE YOUR BLOG! naysayers be gone!!


First let me say I have enjoyed your blog so much. I feel as though I know you due to the open and very real way you talk to us all out here in blog land! Thank you for taking us along on your journey as you build your beautiful home. I have no doubt that you would put just as much thought and love into any home you created…from a tent to a mansion.

I also suffer from migraines. Everyone is different, but for me it seems to be an almost allergic reaction. Major triggers I have identified are wine, smoke (impossible for me to burn leaves or sit around a campfire) and sudden weather changes. When the barometric pressure shifts, it helps to stay VERY hydrated.

I used to take Midrin, but it was recently taken off the market, now I take Imitrex. Thankfully, my migraines are rare, once a month or less. Full blown migrains are the absolute worst. Good luck and thanks for the continued inspiration!

Long time follower of your amazing blog. Historical design is an intense labor of love. Your home is a study in all things French. Thank you so much for sharing your inspirations with us all. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” John Keats (1795-1821)

Love, love, love that multi-purpose crafting/utility room.

As for the comment about how old your boys are, and whether they got any say in how their bathrooms would look, that just seems like a bizarre question? Who consults their children about how their bathroom is going to look? I certainly didn’t. I decorate MY house to my tastes. My son lives there, and has to use the bathroom whether he likes the decor or not.

I haven’t commented much on your blog lately – I’ve been busy with work and life in general; I’m sorry that you’ve had some nasty commenters πŸ™

I’m also sorry about your migraine. πŸ™

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

I recently found your blog and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! The first thing I do in the morning is grab my much needed caffeine and read your blog. Speaking of caffeine, it is what helps me with my migraines. I get them quite frequently now and have been told by a doctor that mine are caused by a hormonal imbalance (perimenopausal)! I have also found that switching from contact lenses to eye glasses has been a trigger. Strange but true. Acupuncture has helped me as well as Alleve otc pain relief. I feel your pain and hope you find relief soon.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to write and create such a wonderful blog. I have many questions so I will save those for another time. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hi Tina,
It was only a matter of time before the negativity would rea it’s ugly head.
You are doing the right thing by rising above it.
You have made so many connections in Blogland and most people “see” who you really are, which is a delightfully generous, positive and loving person.
I not only love your blog but I love it when you take the time to visit me and leave your genuine and heartfelt comments. You ooze class my friend!
Remember you are loved by many and hated by a few!!
Much love,

First, lets talk about the idiot that seems to be stalking and leaving bad comments on a lot of blogs. They are nuts, and I hope they don’t live here.
I had to remove anonymous comments from my blog. Strangely enough, the comments come from a person that has read well over the average number of posts. I say we ignore them because it is obvious they are very unhappy and disturbed!
I LOVE the first sconce for your husband, and your sconce is gorgeous! The wallpaper is gorgeous too!
I hate that you are having such horrible headaches. Sweet Debby at Inspired Design suffers from migraines too! I had them earlier in life, but seem to have gotten better.
TRY to rest this weekend, Tina.

Hi Tina! I, too, have a real problem with non-constructive criticism. Here’s the most important thing about design… you love your house? A home should be built for the family who lives there, and to their tastes (and your taste is lovely). How boring if we all wanted the same thing!
One serious subject I wish we would all intelligently discuss is the use & allocation of resources. I was struck by one of your first observations about the sadness of seeing the old Gold Coast mansions gone to seed. Are we setting ourselves up for the same….? Are there green construction and energy alternatives that have proven successful and that we should be embracing? Those of us fortunate enough to be able to build the next generation of big houses do have some responsibilities and perhaps we should be discussing them. Sorry to be so serious but these are issued I struggle with and would love to see us all have a positive dialogue, though this is probably not the forum.
Please keep up the good work, Tina, and ignore mean-spirited comments. You have brought a lot of happiness and positive energy to your “audience” and we thank you for it!

My son suffered with migraines from the early age of 3…if you can imagine! I really felt his pain and some of the things we did was remove all caffeine from his diet (I know, not fun if you enjoy your coffee)all preservatives (again, not fun)and no wheat and no gluten…he got better and is now a thriving 20 year old!

Not that you need my praise…but your are to be applauded for answering all negative questions that can be so intrusive! I don’t want to bash anyone…so let’s assume they didn’t realize the harsh question!

I love your blog, I love to read it and I savior for my evening read! I sleep with beautiful visions.

Do get better! Continue your joyous adventures and sharing!

I really like the first sconce that you’re considering. I think it’s very handsome and appropriate for a man’s bath.

As long as you’re answering questions about the house, I have one: Is there an elevator?

I love reading your blog. Thank you for taking us all along with you on your home adventure.

Oh I suffer migraines and they are awful….hope you are feeling better. If your sons are anything like my 18 and 21 year old stepsons they couldn’t care less what their bathroom was like and would quite enjoy the ones your boys will have……who wouldn’t!?!

