Comments : 84


Hello my dear readers and fellow bloggers… I have missed being here, how I have dreamt of writing posts and sharing all the pretty things I love to gab about. How I missed visiting all of by blogging buddy’s amazing blogs! There are no words to fully describe the last 10 days. Seriously its been surreal. I must preface this post however by saying for all the “hardships” I have endured, they are nothing compared to the thousands who lost lives, homes, everything they’ve got. Those are the truly tragic stories being heard around the world. In comparison, we are fortunate and absolutely counting our blessings. Don’t think anyone could have predicted this to happen, no one thought for a minute that a hurricane could hit us and impact this area as it did.
We are all still reeling from the aftermath. To the many who asked if we had a generator, yes we did purchase a state of the art generator but its a whole system and it is one that requires a permit, which we figured we had plenty of time to do in preparing for the winter season ahead, never thinking we would have to worry in November! So we lost power for 7 days, were fortunate to get a room in a hotel about 30 min. away (my friends brother had the foresight to book a block of 10 rooms well before the storm) and was kind enough to let us take one. The tree damage was beyond anything I have personally ever seen in person. Monster trees, 100 year old magnificent trees…..crashed down like they were twigs. A very sad sight. Not only were the trees down, but the above ground wires were tangled, ripped apart like confetti all over the place. It was and still is unreal to me. Pictures cannot fully capture the devastation.

Finally after 8 long days, we got back partial power (about 60%) and finally the TV/internet service was restored today. But there are still many I know who have nothing, no power, no water, no cable…and are still camped out in hotels or bunked up with friends and family. There are new norms like waiting in gas lines for 2 and 3 hours (I have already done this several times) and know to bring reading material or something to occupy my time while waiting. You see a certain generosity and willingness to help in people that previously wasn’t as evident. I got to a market today, and  when I went to look for potatoes and celery (to make soup) there was ONE potato left, a shriveled up reject which no one wanted. Not a stalk of celery to be had. Eggs were gone.And this was yesterday, 9 days after!! After being in a gas line for almost 3 hours right before my run to the market, I felt for the first time ever….what it must feel like to live in a third world country. I am talking  a big chain market……and both these incidences were certainly a first

Above all else, this experience has left me thinking about a lot of things. Namely that we are very lucky. That in the end, it’s the comfort of family and friends who truly sustain us and are what matter most. Without our health and well being we are nothing. That we often surprise ourselves and what we can do or do without when given a “test” such as this. Imagine….no phones, no computers, no TV..and we survived! And possibly talked more as a family this last 10 days than we have in the last 3 months! I also learned that I really really missed my blog. Oh how I missed blog hopping and creating posts and sharing with you all!

I have A LOT of catching up to do. Tried to answer many of you via the hotel computer (to which I had to share with many others who craved a few minutes of the internet) Went to my husbands office yesterday to try to start catching up on store business and orders. I assure you I will be working around the clock until I am all caught up!

But one thing I really realized is how incredibly wonderful, kind and gracious my readers and fellow bloggers are. I was so touched by the outpouring of concern, the offers to help in any way needed from all of you. Seriously that really touched my heart and made me so eager to come back and here I am!  We are bracing for yet another storm today and tomorrow but a much milder one than Sandy. I am praying however for all those still without power, without a home, those who have lost a loved one, those still dealing head on with the devastation. I hope you too will keep the many who are still suffering in one way or another in your prayers too.
This post would not be complete without showing you some of the pictures I took of the storm aftermath. Again pictures cannot capture fully what happened but I think give you an idea……..happy to be back and thank you all for your incredible concern and well wishes!

So heres a glimpse of some of the damage locally…….very little narrative as I think the pictures speak volumes.

The roads all around us two days after………….

 And around the house…….unfortunately we lost several major trees (think 50 feet and up) some that were 100 years old:(

Happy to see the birdbath still intact that was part of the original home

Leaning trees are everywhere!
Two very large trees fell like on either side of the original pool house

Seeing Teddy next to the tree gives the size some perspective

This monster tree fell periously close to the house!
Gas lines everywhere…2-3 hour waits even yesterday are the norm!

