Comments : 27


Hi and good morning. Wow, its been actually chilly over here. Yesterday we woke up to a nippy 48 degrees! OK weather gods you can stop right there…no need to show us how low you can go. But in truth its kind of exciting to have worn my very first sweater of the season yesterday and get this…!  How about you, feeling fall yet?

Moving along. Been a busy and productive week around here. I still cannot believe summer is over and in fact the cool crisp weather is indeed pushing its way in. No complaints from me other than its a reminder of how fast time flies. Hope your week is going well. As always a bunch of random thoughts here. Ready to get started? Let’s go……..

HOUSE. Not a whole lot going on this week but one exciting thing is that the loggia lanterns came in and are being put up today, so I am very happy about that…..have waited a long time! It will complete the space and the only other thing are to put 2 ceiling fans but obviously we can now wait until summer to take care of that.  Waiting on a big sample for the chinoiserie for my dining which is very exciting but a slooooow process. My first touch of fall was placing some white mums into a container, hey its a start!

A few readers wanted to see my lights that we put into the family room, so here they are. Thank you Currey and Co. for making such beauties! I have to say I had not even considered them, were going with Arte De Mexico but it was another grueling almost 3 month wait which we did not want to do then I found these and there they were all along…the perfect choice!

SOMETHING I REALLY WANT TO TRY. I LOVE apple crisp. And of course with the beautiful cooler weather moving in..its comfort food season (my fave). But it has to be just the right blend of a not too mushy apple, enough of the sugary goodness, just the perfect crisp, and this recipe promised to be all of those. What is better than a generous helping of warm apple crisp ala mode (of course)! So this is something I will be trying sooner than later, yum! Click here for the recipe which promises to be the best!

Any recipe that starts out like this, gets my attention……

Yes, I’m a fan of hyperbole. Yes, I realize that apple crisp in general is pretty delicious. But this – this was out of this world. Otherworldly. Ridonkulous. Addictive. I’ll stop with the adjectives

GORGEOUS STATIONERY. Beautiful stationery…….I am always like a kid in a candy shop when I discover a new fabulous stationery line. There are not enough reasons in the world to have a party for the amount of gorgeous stationery that abounds. We got an invitiaion from this company and I was immediately enchanted, fit for a princess! Atelier Isebey is very special indeedy…..absolutely worth sharing and you know I am loving that first one (but the pink and gold is exquisite too)

Click here to visit Atelier Isebey...exquisite!

 A few more beauties….

 The details are so exquisite!

BLUE AND WHITE LOVE. And speaking of blue and white….. just in case you are wondering how to add a little blue and white love into your life…let me count the ways. No let me show you the ways. I made up this little board filled with a bunch of blue and white goodness…whether you wear it, sleep in it, decorate with it or talk on it…its always fabulous!

A WONDERFUL SKINCARE SURPRISE!! I love getting gifts in the mail and when I got this gorgeous box…it was almost too pretty to open. But of course I did and the products so far are fabulous… I will absolutely follow up with you on them once I have given them a few weeks. So far I can say they feel wonderful on my skin and the creator, wrote me a very kind email explaining the different products. No expense was spared in creating these wonderful creams and I am very exicted about starting this new skin care regimen! I think we are going to start hearing more about this line….its worth checking out! Will be sure to follow up with a “report” in a week or two……

I even love the name Avery Graham! Click here to visit them and find out more about this wonderful and very special line of skincare.

MY PINTEREST BOARDS. I am not boasting but I have to say I am really loving how  my boards are shaping up and now finally after all these months of so much talk about Pinterest, finally I “get it’. I am careful as to how much time I spend because if I could easily see,  morning easily turning to afternoon and then to evening……so as with all great things, in moderation (easier said than done).  I decided to highlight a board of mine every now and then. Here is what I am loving this week… “Dining rooms to die for” board. Here is a preview, if you want to see more click here.


SHOP NEWS. As always something good to talk about:) I am gearing up for the holidays slowly but surely and have some exciting things in the works.  The buzz words this last week has been the beautiful handbags, the stunning boxwood and a few new goodies on the horizon…..

 These items coming in…..

 Gorgeous crystal obelilsks, 21.5″ x 4.5″…stunning!

 This fabulous tray also bought by Ralph himself has just come back in stock……

Gorgeous gallery tray, unique size 19.5″ x 16″

Also dough bowls…..finally the new batch is coming, I have been waiting 6 long months! I am getting them in two batches, one coming in next week a small batch of the hard to find round bowls, and in about two weeks a bigger shipment of larger sizes. If you are interested in reserving one, email me...they go fast once they get here! (especially the round as they are hard to get)

 And some very sad news. The Staffordshire dog factory is closing:( This is such sad news as these cute doggies have been a top seller for me. So its whats left and that is it. I am looking for a new supplier but so far what I have found either the quality is subpar or the prices are much  higher.So if you have been thinking of purchasing these wonderful accessories, don’t wait too long! Click here to see the porcelains….

As always if you want to purchase any of the above, contact me at [email protected].