I think it’s very generous that you’re sharing the construction of your magnificent home with everyone. Most people don’t understand the process and all the decisions that have to be made continually throughout a job. It doesn’t just magically fall into place. Your open door has helped many people learn and take a peek at a project they would normally not ever be involved with. It is fascinating and I think all of us are ever so grateful. Don’t mind the naysayers. Your fans outweigh them tenfold.

I hope you are feeling better today! I love watching old movies when I’m under the weather. Last time I watched Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday and Sabrina. Sometimes we just need a little frivolous down time.
You are so generous to answer your readers’ questions.
Like you, I always get design input from my family. but I have veto power. Someone has to be at the helm in order to create a cohesive house, and you certainly have a gift for design. Having followed your blog for quite some time, I know that your home reflects your entire family.

Good morning my darling friend,

I cannot believe that people would be so tasteless in how they communicate their opinions. Dearest, WE LOVE YOU, WE ARE HAPPY FOR YOU, and I am convinced that jealousy is the root of all evil words. Truly. Your taste exceeds this person’s viewpoint and this is your home, and THANK YOU FOR SHARING IT WITH US! You have always been so kind to me, and though I am intrigued with every INCH of your house, what I love the most is your generosity of friendship….you are always so kind. Bless you dear Tina, and I so hope those pesky migraines go away, and also those ANONYMOUS COMMENTS!!!!!


Tina, Love love the first double sconce with the shade, so handsome!! I hope your migraine goes away soon. I am sure with all that you have on your plate right now contributes to headaches for sure!! Take care and ignore any comment that is made with an unkind heart. That is why we as blog authors have the power to push the delete button. Take your power back!! xo Kathysue

I think I’d choose the first sconce for a man’s bathroom. It’s substantial and elegant. Sorry you’ve had to deal with negativity. I love your site. Looking at beauty and beautiful things makes me happy.

I look forward to your blog posts and get such great ideas! Thank you for sharing!

Sometimes those migraines are triggered by hormone fluxations. I have friends that have spoken to their GYN re/ this and have found relief with their recommendations.

Last, regarding the unfortunate comments – delete and don’t respond. Not worth taking the time to respond – or emotional energy to think about.

Can’t wait for you to start decorating! I hope your family is able to enjoy Thanksgiving in your new home!

There are no words to describe how happy visiting your blog daily at least a few times makes me!! My husband calls it “my new best friend”….lol.
You have EXQUISITE taste and I am sure capable of being a world class designer if you chose to. It is obvious everyone recognizes that and for that one or two who are seething with jealousy it generally is because you have soemthing they want (that is what I was taught growing up) You are right to sympathize with that person(s) they need everyones prayers, and I will include them in my own.
On a positive note, the sconces are magnificent love the rock crystal for a ladies bath, oh how elegant. The wallpaper gets a thumbs up from me. And that vanity is so pretty, could you put it in a laundry/cutting room? It is so great looking.
Love classics, my go to holiday movie is “Christmas vacation” because I love watching my entire family laugh themselves silly.
Keep on doing what you are doing, it is an amazing gift you have given each of us…look at all the fans you have. I am lucky to count myself as one of them! Feel better Tina.

First, I hope your migraines never, ever come back. I will be praying for you.
Second, I have had some very, very hateful posts. I deleted them but it is still scary.
Your style is impeccable. Seriously, who is going to let a 15 year old boy decorate a home! ? LOL!
I decorate my house and my family is happy with it. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?
I tell my husband that all women love to collect and decorate. He could have married a man and it would be far worse! LOL! Gay decorators have expensive taste!


LOVE the first double sconce, it has a masculine almost nautical feel to it. Loving the rock crystals too. I can see the marble vanity functioning as a potting sink in the “dream room” basement utility/giftwrap center – great plan!

Lastly, on the subject of negative comments… Bravo to you for taking the Bull(sh***)by the Horns and putting it to rest – one last headache to deal with?! πŸ™‚

The marble sink looks lovely, somewhere for arranging flowers? Country feel, thinking of Barbra Streisands flower room with a flower fridge, such opulance, that would be my dream “extra” room!
Thank you for sharing your adventure, found you through Monica’s Splendid Willow. You all inspire.

Beautiful Tina, Your taste and judgement are “exquisite” as state before. No need to answer to an inquisition…
Wallpaper? Perfection!
Sconces for husband’s bath? Choose the one that provides the most light, all of them are beautiful.
Migraines? A good friend from here in CA ended up at the Mayo Clinic in search of help for severe migraines…Their counsel to him was to eliminate the following: Sulfites and foods with sulphur used in the processing-this includes ALL liquor except spirits, cheeses, bakery products, cabbage & family veggies, animal milk products, any soy… the list is extensive…lots of help online.
I would suspect, also that the time of year, with all of the fungus, etc. in damp fallen leaves, additionally, the finishing products in your home like lacquers, stains, paints, wallpapers & adhesives, etc. Try as we all might to live in a safe environment, almost everything manmade around us may have an adverse effect on us.
I ‘m hoping that you will be feeling better and will have a monumentally exciting and happy Thanksgiving!