Driving is like being in a maze… many roads closed.
I promise to be back again hopefully tomorrow with a pretty post. I want this blog to remain a place to come to see the beauty in things. We all need an “escape” now more than ever! I know I plan on devoting a few hours this morning to staying in my robe, grabbing a cup of coffee and blog hopping and catching up on all I have missed! Thanks for stopping in, and hope to be up and running back to normal very very soon! Have a wonderful day.


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Tina….my heart goes out to each and everyone of you that have been enthralled in this horrible storm, SUPER STORM! I pray that everyone affected finds strength to get through it. Glad you are ok. It will take time but just know that all are in our prayers.

I am glad that you and your family(that includes Teddy) are all ok.You are right… the pictures don’t begin to show the impact of a storm.We encountered a tornado that leveled many houses just around the corner from me and then that October blizzard last yr,Unless you see he damage in person, you have no idea.We are so fragile.You are in my thoughts.

Tina, thank you for sharing…our thoughts and prayers are with you and all suffering from Sandy’s aftermath “..Trials are proof of God’s care..” MBEddy.
Keep up the great blog!

Tina, I’m so glad to have you back, safe and sound. Those roots stunned me! I can’t believe those trees could be uprooted with that kind of root system. It’s amazing they missed your house too…wow. So glad you are ok!

Hi Tina! I am so happy you are back. So happy you all are OK and that your home came out unscathed. Those huge trees being uprooted like that is really a sight. Its looks like a movie prop. I am sure you must be happy to be back at your blog and I can assure you, you are making MANY people happy about that too! Take good care of yourself. (got my dough bowl and I cannot stop staring, love it)

I feel for everyone in NY and NJ and to top it off another storm coming today. We lost power for a week and as of yesterday we finally have everything cleaned up. We lost some major trees as well but I’m most thankful that nothing touched our home since we live in a forest. Our roads pretty much looked like what you’ve shown but we’re sort of used to it up here since it happens a lot. We have friends that work in NYC city and their offices are closed for up to nine months due to water damage so they have to drive to NJ to other offices. A four hour drive for them and long gas lines. Glad to hear you and your family are doing well and Teddy looks like he’s having fun.


Was so glad to see you in the Inbox this morning, Tina. I’ve been thinking and wondering about you and your family (including Teddy!) so much. I’ve been through several serious hurricanes here in Florida, and I completely feel your frustration, bewilderment and awe of Mother Nature. So glad you’re safe.

Oh, Tina – what a mess. Glad to hear that you and yours are safe. I hope the clean-up is problem free and that things return to usual for you soon.
Lots of love,

you are back and safe and sound! what devastation. those of us from afar can have no idea what this is to endure and the fright as massive trees are falling around you

welcome back tina, we missed you!

ps; france 9/20-9/29 🙂

I have never commented on your blog but have read your blog faithfully for a long time. It’s crazy that I think of you as a friend but will never meet you. I have wondered about your family and your home the last week and I have prayed for you. Everyday I would open my email and hope to see a post saying that your are ok. Praise the Lord you escaped without much damage. Thinking of you.

So happy to see you back, you were certainly missed. We survived Ike in 2008 and things will get back to some form of normal but it takes time and patience. My prayers are with all the people who experienced this devastating storm. I was so glad your beautiful wasn’t damaged and your family is safe. Was also happy to see the pictures of Teddy.
Linda O.

Oh Tina!!!! I am so incredibly glad that you, your family, Teddy and your home are safe. I am just in awe every time I see new pictures. Nature can be such a beast! I am glad that you can see a glimmer of light. I pray that things continue to quickly progress!

Thank God you and your family survived. I can’t believe not a single tree hit your house but what a mess to clean up. We had 3 trees fall around us but no damage and only loss power for 20 hours. Fingers crossed, we don’t have the problem of the gas lines here in Haverford but with this upcoming storm I am off to the market to get food for us and my mother.
We are now discussing a generator because my mom was just put on full time oxygen and I don’t know what I would have done if she had needed this oxygen a week ago.
Hope that hotel took Teddy not many around us allow dogs that big and we have a white lab that is about 90 pounds.