So that my dear readers is a wrap of whats happening so far this week,. I thank you for stopping in and hope you are well and having a great week. Be back on Friday and will announce the winner of the boxwood giveaway! If you haven’t entered, click here to be eligible!  Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!

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Good morning oh beautiful one! Tina, your great hall is my dream place to curl up with many books and read, sleep, sip tea, EAT APPLE CRISP (I won’t get any crumbs on your carpet!) and just rejoice and sing. The acoustics in that room have to be stunning!

Your wares, your home, your enthusiasm are always good vibes this early in the morning for me, as I go out to teach my French classes. Sending you wishes for a fabulous day of creativity. Anita

Tina as always you do not disappoint. Love your white mums in the planters, think I might copy. Beautiful stationery, its so elaborate and pretty.

Love the blue and white board and am a loyal follower of yours on Pinterest. My husbands favorite dessert in the world is apple crisp so I think I may have to give that one a try, sounds good.

Thanks for a great post to start my day.

Good morning, Tina! I wore a sweater yesterday, too – a big, cozy, soft long cardigan that I just bought last week. But I paired it with white jeans and K Jacques sandals, so not totally giving in to fall yet πŸ˜‰ I’m up early this morning and your pretty blue and white board is giving me just the boost I need. So pretty, so inspiring. I’ve been wanting those Stubbs and Wootton slippers. And is it wrong to want Apple Crisp for Breakfast? Happy Wednesday! XOXO

Hi Tina!

how are you doing today, sweetie?

Oh, I am dreaming with your bags!!! I bought a new bag a couple of months ago, otherwise, I would buy one today… I love their color!

Your home is always an inspiration! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Have a Blessed Day, my friend!


Luciane at

Love your random musings… much good stuff!! I know how much you love Fall…and after years in the Northeast I’m declaring it my favorite season. I’ve been wearing my new favorite sweater and booties this week and have happily packed away my summer clothes.

Seeing your home come together is like attending a master class in design…love it all!

This is the season for apple crisp, so if you give this one a rating like that…it must be tried!!

Have a wonderful day…it’s simply gorgeous out there!
xoxo Elizabeth

Good morning, Tina! It definitely feels like Fall now…I had to turn on the heat this morning! Seriously – you find the best things! I love your new family room chandeliers – they look amazing! And, your Pinterest boards are my absolute favorites – sometimes I find myself thinking that I have to stop re-pinning EVERY single thing you pin, but your pins are just so ridiculously pretty! And, apple crisp…yes, yes and yes!

Have a gorgeous day! xoxo

Such a beautiful post. I am dreaming of apple crisp, that gorgeous stationery, your home and now I want and must have one of those bags! These are my favorite posts because you touch on so many good things!

Thanks so much for your blog it is really the highlight of my morning.

Oh I want to make that apple crisp today! Its finally getting crisp around here isn’t it? Perfect for such a yummy desert…since I am off today I can surprise everybody with it at the end of the day when they guys trudge in from work. I love that photo of your exterior Tina! And Pinterest is a great tool, and I see your boards are beautiful. xo

If you ever find white and green dogs, do share! I’ve always wanted a pair of white and green ones like in “Anne of Green Gables”…!

As I always, I love getting your blog updates. They take me away from the humdrum to an eagerly anticipated place of beauty and graciousness. It is like a mini vacation in my mind! πŸ˜‰ Thanks!!

tina, i love yer spirit so much. i wish i could squeeze ya hard. APPLE CRISP. do you know how much we love the stuff? i NEVER ever tire of making or eating it. it just doesn’t get better as far as desserts. last year i began making ina garten’s pear crisp which is pretty heavenly and impressed a chef i served it to.

i am hoping to get to your neck of the woods later in the fall/winter and will give you a heads up in case i can crash yer pad for a photo shoot my readership would adore.

love to you and yer awesome von awesome handbags!


SO many fun things here today! Love your house and the beautiful stationary. I really need to look into a new skincare line for me…I have become hyper sensitive to face creams that I haven’t been using any lately afraid I’m going to break out! This break out last a whole week! HELP! Anyway, also love your store items! XOXO

Could your house get any more stunning? I adore those lights in your family room – they are magnificent and the perfect choice. As you’re starting to feel the chills we are getting a taste of summer. The pool cover is off and I’m ever hopeful of a swim.

Tina great post as usual. I can always count on you to show me something new and that atationery is incredible. I am going to show it to a friend whose daughter is marrying next April.
Your home looks spectacular as always, love the mums and the lighting for family room. The skin care looks so nice, I am looking for a new regimen so will have to check it out.

The new products are lovely and I am enjoying my new tote from you as my new everyday tote, its perfect for me and holds my ipad which was key!

What a pretty packed post, Tina! We’re huge fans of apple crisp and will be apple picking soon to work off the calories before we bake. So sad to hear yet another small factory is closing – with so much cheap stuff coming out of China, it’s no wonder. Hope you enjoyed this picture perfect day!
C + C

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