OMG to the Pastiche lady!!! Not everyone has the same taste in decor and that is a good thing right? It is educational and stimulating to see different viewpoints on style and art.
The boys bathrooms are perfection and they will love them…!!! I like the first set of sconces because I favor a clean line esthetic. It is not good taste or bad taste…just my taste…just a humble opinion…hardly anything that should inspire rancor or criticism.
Hope you feel better. I used to get horrible migraines and they stopped and I do not know why but I do think that sugar consumption may have increased their severity. I have a BIG sweet tooth. I cut back because I did not want to have a BIG belly to match:)

Tina, thank you so much for the random musings today! I have been away trying to get things done this week so missed some of the unfortunate posts you have received. What I would like to say is that I will never be able to afford a home like yours … being a designer, boy do I wish I could! I also find that I always want a peak inside of people’s homes. My husband claims I am nosey! probably a little … but mostly because I am fascinated by the way people decorate, good or bad. What I appreciate so much about you and your blog is that you are giving us all a peek inside. What is also so special about it is that you are so excited about it … that comes across in your blog, your personality shines through. I consider us all lucky that instead of hiding everything and being pretentious, you are sharing your adventure with us. I feel as if you are a friend and I am visiting a couple of times a week for a glass of wine and an update. Thank you!! p.s. I love the sconces … all of them!!!

Sorry to post again. I am just so irritated at the Brit twit. She seems intent on making some political statements . They do not belong on a decorating blog.
Please do not post her comments anymore. She should find her own forum of haters to interact with

Oh Tina, I am still laughing at the “questions” your new reader asked. Sounds like my MIL. You are so kind to share your beautiful home with your readers. I sincerely hope some bad apples don’t change your mind about sharing. God bless you and your family. _ I still think that you deliver the best daily Magazine : -)

Tina, I’m very new to your blog, LOVE, LOVE,LOVE your home. Many happy and loving years to all of you who will live there!Would you ever consider opening your home for a house tour, maybe at Holiday time? (in the future) I’m sure there is one in your area?I’m excited for you to move in. I look forward to your new posts. Linda

hi tina. first off, you are lovely. second, i have never wanted to unplug entirely from the internet as much as when haters began to ‘shrink’ my family and my soul when desiretoinspire spotlighted my kitchen. you can tell me i’m boring, soul-less, vanilla, whatev but you bring my kids into it, and i swiftly shift into bitch mode. third, my migraines disappeared when i started the pill. hallelujah. but dude, if botox does the trick, that would be a better option!

smiles and sunshine to you today.


Took me time to read all the comments, but I really love the article. It proved to be very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also engaged! I’m sure you had joy writing this article.

Dear Tina, I am so sorry about the migraines. If they really are cluster headaches, my mother had them years ago and she used oxygen therapy to lessen their duration. She went to a headache clinic in Cos Cob, CT.

I love all the sconces, especially the doubles, and the wallpaper, and everything else you choose, for that matter. My advice is: follow your bliss.

Many years ago, when my son was a teenager, I agreed to let him paint his room black. UGLY. Not the best decision I ever made. Fortunately, his taste improved over time and now he is an interior and garden designer and fine artist. We all have an ability to grow if we want to. That may even apply to the “ugly” commenters.

One of my favorite movies is “Sleepless in Seattle.” Corny I know, but it makes me laugh and also makes me cry…I cried over its corny “sister” movie, “An Affair to Remember” too. What can I say: I love a good cry.

Just to reiterate the obvious, I read your blog every day. It is the highlight of my morning, especially on the days when you have house updates. I do not look upon these views of your life with envy. I see them as opportunities for inspiration. Just like any designer or design junkie, I like nothing more than looking at the work of talented designers. Thank you for that opportunity and the joy it brings to my life.

I hope one of the suggestions some of us have made to cure migraines turns out to be of help to you. Be well.


Hello Tina

Sorry to hear you have a migraine, again. Ice packs wrapped in a piece of linen and applied to the base of the head near the top of the neck, will help.

I am also sorry to hear you had unsolicited negative comments. This is your blog and what you write is your choice. We, your followers, find your blog interesting and informative and we also like you.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Helen Tilston xx

I think one of the biggest decorating mistakes is decorating with a “kid” theme. It’s very expensive to do a bathroom, and to furnish one in kiddie colors and themes is a huge and potentially expensive mistake. I think a lot of people are tempted to “dumb down” their children’s spaces. What’s wrong with kids living among beautiful and classic things? Why shouldn’t a boy like marble and wood and classic sconses? Young people should be exposed to antiques and art and everything beautiful that adults get to live with.