WOW- such devastation. Seeing it in pictures and on TV is one thing but living it is another. Just happy you are well and survived. So good to see Mr. Teddy! The storm was just incredible in its ferocity, we have relatives in coastal CT. who lost part of their home to water damage, the stories are endless. But as you said its family, friends and health that matter most. Material things can be replaced. Really missed your blog and really happy you are back!

Wow! The devastation and impact of this storm is shocking. Your pictures really capture the magnitude. I’m so glad you and your loved ones are fine and unharmed physically. So glad you’re back – we missed you!

I have thought of you a lot over the past week, Tina- what you just described sounds pretty close to my last nine days! Thank goodness for hotels. We hopped a flight out of town on Sunday (figured we might as well go somewhere if we a paying for a hotel room) and now can’t get back because of the new storm. But we are SO lucky and blessed compared to so many others who lost so much. Glad you are home and warm before this next storm hits. xoxo

Oh how we missed you while you were gone, and thought about you and the devastation around you so much. So hoping for a quick clean up and that you are back to normal soon!!

Wow Tina, looks like some narrow misses to your home. Are the leaning trees in continual danger of falling? I know the devastation to people is catastrophic and unimaginable, but I also worry about all the animals that were displaced and lost. Glad Teddy is very safe! Missed your blog as everyone did, watching the awful storm unfold from the west coast!

Goodness me Tina, how lucky you were not to be hurt or to have any more serious damage. Isn’t it weird the way a storm picks out one or two trees amongst so many!
As you say, our thoughts are still with all of those people who lost their homes. You really are an amazing resilient country, I never cease to wonder at your ability to move on.
We all missed you, 🙂
take care

I am so happy that you and your family (and Teddy) are well, although a little battered from the event.
Amazing how much damage nature can send our way.
Happy to have you back!
Happy Wednesday.

I think I spoke too soon in our email, you DID have downed trees, didn’t you? I’ve experienced this so many times before being near the Texas coast, and you are so right, nothing can prepare you for this kind of devastation. No matter how prepared you think you are one cannot prepare for destruction of wildlife, forests, property and then there’s the flooding. Thankfully, all of you & your home are safe. What a beautiful area you live in, Tina. We all just have to look forward now. Big hug, darling…

Tina! Thank goodness you all prevailed! What an experience.. We went through something very similar and I recall the total disbelief as I looked at the {literally} inverted trees, roots up! It’s odd to see these “monster” trees completely upside down isn’t it? The other feeling in all this is such vulnerability. You just don’t get int unless you’ve been through it. Glad you are getting back to some form of normalcy and glad you are back in blog land!

Enjoy that cup of coffee!


I am happy to see, other than the magnificent trees and the inconvenience, you and your family are relatively unscathed. Let’s hope your luck holds out through the nor’easter.
XO, Victoria

Tina those pictures are so scary. Such huge trees what a shame, but if thats the most you lost, as you said you are lucky compared to so many. I am happy to hear you are well and back to blogging, your blog was missed by many thousands I am sure!
Mother nature does not always show us the same respect we show it, the havoc that it can bring is a reminder to cherish what is important, family and our health. Take good care of yourself and I look forward to your “pretty posts”!

Sorry too many typos! The pictures are unbelievable, that those trees uprooted like that. Really happy you and your family are OK and so happy you are blogging again, it makes my day to see your posts!

Tina, I am THRILLED that you are back – I’ve missed your happy voice and eye for beauty! Thank goodness you made it through in comparatively good shape. My heart breaks for those beautiful trees and the past week must have been so frustrating, but it’s true that you were lucky and I am so glad. I’m sending you good wishes for continued improvement and crossing my fingers that this next storm passes without harm.
Welcome back!!!! XOXO

I’m so happy to hear you and your family are all OK. What a very scary ordeal to go through. I feel so bad for the thousands of people who lost everything, their entire home…gone! Seeing the devastation on the news is horrible, but I know that it is MUCH worse in person. I will keep all of those affected by this disaster in my prayers….especially since there is the forecast for another storm to hit the already battered area.