I think your bathrooms fit in with the rest of your house (as they should) and your son’s are lucky to have a mother that excellent taste.

Tina, I suffered from migraines for years–tired every prescription/medicine out there. Then as an experiment, I tried
TWO ADVIL COLD AND SINUS and TWO ADVIL–taken at the same time-
and it WORKED! I had never had allergy symptoms so had never thought
to go that route. Please try this and let me know what you think. It’s changed my life…
BTW…LOVE your blog and appreciate all the time and energy it must take. I save it to the last to read of my blogs–as it’s such a treat!!

Your blog is just amazing, it gives many of us such joy and it is such fun to watch this incredible building project unfold. It is not your “every day” build and literally every decision you have made is PERFECT. I truly love every single thing from every appointment in your kitchen to the roof shingles on the slate!
Love the sconces, excellent choices and the wallpaper-swoon!
Now onto these negative losers, they are disgusting and clearly disturbed. If they really have a problem with your blog or anyone else’s the best and most obvious way to show that is by not visiting! So if you are reading this..don’t come back, its pure and simple.
Love the way you addressed them above, so eloquent and I think your readers scared them off too…gotta love it!

I didn’t read the “Brit” criticism and have never commented before but – reallyyyy…Brits STILL have a monarchy for cryin’ out loud! They are still chained to that!! Brits can be grouchy because that is a true class system and they know it.

Love your house! And NO, no one has a responsibilty to build green or any such tripe just to appease some crowd out there.

This substantial home being built WILL last far longer than any green built fantasy house that gives the impression of (false) “we care”. Now THAT is conservation!

Don’t let anyone lay a guilt trip! YOU are providing jobs and the pretty penny you pay in taxes should give the naysayers plenty to think about.

oohh that is a sad shame that people use so much energy to be negative…I work with a person like that and all my other co-workers can agree that she is miserable. With that said…God has put you in my blog life and I am sooooo grateful for your kindness and your blog. When I built my home…my kids had no choice I just picked the bathrooms and that’s it. You are so generous to even ask and most of the time boys usually trust that their mother has their best interest. Your boys bathrooms are light and perfect to get them ready for the day. God bless those boys and your whole family. Here is a scripture from the bible….Isaiah 54:17 Let no weapon formed against you prosper. Have a great weekend and I pray that your headache goes away. Much love! xoxo

Hope you are feeling better, Tina. You definitely are taking the higher ground. I love your rock crystal sconces…so feminine. I decorated my teen-aged son’s room and it has his personality but my taste…he was proud to show it off to all his friends. Just like your boys will be too!

Unfortunately there will always be those who just can’t be happy for others. That being said….your sconce choices are out of this world! As for the dresser contact Andie over at her blog Divine Theater I know she could either do that design for you or knows where to get it.

I hope you’re feeling much better and by now your migraine is gone so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Oh my sweet one, your comments are so kind..yes, you have proven with determination and very hard work, that you can build your dreams with wise planning and sacrifice. BRAVO MY FRIEND, BRAVO! And I so hope you are better at this hour…Anita

Oh Tina…so sorry for the migraines…and hogwash to all those “haters”….Please…you are so sweet and anyone who can’t see that is nuts! There…..

Have just discovered your ‘enchanting’ blog, I
was amazed to read that you had received adverse comments for such an inspirational and delightful sharing! Looking forward to exploring your site.

Hello Tina – I have been following your blog for a while now, one of many wonderful blogs that I enjoy. I find following blogs to be similar to reading my favorite magazines – the only difference being instead of turning pages, I page down! I am compelled to post, as I wish to commend you on your writing style and your ability to share the good, the bad, the frustrating and the exhilaration of a job well done. Keep the posts coming, I have savored every photo and “article”. Hope your migrane is soon a faded memory! Elizabeth

Like the first dbl sconce for his bath (masculine) &the dbl crystal sconce for yours (very feminine) love them!

All the bathroom sconces you picked were great,especially the ones with the crystals,the lady of the house must have some bling.The best holiday movie is “The Dead”,directed by John Huston based on a James Joyce short story,watch it and you will understand why.I started reading your blog in January when I broke my leg.I am still healing and still unable to work and your blog has been great company and entertainment all these months,you are the first blog I check everyday.

You have a beautiful home, and what I read from your posts, a kind heart too. Do not let the pettiness of others bring you down.

I too suffered from migraines for over 15 years. After meds, acupuncture/pressure and even trying rolfing, I gave up gluten completely. It’s been over two years and I have yet to have another migraine. Sad to give up the bread, but being pain-free is worth it. I wish you the best.

Looked at the sink chest again…didn’t notice that the faucet was brass ..not sure what finish for knobs but I would change them to something fancier & decorative. Just looks to simple &country for that pretty marble top. Ps. I decorate my home how I want it to look and I have no complaints from you hubby or children because they live in a beautiful, tasteful classical home, which will be the case in your amazing home as well.

Tina, You sure have a lot of anonymous comments. The only anonymous comments I have had is from my daughter ’cause she can’t figure out how to comment otherwise. This is how I feel about it all. If you care enough to comment be gracious and sign your name whatever you think. It seems the polite thing to do.

Hey Tina, it took a long time to scroll down, so many comments here, you sure have a lot of admirers, me included!
Love your sconces, they are both really classic and the lines are so elegant. Ditto that wallpaper, the first time I saw it I was in love.
As far as commenters with nothing nice to say, looks like your very classy open comments to them as well as the many here who addressed them has chased them away for good, let’s hope. If they don’t like it here then perhaps its time for them to leap on over to the other side of the pond…and stay there!!

Wow for someone who doesn’t like approve of your blog Tina, this person seems to visit it often. Interesting. I hope you will see the comment and delete it, I will say a prayer for this person though, they are truly desperate.
Tina, keep doing what you do, your taste is SUPERB. And you are someone who MANY look up to as having superior taste. Love coming here sweetie!

Id not give that person another sec. of my time( IMO most valuable of all resources of all, except possibly water & kids dont count:), learned that the hard way.~anonymous~ = jealous(most dangerous of all emotions), coward, stupid, & must be bored out of their head. If they dont like your blog, why are they taking their time to read then COMMENT?ugh yep jealous or a STALKER. (IMO both)Hey blog mean comment leaver, loser, get a life or just go away. You are wasting everyone’s time,SCOOT!
bathroom sconces I love (for bedrooms too). I have sconces in all my bathrooms. Except for one. I had the sconces attached directly on the mirror IMO clean look. Reason I prefer classic no dangles.
2nd chest w/ sink (or whatever) No hurt feelings since is my opinion. I have never cared for these. What Id do is, finish your lovely home then decide if you wish to use. Or if you have a cabin/cottage on property. Id use there.OHHHHHHH that piece could go in downstairs special space, for floral arrangement & potting plants. Drawers great for frogs, shears, strippers etc.
Wrapping room, Ive had in most every home Ive lived & consider a necessity, truly esp. w/ kids. NECESSITY, revisiting “Dr. Zhivago” & I must do that EXCEPT think my son took to college:) Our kids are close in age Im 48, daughter 23 & son 18. I refused to allow my son dark walls & light wall to wall. Kids love wall to wall. i do not. My dogs pee on it & he spills on. SO only room w/ wall to wall is my sons basement suite That is a first for wall to wall for my fam. & it came with the house. IMO ugly as sin, but he loves it. I have it cleaned by some Eco company. My all time fav…. slip covers. For kids, dogs & my life style. Fav fabric for… osborne and little,old world weavers(I machine wash, dry yet pre wash/shrink before having made) or (of course LIBECO linen) which I sell & it last forever & washes so very well.

Tina, I love all your lighting choices.

So sorry to hear that you haven’t felt well. It’s a good excuse to lay low and watch a classic. Dr. Zhivago is one of my mom’s favorite movies. Another friend from blogland was going to read Gone With The Wind this weekend. It’s fun to revisit some of the classics.

Sending you a great big hug, Cindy

Hi Tina,
A dear friend of mine has migraines…they have become less frequent with age…is that a positive towards aging? Anyway, I hope you are felling better.
The anonymous commentators are clearly jealous. There are people that can’t stand to see or read about people that have more than they may have. They are negative people and clearly are unhappy. If they don’t approve of what you do in your home…they should not visit your blog site, as you’ve stated.

Have a better week next week and know that, as an avid fan, I love reading your blog!

You and your home are enchanting! I love all of your selections. I’m at the same stage of choosing papers and wall colors in our humble but lovely home and I share in your anticipation. It is getting exciting now! Your powder room paper makes me swoon and the double sconces are wonderful.

I teach eighth grade and keep and refer to a wall poster in my classroom:
“Say what you mean; mean what you say, but don’t say it in a mean way!”

I think we should all learn this by the time we are in the eighth grade! Clearly
your critic, was out sick for those lessons. I hope she/he recovers eventually –
the poor thing!

Hope you feel better soon! Love Dr. Zhivago, my mom got me into that movie…so good! Love the bathroom wallpaper! I was an interior designer in Houston and saw that Segreto finished the chest, they are great at what they do!


I have been reading your blog for many months now and can`t tell you how much pleasure it has brought me. Thank you for always sharing your ideas and putting yourself out there and allowing people to comment on what you have created – it is a brave thing to do.