It is *so* good to have an update, you know how concerned we have all been. The photos are such a great demonstration of the intensity and power of the storm, they just take your breath away. We’ve so many friends struggling with similar situations, we send everyone continued prayers. (It’s great to see Teddy again too!)

Tina..Sooo glad to hear that you are safe and sound. I haven’t seen many reports from your area so I wasn’t sure just how bad it was. I can’t believe your photographs! Happy to have you back! – Tonya

Tina, Omgosh, I can not even imagine, that is amazing, the devastation makes me so sad for all of the people that lost their homes, but you put it so beautifully. Things like this take us back to what matters the most,the people we love. The gas lines remind me of the 70s when there was gas rationing. I am sure this is trying everyones patience, I can’t pretend to even imagine. Thankful you are safe and you are all well and together!! Take care my friend,

So happy to hear you’re safe and sound and back into the modern age! It has been a crazy ten days and we’re all feeling blessed that we still have a roof over our heads… Our heart goes out to all who have lost something besides power and cable in the storm.
C + C


Welcome Back! I was so happy to see your comment this morning and to know that you and your family and Teddy are safe and well. It is such a heartbreaking scene for so many, no homes, loss of family.

Those lines for gas are incredible…hopefully they will not go on for much longer. Your potato story is a real wake up, and I think it as you said it makes one incredibly thankful for our families and friends because at the end of the day…that is what matters.

Take care dear friend, we are happy to see you back!

xx Elizabeth

Oh. My. Goodness!!!! is right!! I am thanking God that you and yours are okay, and at the same time I am so sorry for the devastation everyone has suffered. Please know that we in Tennessee are keeping all in our prayers.

Just know that you have been sorely missed. You have become such a bright spot in my day/LIF

Dear Tina,
We were on the north side of Kauai on Hanalei Bay for two weeks with our family when the hurricane occured. I do not know where you live, but, from the photos, I wonder if you are in Connecticut or New York. When we lived in Andover, Ma the last hurricane happened on the East Coast. We lost eleven trees and I remember being home with my mother and our two preschool daughters huddled in one bedroom which was the most safe to be in. As the trees fell around us with the wind blowing so strong, not knowing if we would be harmed, I felt our lives being grounded and thankfulness for life itself in a way that I would forget when caught up in everyday responsibilities and busyness. That is a gift that I feel challenges allowed in our lives offers. We can become more connected in a loving, compassionate way to others, helping as we can. I am thankful that you, your family and your sweet dog are all well. Welcome back! Kathleen

My day was missing something and I discovered what it was, your blog! I look forward to reading it every day. I am glad that you had very little damage and not to your dream home or your family. I cannot imagine losing every thing. I pray for those who have lost their lives and hope for a quick recovery so all can get on with their lives the best they can. I will do what I can to help. I live in Virginia and every time a storm comes up the coast, I have a panic attack. We survived Sandy without any problems. Now the nor’easter threatens, but have a little rain & little wind. I wish I could throw a tarp over the whole coast of New Jersey to avoid any more damage. God, please keep them safe!

I’m so glad you are all okay, Tina! Didn’t seem to affect Teddy at all! He looks content. Thank God that one of those big trees did not fall on your new home. Our area did not get hit hard at all, we were very fortunate. The worse thing that happened here is my potted mums blew off the stairs. Hope everything gets back to normal soon. If processing your orders takes a bit longer than usual, don’t stress – your customers will understand. xo

We were spared the storm in VA just heavy rains and windy wish everybody else in Sandy’s path could have been so lucky. The large trees seem to have almost no deep roots to hold them in place. zI am happy for you that your house was spared. But losing large trees is a travesty. Breaks my heart. I hope the next storm is nicer to everybody. I pray for all that have been displaced.
Here is to getting back t normal.
Melinda Bennett.

Hi Tina, your pictures could be my yard and road too. We had our power and water restored yesterday but now this crazy snow is coming!! (I’m in CT). Still no Internet or phone or tv and I’m missing my blog reading–thank heavens for Starbucks and my iPhone. At least we are all safe and have our homes still.