I must confess to never having left a comment on a blog before but have been moved to do so after reading about people who leave opinionated, nasty, unnecessary comments. I can imagine that just one of these comments can be very hurtful, despite what I`m sure must be hundreds of very positive comments.

Your home is truly magnificent, and the thought you have put into each detail is something you should be incredibly proud of. I really love every aspect of your home but have to mention the floors which I personally think are stunning and the staircase which is a work of art.

You bring a lot of people a lot of pleasure, so please have the confidence to stay the course with your lovely blog.


She/he is back….and the nerve to attack religious comments, so distasteful! Old $ vs. New $ what a terrible statement. A lost soul indeed, prayers for you.

Hi Tina, I read many blogs but I don’t read the comments. Just takes too much time. I really enjoy your blog and a while ago I sent you an email asking a question. I was so shocked at how quickly you answered and I respect you for that. I raised 2 boys and didn’t ask their input on decorating our home. I guess I would have if perhaps they were paying the mortgage. Frankly, they didn’t care, they just wanted to know what’s for dinner. Now they are both married and there wives do the decorating. LOL! Keep up the good blogging, you seem like a very nice lady. Oh, I get 3 day headaches and they are miserable.

Loved Doctor Zhivago – can never see it too many times! I just adore that hobby room – I am lucky enough to have a room dedicated to housing & displaying all of my favourite girly things & hobbies!


The house looks wonderful! I am so glad that you have taken the time to share your journey with all of us. To build a home from the ground up is an experience that few take the time to consider. It is difficult, stressful and wonderful at the same time. Each decision is yours and can take you over the top! I think that the blog is a great way to get a little help to see things in a way you might not have seen them before, and help you finalize your decisions. Look at all of the fantastic designers that read your blog and take the time to comment.

I finally had to cut anon. comments out of my blog because their was one person who could not say anything nice and could not stay away. It is frustrating and hurtful even when so many people clearly enjoy your posts. I do find it amazing that they seem to be a little addicted to the attention that it is bringing them here though.

Wishing you the very best and hoping you make it in by the holiday!


Hello Tina,

A remedy for severe migraine that I know works is Chinese Chrysanthemum tea. You must drink a good amount each day… it is not offensive just bland… and it takes a few months to work but I have friends who say that it has changed their lives….It is available in any Chinese supermarkets and I recommend the unsweetened variety. It is not a quick fix but worth a try…

Movies…I always love a watch of The Way we Were with Robert Redford and Barbra Streisand…such a great girly movie…

As for anonymous comments… that’s where they should stay… anonymous…

Your home is beautiful and it is a reflection of you and your family and that is what is important…..xv

As I’m surfing blogs this early am because I woke up with a nasty headache…I feel for you! My dad suffers from cluster headaches and has seen many specialists. He had some type of neuro pain blocker attached to his spinal cord this spring that he works with a remote now (my girls say Grandpa is part robot now!) It does help him a bit, but they never fully go away. I’m a huge believer in caffeine for the pain…and massage as well for the stress.

Had to laugh out loud at the thought of giving my children control on any design decisions. How funny! That’s one of the pleasures of being an adult.

Hope you feel better soon!


That would be unfair to other anon posters who , like myself, love this blog and leave sincere comments.

Tina- you know by how many people comment on your blog how much you are loved and cherished. Truly visiting blogs would not be the same if you ever decided to stop blogging, so consider this, you cannot ever stop, promise ok? Hehe…..take it as the highest compliment.

As far as rude anynomous losers, best thing is to have fun deleting them every time they post. Eventually when they see they are not getting the recognition and attention they are after, as sad as that is, they will go away and back to the rock they came out from under.
We ALL know anyone with true class and a affluent upbrining would never ever think to lower themselves by saying nasty things on a blog. This person is a total scam. Go away.

Love your blog and everything you are doing, you are my decorating hero!

Oh Tina, I am so sorry that you have to put up with people who have such jealousy of you. People who have nothing good to say should say nothing at all!

I know what you mean about migranes. I have had them since I was 14 and I am now 68. Yes, they do not come as much as they did. Maybe that’s because I am so old now I don’t get stressed out as much as I used to. So just try to relax, I know it’s hard, but just don’t sweat the some things anymore.

I love you taste. Everything you do or choose is great. Love your choice of sconces. I love to decorate. When I was a designer, I always lived through my clients designs. I wished I had several homes to decorate each one differently! But I got my eye candy from designing my clients homes.

I love reading your blog. I begin the morning by reading it and have also passed it on to some of my friends.

Keep up the great work. It just love it all!!

Tina I read your blog but have never left a message.I really enjoy your blog immensely and cannot tell you how many ideas I have gotten from reading it.

I just wanted to let you know we went to the Safavieh warehouse. It was great, except for the crowds, it was mayhem at one point but its so big that it was fine. We got a beautiful rug, floral arrangment and console table. It was well worth worth the one hour drive for sure.
Thanks for letting me know about it, best part they came right home with us!

Some people are just so jealous of what they do not have instead of being grateful for what they do have.
Your home is lovely and every choice you make seems to fill the vision you have. You are so creative and artistic.
I wish you happiness and great memories in your new home.

I sure hope you are feeling better! With you family, your house, and blog – you do SOOO much! You are seriously too GOOD to us all!!! Thank you! I heart your blog almost everyday!

Perhaps Pastiche has no boys. My 3 dudes hate, absolutely hate, shopping. I do 100% of it for them, even clothes. I have their info in a file. They appreciate it!

Peace and love and chicken soup!

You were so sweet to come visit me with all that’s been going on! I’d say 96 comments says it all. You clearly love your family and all things to do living a beautiful life. That is all that matters.
Oh, and Woman of the Year is on TCM!!

Tina — hope you are feeling better. If laughter helps, one of my favorite holiday movies is “The Family Stone.” Touching and funny, with a great cast.

You powder room wallpaper is gorgeous. A dedicated gift wrap room is wonderful (mine is just part of a cabinet filled with gift bags, cards and hundreds of my seamstress grandmother’s ribbons, beads and bows, but it makes gift wrapping a delight.

Thank you for stopping by my place today. I am delighted you will be taking part in “Blogs to Books” and look forward to your selection and story.

Hi sorry to hear you have had to deal with people who have been less than kind.
To the idiot who wrote that ridiculous question above (and how gracious of you to answer it) what person in their right mind lets ANY kid decorate or have any say in the design and decor of THEIR PARENTS HOME? Are the kids footing the bills? Didn’t think so. Then let them rejoice in having a bed to sleep in and food to eat. This person sounds like a total moron, only word that springs to mind.
My mother always told me “someone who is jealous is trouble and a nuisance to others but a torment to themselves”. I had a very jealous next door neighbor growing up and my mom drilled that in my ear, I soon came to pity and actually tryed to help my hater. So chances are this is someone who is just miserable, especially to keep coming back. Creepy.
Best thing is to ignore it, like dirt they eventually just go away.
Tina what you are doing is wonderful for all of us who eat, breath and love design. I love your vision and your exquisite taste level! I have recommended it to others who enjoy “blog hopping”. Keep up the great work.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hoping you will get to spend it in your exquisite new home.

Hi there:). Thank you for sharing your home with us. I believe the person who wrote the negative comments was jealous. You have done a marvelous job! You are almost at the finish line to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I do have a question. What color are your kitchen cabinets? Thanks.

What a lovely blog, it makes me dream !

I just wanted to say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.


I think maybe you should consider not allowing anonymous comments anymore. Your blog is uplifting, inspiring and so much fun. You have such a wonderful group of followers and we certainly don’t need mean-spirited, jealous, petty party crashers ruining our good time. How dare they! I find the rude comments insulting not only to you but also to those of us who love coming here and have come to know what a genuinely kind and generous spirited person you are.

Your sons’ bathrooms and everything else you’ve chosen are classic and elegant and will most definitely stand the test of time. Who in the world would allow their kids to choose bathroom fixtures? Okay, I better not get started again or else I won’t be able to stop. lol

Everything is beautiful, as always. You have exquisite taste and I’m so thankful I get to come along for the wonderful ride.:)

Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, Tina…xo

That “question” really makes me mad. You handled it really well, and the almost 100 comment here so far show that the vast majority thinks that comment was unfounded. I mean really, who lets teenagers choose the kitchen materials? Mine would be Modern Warfare 3 themed if I did. I agree with the others who say this type of comment is born of pure jealousy. PS- Thanks for not mentioning that I posted today (accidentally) a piece that was only half done!! I hadn’t even written a word on it yet, so embarrassing.

Dear Tina, My good friend tells me to pray for those who act poorly towards you. This person who is negative towards you and your blog, must be a little miserable and sad. People who are like this must have a need for attention, even if it is negative. She/he must be jealous of you. You are one of my favorite bloggers. You always leave such nice comments on my blog. It is always up lifting to hear what you have to say. Thanks again for being a very sweet lady!

just finding your blog and love it already! don’t worry about negative comments. one bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch! you have so many loyal readers! what a lovely home you are building! keep up the good work, i look forward to following you!

Rock crystal is so intriguing to me so I anything with it. I, too, get migraines but I have to say I am getting them less frequent. I once heard we ‘out grow’ them as we grow older. My mom had them and my son started getting them as early as kindergarten. So sad. He still gets them from time to time. It is so difficult as a mom see your child suffer from something you understand so well and something he probably inherited from you. I do hope you feel better. Sending white light your way! πŸ™‚

I just discovered your wonderful blog. Your home is beautiful and very tasteful. Any negative comments come from jealous people. I agree with you in telling them not to read your blog if they only have negative things to say. The rest of us will continue to enjoy your posts! Thank you for sharing your home with us.