I’ve visited several times but this is my first time to leave a note. Unfortunately, it often takes a storm of disasterous proportions to keep us keenly aware (and never take lightly) the power of nature. We live on the coast of Virginia and have experienced many hurricanes and nor’easters (that can be just as devastating) and your pictures look awfully similar to some of ours. No matter how prepared you think you are, you are never really prepared for what you find after the storm.

Some tips we’ve learned through our experiences to be better prepared…emergency food supply for at least two weeks (freeze dried preferably), easy to eat dry foods (crackers, pretzels, packaged snacks), full tanks in all cars and extra cans filled (we currently have 4 5-gallon cans), 4 LED lanterns, candles, fresh matches, and light sticks. Sleeping bags (you can unzip these and use for extra blankets), a first aid kit and plenty of bottled water. Also, back up all hard drives to an external source just in case – we subscribed to Carbonite after the Hurricane Irene! That was a hard lesson learned.
I wish you the best in getting back to normal.

So glad to hear that you made it through the chaos. Your positive attitude is a help to everyone around you, I’m sure. Take good care.

Happy to hear you are safe and sound! and reconnected! My trusty iphone did it’s best but it was still a struggle! Is this on Long Island by any chance? It looks like where my dad is (and where I grew up).

Tina, I a hapy tha your magnificent home did not sustain and real damage. Losing power is horrible, I know and trees down too but luckily no terrible damage, thank God. I have a friend who’s daughter totally lost her store in Bay Head, NJ. It was a beautiful little boutique and they got 4 feet of water so a total loss. BUT, they are rebuilding and I sent a check this morning to help a samll bit. It is so hard to see al the terrible images and see so many sffering. XO, Pinky

Hi Tina, I’ve been away for a while too with the loss of my father in law to lung cancer. It is so hard. But I am glad to be back. My sister experienced similar devastation in northern NJ. She just got her power back, too, and witnesses people fighting in line for gas. That’s NJ for ya! Haha – I lived there for years so i can say that. Anyway, i am so glad you are ok, and back 🙂

How wise of your friend! It’s sad to see those grand old trees completely uprooted. That happened throughout our town. I lost a few trees, but those were back in the woods, so they caused no real damage to the property. Two days without power was plenty. I had an estimate for a generator given to me this week. I’m taking no chances this winter.
Looking forward to some beautiful things to look at!
PS So good to see that Teddy “weathered” the storm

Glad to have you back but more thrilled to hear that you and your family are safe and your home untouched! My, that tree was close! You are very lucky. I have been keeping a close eye on the news and it is certainly devastating for lots of people there…Hoping things return to normal for you very soon!

Wow, what incredible photos. I think you said it was your brother or his friend who booked the hotel rooms…what foresight to have done that and how fortunate that you were able to get one of the rooms. So glad you’re back, but more so that you are safe! Still can’t get over the pics.

Tina, you can’t imagine how glad I was to get your messages and then to see your comment on my post today! So glad for you that things are getting back to somewhat normal! Hate to hear of another storm coming your way! The damage looks just like the hurricanes that hit our part of the country and they are truly devastating and it takes forever to get back to the way things were! Hard to imagine them in your parts, though! No mater, you are right about being lucky to have our health and our family and friends! Will definitely be praying for those that lost so much! Love you dearly and glad you are back up and running!

Oh, Tina.

I don’t have words… I cried seeing these pictures. You see, you hear, you pray, but this was too close. You’re someone I honestly care about and I feel sad this happened around you and the kids.

I’m grateful to God that you’re fine, but there’s so much to continue to pray about.

All of those that were affected are in my prayers and I think we all should be doing something to help.

Wishing you all the best, my friend.


Luciane at

PS: Thank you for stopping by today, Tina. It was a gift seeing your message.

You are right, though it is always sad to see destruction, yet, you were magically saved from
it…..much heartfelt to those in a different
scenario…..P.S. what part of the state are you from? The topography shows further up from NYC..
I am from there….