So sorry you endure migraines. I have never had one, but my 31 year old daughter gets them. She just takes Imitrex( I think). Love those sconces especially the one with the shade. Oh that chest with the marble sink top is glorious. I would die for something like that in my powder room if it was much bigger. Mine is teeny. Shame on the ugly comments left. I don’t allow anonymous comments anymore just for that reason. Just not worth it.

I hope you are feeling better! And, you know what? Your house is beautiful and you have exquisite taste! Shame on people who are rude! There is just no reason for it! Please keep sharing all of the beauty that is you and your house! Hope your Sunday is grand! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Sorry about the headache! I have three friends who suffer from migraines. Two of the three have gotten tremendous help from a neurologist. One had been seeing a top Doc in NYC but when she heard of the results from this CT Doc, she also went to her….and great results! If you want the name I will be glad to share.
As for all the negativity – I love what Abe Lincoln said – you can please some of the people some of the time, and ALL of the people some of the time, but you cant please all of the people ALL of the time!

Let’s please move forward & talk about design. Has anyone else looked @ the Dec. Traditional home Holiday edition? love the Houston house..Fab! Tina, I can only imagine what your home is going to look like @ Christmas time. Maybe not this year, as you have so much going on, but I’m sure in the future it will be amazing. I hope you will still continue to keep posting not only about your home but also all the great sites, materials, etc. that you share with us. Btw, please do not stop letting other anon posters leave comments/reply because of one person’s neg. replies. Thanks

I really like the 2 arm sconce that you’re looking at for your husband’s bath. It has a masculine feel to it. Re: migraines: Have you read some of Terri’s posts on her experience w/migraines? (

l think we would all love a multi purpose room like the one you’ve shown.

The wallpaper for the back powder room is lovely..

Your beautiful home is coming along so quickly now. l have enjoyed sharing the progress and l’m sure you cannot wait to move in.

I very much enjoy reading your blog. You have a gorgeous house. We are also renovating our house. Your blog is very inspiring and has given me a lot of good ideas for our house. I especially love the hardware that you picked for your kitchen.

I was curious as to why you decided to go with the silver sconces and fixtures in your bathrooms instead of the oil rubbed bronze? It this because of looks or is there a practical reason behind it (is moisture bad for the oil rubbed bronze)? I know you have done a ton of research so I thought it was worth asking πŸ˜‰

Love both of the double sconces! Hope you’re in your home by Thanksgiving. Can hardly wait to see your home decorated for Christmas!

try to increase your magnesium intake…Magnesium glycinate 200-400mg per day…if you tolerate this amount, without diarrhea or cramps, you could actually double this dosage…this is also assuming you are otherwise healthy…Hope this helps

Love the scones, all would be perfect. You must find a place for that amazing bathroom vanity, the marble is to die for. I love watching The Holiday, Somethings Gotta Give, Notting Hill, anything Jason Bourne or Woody Allen.

I’m a new follower and I’m very sorry that you’ve had someone leaving nasty comments – that’s just not how blogland should roll and for someone to be that negative is just not right – especially on a great blog like yours. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do here but looking forward to following.


I’m so sorry to hear you suffer from migraines. I have had them for years. The only thing that works for me is good old fashioned fiorinal, although it knocks me on my butt and I have to take it at the first sign a headache is coming or they are tough to get rid of. Cluster migraines are supposed to be the very worse of all of them. I’m hoping menopause stops my migraines which at least then would give me one reason to look forward to going through menopause.

Wow, some people have such nerve. If you can’t leave a nice comment then don’t leave a judgmental one! Your boys bathrooms are classically done and timeless. You certainly aren’t going to put something modern or trendy that won’t go with the rest of the house!!

I hope you are feeling better! The wallpaper selection is so beautiful…as well as that gorgeous vanity! Hope you had a great weekend!

I am sure the first thing that comes to most peoples minds when they look at pictures of your home is jealousy. Your house is beyond terrific, and for most of us, we could on;y dream of a house with marble walls, and endless rooms such as yours. Though, through your posts, we have known the woman behind the house, whom is incredibly genuine, and thoughtful, and very kind. We all look forward to seeing your excitment as your home comes together. I am sure the woman who left the comment, just was speaking out her wish that she had her home, as all of us do!! Huge Blessings to all of you!! Meranda

I love your blog, and look forward to reading each time you post. I don’t know if this is medically sound advice, but I work for a company that sells medical gases. Many years ago a gentlement purchased medical oxygen to help with his cluster headaches. Might be worth trying. Back then he could purchase O2 directly, now it takes a Dr’s prescription. Hope something helps.

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