Hello Tina! I am very happy to hear that you are doing well and are all healty! Your surroundings are scary though. It is just like you say…technology is marvelous but at the same time takes a lot of quality time in person (with family) away… the other day my husband was enticed in his blackberry emailing just before supper and my son was talking to him…repeating the same sentence (patiently for a 3 yr old) five times…gosh, I watched it…and was pretty sad for my boy who was so sad looking and confused… so I am making a rule to take work out of our family room/ kitchen…as a result, we did not have Sandy thank goodness but I have been trying (since his birth) to focus on important perhaps little things that matter to us as a family.
Thank you for sharing your hardship and wish you a fast recovery …and it is great you got to enjoy your loved ones more! xox Z

Staggering Tina! Those photos are unbelievable. We have seen all the aerial pics of the shoreline and the city damage, but neighbourhood roads and gardens are something we can’t see nor appreciate the extent of the damage. Thank God the house is okay and your family of course. What a terrifying experience, and to think you are now suffering in snow. What is Mother Nature thinking! Glad to have you back.

I’m so glad that you are back! It’s very obvious to everyone when you are gone! I’m so happy that you are healthy and doing well and I know many people are still suffering. My family in Freeport did not fare very well and have a ton of work to do to get back in their homes. They were able to stay in Merrick during the storm with another family member. My mother in law was supposed to go tomorrow there to visit but she had to change her plans because there’s so much going on and NOT going on that it wouldn’t work to go there now. Keep us informed of how things are going with you and I have to say that I’m so sorry that your lost those big beautiful trees! What a blessing that they all missed the house and the pool house! God bless you Tina and I hope you everything continues to get better for you! You are in my prayers!

Happy to hear you are safe. I have been wondering! I am always amazed at how easily those big trees go down…roots and all. Hope this Nor’easter doesn’t hit too hard.

Wow friend…you all are indeed blessed to have no damage to your home. I am sorry for the lost trees and it’s good to see Teddy too. You and others were very much on my mind, so glad you all fared well. Time has a way of taking care of things, with the gas lines the way they are I would imagine you are choosing your errands carefully.

Thank goodness you, your family and your home are all safe. My heart goes out to those less fortunate. These kind of experiences do give us insight into what some people live with every day and make us count our blessings. But happy to have you back in blogland! x Sharon

So glad you are safe! I can understand all that you are dealing with as I endured Katrina. We had no electricity, no water, no computer, no television. Streets were mostly not passable but after what seemed like hours we were able to get to a friends house and fill our pots and pans with water. We did this until they brought trucks in and started handing out water. I became quite ill and needed surgery for my gallbladder as I had lost a lot of weight very quickly. My husband was having an affair and we were separated. My poor mother starting hallucinating from it all as she was very frail and succumbed months later. And this was in Mississippi.

Favorite Tina, so glad to have you back. I have been thinking of you daily. And of course been sending tons of good energy to you and your family.

Massive destruction to so many people. My heart goes out to each and every one of them effected by this terrible storm.

Incredible pictures, Tina. I hope things will get back to normal soon.

So good to “hear” your voice again. Love to you.


Favorite Tina, so glad to have you back. I have been thinking of you daily. And of course been sending tons of good energy to you and your family.

Massive destruction to so many people. My heart goes out to each and every one of them effected by this terrible storm.

Incredible pictures, Tina. I hope things will get back to normal soon.

So good to “hear” your voice again. Love to you.


TINA I AM SO RELIEVED YOU ARE FINE! I was so worried but I knew that you were safe, somehow. YOUR HOME WAS SPARED! It looks like having tall trees too close to the house is out of thequestion…..oh dear, THANK GOD YOU ARE WELL! I have to run, but I am so glad to find you HOME. Anita

Tina, I am late in responding but I did want you to know that you have been in my thoughts along with Teddy! I am especially grateful that you were able to ride out the worst of it in a hotel–I kept thinking about all of those big windows in your house!! And yes, my thoughts are absolutely with all that are still without power in the cold and the snow! I feel so helpless being so far away and hope that order will soon be restored.

With a warm hug sent from Arles,

SO happy to hear you and your family are okay TIna! What an ordeal for everyone. Praying for all the ones who are still suffering so much. Yes, another reminder of how important family truly is – the only thing!
Take care,

Dearest Tina

I m so happy you are back, and all safe and sound! Our hearts go out to you all and those who have lost lives and everything they have!

Sending love and prayers


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